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Everything posted by djskeemask

  1. I, as well, expected Andrade to win. I was kinda like wtf when Kyle won.
  2. lol...fair enough. I have been pretty busy. I'm diabetic and went to the hospital with ketoacidosis for about a week. Also a few personal matters to deal with. So it probably has been that long since I've caught up with New Japan. It's easier with AEW cause it's on regular TV twice a week.
  3. Spoiler alert...lol...Now that you mention that though, I think I did read about that. Haven't watched it yet. Chase Owens is complete garbage and Fale has gone the farthest on the least amount of talent. I mean, Owens' trademark move is raking the back and Fale's is the "massage parlor" which is him and whoever he is tagging with standing on their opponent. I haven't really seen much of Toni Storm in action, so I will believe you because she always ends up being a main eventer in every save of TEW that I have signed her.
  4. Whooooo....Toni Storm and Marina Shafir in the ring at the same time. Neither are the most talented but both are probably, currently, the most attractive, at least in my eyes.
  5. I've never had anything good come out of saves where a media company owned my company. There are too many limitations and the media company vetoing any new deals. Especially once your company outgrows the coverage area of your media Owner company, there is really no way to grow your coverage through new shows.
  6. So disappointed I didn't get tickets for Forbidden Door. I'm only a few hours from Chicago. Haven't been to an AEW event live yet. This show is shaping up to be a classic. Even more so in my mind because I am also a huge fan of NJPW. Crowning a new world champ and introducing the new international belt. Soooooooooooooo excited to see Will Ospreay and Aaron Henare appear in AEW on Dynamite tonight. I'm a huge fan of United Empire. Would rather have seen Jeff Cobb and Great O-Khan instead of Aussie Open, but as far as I'm caught up, JC and GOK are Tag Champs in Japan so I'm sure their priority is being there in Japan. Those of you are that are not familiar with Will Ospreay, take notice. He is an amazing performer. He plays the conceited, cocky role very well as well. Possibly equal to or better than MJF.
  7. Nobody gonna mention that Young Bucks vs. Lucha Bros. match on Rampage?!?! Quite possibly one of the best matches I have ever seen. 15 minute spotfest!! Just one thing after another, had me cheering out loud and I was the only person in the room. :eek:
  8. so this first caught my eye... then upon further investigation.... Not only did he win the TV Title, but in a tables match nonetheless. And I am by no means racist, but I find it hysterical that there is a team of Terry Funk & Buh Buh Ray and they are called The Clan....only in ECW....also, I didn't even notice that, earlier in the show, Luke had attacked The Sandman as well!!! Gotta love the auto-booker!
  9. While watching the best of Nitro DVD, my gf brought up a good point. I know it is most likely not true at all, but... She mentioned in passing that she thought both companies were working together the whole time during the Monday Night Wars. After laughing for a second, my gears started turning. Controversy definitely sells and it benefitted both companies. Most of the early nWo were former WWF stars who were a little past their prime and had their careers get a huge boost with the popularity the nWo rose to. (I do think Scott Hall could have Main Evented for a lot longer in WWF though.) It also forced WWF to make their own stars. Triple H and Steve Austin were good midcarders in WCW, but became WWF's top stars. IMO, WCW had the money and WWF had the writers. With the bloat in both company's rosters, it would make sense to have some kind of trade agreement to benefit the workers getting better chances. Something else, after WWF bought WCW, Eric Bischoff worked for his 'worst enemy'. That always bothered me. It makes no sense that Turner wouldn't offer him some kind of 'new company' opportunity with what he did for WCW. There were more things I thought of that I can't remember at the moment. Curious what any of you think. I know it's a little far-fetched, but could be one of the best kept secrets in the biz!
  10. While watching the best of Nitro DVD, my gf brought up a good point. I know it is most likely not true at all, but... She mentioned in passing that she thought both companies were working together the whole time during the Monday Night Wars. After laughing for a second, my gears started turning. Controversy definitely sells and it benefitted both companies. Most of the early nWo were former WWF stars who were a little past their prime and had their careers get a huge boost with the popularity the nWo rose to. (I do think Scott Hall could have Main Evented for a lot longer in WWF though.) It also forced WWF to make their own stars. Triple H and Steve Austin were good midcarders in WCW, but became WWF's top stars. IMO, WCW had the money and WWF had the writers. With the bloat in both company's rosters, it would make sense to have some kind of trade agreement to benefit the workers getting better chances. Something else, after WWF bought WCW, Eric Bischoff worked for his 'worst enemy'. That always bothered me. It makes no sense that Turner wouldn't offer him some kind of 'new company' opportunity with what he did for WCW. There were more things I thought of that I can't remember at the moment. Curious what any of you think. I know it's a little far-fetched, but could be one of the best kept secrets in the biz!
  11. I used to have a problem with painkillers. If I took a lot, it would cause me to stutter just like that, messing with my motor skills. Also causing me to slur my words. I don't hear him slurring anything, so I don't think it is that. Could just be adrenaline pumping because it was an important segment and also because it had a surprise with Jay White. Cole could have been struggling to remember the whole script. I feel like my mind works faster than I can get the words out sometimes. That could be what was going on there. I will probably notice it every time Cole speaks now!
  12. Was the scandal before, or after, his release from NJPW?? I find it crazy that NJPW would release their top star unless it was because of the scandal. Was he 'toxic' or does that attribute go away after the scandal 'ends'. I tried to sign Tessa Blanchard to AEW, planning to be managed by Tully in ROH. She had the toxic popup before I went to negotiate so she can wait.
  13. I was looking for DVDs on Amazon one day and came across WEW, Women's Extreme Wrestling. This is exactly what this post reminded me of. I tried them out. The 'set' came with 4 shows in one package for like 10 bucks. I wouldn't pay for them again, but the shows were ok for that exact product type. I wasn't expecting much. Wrestlers named G.I. Hoe, Pussy Willow, and Tai "Killer" Weed.
  14. Glad to help! I found this for my family photos folder. I had a bunch of different backups of old memory cards and found I had backed up some of the same cards under different folders. Saved me about 5 gigs of duplicates. Works on porn folders too! jk (kinda)
  15. This is also a good idea. I feel like, roleplaying in my head anyway, you are giving away the cash-in by booking it this way. But, if the title changing hands in an angle drops it's prestige, which I'm not sure is the case, this might be the way to go. Perhaps it's time to fall into a YouTube portal today and see what I can find. (Every time I look something up on YouTube, 3 hours later, I find myself on videos totally unrelated to why I got on there in the first place. On the plus side, I now know that otters don't like seltzer water. (Yes, there is a video of otters reacting to their owner giving them seltzer water, among other things.))
  16. This is what I figured would be the best route. I will most likely use this method. I guess my only other concern would be Title Prestige. Idk if you have checked on this, but when you book this method, does the title lose prestige? I would think not booking it in a proper match would drop the prestige. Especially a main event title.
  17. No worries. I did find that tool after a little research. Appreciate the response.
  18. The 'keep strong' note is good for this. 'Tainted finish' let's the heel cheat to win and keeps the face from losing too much pop. I use draws too. Double countouts, or the sports entertainment finish with some interference. It depends on your product though. It sounds like you are WWE, so you should be ok with those finishes. Don't use these finishes with a Pure company like NJPW. The fans will not like those types of finishes. They expect clean pinfalls.
  19. I usually only play as WWF/E in older mods. Never really utilized the MITB concept. I thought about starting a new modern save. How do you properly book the MITB cash-in. Do you do another match after the title match? (I feel that a short 5 minute match after the main event would kill the overall card score.) Or do you book an angle and use the title changes hand road agent note? Just curious how you all use it. Or is it possible to book an 'interference' from the MITB challenger in the title match and have him walk away with it?
  20. I usually only play as WWF/E in older mods. Never really utilized the MITB concept. I thought about starting a new modern save. How do you properly book the MITB cash-in. Do you do another match after the title match? (I feel that a short 5 minute match after the main event would kill the overall card score.) Or do you book an angle and use the title changes hand road agent note? Just curious how you all use it. Or is it possible to book an 'interference' from the MITB challenger in the title match and have him walk away with it?
  21. I watch NJPW a lot. AEW is a close second. Idk what the stats are for Tama in this mod, but I wouldn't say he is as over as you are hyping. At best, he is a midcarder right now, but is certainly being groomed to go further. The pop he is getting is rubbed off from Tanahashi 'accepting' him and G.o.D. and Jado. At one point, it looked like Master Wato and Taguchi would join with all of them forming a stable with Jado, Tanahashi, G.o.D., and 6 or 9. But it seems like 6 or 9 are being scrapped from that. Anyway, Tama is still pretty much a unit with Tanga Loa. They are still pretty much facing the weaker members of Bullet Club on a regular basis and not getting wins.
  22. My bad. I guess I didn't understand what you were trying to do
  23. Visipics is free and easy to use http://www.visipics.info/index.php?title=Download
  24. So, the big announcement wasn't as big as I thought it would be. BUT...I'm super stoked. Two of my favorite companies holding a joint show about 3 hours from me!! If Great O-Khan is not there, I will boycott both companies.
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