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Everything posted by juggaloninjalee

  1. I am not sure if they get paid based on ratings. I thought ratings was just a measurement of how many people watched and this led to higher costing commercials to air. So if I am Doritos I pay USA network $250,000 for a 30 second slot during Monk but I pay $1,000,000 for a 30 second slot during Raw. I dunno I am just assuming. If someone knows how ratings draw money please inform. Rock is a D grade actor? I think the Rock is much better than a D rated actor. Cena could be considered a D grade actor for his movie The Marine. The Rock is obviously not a played out schtick if everyone is going bat spit crazy over him doing it all again now. I agree.
  2. They stay PG because of Endorsements by Kmart and other companies that want them to stay PG. They make a ton more money nowadays off of endorsements compared to the Attitude era.
  3. I've been hoping that Rock will face Cena at Summerslam. That would be great!
  4. Ok I just watched the whole Rock Cena Miz showdown on WWE.com and I have to admit that was the best Cena has looked in a long time. His promo face to face with the Rock was good. Also I have to say the Road Warriors being inducted into the HoF is much deserved! They were the best tag team of all time and easily a couple of my favorite characters in wrestling history.
  5. Thanks for that. If they are allowing him to hit those moves then he will get over real quick with the fans I think.
  6. He looks so happy in his mug shot. That guy is so happy.
  7. Miss USA being on Tough Enough has already succeeded. How many radio shows have talked about this? I know here in Detroit the 3 big ones have discussed it. I know I have seen news articles and such too. So it has worked and in the end if they give her the contract then the media will write about it and talk about it. If she loses or gets booted sometime that will also bring publicity then I think.
  8. I heard that unlike the previous ones they aren't going to give away any of the secrets of wrestling but they are going to focus more on the personalities of the people. Not sure exactly how it is going to be shot but it should be interesting.
  9. Anderson does Austin/Rock mannerisms and then has these terrible promos as of late. He isn't really original which is fine but these promos make him seem annoying. The sad part is I like him but can't stand these promos.
  10. TNA really should claim they are the largest wrestling company in America. Hyping themselves up that way kinda how WCW always said they were where the big boys played is something that could help. I really wish I worked for TNA and had the ability to take over head booking position. There are so many things I would do. Less angles/more wrestling... Make all titles mean something. Either way I think it is dumb that WWE goes and tells people they aren't a wrestling company.
  11. I wouldn't be surprised if TNA dropped the price of Jeff Hardy's merchandise significantly just to get rid of it all.
  12. I think most of us in the IWC feel that TNA has a long way to go before they will be good and make sense more often than not. Maybe this incident will force them to think twice about who they push and such.
  13. If TNA cuts Jeff Hardy nothing bad will happen to TNA. Nobody can argue that they did the wrong thing by firing him. The worst that will happen is some indy promotion out of the Carolinas would bring in Jeff Hardy for some shows. The things I would do. Sting is a professional let him carry the belt for awhile. Let AJ build some credibility again and let Fortune be your main stable that gets maybe 8 minutes of angle time a week and a couple matches each week. Let Mr. Anderson and or RVD turn heel. RVD could be mad that he is the deserving champion but hasn't gotten his shot since being stripped. RVD then begins a rampage using chairs for his Van Daminator and such again. Mr. Anderson just makes a better heel than face so that's why I would turn him. I would make the X-Division title be a reputable title again. Start most Impacts with an X-Division match and end the 1st hour with another X-Division match possibly for the title. My X-Division would be Doug Williams, Frankie Kazarian, Amazing Red, Christopher Daniels, Generation Me, MCMG, and Ink Inc. Once people become pretty dominant in the X-Division they would be in the TV title picture. I would almost always have this belt on someone who can wrestle really well. A person who could put on good matches with X-Division guys and slow brawlers. Doug Williams would fit this position. I'd even consider letting Jeff Jarrett, Kurt Angle, or Mr. Anderson hold this spot for short periods of time. My world title picture would eventually be Sting, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe (with a monster build up.), Kurt Angle, and Jeff Jarrett (wouldn't allow him to win it though).
  14. Yeah I hate that belt too. The only personalized belt I really liked was the Smoking Skull belt. It worked for Austin.
  15. Haha yeah that one may be more hideous than the former Immortal belt.
  16. Sting unveiled a new TNA Title. Looks like we are rid of the most hideous belt in wrestling history.
  17. I am glad things seem to be going down that way on Impact this week. Maybe Hardy will be gone for a really long time now... hopefully. I liked his darker character though which is sad but he is a joke if that was real.
  18. Snooki will be involved in a match I wouldn't watch even without her. That match will be a bathroom break for me.
  19. TNA should have assumed the risk pushing him yes. We all agree TNA is at fault. I don't see anyone saying otherwise. I do see people understanding why the main event was such a cluster---- though. They need to bury Hardy and fire him. Never bring him back to the main event again. Once he gets help and such maybe bring him back as a curtain jerker but don't give him titles, push him, or use him in any major storylines. That's my opinion.
  20. They could have made it a 3 way that ended when Immortal's Gunner and Murphy ran in causing it to get thrown out. Just my thoughts.
  21. I dunno after seeing that I think that Hardy will be out the door.
  22. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmMaF1tIgyk Just in case you guys haven't seen it. Personally I think this was the most awkward thing I have seen in wrestling. Based on this I don't think anyone realized until Jeff came out that he was high or drunk or whatever.
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