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  1. WEEK 3 January 14th to 20th 1997 Shotgun Saturday Night #3 Shotgun Sheriff Badge, Handicap: Ahmed Johnson (c) vs PG-13 Falls Count Anywhere: The Godwinns vs The Headbangers Hardy Boys vs Pierroth Jr./Cibernetico Caribbean Strap: Faarooq vs Savio Vega BONUS: Who answers Stone Cold's Texas open challenge? British Bulldog Comments: Sunday Morning Superstars #536 Alex Porteau vs British Bulldog Fuerza Guerrera/Heavy Metal/Abismo Negro vs Mil Mascaras/Hector Garza/Latin Lover Mankind/The Executioner vs Diesel/Razor Ramon Shawn Michaels vs The Goon Comments: Monday Night Raw #194 Bret Hart vs Leif Cassidy Mankind vs Terry Funk WWF Intercontinental: HHH (c) vs Marc Mero Shawn Michaels/??? vs Stone Cold/??? BONUS: Who is Shawn Michaels' partner? Razor Ramon BONUS: Who is Stone Cold's partner? Jeff Hardy Comments:
  2. --=NEXT TIME ON LUCHA STORM=-- --=TORNADO ALLEY=-- Lucha Storm is headed north of the Red River to Oklahoma for one night only! Live from Oklahoma City, American Luchador Action as Lucha Storm presents TORNADO ALLEY! Cyclops |vs| Huracan Sandoval Jr |vs| Snap Dragon Jr Corruption |vs| Komodo Dragon El Demonio Grande |vs| Mr. Sandman Royalty (Snake King and Aztec Prince) |vs| Storm's End (Rey Del Cielo and Shooting Star Perez) Amazing Fire Fly |vs| A Member of WyldStyle
  3. --=CYCLONE=-- Show Rating : 58 (oof) --=ANGLE=-- Tigre Salvaje Jr makes his way down to the ring to open Cyclone. He may not have the best skills on the microphone but his recent turn to the dark side has the crowd eating out of the palm of his hands. He makes it clear that he and his new allies are unhappy about Pumpkin Jack showing up to ruin their debut as a group. Clearly, that must have been a fluke as Jack doesn't belong in Lucha Storm causing problems for the men who built this company from the ground up. "Without outside help, Caro Lucha Man and Amazing Fire Fly would have been reduced to kibble by WyldStyle." - Tigre Salvaje Jr He continues his tirade about Fire Fly and how helpless he would be to stop them if it wasn't for Jack and the other misfits from half way around the world. Unfortunately, he goes on long enough that Amazing Fire Fly gets tired of listening to him and makes his way down to the ring. The two men have a quick battle of words. "How about we find out how helpless I am? Tonight! Amazing Fire Fly versus Tigre Salvaje Jr!" - Amazing Fire Fly "Tonight? You're joking! Tonight the Jungle Cats are going to DECIMATE Royalty. You and I will have our battle, but not tonight. Tonight is for celebrating." - Tigre Salvaje Jr Rating : 55 --=OPENING MATCH=-- Komodo Dragon vs Wild Turkey vs Rating : 25 | Match Length : 6:33 Wild Turkey makes his Lucha Storm debut and the fans are not into it. They don't have the same hatred for him that they did Young Justice, but his shtick isn't over. It's going to take a lot of work between him and the creative team to turn this around. Komodo Dragon on the other hand looked to be improving. His time with El Brillante seems to be doing wonders for him. This is a fairly standard match for Lucha Storm and Komodo Dragon comes out the victor. --=ANGLE=-- The lights dim, DIES IRAE begins to play. Pablo Rodriguez walks out to the top of the entrance ramp with a microphone in his hand. He flattens the lapel on his robe while he waits for the crowd to settle down. He hypes up himself and the other members of the Church of Pain, El Majestad, Hablador and Hysteria. Tonight though, the Church is going to introduce Lucha Storm to an unstoppable force of nature. "The Church's own personal Demon!" - Pablo Rodriguez The mountain of a man is six foot, eight inches tall. He towers over Pablo. He uses his natural presence to put fear into the crowd. To get across just how devastating El Demonio Grande is, he will dismantle on of the original members of Los Santos. The Mysterious Saint, Viento Negro, will crumble before the Church of Pain! Rating : 28 --=MATCH TWO==- Viento Negro vs El Demonio Grande vs Rating : 29 | Match Length : 8:03 These two men display an amazing chemistry working off of one another. And, the Great Demon does some great work for his first wrestling match after graduating from a wrestling academy at the beginning of the year. This match is eight minutes of Viento attempting to find a weakness on the monster, using his speed to maneuver himself out of the way of attacks. Until finally the demon catches up to him and flattens him. The Church of Pain picks up a win. --=MATCH THREE=-- Cyclops vs Papa Grande vs Rating : 28 | Match 4:53 This match barely gets underway before the two are throwing everything they have at each other. Papa Grande is doing everything in his power to not become the next victim of Cyclops' rampages through the locker room. It's mayhem at ringside as the go to war. Papa Grande gets taken out by a massive powerbomb onto the announcer's desk. The referee and several staff members come to check on Papa and slow the match down but this sends Cyclops into a frenzy. He leaves the arena entirely causing a count out loss to Papa Grande who barely manages to crawl back into the ring. The fans hated it. And that's okay. --=ANGLE=-- The show cuts to Dane O'Harra and Madman Boone standing behind the shattered remains of the announce table. While the ring is cleared and Papa Grande makes back to his feet they talk a little about Blue Phantom's injury at the hands of Cyclops. Dane touches his headset and nods. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I've received word that Cyclops has continued his attacks backstage. Several members of our road crew seem to have been injured alongside Goldenrod. Unfortunately, Goldenrod was intended to compete in our next match and he's not going to be able to." - Dane O'Hara "El Tona better start finding himself a new partner quick because that match is now!" - Madman Boone Rating : 50 --=MATCH FOUR=-- Brain & Brawn vs El Tona and Deadly Deadshot vs Rating : 52 | Match Length : 10:29 El Tona makes his way to the ring only to be joined by Lucha Storm's resident mercenary. They seem to work fairly well as a team, giving Chess Maniac and Death's Head a solid match. Without Goldenrod in the ring to slow him down, El Tona gets to shine here. This may be the best rated match he's had in Lucha Storm. The team experience of Chess Maniac and Death's Head does give them an edge. But, it's made clear in the storytelling that they hadn't prepared for Deadly Deadshot to be in the ring tonight. All of Chess Maniac's tricks were prepared for Goldenrod. So, it takes them longer than usual to find the win. --=MATCH FIVE=-- El Majestad vs Caro Lucha Man vs Rating : 51 | Match Length : 6:04 El Majestad's entire demeanor has changed in his entrance. It's clear that he's no longer the leader of a faction but a follower of Pablo Rodriguez and whatever dark spirit is manifesting in him. Pablo is at ringside directing the action. There is a lot of history between Caro Lucha Man and El Majestad that gets drug up to the forefront in this match with call back spots and scouting that comes from multiple matches against one another. The middle of the match is plagued by an appearance from Tigre Salvaje Jr who comes in and wipes out Caro Lucha Man while Pablo distracts the referee. This is the turning point of the match and El Majestad takes over with a brutal assault as Tigre leaves through a hateful crowd. It takes time and a single mistake for Caro Lucha Man to mount a heroic comeback. He digs deep and manages to overcome El Majestad in the center of the ring, forcing him to tap out. --=ANGLE=-- We cut away to Texas Tornado sitting in the locker room, he's unwrapping his wrist tape. His head is hung as he begins talking about Snake King and Aztec Prince. He considers their attack on him just the repercussion of all the negative karma he's built up in his lifetime. He's been acting in bad faith for a long time now and it's lead him down the wrong path. He makes it clear that he's going to prove himself to be an example of what a True Texan should be. "I'm not perfect and I never will be. But, I can be better. I WILL be better. I'm going to be the Texas Tornado all of the Lucha Storm fans deserve!" - Texas Tornado Rating : 47 --=MAIN EVENT=-- Royalty vs Jungle Cats vs Rating : 59 | Match Length : 12:35 The crowd is excited for another match up between these two teams. All of last year they battled for a spot at the top of the Duos division. All of that spite and hatred is on display. Despite both teams leaning heavily into Rudo tactics, they are able to make it work. Snake King and Aztec Prince manage to isolate Amo Del Gato and force the fans to build slight sympathy for him when they do their signature constant corner tags. El Jaguar makes the heroic save but is cut off by Snake King with a massive lariat. Just when it looks like the Jungle Cats are going to climb back into this one, Caro Lucha Man's music hits and he walks out onto the entrance ramp. The crowd erupts into cheers. Amo Del Gato walks to the ropes and calls him down to the ring. Aztec Prince finds his footing, spins Amo Del Gato around and delivers a Trio of Powerbombs. Snake King rips El Jaguar off the apron and tosses him into the ringside barrier. Royalty pick up another win over the Jungle Cats. --=ANGLE=-- The show fades to a solid white screen. Gold rays flicker and then we slowly fade up on the Idol of Forerunner Totec. It's sitting on a stone pedestal in a cave dimly lit by flickering torches. The shuffle of approaching feet herald the arrival of El Brillante. He emerges from around the corner covered in dirt and grime as if he had been walking through jungles and delving in caves to find this spot. He walks up to the idol and places his hands on it. The screen flashes a brilliant gold for a half second to hid a jump cut. Suddenly, El Brillante's costume has more frills. He's wearing a gold and black shoulder and chest armor with a cape hanging from the back. He hoists the idol from its platform and holds it over his head. "The future is BRILLIANT!" - El Brillante Rating : 44 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --=BACKSTAGE EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS=-- Chris Caulfield has taken Sidewinder on as a protégé. The two were seen working on promos. Caro Lucha Man seems to be a little jealous of the extra attention and had a heated argument with Chris before the show. Barry Kingman stepped in to separate the two and Caro almost became physical with Barry as will. And, heated arguments continue backstage as in the aftermath, Amo Del Gato and Dolphin Master had to be separated. El Brillante is currently working with 12 students in his role as head trainer. Young Justice, not landing with the Lucha Storm crowd, has been sent on an excursion to Mexico where he will work with some of his peers in EMLL. I'm sure this will help....
  4. I was going back to work on Wednesday Nitro and so I redid Friday to better fit the WCW logo in my mind. I've also made two variations of the WCW logo. If you need the larger PNG files let me know.
  5. Count me in, starting today. Meet David Starr Who will be working for Buffalo Backyard Wrestling to start his career..
  6. --=COMING SOON=-- --=CYCLONE=-- Our next show sees the debut of two more young wrestlers for the company. We're slowly filling up the bottom of the card and pulling in people that can take a few losses from the top of it. Komodo Dragon vs Wild Turkey Viento Negro vs El Demonio Grande Cyclops vs Papa Grande Brain & Brawn vs El Tona and Deadly Deadshot El Majestad vs Caro Lucha Man Royalty vs Jungle Cats
  7. I did a dumb thing while playing with AI tonight. I don't have enough time to develop this into a full mod but if anyone feels so inspired, they are welcome to these.
  8. 1. Mr. India vs Noxious 2. EMLL Tri-Ring Title Shot: Naagas vs The Boys 3. No DQ Match: Historia vs Malefic 4. Ring of Inferno: La Bestia Morada vs Pyromaniac
  9. I feel like the closest way we have to simulate this is to film 4 shows at a time once a month. Then set the show to go dormant after six months and come back active six months later.
  10. I wish I would have saved my working file, that would have made this as simple as typing "Wednesday". I will see what I can do tomorrow. If I come up with something better than the last one perhaps I will redo it too.
  11. Club Exotico 3 - Card Portadoras De La Muerte (Calavera De Azúcar Exotico Muertos) v Glamour y Clase (Glamourzonia & Carlotta) in an Evening Gown Match La Catrina v Ganymede Jt La Dama Oscura v La Nieve Leopardo LLL Mexican - Styx (c) v Toci Reinas Araña (Reina Hoshino & Spider Isako) v Surf's Up (Jonathan Wesker & Surfer Dude Lucas) Nakayama v Lila Storm LLL FDL Tag - The Ivy & The Vine (Chloe Ryan & Charlotte Walker) (C) v Ronin (The Great Kendo & Switchblade Ibata) Los Demonios (Devil's Granddaughter Ms Marie Laveau Santanico) v Verano Sin Fin (Luna Borg El Dragón Exótico Amante Del Fuego) Demonio v Fuego Fantastico LLL FDL Traingle - Dama de las Pesadillas (c) v Antonia Andreas Club Exotico (Ms Miranda Arco Iris) v Ladrones De Vidas ( Jackie The Ripper La Bandida) LLL FDL Trios - Los Pecardos (Verduga Payaso Jr El Enigma) (c) v Club Exotico (Freya Tuck La Cisne La Cisne Negra)
  12. TNA Impact Card Paul Levesque debuts Ink Inc. Vs Mexican America I could go either way on this one. Perhaps Mexican America would be the better choice but...meh! Douglas Williams Vs Rob Terry Mickie James ( C ) Vs Madison Rayne for the Knockouts Championship I think you keep the Knockouts Championship on James as long as possible. Christopher Daniels Vs Austin Aries Vs Shannon Moore (Winner faces Abyss at Slammiversary for the X-Division title) Listen, stick him back in the El Gran Luchador mask and give him a push to the top... Kurt Angle Vs RVD (Winner faces Sting at Slammiversary for the TNA World Heavyweight title.) I've never been a fan of RVD....
  13. --=GALE FORCE=-- Show Rating : 67 --=ANGLE=-- No video package plays to open Gale Force, instead we cut directly to the center of the ring where Pablo Rodriguez is already standing with a microphone in his hands. His priestly vestments bear streaks of orange and navy blue this week. Something very different from his typical all black and white look. The lights dim as the camera pushes in on him, illuminated by a spotlight. It takes several moments for the Austin crowd to settle down enough for him to speak. "Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight I promise a sacrifice to the Forerunners. I will give my own son to see their power return to this ring tonight. And, it's happening now!" - Pablo Rodriguez Rating : 58 --=OPENING MATCH=-- El Fuego Del Hijo vs Hablador / Hysteria / El Majestad vs Rating : 40 | Match Length : 2:33 El Fuego Del Hijo never had a chance at winning this one with the odds stacked so high against him. The three former members of Wild Riders come to the ring as a unit once again in gear with similar color stings to Pablo Rodriguez. The crowd almost seem to get behind El Fuego for a time but he's still attempting dirty tricks to come away with the victory, so no turn in sight. Hablador serves this match well by never getting tagged into the ring for the duration of the match. --=MATCH TWO=-- Carion vs Sidewinder **Winner become the Chosen of Tona** vs Rating : 36 | Match Length : 6:06 The chemistry between Sidewinder and Carion was awful and truly held this match back from being as good as it should have. The two have a very back and forth match but Carion comes away with the victory in this exchange. Sidewinder rolls to the outside after taking the loss, leaving Carion in the ring to celebrate. --=ANGLE=-- The lights in the arena go out for the second time tonight, plummeting the crowd into absolute darkness. Then, a dep green light illuminates Carion in the middle of the ring. The green light flickers for a few moments and then goes back out. It's dark again. After a few agonizing moments the lights come back up to reveal Carion holding the idol of one of the Forerunners over his head. The carved stone is roughly a foot from side to side. Carion celebrates while the crowd manages a few polite cheers. Rating : 28 --=MATCH THREE=-- Cyclops vs Blue Phantom vs Rating : 33 | Match Length : 5:30 Cyclops continues his push as a monster coming up with a big win over Blue Phantom. This keeps him undefeated so far this year and commentary pushes how much havoc he has been creating backstage with his assaults. No one has had an answer for this beast. --=ANGLE=-- Post match, we cut to Madman Boone and Dane O'Hara at the commentary desk. The pair announce that the main event is going to be a six man tag match between the newly aligned members of Wyldstyle and the team of Caro Lucha Man, Amazing Fire Fly and ZEN's very own Pumpkin Jack! Dane put his hand to his ear and announces in his best feigned surprise that there seems to be some commotion going on backstage. The video cut away to backstage where a slew of crew members are laid out and Cyclops is once again on the rampage. New comers Tsuchi and Young Justice attempt to get in his way and they are both viciously dealt with in rapid succession. As Cyclops rounds the corner out of sight we hear lots of screaming but the feed cuts back to the commentator's desk. "I've been told that American Animal is one of the victims of Cyclops' attack before we were on scene. Unfortunately he has sustained an injury in his assault and will not be able to compete with his tag partner tonight." - Dane O'Hara "Even more unfortunate, the Forerunners have decided to let Captain Lucha replace him in that match and it's up next." - Madman Boone Rating : 38 --=MATCH FOUR=-- Brain & Brawn vs American Flash & Captain Lucha vs Rating : 52 | Match Length : 7:40 Death's Head and Captain Lucha start out this match. Chess Maniac is playing up the disruption of his plan caused by the replacement of Captain Lucha so soon before the match. It's almost like he and Death's Head aren't clicking up until the half way point of the match. The duo isolate American Flash in their corner and put the boots to him. Captain Lucha takes the hot tag and runs wild on both members of Brain & Brawn until Death's Head cuts him off with a massive shoulder tackle. It's enough to sneak in a tag finisher and pick up the victory for the thinking man and his muscle. --=ANGLE=-- The show leaves the ring to a video package. It opens on a shot of a poorly maintained alter with Pablo Rodriguez standing behind it. He's using his left hand to trace words on the book splayed open on the alter while his right hand gestures to follow along with his rambling speech. He speaks in circles about pain, trials and victory. Often he says the name of one of the Forerunners announced at the beginning of the year. The camera begins to slowly pull back. This pan reveals that El Majestad, Hablador and Hysteria are sitting in the pews of a church just as dilapidated as the alter itself. As it continues to pull out the form of someone VERY large comes into focus and just as it does the shot goes black. Rating : 49 --=MATCH FIVE=-- Dolphin Master vs Snap Dragon Jr vs Rating : 39 | Match Length : 6:32 After the celebration we witnessed last week the commentary team really push hard on how different Dolphin Master is after winning his first match in Lucha Storm. His confidence is on the rise, he's pushing harder in the ring. It's a stunning change according to Dane O'Hara. And, that change leads to him picking up another victory here by pinning Snap Dragon Jr. --=MATCH SIX=-- Texas Tornado vs Aztec Prince vs Rating : 55 | Match Length : 6:33 Snake King is down at ringside as this match gets underway. The crowd isn't sure which of the three men to boo the most but Aztec Prince leans more into the Rudo aspects of his character leaving Texas Tornado feeling like a Technico by comparison. This match seems to be all Texas Tornado but every time he gets a full head of steam, Snake King steps up to distract him or grabs a foot under the ropes. They actually get the crowd believing that Aztec Prince is going to steal this one, but Texas Tornado knocks Snake King off the apron, delivers a Texano Bomb and picks up the win. --=ANGLE=-- Texas Tornado's arm is raised in victory and he begins to play to the crowd. Snake King slides in the ring behind him and delivers a drop kick to his back. Texas Tornado is stunned in the corner when Snake King dives on him and begins delivering repeated elbows. He keeps him down long enough for Aztec Prince to make it back to his feet. The members of Royalty continue their assault with a two on one advantage. Snake King drags Tornado to the center of the ring to deliver the Snake-Bite. Texas Tornado stumbles backward and doubles over. Aztec Prince delivers a trio of powerbombs to leave him laying flat. Royalty wipe their feet, kicking dust onto Texas Tornado before leaving the ring to a massive boo from the crowd. When Texas Tornado eventually makes it to his feet the crowd cheer him. Rating : 39 --=MAIN EVENT=-- El Jaguar / Tigre Salvaje Jr / Amo Del Gato vs Amazing Fire Fly / Caro Lucha Man / Pumpkin Jack vs Rating : 70 | Match Length : 9:47 This crowd is on fire after the assault of Texas Tornado and it shows when WyldStyle step out onto the entrance ramp as a unit for the first time. The chorus of boos drowns out their entrance music as they make their way to the ring. The Technicos come out one at a time, gathering up at the bottom of the ramp. The last of them is Pumpkin Jack who receives a heroes welcome to the ring. The six men put up a dazzling performance that ends with Amazing Fire Fly picking up the pin against Tigre Salvaje Jr. --------------------------------------------------------------------- --=BACKSTAGE EVENTS AND HAPPENINGS=-- Goldenrod continues to be out of control. If his streak of bad behavior continues, he's going to be looking for new contracts outside the company. For now, he's picking fights with fans outside the venue repeatedly and a fine didn't reign him in. So, I've got to step up the punishment. He's going to sit at home for the next 30 days in timeout. Snap Dragon Jr is likewise a continued issue. This week he damaged a SECOND rental car. This time that vehicle was being rented by Carion. He's been ordered to pay for the damages with another fine but no more funny business is going to be tolerated from Junior.
  14. Sadly, Young Justice won't be likely to win very many matches. The crowd absolutely hate him. And, Jungle Cats pick up a victory over Dos Capitanos. I want Captain Canada to perform so much better than he actually has. I think as the stories progress you'll likely get to be spot on with the predictions. You've only missed 3 off two shows so far.
  15. I've taken some creative freedom, narrowed up the letters a bit and added more of the slicing you see on the W's. I've included the original logo done to scale and a version already shrunk down to 150x150
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