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About Kieran_Lives

  • Birthday 08/03/1989

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  1. Thanks for the posts, peeps. I'll catch up with responses tomorrow. I got caught up this past week with work, but I will most definitely have my next novel (aka show) posted in the next day or two. I appreciate everyone's participation, and I can't wait to unleash more of Remo's dastardly deeds on everyone.
  2. These ideas are better than the one I have in mind haha.
  3. Thanks guys. The new show will be up tomorrow, but there's still time to get some last-minute predictions in. I'm also going to think up some prizes for the winner after the PPV.
  4. Shotgun Saturday Night Farooq/PG-13 Ahmed Johnson The Godwinns Goldust Saturday Morning Superstars Rocky Mil Mascaras/Perro/Octagon Mero The Undertaker Raw Owen Hart Can-Am Express Vader Comments: Bobby Duncum Jr. costs Bret on Raw and gets thrust into a main event feud.
  5. Great show. I'm also shocked that Disco got a higher rating than an RVD segment, but Glenn was a draw for sure.
  6. I was already a Time Master mark, but that hot air balloon segment is some next-level brilliance.
  7. I love this. I'd be keen to read your stuff to see how you apply that outsider view to a pro wrestling context. I'm a lifelong fan, but I've actually found myself more inspired by movies and TV shows while coming up with ideas for my diary, albeit ones that are currently in the pipeline.
  8. Benny and The Foxx Tana the Mighty Bart Biggins Maverick Bradley Blaze Jay Chord I'm very much looking forward to The Troy Story as well.
  9. Pumpkin Jack Kalliope Woodchuck Celestina Cherish & C-W-A Pink Spider Sky's the Limit Hez Jendell I'm really looking forward to Way of the Jester. I'm sorry to hear that you have internet shows, but the story is there and while your presentation is terrific, it's the story is what brings us back.
  10. Supreme TV: August 19, 2022 Preview & Predictions The Dallas Cowboys vs. DomiNation Kip Keenan vs. Robbie Wright “Hollywood” Brett Star vs. Monty Trescarde Rogue vs. Deever Arnold The Awesomeness vs. Hawaiian Crush Des Davids vs. Lenny Brown Bonus: Who is the celebrity who’ll be confirmed for the PPV? Bonus: Who is the “The Fool” referred to in Scythe’s cryptic promos? Bonus: Will there be an appearance from a retired SWF legend? If so, which one? Bonus: What Will Remo's punishment be?
  11. I completely empathise with having influences that are all over the place haha. I've actually grown to appreciate sports entertainment all over again these past few years, but I think the best products have a combination of everything. AEW from 2019-2021 had a great balance. I'm looking forward to seeing how all of these influences inform TCW.
  12. I'm quite enjoying the ratings struggle from a storyline point of view, as this is the first time in history that SWF being overtaken by SWF. It's a nice challenge to overcome. Right now, I'm more focused on establishing characters and storylines for diary purposes, and it has led to some ratings dips (my third show tanked, but it was the most fun to write haha). I'll be bidding for a couple of TCW's stars when they become available, but my main goal is to start elevating my younger stars and building some stars from the ground up. USPW is signing every free agent with over 40 pop at the moment, the majority of whom are over 40. They have some decent younger stars, but their focus seems to be on aging stars.
  13. Tuesday Night Ratings War: TCW Tops SWF for Second Week in a Row The Tuesday night wrestling war continues to heat up as Total Championship Wrestling's (TCW) flagship show, “Total Wrestling,” once again emerged victorious over the Supreme Wrestling Federation's (SWF) “Supreme TV.” For the second consecutive week, TCW took the lead with 2,657,392 viewers, marking a slight increase from last week's 2,549,767. Meanwhile, “Supreme TV” saw a dip in its audience, drawing 2,396,357 viewers compared to last week's 2,401,847. This result has surprised many within the wrestling community, as SWF's current programming is centered around significant events, including the upcoming 50th Anniversary Spectacular and the recent passing of legendary founder Richard Eisen. Despite the emotional weight of these storylines, the company is in a period of transition, gradually shifting away from its long-established, family-friendly sports entertainment style towards a more mature and adult-oriented product. In contrast, TCW's success has been attributed to its emphasis on delivering a high-quality in-ring product, something that has resonated well with fans seeking pure wrestling action. Interestingly, despite the decline in viewership, this week's episode of “Supreme TV” was well-received, earning an 81 score -- a rating matched by “Total Wrestling.” Both shows received better reviews than United States Pro Wrestling's (USPW) weekly program, which scored a 79, though USPW's show managed to draw more viewers than either TCW or SWF, once again eclipsing the 10 million mark. As SWF's viewership dwindles, rumors are swirling that the company plans to bring in several wrestling legends to bolster its 50th Anniversary Spectacular, a move that has reportedly been in the works for some time, rather than a reaction to the recent ratings struggle. Additionally, next week's “Supreme TV” is expected to feature the reveal of a celebrity host for the anniversary event, a development that could potentially reignite fan interest. The recent changes in SWF's creative direction have sparked mixed reactions among the fanbase. Social media @ItsJustJustin praised the company's decision to elevate the group Awesomeness Unleashed and the character development of fan-favorite Remo, whose new presentation has been widely acclaimed. Similarly, @neslo024 commended the writing team for implementing some character makeovers that buck SWF traditions. However, it remains to be seen if these shifts will be enough to reverse SWF's current slide in the ratings. As both promotions continue to vie to gain ground on USPW, the wrestling world eagerly awaits the next chapter in this evolving rivalry. Will SWF's return to its roots? Will the inclusion of legendary figures and a high-profile celebrity be enough to reclaim the top spot? Or will TCW's dedication to in-ring excellence keep it on the path to victory? Fans will have to tune in next Tuesday to find out.
  14. I can't wait until this gets started. Even the character bios are brilliant, and if you put this much effort into the shows, they're going to be great to read.
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