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Everything posted by angeldelayette

  1. First of all, it's great to have the true voice of the WWE: The Great JR Jim Ross back where he belongs. In answer to the above question, I think there might be as Alberto Del Rio cashes in the Money In The Bank to win the WWE Title. It IS his Destiny, after all.
  2. To quote Spaceballs, 'Evil will always triumph because good is dumb.'
  3. Can anyone else see Christian using the old Eddie Guerrero swerve? The referee is slowly recovering from a bump and Christian bangs a chair on the mat and then tosses it to Orton. Then Christian lies down like he was hit with the chair. The referee recovers and sees Orton with a chair.
  4. Judging from earlier posts, I'd say the main event is going to be much like the John Cena/Rob Van Dam match from One Night Stand. The crowd boos everything that Cena does and cheers everything that CM Punk does.
  5. Thanks everyone! Now, hopefully, I will find a good job soon and be able to do this for others one day.
  6. Thanks for that, so far. Can I assume Kelly Kelly won the Divas match?
  7. Another late prediction for the main event. CM Punk wins and we have an ROH invasion of WWE that goes over about as well as the WCW one did. Or maybe better since the WCW invasion set such a low standard.
  8. I had a little bit of a feeling that would happen. Then imagine if Vince convinces him to use it tonight on CM Punk. Daniel Bryan versus CM Punk on a WWE show. (forgetting the rules that it's a Smackdown MITB and not a Raw MITB)
  9. What a great show! I think I enjoyed that one from start to finish. Only complaint is not enough Knockouts.
  10. -tosses up the Fortune hand sign- I kinda figured it would be Fortune. But that was a great way to reveal it when they attacked Gunner. As far as JCP? I don't want to see them in Impact Wrestling, personally. But that just came to mind when Mike Tenay said wicked clowns.
  11. Did Mike Tenay just say wicked clowns, wicked clowns? Could it be time for the JCP to invade Impact Wrestling?
  12. I would hope so! She is definitely a beautiful woman even on-screen. Just waiting for Impact Wrestling to come back around these parts. The last time they were here I didn't find out until too late to get tickets.
  13. Madison Rayne is even better than different perspectives.
  14. I own it but I've seen Dark Knight maybe once in my life. It was good but not in my top five favorite movies. Neither is It, though. lol. But sometimes it's nice to bring in another perspective.
  15. Love the clown masks. Reminds me of Pennywise from It. So Shannon Moore dominates the match on Aries' "debut?" Not very smart, IMO. But it's done and at least Aries got the win.
  16. Robert Roode pinned Samoa Joe before he tapped. So therefore pinfall=7 points.
  17. It's an interesting thought that maybe he was a plant sent down to ROH to scout out some potential future superstars. Whether there's any truth to it? Who knows, right?
  18. The one name that immediately springs to mind for that would be Christian.
  19. That was just another amazing end to Raw. It did what it's supposed to do in making me want to buy Money In The Back even though I don't have the money to do so. CM Punk was absolutely astonishing.
  20. Here is a thought for what might happen, Of course tonight the contract negotiation doesn't completely go through. CM Punk doesn't sign the contract. At Money In The Bank, it's CM Punk versus John Cena. CM Punk gets some help at the end of the match by Vince McMahon and wins the title. CM Punk signs the contract after winning the title and John Cena is fired by Vince McMahon. OR Vince McMahon helps CM Punk win the title, having an agreement with CM Punk that if he wins the title he will sign the contract. CM Punk decides not to sign the contract but Vince McMahon STILL has to fire John Cena.
  21. Agreed. I'd rather have Beth Phoenix do that. Or maybe that was for Kharma before she had to leave because of the pregnancy?
  22. That segment actually made me laugh, though. But I really wish they would have a true brand split and not have guys from Smackdown feuding with guys from Raw.
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