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Everything posted by AfRoMaN36

  1. From what I've read, Bryan tried to give his notice, but was not only blocked, the WWE froze his contract so that time would not elapse. Retirement was his only way out of that situation. If this is true, than this probably means he will wrestle again when his contract is up.
  2. Well the last shred of my interest in the company as a whole is gone today. I haven't seen a full episode of RAW since before WM 30. I saw the one recently where Rock returned because I thought MAYBE it would be Bryan that would return instead. Really such a shame. The guy really got ****ed over by the WWE. I wish him the best. And I hope he does in fact work again. In fact I'm sure he will once the contract expires. I'll support the guy and watch him wherever he goes. I just know the E just dropped the ball on their most over babyface and certainly lost this viewer.
  3. This. I thought the exact same thing. Why would they simply hand them another shot? And adding Brock made the whole premise of this weeks show a waste of time. It would have made more sense if they added Owens, Sheamus or AJ and made it a fatal four way or something. Then just stack the odds to make sure a heel wins.
  4. I never said I stopped liking the guy after I found out what a tool he was, I just consciously removed my idealization of his characters from the person. I wasn't as passionately a fan of his, but I didn't flip a switch. I have the same stance for Shawn, Randy and many other wrestlers with well known bad reputations. I can continue to enjoy their past work without putting them on a pedestal. Whereas a guy like Foley I respect both in and out of the ring. It also isn't just smarky websites I've read this from, many wrestlers autobiographies make a point to explain what a pr*ck Hogan was, to either them personally, or their peers. Hogan. But that's neither here nor there and deviates from my initial point. Yes, Hogan was an older guy and that kind of mindset is more typical of an older person. I was not shocked to hear it. I hear Flair was a huge racist back in the 80's and used to bully Teddy Long back when he was a ref. I would hope his views have evolved since then. Hogan's didn't. No his age is not an excuse, and the E was right to let him go.
  5. So I waited till I got more details on the Hogan situation before I decided to comment. Hogan was my hero when I was a child. He was what got me into wrestling and I even defended his actions when he went heel with the nWo. I was as strong a Hulkamaniac as there ever was for someone who was not alive for the majority of his initial WWF run. When I got older though, and started to learn of how big a tool he really was backstage I started to distance myself. And in the past decade or so, he's really come across as an old buffoon. So this doesn't surprise me, nor does it elicit much of a response from me. I think the WWE was right as a publicly traded company to fire him. I don't think he should be erased from history, nor do I think this will stick. I'm sure once the heat dies down they'll return his HOF stuff. I DO think he is a racist though. Not just for the casual usage of the n-word, but just by his thought that everyone is a bit racist. It sounds more like he is projecting his own views onto everyone else. Suffice it to say that his views are not an accurate reflection of everyone. I'm confused by the false equivalences some of the commenters have made in his defense. Booker T making an obvious slip up during a promo does not equate Hulk Hogan's quasi-hate speech. Bookers usage of the word honkey does not elicit the same response because their is no historical significance behind that word. It was never used by any race to categorize whites as they were being treated as objects. It just sort of appeared in the 1970's and was commonly used on television in jest. And Vince's poor joke on RAW several years ago was supposed to be making fun of himself and had no malice behind it. I still think it was cringe worthy, but that's neither here nor there. So yeah, I agree with him being fired. I don't think he should be stricken from the record books at all, but I do think that speech is an indication of deeply held views on the world that a public company like the WWE would be wise to distance themselves from.
  6. I disagree. I think they had the best divas match in recent Wrestle Mania history. They didn't steal the show, but a solid match nonetheless.
  7. Rollins cashed in!!! THANK YOU SWEET BABY JESUS!! Oh man, that was the only possible good outcome of that match. They were having none of Reigns.
  8. Vince also WON the Rumble in 99 (which should've cheapened the rumble in itself), then lost it the next month. It's definitely not the first time the Mania spot was defended, or even lost. However I do agree about your point. I would have just preferred Bryan win the Rumble than just be given it. A triple threat would soften the blow though I suppose.
  9. I figured he would face Ziggler at Mania; those two could steal the show, regardless of how badly Brock vs Reigns tanks. But would the E really be so dumb to troll the fans again? Would they tease Bryan going to Mania, then take it away yet again for the second straight month? Perhaps I'm deluded, but unless they have plans to turn Reigns heel and Brock baby face, this would bury them in an even bigger hole. Reigns going over Bryan would not go over otherwise. That's why I'm not completely sold yet on Bryan losing at Fast Lane. At the very least some shenanigans leading to another triple threat match.
  10. Anyone watching RAW right now? I never would've thought the WWE would have completely backpedaled on the Royal Rumble, and are possibly going to give them Daniel Bryan. I personally, would much prefer Bryan vs Brock and I'm glad they're possibly making the switch. But still, I feel like this is how it always should have been. And Bryan lost in a rather pedestrian manner and doesn't really have a kayfabe argument to vie for the WM main event. This just reeks of desperation after a horrible botched angle. I'm still glad they're at least pretending to listen.
  11. The staff isn't horrible. But CC is the only automatic. AJ needs to get it together, but he's capable of 15 wins on a good year or so. If Phil Hughes performs anything like he did in the first half and doesn't tire in the second half, you have that second ace in the rotation. Freddy Garcia is the perfect number four guy who'll give you 13 wins and keep you in the game every time out. With the Yanks offense, that's really all they need on most nights. Bartolo... consider him a low risk investment. He's playing for cheap so if he stinks... no big deal, but if he performs ANYTHING like he did 5 years ago, Cashman looks like a stud. Although I realize the question marks on that rotation, the stars do have to align for everything to go their way, but they did the best they could with an ace retiring and a really, really weak market.
  12. Teabaggers. Biggest gathering of uneducated bigoted rednecks since WCW closed it's doors.
  13. This. Except they can't. F*** with my own and you'll get decaf for the rest of your life.
  14. YES! In fact, I've had the exact same woman in my old store come in and complain that she's late for her meetings and that we missed her drink. She kept doing this until we realized she never stood on line to order a drink, she instead just stood at the end of the bar to con a drink out of us. Coffee is very srs business apparently
  15. Starbucks customers on the upper east side of Manhattan. I've worked in a Starbucks both downtown manhattan and uptown and I must say, uptown is much MUCH worse. Where as the customers downtown generally tend to be rude, ghetto and in demand of fast service, it's expected. Downtown Manhattan in general is a very fast paced environment so actual customer interactions in a busy store are limited. But uptown.... those people grind my gears. That crowd is the rich, over-privalaged, Sex and the City crowd who constantly walk in with their dogs (And pick a fight when told they're not allowed to) They are beyond a reasonable doubt the most anal people who feel entitled to us tending to their every little whim and who are oblivious to the life of the working class as long as they get their 'half-caf grande, soy, semi dry, 180 degrees cappuchino.' Going their reminds me every day of the huge gulf in the lifestyles of the poor and the rich and how I wish to never be like this should I ever move up in the world. That also leads into my next annoyance: Customers who take 'the customers always right' too seriously, or who think it's an excuse to abuse my co-workers or myself. Yes, the customer should without question be tended to with courtesy, friendliness and legendary service; part of our job at Starbucks (as were told) is to make sure the guests leave highly satisfied. That does not however, warrant the customer to treat us like walking mats. We are human beings struggling to make a living and should be treated as so. Being upset because your drink was made wrong and your service was bad is understandable, shouting at me or my co-workers because we aren't allowed to break a $50 bill is abusive and makes you look like an idiot. I'm a manager at my store and while I always intervene when an incident between an employee and a customer occurs, if I sense the customer is being unfair, I will always side with my employee. For one, if I always side with customers, even the irrational ones, it sends a clear message to my co-workers that I'm not their for them. I'm only interested in the profit and they're just worthless pawns. I want them to be happy when they're on the floor so they're more efficient so I would never do this. Most importantly, while it's important to 'save a lost customer' I would never do so at the expense of a co-worker. Losing a customer will cost my boss less money than it will cost to hire and train a new employee because the old one quit. So yeah, the 'customer is always right' mantra is soundly untrue.
  16. FINALLY.... The Rock HAS COME BACK.... Home. I would mark out for anything this guys does at this point. You can count me in for the RAW he appears in and if my magic 8-ball is correct, I would totally mark over a Rock/Cena match at Mania.
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