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wyldekr last won the day on June 3

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About wyldekr

  • Birthday 01/02/2001

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  1. I'm under the impression that Adam Ryland hasn't watched wrestling in a while so I wouldn't anticipate that to be accurate. Youngman is certainly Bret Hart though, "Assassin" - "Hitman" Both one of the best Technical workers on the planet etc.
  2. + Dread as a backstage staff member and Dreadnought as a worker 🤞
  3. I apologise if this comes off as blunt but that isn't even close to being remotely true, as someone who has posted several new renders in the AI thread that act as updates to previously made renders it is not a difficult task.
  4. adding to the last post El Leon (Unmasked by his son El Leon Jr, That Crooked S.O.B) Uncut
  5. Hey guys, I've found that I am more likely to produce something good when I have an actual creative vision due to something happening in my save, in this case Tana The Mighty has been shaved bald. Thanks to @jesterx7769 for the render that I used as my base. Tana The Mighty (Shaved Bald By Former Best Friend Mighty Mo, That Crooked S.O.B) Uncut (Jester's render for reference)
  6. Posted these in the main forum but I'll throw them in here too Tommy Cornell
  7. I really should be contributing more, I haven't had the spare funds to pay for GPT plus (which was what I was using previously), I tried BingAI today because I was in need of a serious Mighty Mo render because I'm about to turn him heel, so here's that if you're interested. Mighty Mo Not Mighty Mo But Equally As Cool Looking
  8. Better late than never right? WCW, South Australia, CVAI Mod, let's see how far this goes p.s chose option 2 of character creation, brawler.
  9. Selfishly I think this is a great idea, I've gotten spoiled by the default databases re-rendering so it's quite jarring going back to one of my favourite databases and it being the default art style
  10. Is there a chance we get EPW in the RWC? It's Australias 3rd biggest company, bigger then Rampage (which I love being in the mod btw) and I don't think any new workers would need to be added, only a few if any.
  11. @Scott Zodiac Absolutely feel free to use anything of mine in any of your creative work, no credit required.
  12. Love these, that Emerald Angel is probably my favorite one to be posted here, what prompt did you use for the Gakusha graphic?
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