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Posts posted by LoganRodzen

  1. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Lukiep8" data-cite="Lukiep8" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="41521" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>See this is my problem with MAW. I like to play things with some sense of realism and with the Cornellverse it is pretty simply the way Adam has set it up is the way I should be able to run it and somewhat succeed.<p> </p><p> I see no way of running MAW the way it is setup and not going bankrupt.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I agree with you. When I start my MAW game (which I recently restarted after seeing how many patches we've gone through) I always get rid of Fair, Earnest, and Forthdyke-Hume. You can hire a cheaper referee and you don't even need an announcer or colour commentator when your show isn't being shown on a broadcaster. You don't need to splurge on talent. Get a few top guys and fill the card with what you have left. Replace them as they get stolen. Rinse and repeat for years.</p>
  2. MAW at Regional. Just $220/PPA deal. So she wouldn't be much of a loss at all. At this point I have to try and mend all of those relationships. I just tried to fix one between Antonio and Brother Grimm (backfired, they strongly dislike each other as opposed to tension now). Maybe I'd be better off leaving the tension (it isn't affecting my backstage due to so many other positives) until they wear off on their own.


    I fired Marina. I was able to cancel out Antonio's simmering tension (no relationship now) with referee Eugene Williams by doing a positive meddling interaction. On to the next one!

  3. Eh.. hope she isn't on a written deal.. Would suck to be stuck with her long term or risk the law suit.


    MAW at Regional. Just $220/PPA deal. So she wouldn't be much of a loss at all. At this point I have to try and mend all of those relationships. I just tried to fix one between Antonio and Brother Grimm (backfired, they strongly dislike each other as opposed to tension now). Maybe I'd be better off leaving the tension (it isn't affecting my backstage due to so many other positives) until they wear off on their own.

  4. I did it on a worker that, at the time, was not over some other guys on the roster and was missing a little star quality. By the end of the year he was the most over worker on the roster, but still had a little missing in star quality. He started as 4% improvement to attendance and 10% to merch. Later in the year he improved to 8% and 30%, respectively.


    That's awesome. Glad to hear that! Sounds like I could probably pull the trigger as soon as I feel comfortable enough. Still worried to put it on someone who will bail, but Xavi has been with us for years and he's been the unofficial figurehead for two years at this point. I have a feeling that if I put the label on him, other companies will jump at the chance to hurt me. That's why I need to throw it on someone whose loyal to MAW.

  5. So I'm running QAW primarily to test out the figurehead system (seeing how impactful it is, whether it's worth bothering with or focusing on, etc).


    Have you placed a figurehead who wasn't completely set to be one? That's been my concern in my MAW game. I'd ideally like to get one of my top guys loyal to MAW (so he won't leave) and make him the figurehead (Xavi Ferrera comes to mind right now). He has everything he needs but his star quality is a little low. I haven't pulled the trigger on any figurehead (I would have done American Patriot and Ernest Youngman at different times but they both weren't completely set to do it yet). Obviously I'm worried to appoint a figurehead who will be snatched up by a bigger company, but I'm even more worried about placing a figurehead who will be a massive flop. I'd rather not have one and get none of the positives / negatives, as opposed to having one and getting the negatives from it.

  6. Mid Atlantic Wrestling - December 2022


    Size (Popularity): Mid Atlantic (57; C-), Tri State (33; E+), Great Lakes (23 E-), South East (22, E-), New England (13; F+), Mid South & Mid West (9; F)


    Finances: $1,912,454


    From the beginning of 2016 until the very end of 2019 we ran one show a month. Starting in January 2020 we broke into the Tri State area, running two shows a month. I just recently started to run a third show in the Great Lakes region as of September 2022. We make $20-30k a month. I tweaked the product to suit how I like to book when I started the game.


    Product: Key Feature: Traditional, Low: Modern, Hardcore, Pure; Match Intensity/Danger 30/30; Match Ratio 80/80; Spinal-impact moves allowed; High risk moves allowed


    Greg Gauge was obviously the initial focal point of the company. He held the World Heavyweight title until he left for USPW in June of 2016 (he's still with them). Remus took over the reigns when he departed for better things. Roderick has been with us for the entirety, besides a 9-month period when I couldn't re-sign him due to an Owner Goal (no Cruiserweights). I picked him back up the day the goal expired.


    MAW was built around the Remus / Gauge feud until mid-2016 when Gauge left. Brandon Smith came back to MAW to portray his American Patriot gimmick and ended Roderick’s reign of terror in January 2017. Patriot would hold the title until BHOTWG snatched him in November 2017. By then, Ernest Youngman was the next man in line to carry the torch.


    Ernest held the title from November 2017 until July 2019. He continuously carried his opponents to better matches. His performance would outshine everyone he worked with for more than two and a half years. SWF let Spencer Spade leave in early 2019 and I grabbed him (knowing it would be short lived). He was the perfect guy to end Youngman’s reign. Spade was with us from May 2019 to October 2019 (when he went to CGC).


    From June to September, Spade and Youngman put on some of the best matches I had booked to that point (78 to 84 range). I pulled the trigger and put the belt on Spade in July 2019. He held it until the night before his contract expired in September 2019. Ernest would run with it as the top heel in MAW until he signed with USPW in June of 2021. Xavi Ferrera has held the title ever since as the top babyface in the company.



    MAW World Heavyweight (100; A*) - Xavi Ferrera

    Mid Atlantic Regional (100; A*) - Lenny Brown

    MAW World Tag Team (75; B-) - The Architect & Solomon Gold


    I’m excited. Growth has been good over the past 6 years, 11 months. I’m hopeful that we’ll be able to negotiate with a broadcaster (National Pride TV) when we have 35% popularity in the Tri State and Great Lakes regions. I know in TEW2013, you had to have 35% popularity in three regions in the US to negotiate with them, so hopefully that is the same even with the change in system.

  7. <p>This is awesome! Monty Trescarde left SWF in May 2020 after being stuck in the low-midcard. Fast forward to March 2021 and he's heading back to SWF after building himself back up in MAW (some great matches with Ernest Youngman). I was hoping he'd do the job before leaving for SWF and I was really hoping I wouldn't have to do anything to persuade him to put someone over. Well, Rob DaLay took care of that. </p><p> </p><p>

    <span>http://i1130.photobucket.com/albums/m521/Logan_Rodzen/intimidation_zpsim5dccyr.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

    Had no idea this could even happen. Love it! <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

    Edit: Yep, it was one I must have missed in the diary. </p><p> </p><p>

    <span style="font-size:8px;"><em>Apr 01: Intimidating Presence</em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><em> </em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:8px;"><em>

    A worker who would otherwise have complained about a booking decision may now choose to keep quiet if the opponent is much tougher than him and decides to intimidate him. This can lead to some workers becoming the user's enforcers of sorts.</em></span></p>

  8. As some may have seen in the random screenshots thread, Hulk Hogan got into a scandal 1 week before Wrestlemania III for mocking the disabled. This turned him toxic. His popularity dropped from 99 to 80 (not as bad as I thought) and his impact as figurehead reduced substantially (from 17% attendance boost and 60% merch boost, to 2% and 5% respectively) ...add to this, the fact that he is toxic he would cause a big attendance drop + merch losses (presumably) on top of that. It left me with a decision to make. I had 7 days to decide whether to release Hogan without any cost. 7 days to decide on changing the history of WWF in an instant.


    This was disastrous. I had recently turned Piper heel. Jake Roberts constantly turns up and wrestles drunk. Ricky Steamboat is my Intercontinental Champion, but he's not really got the "it" factor to make him my main guy. My Wrestlemania main event was already set as Hogan vs. Savage after Randy attacked Andre and put him out injured. I decide no matter what, Hogan has to lose the title to Savage. He does, but due to the popularity decrease the main event is nowhere near what it could of been. The attendance was 92,000...imagine what it might of been of toxic Hulk wasn't here.


    Monday arrives. Today's the day I have to make my decision. Hogan's gone and the future of WWF is changed forever. I couldn't pay that much money to someone who is going to so negatively affect the company for the between 6 months and 2 years. Maybe one day he'll be back, but for now I need to find a new way forward. That way will be Randy Savage. A face turn is set for the next show, and he will feud with Andre. Randy finally gets to come out of Hogan's shadow, and be the man who carries WWF on his back.


    You handled that unfortunate event really well in my opinion. You made it clear to the public and all workers backstage that it wasn't acceptable behavior. You made him do the job before getting rid of him. He'll be back one day down the road for you I'm sure. But for now, you had to do what was right for your company. Hope things work out with that save!

  9. I thought it was a fun show to watch from start to finish, with some dragging here and there (as usual). I thought the opening Last Man Standing match was excellent. I won't lie, I expected a little bit more from it but it was solid. The US Title match was mostly what I thought it would be. They did what the feud was meant to do: introduce a little more lucha style to the WWE crowd. The Diva's Title was a decent match. I liked Sasha coming out. I'm a big fan of hers. Tag Title match was rinse and repeat for me. Same crap we've been seeing.


    I enjoyed the majority of the Royal Rumble match itself. I was really excited they decided to have AJ Styles debut during the match. No better way to debut in a company you've never worked for than to debut in a match you've never been apart of. Bringing him in early and letting him last while getting a few eliminations was the best thing for him.


    Obviously he wasn't going to win and having him get eliminated before the rest of the stories they wanted to tell (Lesnar/Wyatt, Reigns/HHH) was brilliant. He wasn't overshadowed one bit the entire time he was in there. They booked him brilliantly in my opinion.

  10. That would make a lot of sense now Kane is supposedly 'fired'. It just wouldn't make sense to me as a traditional SS match. The Wyatts do have a team, but Taker is supposedly a loner. Would it be 4 on 2? Or will we see a Edge and Christian get back for a reunion (wishful thinking :p)?


    'Biker' Taker was in the SS2001 match, but I don't recall seeing him in any other (though I missed quite a few years of WWE).


    My first thought was Reigns / Ambrose / Kane / Taker vs The Wyatt Family.

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