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Old School Fan

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Posts posted by Old School Fan

  1. The following card is the next event to take place in the buildup toward an eventual showdown between Renée Martel and Georgia Hase:


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    All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena

    October 7, 1965 - Montreal, Quebec




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    Sweet Daddy Siki fought Bob Leipler to a time-limit draw.


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    Larry Moquin defeated George Cannon by disqualification when Cannon threw Moquin over the top rope.


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    Georgia Hase defeated Barbara LaMarche by pinfall following a knee lift. Post-match, Hase threw LaMarche through the ropes to the floor at ringside, then grabbed the arena mic and began calling out Renée Martel while taunting the fans, who responded with plenty of booing toward Hase.


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    Johnny Rougeau defeated George Allen by submission via the sleeperhold.


    ASW World Heavyweight Championship


    Hans Schmidt © defeated Paul DeMarco by pinfall following a backbreaker.


  2. I love this whole thread. Old school belts are my favorite and I have a big soft spot for trophy style belts so this is fantastic.


    Have you considered doing one like The Bruiser's old WWA belt? One big globe plate, painted black I think? That's one of my favorites, along with the old Southern Junior Heavyweight Championship from Memphis (it's my home territory so it's a given lol.) Anyway, keep up the good work!


    I did find some reference photos to use to recreate Dick the Bruiser's WWA World title belt. It's not 100% accurate (I left the name engravings off of the side plates and the center shield plate is not exactly as it appears in the ref photos), but it comes close.




    As for the AWA Southern Junior Heavyweight belt, I might need to see which version of that (the pre-1974 NWA one that became the Southern Heavyweight belt between 1974 and '77, or the Southern Heavyweight belt design of 1977-81 that was later used for the junior strap in '83) to use to make the design.

  3. October 1965


    In a recent episode of Superstars of the Mat (Johnny Rougeau's English-language wrestling program on Montreal TV station CFCF-TV), a pre-taped interview segment sent over from Dick the Bruiser's World Wrestling Association TV program in Indianapolis, All-Star Championship Wrestling, appeared during the program, featuring WWA TV commentator/interviewer Sam Menacker standing with his interview guest:


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *




    SAM MENACKER: I'm here now with this interview for the Montreal market and here with me now is my guest at this time, female wrestler Georgia Hase.* Now, Georgia...


    GEORGIA HASE: (Slightly annoyed) Hold on a second, Menacker - that's Ms. Hase to you! Don't forget that!


    MENACKER: Right, Ms. Hase. Anyway, it's my understanding that you plan on heading up to Montreal later this month to take on some of the female wrestlers competing in that city.


    HASE: That's right, Menacker. I'm always looking for new challenges and I'll go wherever I have to to find them, even if it means going up to some forsaken dump like Montreal where no one speaks English, everyone eats poutine and escargots, they play hockey all the time and it snows eight months out of the year!


    MENACKER: Now wait, Ms. Hase, I don't think the fine people of Montreal would appreciate such comments as those - they're very proud of their city and their sports, including wrestling and hockey.


    HASE: And why should I care? Just because their overrated team won 13 Stanley Cups in hockey** doesn't make them the be-all and end-all of sports, Menacker! But I don't care about that, what I care about is the competition I'm expecting when I get up to the land of ice and snow. I've been scouting the girls up that way and I've drawn the conclusion that with maybe one or two exceptions, there's not a single one of those girls up there that can hold a candle to me and my talents!


    MENACKER: So who do you think could be a match for you up in Montreal, then?


    HASE: I haven't decided yet, but the one up there who's least deserving of the press she's been getting is this one girl, Renée Martel. I've heard about you and some of the matches you've been in, Martel, and you know what I see when I look at you in that ring on TV? I see a beauty queen, Martel! And you know what we do with beauty queens back where I come from? We shove 'em into mud puddles and rub their faces in the mud, just to knock 'em down a few pegs and put 'em in their place! And that's exactly what I intend to do to you when I get up to Montreal, Martel! Count on it!


    MENACKER: Well, there you have it, folks - Ms. Georgia Hase has laid down the challenge to Renée Martel, one of Montreal's up-and-coming young female wrestling stars. We'll see what happens when those two ladies eventually meet in the ring there.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * IRL, Georgia Hase was a skater (from 1958 to 1973), and later team manager (from about 1979 to her retirement in the 2000s), in Roller Games (an offshoot of Roller Derby) and as a heel manager, was considered to be one of the most controversial personalities in roller derby history; some even considered her to be roller derby's female counterpart to Bobby "The Brain" Heenan in wrestling. ITTL, she became a wrestler and, based on the heel promo she cut in her TV interview here, was already showing signs of becoming just as controversial a figure in women's wrestling.


    ** At this point, the Montreal Canadiens (one of the targets of Georgia Hase's vitriol in her interview) had recently won their 13th of an eventual (to date) 24 Stanley Cup championships in National Hockey League post-season action.

  4. All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena

    September 23, 1965 - Montreal, Quebec




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    Terry Garvin fought Tony Angelo to a time-limit draw.


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    Barbara LaMarche & Renée Martel defeated Margot Bouchard & Julie Painchaud when Renée pinned Painchaud with a small package pin.


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    Marcel Martel & Paul DeMarco defeated Joe Marsh & Bull Johnson when Marcel pinned Johnson following a clothesline.


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    Larry Moquin defeated Alexander the Great by pinfall following an overhead suplex.


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    Johnny Rougeau defeated Stamford Murphy by submission via the sleeperhold.


  5. All-Star Wrestling @ Paul Sauvé Arena

    September 16, 1965 - Montreal, Quebec




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    Margot Bouchard & Julie Painchaud defeated Barbara LaMarche & Renée Martel when Painchaud pinned Martel following a suplex slam after Bouchard stunned Martel with a forearm shot from behind as Martel rebounded off the ropes.


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    Larry Moquin defeated Joe Christie by pinfall with a cross-bodyblock.


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    Marcel Martel and Buddy Rogers went to a time-limit draw.


    ASW World Tag Team Championship


    Jacques & Johnny Rougeau © defeated The Dirty Daltons when Johnny pinned Jim Dalton.


  6. This has been really good so far! Its so rare seeing something about local montreal wrestling, especially from the old school era! And seeing renée martel and michele richard as wrestlers...wat?? Lol


    Is renée gonna go through the drug problems that she went to IRL?


    Glad you're enjoying the diary so far. :D The Montreal wrestling scene of that time period (from when Eddie Quinn began promoting in Montreal in 1939 until the closure of Lutte Internationale in 1987) doesn't really seem to get the historical coverage it should IRL.


    Since, of course, this is an alternate history, no, Renée won't be having drug issues (kudos on noting that part of her real-life history), but I don't doubt that she might face peer pressure at some point ITTL to try drugs.

  7. Here's the latest news from the All-Star Wrestling arena program:


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    And on another page, a couple of the lady wrestlers get spotlighted:



  8. September 1965


    Back in Montreal at Michèle Richard's apartment, she and Renée Martel were chilling after returning from their Maritimes tour. "Much as I enjoyed checking out the sights of the Maritimes during the tour, it sure feels good getting back home," Michèle declared as she laid her head back against the edge of her living room sofa while thumbing through the TV listings magazine she had picked up on the way home.


    "It does, but I sure miss the rush from the matches and the excitement of getting to meet the fans during the breaks between events," Renée said as she came from the kitchen carrying two opened bottles of Pepsi and passed one to Michèle.


    "Well, excitement from meeting the fans isn't a luxury I can afford while I'm wrestling as a heel," Michèle said. "Plus, I gotta keep that part of my life separate from my day job. Think of the grief I'd get from the customers at Morgan's if they found out the sales clerk serving them worked as a wrestling villain at night."


    "Doesn't your boss know that you wrestle?" Renée asked.


    "He does, that's why he advised me not to bring it up with my customers," Michèle said. "I would've preferred working in the gift-wrapping section, that way it reduces the risk of me getting recognized by any wrestling fans who might happen to be shopping there. On the plus side, at least he's kind enough to keep me on call so I can work at Morgan's in between wrestling tours."


    "At least you have an understanding boss, so that's something," Renée said.


    "Yep," Michèle agreed as she stopped at a TV listing that caught her attention. "Hey, you feeling like watching some tube right now? There's a Dragnet* rerun coming up in a few minutes on 12."


    "I could watch," Renée said, right as the intercom for Michèle's apartment began buzzing. Michèle got up and walked to the intercom and pressed its button to answer the caller, "Talk to me."


    "It's Barbara," a female voice answered at the other end. "Johnny said you were coming back today."


    "Come on up," Michèle replied before buzzing her guest in and opening the front door to let her in when she got there. "Well, better grab another Pepsi from the fridge," she then said to Renée as she went off to the kitchen.


    "Barbara? You mean Barbara LaMarche, right?" Renée said.


    "I sure don't mean Barbara Eden," Michèle joked in reference to the I Dream of Jeannie star as she returned with another opened Pepsi.


    Moments later, the front door opened and a young woman with her blonde hair styled in a flip bouffant with straight-cut bangs walked through. "Hey, Michèle, what's up?" she said as she closed the door and left her shoes nearby.


    "Got another visitor, that's what," said Michèle, pointing in Renée's direction as she handed the blonde girl the bottle of Pepsi.


    "Barbara LaMarche, right? I'm Renée Martel," Renée said as she got up from the sofa to shake hands with the new arrival. "I've heard you've done some wrestling."


    "That's me, and I have," Barbara said. "I started over two and a half years ago, but I wasn't able to wrestle here or in my hometown, Quebec City, until the bans on women's wrestling got lifted in both places back in May - which I have you, Michèle and Johnny to thank for."


    "So when did you first get to wrestle in Montreal?" Renée asked.


    "Back on July 29, against Michèle at Paul Sauvé - and Michèle won," Barbara said. "Anyway, I came by because Johnny has a women's tag match booked for the 16th and he has me partnered with Renée, so I wanted to come and meet her and we could go over the match."


    "Okay, and who're you facing?" Michèle asked.


    "We got you and Julie Painchaud," Barbara confirmed. "We're also booked for Quebec City on the 20th."


    "Well then, guess I better give Julie a call and get her over here so we can go over match strategy for both those dates," Renée said as she picked up the handset for Michèle's phone and began dialing Julie's number.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * The original Dragnet series from 1951, which was in syndicated reruns at this point, over a year before the 1967 revival of the show debuted.

  9. The best presentation of pro wrestling as a sport??? You could certainly make that case.


    It's a case of what might have been had Joe Blanchard had the money behind him.




    Which I think could've also been had Vince McMahon not opportunistically swooped in during his expansion quest and taken over the SCW time slot on USA Network after Blanchard lost it due in part to the money issues in question.

  10. Going back in time for a moment to 1963, this card from that year introduces a female wrestler who would later fall into Renée Martel's orbit.


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    Canadian Athletic Promotions* @ Ottawa Auditorium

    January 15, 1963 - Ottawa, Ontario




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    Judy Grable defeated Barbara LaMarche** (making her debut) via pinfall with a German suplex into a bridge pin.


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    Stan Stasiak battled Ovila Asselin to a time-limit draw.


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    Bruno Sammartino defeated Tommy O'Toole by submission via the Full Nelson.


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    Édouard Carpentier & Bobo Brazil defeated Buddy Austin & Bob Leipler when Brazil pinned Austin following a headbutt.


    NWA World Heavyweight Championship - Two Out of Three Falls


    Buddy Rogers © defeated Killer Kowalski to retain his title, two falls to one.

    • First fall - Kowalski made Rogers submit to the clawhold.
    • Second fall - Rogers won by disqualification when Kowalski threw aside the referee, who was trying to untangle Rogers' arms from the top and middle ropes while Kowalski was battering the champion.
    • Third fall - Rogers won when Kowalski submitted to the figure-four leglock.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * Canadian Athletic Promotions (the predecessor to Johnny Rougeau's All-Star Wrestling) was the Montreal promotion owned by Eddie Quinn from 1939 until its closure following his retirement in June 1964.


    ** Barbara LaMarche was created for this diary. To represent her, I'm using images of a real-life Canadian singer known only by her stage name Muguette, who had brief success with a recording career during the second half of the 1960s.

  11. Provincial Sports Association @ Halifax Forum*

    September 9, 1965 - Halifax, Nova Scotia




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    Renée Martel defeated Margot Bouchard via pinfall with a schoolgirl rollup pin.


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    Al Zinck battled Roy Daigle to a time-limit draw.


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    Mike Valentino** defeated Rudy Kay by pinfall after slugging Kay with a foreign object (kept obscured from the referee).


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    Marcel Martel & Rocky Johnson defeated The Beast & John Heideman when Johnson pinned Heideman following a dropkick.


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    * This was Renée Martel's last event with the Provincial Sports Association as well as one of the PSA's last events to take place, as Len Hughes closed down the PSA at the end of the 1965 Maritime wrestling season that September, leaving rival promotion Atlantic Grand Prix Wrestling as the sole wrestling company in the Maritimes until the launch of the Eastern Sports Association in 1969.


    ** Mike Valentino was the ring name used during the early part of his career by Maltese wrestler Baron Mikel Scicluna (who, in 1976, would have a part in an angle done as part of the buildup to the infamous Muhammad Ali-Antonio Inoki boxer vs. wrestler match).

  12. Standard Trios Match

    Ultimo Dragon, Dragon Kid & Jerrelle Clark vs. Team Canada (Legend, Eric Young & Bobby Roode)


    TNA X-Division Championship

    Amazing Red © vs. Kenny Omega


    Rock N Roll Express (Robert Gibson & Ricky Morton) vs. Sonny Siaki & Ekmo


    Meiko Satomura & Veronica vs. Daffney & Cheerleader Melissa


    Ricky Banderas vs. Scott Steiner


    Grudge Match

    D'Lo Brown vs. Ron Killings


    Challenge Match

    AJ Styles vs. Jason Cross

  13. King of the Mountain match for a future shot at the World Heavyweight Championship

    Kurt Angle vs. Mr. Anderson vs. AJ Styles vs. Jeff Jarrett vs. Bobby Roode



    TNA World Heavyweight Championship

    Bully Ray © vs. James Storm



    TNA X-Division Championship

    Jeff Hardy © vs. Chris Sabin



    TNA Tag Team Championships

    Bad Influence © vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr. and Hernandez



    TNA Knockouts Championship

    Gail Kim © vs. Velvet Sky vs. Tara



    TNA Television Championship

    Devon © vs. Magnus




    Bonus Questions:


    Longest match of the night? Hardy vs. Sabin


    Shortest match of the night? Bully Ray vs. Storm


    Highest rated match of the night? Hardy vs. Sabin


    Lowest rated match of the night? Devon vs. Magnus


    Number of title changes? One

  14. Provincial Sports Association @ Charlottetown Forum

    August 31, 1965 - Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island




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    Rudy Kay and Ron Thompson fought to a time-limit draw.


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    Rocky Johnson & Yvon Durelle defeated John Heideman & Black Spider when Johnson pinned Spider.


    Mixed tag team match

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    Marcel & Renée Martel defeated The Beast & Margot Bouchard when Beast was disqualified for throwing Marcel Martel over the top rope. Post-match, as Renée went to check on her father, Bouchard came up from behind, pulled Renée away by her hair and continued pounding on her while Beast pounced on Marcel and continued his attack until Rocky Johnson arrived for the save and chased Beast off, while Renée rallied and successfully fought Bouchard off.


    $1,000 8-man Battle Royal


    Rocky Johnson won the match and the $1,000 prize by last eliminating The Beast (other participants included Rudy Kay, Yvon Durelle, Marcel Martel, Ron Thompson, John Heideman and Black Spider).


  15. Provincial Sports Association @ Moncton Stadium*

    August 30, 1965 - Moncton, New Brunswick




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    Margot Bouchard defeated Renée Martel when Bouchard pinned Martel while putting her feet on the ropes for illegal leverage.


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    Yvon Durelle and John Heideman fought to a time-limit draw.


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    Rocky Johnson & Rudy Kay defeated Ron Thompson & Black Spider when Johnson forced Thompson to submit to the Boston crab.


    PSA Maritimes Heavyweight Championship - Steel cage match


    Marcel Martel © defeated The Beast by pinfall after Martel fistdropped Beast.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * This Moncton Stadium is not the current outdoor stadium that originally opened under that name in 2010 (and is now known as Croix-Bleue Medavie Stadium), but was an indoor arena that was Moncton's original main indoor sports facility until it was replaced by the Moncton Coliseum in 1973.

  16. Provincial Sports Association @ Halifax Forum

    August 27, 1965 - Halifax, Nova Scotia




    Mixed tag team match

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    Ossie Timmins & Margot Bouchard defeated Yvon Durelle & Renée Martel when Bouchard pinned Martel.


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    Rudy Kay defeated Ron Thompson via submission with a sleeperhold.


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    Rocky Johnson defeated John Heideman when Heideman submitted to Johnson's Boston crab.


    PSA Maritimes Heavyweight Championship


    Marcel Martel © vs. The Beast* ended in a no-contest when both wrestlers were disqualified for excessive brawling.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    * The Beast was the ring name used by Canadian wrestler Yvon Cormier, the oldest member of a New Brunswick family of wrestlers also including his younger brothers Rudy Kay (real name Jean-Louis Cormier), Leo Burke (Leonce Cormier) and Bobby Kay (Romeo Cormier).

  17. After returning from her Maritimes tour to Montreal with her father Marcel Martel and the other female wrestlers she competed with during the tour, Renée Martel spoke with Johnny Rougeau following her tag team match during her first show back in Montreal after her return and told him about how well the tour went. During their talk, Renée also told Johnny about what happened to her following the card in Truro; figuring she could use a little time off after that incident, he gave her a few days off, during which time she went back home to Drummondville to spend time with her family and relax.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    After the time was up and she returned to Montreal, Renée was hanging out with Michèle Richard at the latter's apartment, enjoying the Chinese takeout dinner they had ordered earlier. The girls were talking about Renée's Maritimes tour and how it went when Renée brought up the subject of the Truro incident.


    "Wow, good thing it didn't turn out worse for you than it did with that sleaze," Michèle remarked as she took up a forkful of chow mein from her plate. "If you didn't think fast to get yourself out of there and find a way to defend yourself, you could've ended up getting raped, or worse."


    "I'm just glad that didn't happen," Renée said after swallowing a bite of lemon chicken. "After that, Papa didn't let me out of his sight for the remainder of the tour. At least I learned that a few other folks on the tour had my back when Julie and the other girls found me walking along the side of the highway after I got away and they took me back to the motel, then Papa and two other wrestlers dealt with that creep two nights later in Halifax."


    "Good," Michèle said. "Next time, he'll learn not to mess with a wrestler's daughter if he's smart."


    "Did anything like that ever happen to you when you toured around to wrestle?" Renée then asked.


    "Lucky for me, no," Michèle admitted, "but only because I toured around with my dad as well. He made sure I wasn't alone with any guy on the circuit, whether it was fans or other wrestlers, he had suspicions about or who he knew had reps for putting the moves on girl wrestlers."


    "Well, we both have good fathers in that regard, who look out for their girls," Renée said.


    "Got that right," Michèle agreed, just as her phone began ringing and she got up to get it. "Hello? Oh, hi Johnny," she said upon answering the phone, with Renée figuring that Johnny Rougeau was on the other end of the line. "Nothing much, I just sat down for dinner a moment ago and Renée's here with me now, having Chinese takeout."


    Michèle then listened for a moment to the other end of the line before speaking again. "Oh, you do?" she then said. "Okay, I'll tell her and we'll see you there tomorrow. Okay, 'bye."


    "What did Johnny want?" Renée asked after Michèle hung up the phone.


    "He wants to see us at his office tomorrow," Michèle said. "Something about a trip to the Maritimes..."


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    The next day, Renée and Michèle were at Johnny's office to discuss what he said to Michèle over the phone. "Len Hughes has you booked for another two-week tour of the Maritimes, so you'll be going back to join your dad in Halifax again in a couple of days," Johnny said to Renée. "This time out, I'm sending Michèle to tour with you."


    "Okay, that's great," Renée said. "That gives me a chance to get more accustomed to wrestling her and vice-versa."


    "Good, but there is a concern I have that I discussed with your dad after what happened in Truro," Johnny continued. "I'm aware that he, Dave Ruhl and Rocky Johnson taught that now ex-ring crewman of Len's a lesson that last night of your previous tour, but your dad's concerned that that guy might blame you for what happened to him and he might try to seek revenge, given the opportunity - and I share that concern."


    "He's really that worried about me?" Renée said.


    "That's why he insisted that any time you're out in public or at a wrestling event as long as you're in the Maritimes, that you continue to have an escort with you for protection in case that guy gets any ideas," Johnny said.


    "You know, since we still got three days before we wrestle in Halifax, I've got an idea that might help give Renée some protection," Michèle suggested.


    "Really? What's that?" Renée asked, her curiosity piqued.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    The idea Michèle had to help Renée came the next day when Michèle was on duty at Morgan's Department Store in downtown Montreal, where she asked Renée to meet her. Morgan's had an in-store hair and beauty salon that served the store's female customers and did booming business for the store; Renée was brought there to enact the idea, which involved changing her hair color and style. Intrigued with the idea to change her look, Renée checked through a number of hairstyles from a styling catalogue and picked one she liked. By the time her hairstyling appointment was done, she had a look in the mirror in front of her chair and liked what she saw*, which she would get to debut when she and Michèle got to Halifax:




    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    Three days after Renée's hair appointment, she and Michèle got to Halifax in Michèle's car and arrived at the motel where the wrestlers were staying. The girls got out of the car and went to knock at the door to the room where Marcel was staying. When Marcel answered the door, he saw only Michèle standing there, as Renée was hiding behind the car and wanted to surprise him. "Hi, Michèle, good to see you," Marcel said, "but where's Renée?"


    "Well, actually..." Michèle said as she looked back toward the car, then Renée popped up from behind it and skipped over to the doorway. "So, Papa, what do you think?" she asked of her restyled hair and its new golden blonde color.


    Marcel paused a moment to check out Renée's new look. "Wait a minute, who are you and what did you do with my daughter?" he said jokingly.


    "Papa, really now!" Renée said as she and Michèle stepped inside the motel room while Marcel laughed. "I just wanted to go for a new look for this latest tour. Anyway, it was Michèle's idea to change my look because of what Johnny told me back at home about Declan - Johnny said you were worried that Declan might blame me for him losing his job with the ring crew here because of what he did to me back in Truro and he might try to come after me while I'm back here because of it."


    "Yeah, I was worried," Marcel admitted, "but I got some news a couple of days ago that I thought you might want to hear."


    "What's that?" Renée wondered.


    "Since you and Michèle were on your way over to Halifax by car, I wasn't able to reach you to give you the news until you got here," Marcel explained as he picked up a copy of the local newspaper, the Chronicle Herald, and opened it to an article of interest. "Declan's in jail now," he said as he showed Renée and Michèle the article. "He was arrested by the Halifax police the night before the paper came out for a sexual assault against another woman that happened while you were back home on your break, and he's being held for trial on that."


    Upon hearing the news, Renée heaved a big sigh out of satisfaction. "Ohhh, that's such a relief to hear," she said, glad to know that the man who had tried to assault her on the previous tour was now where he could not bother her.


    "On that account, I think that when we get back here after the Forum show later tonight, we can order in for a late takeout dinner," Marcel said.


    "Ah, sounds good," Michèle joined in. "So what do you think, burgers, pizza, Chinese...what sounds appealing to you?"


    "Surprise me," Renée said with a shrug of her shoulders as Michèle and Marcel had a laugh over her reply.


    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


    * The new picture of Renée shown above is the same photo of her featured in the header image at the top of the first post way back on Page One.

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