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Bad Collin

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Everything posted by Bad Collin

  1. I restarted sooner than I thought! I hit number one in the world with TCW and my Total Mayhem main event got messed up with a month to go so I realised I had achieved everything I was going to on that save. So, meet Archibald Arnold: I have decided to game this save as much as possible hence the return to the old style of points distribution. Here is the company: I think there is a lot of untapped potential in women fighting men as underdogs, if Rey Mysterio can be world champion then why not Becky Lynch? Thea Davis is my owner and will be the main female worker. Also, the idea of starting in Boston with a British character is an attempt to get easy storyline ideas - Arnold will be leading a Redcoat faction for example. Here's the product: Wish me luck! Edit: I realise that I made a big geography mistake, for some reason I thought that MA was in the Tri State region! The promotion is based in Tri State but I guess to start off we're running towns in upstate New York around Albany.
  2. First time I have ever seen this. I was planning to turn Knight to avoid a babyface v babyface match as the Total Mayhem main event but i'm not prepared to annoy my top guy this much. Edit: He's not lying either, he needs to negotiate better terms though: If I were him i'd be more annoyed that he is getting 10k a month whereas Marc Speed is stinking up the upper-mid card on £370k a month.
  3. Good luck CR. I'm getting close to abandoning my save as an RTG. My UC has wrestled 346 matches and is still only up to 59 brawling, 84 Psych and 72 selling. My pop has capped out at 72. The thing is that the save itself is one of my all time favourites so i'm going to carry on for now to take TCW to number one and keep booking the rise of Tommy Cornell Jr.
  4. TCW have hit Titanic in January 2027, all that remains for the company is to chase down USPW and get the #1 spot. Time for another roll: 2. "War is Good for Business" Your owner demands you declare war on another promotion in the same area. (do nothing if your owner blocks you) So I declared war on USPW, i'm not sure what practical effect this will have though. Achievements remaining after my roll amnesty: Becoming Elite - Earn a Match Grade of 90 or More With Your Wrestler [unlocked; rolled - 6. "Master And Disciple” You can become the protégé of anyone 10 years or more older than you are (they must be on your roster) OR you can become the mentor of anyone 10 years or more younger than you (they must be on your roster). Randomly roll from anyone who is eligible.] Almost There - Earn a Match Grade of 99 or More With Your Wrestler Unsinkable - Work for a Titanic company 2. "War is Good for Business" Your owner demands you declare war on another promotion in the same area. (do nothing if your owner blocks you) Going Places - Break into the Top 250 [unlocked; rolled - 4. "Chance Encounter" While on holiday abroad you have befriended a wrestler and offered them a job (choose a wrestler in another regional area who is unemployed, make them active in your area and create a Strong Friendship between you and them)] Turn of A Centenary - Break into the Top 100 A Select Few- Break into the Top 50 Best of the Best- Break into the Top 10 Legendary Event - Have one of your events reach Legendary importance or win the main event of an already legendary show [unlocked; rolled - 34. “So, Tell Me About Your Mother…” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Psychology skill] Legendary Year - Win wrester of the year in the annual awards Roll for 2027: 15. "Painkillers are mankind's way of saying 'just watch me'" Add "Pain Killer Abuser" to your character’s addictions. If you have this already then upgrade to "Heavy Pain Killer Abuser" or "Former Pain Killer Abuser" if previously a Heavy Pain Killer Abuser. The only achievements left are match rating based, 2027 is the year of the GGG mega push so let's see how that goes.
  5. This is a very interesting take on the challenge, i'm looking forward to seeing how this works out.
  6. I have just finished 2027 and I am still a long way off completing this thing. So far I have.. ...booked 326 shows ...wrestled 312 matches (203 wins, 109 losses) ...got a highest match rating of 92 (Chris Flynn and Aaron Knight over Glorious George Green and Edward Cornell) ...reached #243 in the Power 500 2026 was a great success for TCW, we won company of the year and card of the year for the second year in a row. We are now the second biggest company in the world and are not too far away from hitting Titanic. I do have two big problems; firstly I just can't keep my top guys over, one loss sends their popularity crashing and no amount of great segments brings it back. Secondly my owner changed my product to Classic Wild West which I am finding hard to get great ratings with and I have so many injuries! Here are the remaining achievements for my character after my roll anmesty: Becoming Elite - Earn a Match Grade of 90 or More With Your Wrestler [unlocked; rolled - 6. "Master And Disciple” You can become the protégé of anyone 10 years or more older than you are (they must be on your roster) OR you can become the mentor of anyone 10 years or more younger than you (they must be on your roster). Randomly roll from anyone who is eligible.] Almost There - Earn a Match Grade of 99 or More With Your Wrestler Unsinkable - Work for a Titanic company Going Places - Break into the Top 250 [unlocked; rolled - 4. "Chance Encounter" While on holiday abroad you have befriended a wrestler and offered them a job (choose a wrestler in another regional area who is unemployed, make them active in your area and create a Strong Friendship between you and them)] Turn of A Centenary - Break into the Top 100 A Select Few- Break into the Top 50 Best of the Best- Break into the Top 10 Legendary Event - Have one of your events reach Legendary importance or win the main event of an already legendary show [unlocked; rolled - 34. “So, Tell Me About Your Mother…” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Psychology skill] Legendary Year - Win wrester of the year in the annual awards Roll for 2027: 15. "Painkillers are mankind's way of saying 'just watch me'" Add "Pain Killer Abuser" to your character’s addictions. If you have this already then upgrade to "Heavy Pain Killer Abuser" or "Former Pain Killer Abuser" if previously a Heavy Pain Killer Abuser. On the drugs again! This character is cursed. The chance encounter one is interesting but obviously more powerful in the earlier years. Since I can sign anyone worldwide anyway I decided to pick a holiday destination and take the best worker I could find. I went on holiday to Tokyo and signed up a generated worker called Arata Iijima - he looks like he could be decent.
  7. Best of luck Redwulf! Based on my experience, I do think the quick skill creation method is detrimental to your chances though. It makes such a big difference to be able to put some stats (especially Psych, Selling and one top row stat) up to 75 to start.
  8. I had a generated guy who I thought was never going to be more than a jobber so he spent two years on the preshow helping others build their momentum. Eventually I realised that he had developed into a decent worker with A menace and A charisma so I repackaged him as The Slayer, found a cool render for him and gave him a slow push to the top. He ended up being one of my top stars but I don't think he was ever world champion because his work was never world class.
  9. I think in TEW stories start with building some meat around your workers; finishes, hometowns, strengths, weaknesses, alliances, rivalries etc. As an example. I have the good luck to have hired Tommy Cornell Jr. as TCW and so far he has rejected his father's legacy and left The Syndicate and is blazing his own path. He is feuding with all the heels as he works his way up the card and learns something new from every feud. His last feud was against shallow midcarder Chance Fortune and he learnt that vanity can hold your career back. He currently teaming with Elliot Thomas who was the first to beat him, he is going to close that loop by beating Thomas for the TV title very soon. How will this end up? Does Cornell rejoin The Syndicate as leader or fight them with his own group, i'm not sure yet but stories like this are driving my game along.
  10. As I mentioned before I have made a roll anmesty an official rule and used mine in September 2026. In October I got my first 90+ match teaming with Edward Cornell against Aaron Knight and Chris Flynn. Here are the remaining achievements for my character after my roll anmesty: Becoming Elite - Earn a Match Grade of 90 or More With Your Wrestler [unlocked; rolled - 6. "Master And Disciple” You can become the protégé of anyone 10 years or more older than you are (they must be on your roster) OR you can become the mentor of anyone 10 years or more younger than you (they must be on your roster). Randomly roll from anyone who is eligible.] Almost There - Earn a Match Grade of 99 or More With Your Wrestler Unsinkable - Work for a Titanic company Going Places - Break into the Top 250 Turn of A Centenary - Break into the Top 100 A Select Few- Break into the Top 50 Best of the Best- Break into the Top 10 Legendary Event - Have one of your events reach Legendary importance or win the main event of an already legendary show [unlocked; rolled - 34. “So, Tell Me About Your Mother…” You have devoted your holiday season to training in the ring +5 to your Psychology skill] Legendary Year - Win wrester of the year in the annual awards Interesting roll but i'm not sure if the master/protegee relationship works with user characters. Anyway I have 27 eligible mentors on my roster and the pick was...Flying Jimmy Fox. I rolled for legendary event too since most of the TCW PPVs have gone up to legendary status in the year and a half I have been booking them. The Psych boost is very useful.
  11. Fili has been getting a slow burn push for about a year. He's ok (71 brawling, 80 psych and 70 selling) but he's not ready for the main event. I think it's funny that so many people want to put him over when I have Tommy Cornell Jr. moving up the card too.
  12. So you think this Fili kid has a chance? Knight and Remus are my top two stars, there's no way i'm jobbing them out to someone with 71 pop.
  13. In 2020 my current save is just nearing the end of 2026. There does seem to be an issue in the current game where some companies go bust very quickly but if you survive a few years there is infinite money to be made. I am finishing last of three in every national battle and it doesn't seem to have any effect. USPW and SWF both have over 500 million in the bank. As TCW I have 250 million and I have fully upgraded a broadcaster. The top companies don't seem to be competing for limited money/attention from fans and so there is no change, companies just get bigger month by month. In 2016 I had a save in the CV97 mod which I stopped booking in 2013, so 16 years for that one. I think by that point whoever you are booking is always the dominant force in wrestling and the wrestling world is shaped how you want it.
  14. I think the uselessness of weekly shows is a big issue in this version of the game. There is no reason to run weekly shows unless you are role playing. Interesting that you use autobooker too. You might be right about experience but there is more too it as well. I am in my seventh year on my RTG save and there have only been 37 100 rated matches in total. BHOTWG have had 13 99's and no 100 rated match. Keep it up, hopefully you will be the first to beat the challenge!
  15. You are making insane progress! Aaron Knight is my big star in my RTG too, I also have Tommy Cornell Jr. How many shows are you booking a year and how do you book them so fast?
  16. Pre and post match time is also great for testing tag chemistry. I usually build my tag division by trying out all possible combinations of wrestlers on the pre show.
  17. Good progress Chisoku. I always start my games in the UK so miss out on Youngman etc, I think next time i'll start in the States. I'm still deep into year seven and my owner Lisa Bowen keeps putting obstacles in my path. My owner goals mean that I can't hire anyone from a medium company or higher so I have to make my own stars. Now she just changed the product to classic wild west which seems to be tanking my match ratings. I decided to gauge my progress by booking my UC in a main event on TV against my top guy, Aaron Knight, and the match got 89 even though my overness is 55.
  18. Yes, given that we are nearly two years in with no completed challenges yet maybe Prodigy is allowable. On the subject of rule changes; i'm thinking of adding an 'attribute reset' rule. I think we should be able to remove attributes via the editor but all attributes not just the negative ones. This way you can remove the drug addictions etc but you lose the positive attribute rolls too. I've just done this with my UC so he is no longer a Heavy drug user and drinker with a chequered past but he is also no longer a boxer/TV actor with midas touch. The question is how often would resets be allowed? Once a career? Every five years?
  19. Often and I'm about to strike again. Joshua Taylor's contact is up and he has 28 stamina, a highest top row stat of 53 and 73 pop...better get used to looking at those lights Josh.
  20. I'm pretty sure they were loosened significantly at some point but I don't know for sure.
  21. That's the idea but when you spend so long playing as one character you don't want that ruined by a few bad rolls. I decided to fix my save by sending myself to rehab (not booking myself for a month and removing addictions via the editor) and by sacking the dirty doctor (realistically something like the Brent death would make the owner act). I don't think my guy is going to complete the challenge anyway but I am pretty invested in the save and I just bought out the company I started the challenge with as booker of TCW which is pretty interesting. I also have Tommy Cornell Jr. so I want to see how that goes. I don't think anyone has completed the challenge yet. It was hard when the game first came out because of the pop caps.
  22. I'm just over a year into my rebuild of TCW. They were really struggling when I took over in February 2025 and although we are still #3 we are consistantly outperforming SWF and USPW in show quality which is how things should be. Total Mayhem XXX is in the books and despite my new big star, Americana Jr., suffering a semi-severed spinal column in March I managed to push Aaron Knight to the main event and still have a big babyface 'Mayhem moment': You can probably guess where I am going with the next 12 months of booking.
  23. I know. Would it be an overreaction to start a new RTG and remove the negative rolls? Or maybe a new rule that you don't have to take the roll (no re-roll though)? My enthusiasm for this save has really been sapped by the constant bad rolls.
  24. I fired up my RTG save for the first time in months and after about a month of in game time the dirty doctor roll already seems set to really hold me back; Brent Hill died of a drug overdose and my prestige went down to 50%.
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