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Posts posted by Undertaker666

  1. There's a bunch of:
    - Randoms
    - Masked/face painted wrestlers.
    - Emo/Goth wrestlers.
    - "Retro" wrestlers from the 50's to 80's.
    - Women
    - A few Becky Lynch, Brock Lesnar, Kane, Rey Mysterio and Undertaker.

    Some of the masks are a bit wacky but why only have Tiger or Panda masks?! So there are Hippos, Panthers, Jackals, Giraffes, Rhinos, Beetles, Wasps, Zebras and probably more i'm forgetting.
    I do particularly like the British Bulldog masked ones though which i'll be using for a faction/tag-team.

    Attached is a small sample to show what they generally look like as there's over a thousand: https://www.mediafire.com/file/90k0s5912jsnvop/AI.zip/file

    If anyone wants a larger picture of a particular one, let me know the filename and i'll post it. (some have bodies but most are only head shots)


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  2. On 4/26/2023 at 1:27 PM, ChadMiniMendes said:

    Think I’ll give this a go. The renders look fantastic. 

    Would you recommend starting in 2002 or using the 2005 file? 

    Also, what would you recommend in terms of training progression? I usually use very slow or slow but I’m just wondering if I should use normal depending on how low you set the stats of the new characters who are intended to become big stars & title contenders. 

    thanks, looking forward to starting this. Think I might finally use GAMMA, I’ve somehow never used them. 

    Up to you really, you could always try both to see what suits you? I only provided the 2005 save so that some of the new characters would've already debuted and possibly had some fights under their belt.

    You've probably already tried it by now, but I left the training progression as default. Some characters are terrible, some average, some great. There's a mix of good to bad fighters over the years, young and old too.

  3. 37 minutes ago, Bigpapa42 said:

    I just realized I'm at 778% capacity for PMs on here. Started trying to prune but its not really slick at all. The list of PMs on the left side reloads each time I delete one and I can't quite figure out how to sort them effectively. Plus deleting a thousand PMs one by one is... not appealing. Beyond just cleaning out the inbox entirely, any option?

    You can "tick" multiple messages and then delete them all in one go. When the forum changed over it took me a loooong time to remove the majority of them as I had PM's going back all the way to 2006!

  4. 21 hours ago, kemicode said:

    Already started and loving the new characters! I appreciate that you still put in their own biographies.

    I tried to give them all a detailed bio but after so many I did run out of ideas, especially for lesser characters, so some of them are a bit generic.

    Glad you're liking the new characters though. 👍

  5. 7 hours ago, kemicode said:

    Hey! Will give your database a try as I replay this wonderful game again. Would you recommend generating fighters or not?

    Entirely up to you to be honest. Obviously you'd get more generated fighters over time, but there "should" be at least one new fighter every month until some time in 2010. (some months will have more than one fighter debuting and I might've missed a month here or there)

    Hope you enjoy the new characters either way. 👍

  6. I decided to have a play around with lighting as I don't think i've done so since the orginial WMMA, which was probably waaaaaay back in 2007ish? lol

    What do you think? MC1 is my usual, MC2 is using a preset-ish and MC3 is both combined.
    (these are without any Photoshop post-work)




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  7. 18 hours ago, Kashmir said:

    Has there ever been thought to giving a discount on a second use of a license, for someone like me with a PC and a laptop, and wanting to be able to use it on both computers.  Maybe it wouldn't be feasible, but thought it would be nice to have TEW 20 useable on both computers so I can play when out of town for work without having to remember to unlicense/relicense

    I'd imagine not because how would GDS know if the same person was using both licenses? You could claim you had two, one for your PC and one for your Laptop, but you could easily give the discounted license to a friend so GDS would have lost money on that license.

  8. 23 hours ago, Sons of Kohral said:

    Can someone point me in the direction of assets like cowls or masks (preferably the "Robin style")

    Might not be exactly what you want, but:

    Darvin - "Death Shadow"
    Ghoul - "Viking Maiden"

    Mask like in the first post of this thread is "Marvelous Bodysuit".

  9. 1 hour ago, The Quartz Burro said:

    I noticed in the journal that the popularity levels range from Iconic to Obscure, but there's a considerable degree of connotative noise in the interim rankings, where I'm not sure what ranks higher. I presume this is in the guide I haven't found yet?


    From highest to lowest: Iconic > Legendary > Major League > Renowned > Well Known > Prominent > Notable > Minor League > Obscure > Unknown

  10. 1 hour ago, Riho said:
    • Battles are insanely long with lots of villain pop up windows. Might as well surrender early.
    • I lost much more than I have won. Even though the star levels are balanced, it seems like it's real hard to hit and do much damage. Sometimes a character will have mostly passives and only one real offensive option which could result in 0 damage.
    • Puzzles have eaten me alive.

    - Have you tried going in Options and enabling the "Streamline Encounters"?
    - Wins/losses will be variable due to a number of reasons.
      - The heroes and the villains.
      - The dice rolls, such is the nature of randomness.
      - Are the heroes/villains in the open, in cover, flying etc.?
      - The powers that the heroes and villains have. If you've got a hero who can inflict "Physical Damage", and they hit, if the villain has an ability where they're "Immune To All Physical Damage" then the villain receives no damage. But if you had a hero with a Sonic attack and the villain had a weakness to that then they'd receive extra damage.
      - It's unlikely you'll always win. If that was the case, what would be the point in playing?
      - You can change your hero setup based upon who you are facing, and you can click on the villains to help you choose the right heroes before the battles.
    - You can switch off the puzzles in the Options if you so wish.

  11. 10 minutes ago, A.Styles said:

    Maybe I'm just not seeing it which is possible, but unless there's some way to focus down on a specific area of group of chars its hard to feel like there's much reason to care about whatever fight is happening. TEW has your guys and your storyline and all that, and you can choose your lineup in a fight, but you can be dealing with completely separate regions. And it doesn't feel like outside of the fights that you can actually do much with these chars unless there's just more for me to discover. I know its not the Comic Book Hero game when there's SO MANY characters to focus on it feels easy to just glaze over any fight or group cause you haven't built up a like to them yet. And when you do start to like people you can't seem to focus on them in particular.

    Some sort of "Focus on xyz" system either down to the area or down to some characters may be more fun? could also allow to see just low level people build into higher ones if their stories go well.

    Again tho I may have missed something.

    If you start a game and then go into Options, there's a setting called "Encounter Lock" where you can set a specific location/game world etc. So if you were running a mod with DC/Marvel/2000 AD etc. you could lock it to those that you wanted to focus on.

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  12. 50 minutes ago, Markw said:

    Finished four issues so far, seems like a great game - been pretty easy on experienced difficulty though, hopefully the other two will provide a bit more of a challenge, fun so far though.

    I've been spanked many a time on Experienced difficulty. It will be different for everyone as it all depends on which characters you have available to you vs the characters you're facing. (as they can move around to different Locations)

  13. This is just a quick mod that lets you play as the villainous characters instead of the heroes. All i've done is switched the character alignments. (anyone who wasn't a hero or villain has their default alignments)

    1. I can't change the text of the game so the villainous characters you're now playing as will be called heroes in-game, and vice versa.
    2. Not all storylines will work due to the nature of them, i've left them in there though in case anyone wants to use this mod as a base to edit them to make them work. Schemes/Quests would also have to be edited too.
    3. None of the characters you can play as now have any Hero Points as they were previously villains.


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    • Thanks 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Dragon97 said:

    I really like a lot of the renders you have done but I find the sizing to be off at times. I was wondering if in future you could please post the .pngs too like London and smw do? And if we could get your back catalogue in .png that would be amazing. This might be a cheeky message and I hope it hasn't come across entitled but I guess if you don't ask you don't get.

    Thanks for all your work

    They're all 150x150, as they should be, as far as I can tell?

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