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Everything posted by Jugg

  1. Are you planning to include Joshi promotions such as GAEA, NEO, JWP or AJW? They were still around at the time and are not in the list of companies in the first post.
  2. Thanks for updating the mod, just wanted to let you know that Tri-State doesn't have their logo selected by default in the editor, it's still there in the logos file but I thought I should let you know.
  3. Hey, this is quite an interesting mod you've got there. I was going to talk about the NWA World Heavyweight Championship not being in an alliance, but it seems like you kept it in JCP for a valid reason, so I respect your decision. But what about the other NWA championships that were going around at the time? Are they in an alliance or are they in a specific promotion as well? I'm also a big Joshi Wrestling fan, so would it be possible to give us a preview of AJW when you're done? Also, are you planning to make the mod playable until modern times (~2020-2022)?
  4. I don't know if it's intentional or not, but the link redirects us to the 1.0 version of the picture pack so numerous amount of workers, one promotion and few championships don't have images. Also, I really want to say thanks for the hard work, this is by far my favorite fantasy mod atm. Truly facinating to read all this wrestling lore. Any plans for Mexico/UK/Europe or Women's Wrestling in general ? There's also a small spelling mistake on the Intro Picture of D_HCW_03 : "Vince McMahonf"
  5. Hey, thanks a lot for the quick response. I'll just privately edit this stuff then. Also I want to point out (since they are a "major" promotion) that NXT UK (and their Championships) is missing aswell (Company logo's already in there).
  6. Hey, first of all, thank you for the amazing update ! Since I don't know what is on purpose or not, here's all that I've gathered while looking very quickly : - There is no narrative for wrestling companies that changes logos : CHIKARA, CMLL, CZW, FCW, GSW, ICW, IWA:MS, IWS, JCW, NOAH, NXT, PWR, RCW, ROH, TNA, WSU, WWE. - There is no narrative for wrestling companies that changes names : AAA (?), TNA, JCW, NXT, WSU, PWR. - There is no narrative for wrestling dojos that changes logos : DG Trueborn, NOAH. - Some school don't have logos with the others versions of the promotions logos (for exemple ROH only has the old ROH logos as a school). - Agers are mostly not activated. - Most championships aren't gender restricted, I don't think this a problem for promotion like AJPW but for companies such as WWE, the AI could put the WWE Championship on womens if the championship is vacated. I don't know if this is possible but we never know. - Few companies are missing their new versions of logos : DDT, EVE, Impact etc. Also, Martin Casaus has clashing attributes that stop the game from launching (probably Fearless & Risk Taker). There's also loyalty/contracts problems (Go Shiozaki should be loyal to NOAH or NOAH Trueborn rather than loyal to AJPW) and promotions/wrestlers missing but those seems more like personnal opinions than anything else. Once again thank you for your work, especially on the attributes, you are the only one that put that much work in there !
  7. I agree but for different reasons, I really enjoy what if scenarios. Seeing a ton of different promotions (that could be lead by anyone) and the possible twist & turn of TEW makes me really excited to play the mod.
  8. 2005 - Reign of Terror Mod January 2005 I wanted to give myself a challenge by playing the lowest ranked company in the game and go from up there, which is Oz Academy, a Joshi wrestling in Japan that works as a child company of another Joshi promotion (GAEA). Wasn't ideal, but fine. Around 3 months after I started, a generated worker signed a developmental deal and joined my promotion. Didn't think much about it because GAEA always goes on a hiring spree of developmental talent in early save before going bankrupt because of it. I wasn't really looking at Creative (other than Franchise players) or news at that time as I was more focused on getting as much popularity (we started with 0 Pop) as I can before GAEA goes bankrupt. As I was watching stats of the hired workers around one year after starting the save, I was seeing someone with abnormal growth, she was gaining 1-2 points almost everywhere every few months. So I stopped simming multiple weeks and started simming day by day to see if maybe she will pop-up in the news somehow (but mostly to watch AJPW scooping talent from all the other promotions). And there she was, coined as one of the biggest stars in the future. I was beyond happy at that point and started keeping track of her progress. Here we are in Mid-March 2007 and look at her : https://imgur.com/K7AAUcS Absolutely insane stats for a young lion in my opinion. (and thank god WWE can't scoop her up like they did with one of my talent)
  9. Hi, I'm looking for Graphics for my custom promotion : Strong Style Pro Wrestling. Most of the work is already done, I just want little modifications on pre-existant logos. I would like to have a banner for this logo : https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/prowrestling/images/3/35/Strong_Style_Wrestling.jpg/revision/latest/ It would be nice to have the same font as the logo for the banner. And I would also like to have the NJPW/Sponsors/City removed from these 2 logos while keeping the same general aspect : https://i0.wp.com/www.twm.news/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/SSEMain.jpg?fit=1200%2C630&ssl=1 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ed_kxeeU4AETOJX.png Thank you very much.
  10. Hi, I have a question about road agents : Can workers (Non-Wrestler/Retired Wrestler especially) gain points in Psychology & Experience when used as Road Agent ? If not, can they be improved in any way other than wrestling ?
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