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Arlie Rahn

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Everything posted by Arlie Rahn

  1. Yes, each player's weight will gravitate towards their ideal weight through training and conditioning. Players will perform better (ie, more consistent) when they get closer to their ideal weight.
  2. We consolidated the sub forums. There is now a 2007-2013 mods sub forum below. Here's the thread with them: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=525274
  3. If you are interested in the freeware version of Total Extreme Wrestling 2005, you can download it here: http://download.elicense.com/gds/TEW2005_setup.exe
  4. We are going to be moving servers in the summer (when I find a 2-day downtime that works). After that, we can try re-opening parts of the forum again. We were just getting hammered by bots around release time (and this crappy server hosting situation we have).
  5. Honestly, this is a great thread - Im going to sticky this up top (esp for new users). Thanks foolinc!
  6. OK, cool. I freed up some memory and dedicated it to our PHP processes. Hopefully that helps. I am about over our hosting company, though. So, still expect a note in the next two months that we will be moving over a day or two (more info when we get closer).
  7. Here's another option if using IE: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/967897/cannot-access-some-websites-in-internet-explorer
  8. <p>I'm going to be switching soon. So, hopefully it will get better then. In the meantime, I will keep monitoring and trying to improve it. It's just odd that only a few people get it. I run this site from 5 different PCs (and locations) and our entire team is spread out on the US and UK. None of us have seen it.</p><p> </p><p> Here's another article of things to try:</p><p> </p><p> <a href="https://blog.pcrisk.com/windows/12803-err-connection-timed-out" rel="external nofollow">https://blog.pcrisk.com/windows/12803-err-connection-timed-out</a></p>
  9. OK, I haven't seen anything in the logs that shows too many connections. Here's another article to check: https://www.incrediblelab.com/connection-timed-out-error-fixed/ I also made some tweaks to the site so we can see if it helps.
  10. It may be worth trying a different browser and seeing if you get the same issue. I mostly use Firefox or Edge across three different PCs and haven't seen it yet. Here's something to look at as well: https://kinsta.com/blog/err_connection_timed_out/
  11. Yeah, I tried to find a combination of what gets you guys exposure - as well as respects the rules of our company/site. I think this thread would work the best. Sorry about the confusion, Mammoth. I'm going to close this thread to funnel all the posts to the new thread.
  12. Guys, I've setup a thread where each person can provide some info about them and their own site (if they have one): http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=547596
  13. We have a ton of great community members who do things ranging from helping with support, to answering questions and even creating their own content. We wanted to setup a thread that allows people in our community to tell us a little about each of you. A few guidelines: Please do not provide a paypal or donation link directly in your post. If you want to provide an email or an external address where people can learn more about you - have at it! Thanks, Arlie
  14. Actually, signatures could get to be a bit of chore since we would have to manage that. What if we setup an intro community thread where everyone can list their info?
  15. I would prefer it not occur on our forums. So you could have them shoot you an email or link to a website address that has something setup. To use my above example: Arlie Rahn SubPar Mods check me out here (maybe even buy me a coffee) - http://www.websitelink.com or subparmod@myemail.com
  16. We just have to be careful from a copywrite/trademark standpoint. We, as a company, have been very clear that we are not paying to have any licensed material in our game. Now, if you guys want to make a post like this, we can setup a thread: Arlie Rahn SubPar Mods check me out here - http://www.websitelink.com And then, on your page, you can put whatever you like. We don't have a problem with that. We just can't have a clear donation link on a forum post involving something like that.
  17. We've answered this before - closing thread.
  18. There are some pretty substantial changes in regards to the background, button format, arrows and menu options. I attached the original dojo/training and here is the new one: http://greydogsoftware.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/10TEW2020_Dojos.jpg
  19. All links were updated this morning with the latest content - so it should be all you need.
  20. Grey Dog Software, a Phoenix based developer of sports management simulation software for personal computers, is pleased to announce the retail release of Total Extreme Wrestling 2020. The full version of TEW2020 is now available for digital download exclusively through Grey Dog Software for $34.95. You can purchase the game at our web store. You can also download the full install, demo to retail upgrade or just try the free demo at one of the locations below (installs updated to version 1.09): Demo to retail upgrade (download this if you have the demo): server 1 server 2 Full Install: server 1 server 2 Free Demo: server 1 server 2
  21. I worked with the Title Bout guys back at .400 software studios (with the OOTP guys too). They were good guys and really knew boxing. They've always been looking for someone to help with the career aspect while they focused on the boxing.
  22. We try to use our Facebook page for a lot of that - but it's not a bad idea to use this as well.
  23. OK, yeah - I see what you mean now. That makes sense. My response would be if you can bear with us for the next two weeks - you can get the full version then. If we stopped and redid the beta, you may have a few more months now - but would have to wait until the end of May for the full version. Everything has a tradeoff.
  24. The issue with extending the beta is it would take a chunk of the two weeks to change the timeframe, add in additional code/features and re-test it. The goal is to test the "trouble areas" and those are the same with 2 months or 4 months: customization options, interface changes, screen transitions, some DB calls after changes, etc. If everything was great and we just hit issues at the end of the 2nd month (and had a ton of stability in later months in the earlier beta), maybe that would make sense. But it doesn't given what we are working on with TEW2020.
  25. Guys, as I've said in other posts, we really appreciate your enthusiasm. With that in mind, I will try to give you some reasons on why we want to avoid taking pre-orders or releasing the game in its current state (when more changes are ongoing): 1. Whenever you do pre-orders, there is a huge push to get the game out ASAP. People have already paid, they are getting restless and even the best companies often cut corners to get the game out and relieve some of that pressure. Our preference as a company is to wait until we feel comfortable releasing the game before taking your money. That doesn't mean the game is perfect, but it atleast at a spot where we've resolved most of the known issues. 2. It is very hard to support the open beta demo and a released full version (for early buyers) at the same time. If we let people buy a "beta" version of the full version today, Adam would be spending time fixing the full version issues and then trying to go back and fix issues (maybe even the same one) in the demo beta version. That's a lot for one person. 3. The psychology of people play-testing a free demo is significantly different than someone who paid $35 and hits an error in year one. It just is. The person who paid is going to have a lot less patience and be more likely to bad-mouth the game. In some ways, that's fair as not everyone who buys the game wants to sign up to be a beta tester for the first two weeks. On the flip side, if you get the free demo and hit some issues, you usually don't mind as much (it was free). You can either go back to TEW2016 if you don't want to test it or embrace the beta process. 4. Finally, a lot of times we may need to make database changes in the early beta that leave a save unusable. For a limited demo, that's not as big a deal as people have to restart fairly often as it is (once they hit the limit). But, if we have a full version that people purchased, that becomes more frustrating. Imagine spending $35, setting up a mod and playing out 4-5 years and then being told you have to restart because patch 10 makes all prior saves invalid? It also puts Adam in a situation early where he may have to go against a better long term fix during this beta period in order to try and keep beta saves usable. There's always a chance early in development that the save format needs to be changed, but that chance goes down once we complete the public demo period. Many companies who make great games take preorders and do a very good job with it. We just find that for our unique situation as a smaller company, the limited demo public beta period before taking money from customers works the best.
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