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Everything posted by Michelle_Kay83

  1. The pre-booking of the CWA TV show is advancing. 

    I am so happy that in the TEW 2020, it's a bit easy to pre-book as often the pre-booking matches the show on schedule. I guess it's a bit messy with CWA's show because it's a TV schedule. 

    Now I am thinking about how to add the tag team storyline with an angle and a match. "Refusing challenge"...?! YES!!!

    Brooke is not wrestling but has an angle and another role in the show. And all of it is storyline-related.

    Did I mention that I love the realism in inheriting storylines? When starting a job in a creative company, it is logical to have storylines, etc. in motion and you have to catch up. To get used to the environment, with the dynamics of the employees, characters, etc. I LOVE IT!



  2. Browsing the Office in CWA. 

    I realise that my favorite Brooke Tyler has a storyline set for further development.

    Did I mention that CWA has a TV show, and I had never done such before (despite wanting to have it, so much)? More bookings to be stressed about. LOL

    And the boss has tons of "goals"/demands from me...


  3. Good news for those who dislike women's wrestling, promotions, etc. in TEW!

    I need to wait for the next month or shortly to be able to "Demo to Retail".

    Don't need compassion. :D I am fine! I'm just sharing that I won't be active with bookings and events if someone cares (not). 🙃🤣

    I already have the March 2020 show planned and pre-booked. I may try to book January and February for CWA (and Brooke). Also, I made a Save Game dedicated to the other major player from the dawn of TEW - 5SSW! 

    About QAW - I will make a schedule for the development of the storylines. "What will happen when" kind of theoretical map of the events.

    Thank you for passing by!

  4. QAWLogo3_alt1.png.6724d36595a2e316f4c413c75ecc4b72(1).png.7be841ee0ae30f8c5e8e97ddb47a2668.png

    Some goals:

    # Growing up in the next game months;

    # In two game years to open a training facility or PC;

    # In two game years to have a solid roster under written contacts which leads to...

    # House shows booking;

    # In two game years to have a TV deal;

    # In Whatever time it takes - to have a talents trading agreement with 5SSW;


    Now get to work, b*tch!🤪


  5. QAW



    (Connie Morris & Mary Beth Chace (MBC)


  6. Devil's Daughter!

    Another AAA Icon!

    Yet to debut with some promos airing to set her arrival!

    Think about the season finale's debut!


  7. LOL!

    With these Walter Sobchack's takes on Connie and MBC I think the team is solid and their unofficial mini-war with San Diego Girls will be looking brutal in many ways!

    Any ideas for a team name?

    01. Total Brutality

    02. Powerhouse Brawlers (dedicated to their styles of wrestling)

    03. The Merciless




    ConnieMorrie_alt5.jpg.054d957a176eb450133bbe1eaeea019b (1).jpg


  8. Need new teams...

    Monitoring Connie Morris and Mary Beth Chase's work together against The San Diego Girls, on the Pre-Show!

    Coco Malloy and Izzy Quick might look sweet and aerial but got those penalties for inexperience, while Connie and MBC get penalised for inconsistency... The funniest one is "Holding Back"! Any ideas on how to deal with that penalty? I removed some restrictions, which are there to make it safe...too safe as it looks. And I still get penalties (yeah, penalising them or me - it affects us all, and the promotion). 

    For now, my plan for these four is to send them against each other in various pre- or post-show matches, and hope for them to "grow" some experience up. 😄

    Images: Walter Sobchak and Number Green (MBC) 

    Coco Malloy - Izzy Quick - Mary Beth Chase - Connie Morris


  9. Hey, if someone cares about results from the past two shows, just give a sign (write a comment). 

    TEW 2020 is too new for me even years after I played that demo. I have more experience with (failing and getting kicked in TEW 2005). So, there is a lot of misplaced excitement and enthusiasm I know. I will settle with time!

    For now, you can enjoy the chaos!

  10. Thank you, one more time, @WalterSobchak, for this amazing new version of Brooke!

    For now, I am keeping my CWA game on hold - more inspired to work with QAW at the moment, as there I can afford only to have her as a Shortlisted star and to wait for her magically to get bored from CWA and decide to accept a deal from us. Meanwhile, I need to grow up QAW ("Tiny" is not a satisfactory size for me LOL), to raise the chances!

    Also, I can "manipulate" the database and add her to QAW, but for now, I want a challenge and to try to play by the rules. (she was unemployed in TEW 2013, and there I started negotiation with her).



  11. 😄Thank you so much! You really shouldn't have! ☺️ Changing my profile pic immediately to honour her and your work! P.s. She's beyond perfect!
  12. image.png.ac59d55893a4df6d2dfef7b586c84ed8.png

    Show Rating of QAW San Antonio Invasion in February 2020



    *Not happy at all! We keep our popularity and have even +1, but... I am not pleased!*

  13. First injured worker!

    Darkness Cat!

    Sent her home for 2 months with a small $ bonus! I was planning a new storyline, the chemistry between her and her opponent (Power Girl) was great... and then that! Need to fill the void...and set the stuff for the eventual renewal of the story in the future...

    Also, the penalties that we receive are sometimes really illogical. How do you expect inexperienced wrestlers to become experienced after they are punished every time they enter a match, to earn experience? 


  14. Informative

    Show Rating of QAW Starshow in January 2020



  15. Okay! Enough Fooling around:

    Here is the pre-booking for...


    QAW San Antonio Invasion

    Friday, Week 3, February


    # Anderson & Snyder vs. Perez & Torres

    (tag team tournament match)


    # Dannielle Sweetheart vs. Emma May

    (cage escape match)


    # Darkness Cat vs. Power Girl

    (Heroes & Villains storyline debut)


    # Clenched Fist's Hellcat Hernadez & Felicia Luck vs. Storm Front Juana Hurricane & Alexis Lee Littlefeather


    # QAW Shockwave Champion Little Miss Perfect vs. Modesty Pador

    (title match)


    Tex-Mex vs. Payback Inc.

    (tag team tournament match)


    *Matches are not in their order for the show. The displayed card is just for promotional goals.

    **There are three matches in the pre-show one of witch Battle Royal.

  16. OMG!

    I am a "Franchise Player" (my own created version of me, as an avatar), next to the QAW World Champion Alina America!!!







    (Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder)




    (Pinky Perez & Mariana Torress)




    (Houston Handley & Teresa Perez)




    (Toni Parisi & Becca Barton)




    Anderson & Snyder vs. Perez & Torres

    Payback Inc. vs. Tex-Mex

  18. So, excited!

    Just finished the QAW San Antonio Invasion pre-booking.

    The tournament is done as it is supposed to: who faces who where is determined in advance. Oh, and I didn't forget to check "disable tournament check" for the tag team match which is not part of it in the Road Agent's notes! I screwed that in the last event...

    One title match!

    Pre-show Battle Royal to introduce some new faces.

    Determined who will debut in a more special way in the near future. 



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  19. I have done my favourite thing - scouting and hiring new talents!

    Now I am like WWE and AEW - filled with stars and don't know what to do with them. I can turn WWE and just keep them on the bench, because I don't have 4-6 shows main and online like AEW, to send them to work. LOL. 

    I also get that I can't afford even a small dojo, to keep the talents training, so we are a total circus - too crowded and messy. 

    About the tournament mistake... Well, until I had TEW games to exercise my booking and creativity, I used other systems - paper, rosters from real companies or one database of not-that-mainstream celebrities. I used paper to write on (not Supernote, like now). I used a card deck to execute the matches to make it more funny and unpredictable. I even try to have my system for evaluation of the stars and to make a monthly chart. When I wanted to do a tournament I just planned it and then needed to not forget to book it on the card. 

    And I forgot that I need to do the same. Was so overexcited! Now I need to fix it.

    I am worried about that!

  20. The level of Lame!

    I booked tournament matches and forgot to create a tournament in advance. So, there was an announcement about it, the matches were finished and... they don't count!

    So, how am I fix it?

    Let's pretend that the tournament was just announced for the next show, and what the fans have seen is a demo...



  21. They signed!

    The QAW tag team division will be put on notice soon!

    Lilly & Rose are here!!!



  22. These two wanted 100s dollars and % of the merchandise! Waiting for them to accept the offers.

    Be sure that I will make them work hard for that money and the gold because I can be a strict booker when it comes to money investment. Especially, when most of the rest of the girls are receiving such a laughable payment for an event. 

    If you have so much confidence and pretensions, you will have to back them with some in-ring work!

    Welcome to QAW, eventually!

    Art: Number Green


  23. Getting my unemployed AAA girls back, and making them look great thanks to @Number Green renders!

    So happy to have them back in QAW!


    Candy Floss


    Golden Delicious


  24. Let me introduce you the pre-booking for QAW Starshow:

    I have a few active default storylines. I love tournaments, so I wrote an angle for the tournament announcement for tag teams to determine the #1 contenders. 

    - Open segment: So, the tournament announcement will be made that evening as an opening event;

    - Little Miss Perfect, who is our QAW Shockwave Champion is joining the commentary, to watch her current challenger's match;(storyline progress)

    - Modesty Pador vs. Millie The Minx;(storyline progress);

    -Promo of the tag team champions the Rage, before the first match of the tournament;

    - Round 1 match: Ava Anderson & Lily Snyder vs. Pinky Perez & Mariana Torres (also storyline progress)

    - After weeks of being antagonised Dannielle Sweetheart and QAW World Champion Alina America accept a challenge from the Furies, who didn't show up; (storyline progress)

    - Round 1 match: Payback Inc (Toni Parissi & Becca Barton) vs. Tex-Mex (Houston Handley & Teresa Perez);

    - Hype video of the coming match between Juana Hurricane and Hellcat Fernandez; (storyline progress);

    - Juana Hurricane vs. Hellcat Fernandez ((storyline progress);

    - Alexis Lee Littlefeather saves Hurricane from Hellcat and Felicia Luck, after the match; (storyline progress)

     - Main Event: QAW World Champion Alina America & Dannielle Sweetheart vs. The Furies: Emma May & 1/2 QAW Tag Team Champion Honey Badger. 


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  25. OMG! 

    Me to Myself: Looks like you need "under written contract" workers, dummy, to schedule House shows!

    Logical (I guess)! LOL

    Need to grow that company! 

    Any ideas?


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