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Posts posted by LoganRodzen

  1. The only basketball I've been able to watch was back in HS and when I played it growing up I disliked it. There is a significant difference in fouls called between HS, College and Pro basketball that I don't understand. Keep in mind I've never watched a full NBA game. It's my least favorite sport besides baseball.


    Why did I post in this thread? To post my anti-NBA opinion that nobody will care about. :)

  2. I just saw the replay of the PPV and Orton's injury was really crazy. Everything just changed all of a sudden and the crowd was so silent that it made it bad to see the ending. You could see both of their faces when the referee finished the count out and they just looked disappointed because the crowd hated it. I guarantee that match was supposed to go on for another 5-10 minutes at least. It's too bad and I hope he isn't out for too long. Orton is insanely over right now and that's a pretty big blow to WWE.
  3. Yeah or Striker did his job and acted shocked. You know I can't even remember the last time we had a "shoot" in wrestling. Something that got on live television that wasn't atleast 90% worked. Even the Russo/Hogan deal at Bash at the Beach was planned Russo is said to have taken it too far though. Maybe the Heyman deal on TNN?


    I truly think Heyman's promo on the first ECW One Night Stand PPV was 100% him and he was just limited to not bashing WWE. The JBL comment alone was awesome. I'll remember that forever.

  4. I don't like that. Little digs are ok easter eggs if you will but to come out and say "Vince pushes big guys, he only pushes guys that he creates, and I worked in ROH so I'm better than the Miz". I don't like that The Miz is a Tag Team Champion and a U.S Champion in storyline DB hasn't won a singles match so in character for what justification does he have that he's better? He won some matches in a bingo hall?


    From what I saw of the promo he wasn't bragging about accomplishing more than the WWE pro's - he was talking about pure wrestling ability. He was just flat out saying, "I'm a better wrestler. I know it. And you know it." When you break it all down it's your average heel/upset babyface promo.

  5. No... I didn't think it was that great either. In fact, it sounded like he kept screwing it up to me. I really like the guy, so I didn't want to say anything about it though.


    I think it's more what he said, then how he said it though, to be fair.


    Yep. That's what I liked about it. And there were definitely times when he was stumbling over words but he never let it drag him down completely.

  6. Okay i've just watched NXT due to all the hype on here. That promo by Danielson was seriously one of the best promos i have seen in a long time. Really hope they go somewhere with this.


    I had to go check out the segment on WWE.com because of what people were saying in this thread. That was definitely an awesome promo. I marked out hard for all the jabs at McMahon and the jabs at Cole being "a poor man's replacement for JR."

  7. valid point, my biggest thing was his first year he didn't have that connection and still was able to win.


    The importance of a QB to me isn't stats, Terry Bradshaw had horrible stats. To me what makes a QB stand out so much is his ability to win, adversity, and to come fall into a pile of crap and come out smelling like roses.


    as much as I love Manning and wanted to put him there, his SB performance wouldn't let me.


    Brees is a great QB as well, but those two bad season with the Saints and hurt his image for that.


    Like I said I want a winner, which I why I like someone like Jeff Garcia, he puts his body on the line to give his team that chance every game



    Can't argue with you on that one. Why do I love scrambling QBs so much? For that exact reason. They'll take the hit if it gets them the first down. It takes me back to The Replacements - that QB who Falco replaces does a baseball slide when he could have dove for the first down. What an awesome movie. I will survive! ;)

  8. he went 6-10, it was Jim Mora's last seaon, so I was wrong Manning has had 2 losing seasons. Brees has had 2 or 3 while Tom has never had any



    and yes he had Deion Branch, Patten, and Givens...... now what have those three done without him? my thing is while he has had WR, before Moss and Welker he never had a WR that scares you like a Colston, Wayne, Harrison type


    Troy Brown was a dependable wideout, who played whatever the team needed him to play


    Not sure why I put 5-10 when clearly the season is 16 games. I plead type-o!


    You have to admit that sometimes a set of receivers working together is better than having a franchise WR and two mediocre players. I think with the Patriots they just all clicked with Brady. They sure made it work.

  9. To me Brees is not close to Tom and Peyton, because Tom and Peyton would never let a bad defense hold them down, Tom and Peyton would never let there teams go 7-9 or 8-8.


    But this arguement will be had through the end of their careers. Some will pick Manning, others Brees. I choose Brady because I like the underdog who wasn't drafted to be the franchise guy. I like a winner


    Manning and Brees have both won Superbowls, they have both had talented Wideouts. Brady won three and until Moss and Welker never had those franchise type WR.


    But again, this is something we could argue about forever and never get anywhere


    For historical accuracy - Peyton lead his team to a 5-10 record in 2001. The same year Mr Overhype (one of the many nicknames I have for Brady) made it to the Super Bowl and won it. I would have preferred to see the team who beat my Titans a year before win for the second year in a row.


    I'll agree that Brady didn't have any "name" WRs when he started. The one he did - Terry Glenn - was suspended during that '01 season. To say Troy Brown wasn't a good WR would be BS, but he certainly played a bigger role in the return game.


    To say he didn't have any receivers for the two other Super Bowls isn't correct. He had Deion Branch, David Patten, and David Givens. Having a big TE like David Graham was a big thing for them as well because they didn't use the spread offense at the time. He had all four of them for the two SB wins ('03 and '04).


    Also - whose had the best defense throughout their starting career? Tom Brady. Period.

  10. I like both Goren and Nichols... think they each bring their own sort of 'cool' to their characters.


    I was sad to hear that Cold Case and Ghost Whisperer were canceled, I liked both of those shows. I kind of expected it for both of them though: the closing vids on Cold Case hadn't been quite as heart-wrenching these past few seasons, and Ghost Whisperer had what I secretly suspected might have been a shark-jumping event a while back.


    Glad Parenthood got renewed, I like that show a lot.


    My favorite shows these days are House, Psych, Criminal Minds, and Friday Night Lights.


    Just ordered a season of Friday Night Lights on DVD.




    Friday Night Lights is a good show. I've liked all of the seasons thus far. I saw the entire season they're airing on NBC right now a few months ago when they originally showed them on a DirecTV exclusive channel.

  11. I'm biased because I hate the Patriots with a passion. Brady hit legendary status because of the '07 season - he'll never get close to those stats again. I would bet everything I own and the air in my lungs that the Patriots will not get to another Super Bowl with Tom Brady as their QB. The dynasty years are over. :)
  12. Did... did I say Roode? Shoot. I meant Storm. The reason being that for whatever sick reason I really want Roode to get a push. I can never remember which is which though, so I guessed wrong this time.


    I never really liked LAX, and they're not doing anything with either of them, so I figure...


    I get where you're coming from with Roode. He has the look of a breakout singles star. And however much I like Beer Money it will never replace what I felt for AMW. Storm and Harris were awesome together.

  13. I'd not mind seeing go: Earl Hebner -- he's too much of an on-screen figure now. Refs shouldn't be characters, unless they're gonna start wrestling. Sorry. Wolf Pack. Abyss. Dr. Stevie. EY. Homicide/Hernandez. Roode. Jesse Neal/Shannon Moore. Magnus, since he's not the badass I thought he'd be when I heard he was debuting. OJ. 3D.


    I don't see them ever releasing Abyss. They've put way too much time into his character to let him go. They've basically killed the character he once had that people enjoyed though. Letting go of LAX would be a mistake - they're such a good tag team if they bring them back together. Robert Roode is a good talent and Beer Money was one of their most over babyface teams and now they get good heat as heels. Neal and Moore won't be going anywhere as long as TNA stays in Florida because that crowd loves them. I doubt they'd get half the reaction they get anywhere else in the US.


    I bet Hebner has such a nice contract with TNA and letting him go would be a good thing. Create your own head referee that's involved with controversial stuff. Why do they think bringing in a popular referee helps a match? I saw him reffing the Knockout match from Sacrifice and he could barely move around the ring with them.

  14. I agree that shocked me as well, and it is not very often that I get shocked by something that happens on TV. She was just such a huge part of the show and I was very surprised that they ended up getting rid of her.


    All though I know her character was not all that popular with a lot of the fans of the show. So that might have explained her demise.


    I was starting to dislike her towards the end but like you said, she was a major part of the overall story. There are so many things left unanswered with that season. What happens to the kids? The baby? How does Dexter react? All of those questions hit me like a ton of bricks when the season ended because throughout all of the seasons you can see the change in Dexter's character because of Rita. Is all of that null and void now? Does he become worse than he was? What a show. :)

  15. Dexter is great as well, I mean who would think to cast John Lithgow as a BTK type killer? And the fact that he not only pulled it off but did an awsome job doing it, was great. And I am looking forward to seeing what they will do next season, seeing how they ended last season.


    I've talked to a lot of people who watch that show and they said they hated him on that show. My response - :eek:?!?!?!?!


    I thought he was marvelous guest starring the entire season. He played his character perfectly. I've read there is a lot of interest from actors to guest star on that show, so it will be very interesting to see who they bring in next season. The ending to this past season made me flip out for about 5 minutes afterwards. It was just me thinking to myself... "how can things be perfect and then complete ****?" :confused:

  16. That is exactly what it was. That killed the show dead in the water. Once they did that I knew it would probably not be long for this earth.


    And yeah I love Breaking Bad, it has one of the best cast on television today in my opinion. Who would have thought that the Dentist on Seinfeld/Malcolm's dad would be so great in a drama? And John Carlo Esposito is great on there as well, which is funny because I did not like his character on Homicide.


    Yeah. This season of BB has been the best thus far. Everyone seems to be "breaking bad" this season - Skylar and Hank at least. I love the relationship between Walt and Gus. Overall just a bad ass show that nobody seems to know about. I ask a friend of mine, "ever seen Breaking Bad?" - "what the hell is that?" - "just the coolest show on TV today." :D


    How could I forget about Dexter... that has gotta be one of the best shows going today as well. Most of these shows I have to catch online because I either don't get the channel or forget it's on. I don't watch TV every day but I do have about 5 shows that I like to stay up to date with.


    I really like Mike and Mike In The Morning on ESPN. Sometimes when I have nothing important to do in the morning I watch that from 6am to 10am while working on PCs. They cover everything that's happening in sports to the point where I don't need to watch SportsCenter for anything.

  17. I really think ABC has just been creating flashy TV. With Lost they make a "wow" or "holy ****" moment right before a commercial. FlashForward and V have been trying to do the same thing which annoys me. Doing that at the beginning and end of the show is great but when you're constantly trying to put heavy importance on a bunch of little things it makes it hard to care about the whole package.


    I've watched all of FlashForward and I think the biggest problem was that really long break they took from December to March or whatever it was. I've only been watching episodes on Hulu because I never remember its on.


    Season finale of House tonight was bad ass.


    Anyone watch Breaking Bad? That show is probably my favorite on TV.

  18. Read the report, sounded like a pretty good PPV.


    Someone want to sum up what RVD and Anderson's promos were like?


    All I can say is it was awesome and that I'm one of Anderson's '*******s'.


    EDIT: This is the first TNA PPV I've actually watched all of without missing a match or two. I did miss the Sting vs Jarrett match but we all saw it 10 years ago and we saw it 5 years ago. Not missing much there.

  19. I went to a TNA house show Thursday. I won't write much, as everything was the same as other house shows (backstage pass giveaways, autograph sessions, etc), but here's a few things that stood out to me.


    I was already a big Nigel/Desmond Wolfe fan, but his selling made my appreciation of him go up several notches. His facial expressions were amazing.


    LVE was even worse than I knew from TV. Once, she moved back just before getting kicked, the kick missed her face by 3 feet, and she still fell over. Awkwardly.


    The heels (except Desmond, Beer Money, and AJ) were all mega over. It was bizarre. People were booing Jarrett (no shock there), but going nuts for Anderson.


    Abyss got very little of a reaction, which was expected based on his vote totals in the ranking system. Right now, I'd say the most over faces other than Hardy and RVD were Ink Inc. Yes, really.


    I went to a house show here in Maine in December and Abyss got a really dull reaction from the crowd. My older brother who hadn't been to wrestling in years (neither had I) but had watched and gone to events the entire time growing up - his exact words about Abyss after seeing his match, "he's nothing more than a glorified jobber." It was disappointing that he said that because I like Abyss... or at least I like the idea of Abyss. Thinking about it some more he's probably right because seeing his matches he does have some serious weak spots.


    Best thing TNA has going for them at their house shows are doing the pictures in the ring after the show. They're making some serious cash because at least 50% of the people at every show will do it. I remember back when I saw an indy fed as a kid and getting in the ring for a pic with Tito Santana was like $5 and TNA is charging like $20 if I heard them correctly when I was there.


    It was the first time TNA came to Maine and it was cool to see the six-sided ring for the first and last time before they made the switch. Beer Money were babyfaces at the time when they came here and they got the biggest pop. If I remember correctly it was better than Angle's pop. I guess that just tells you where our priorities are up here in the Northeast. :rolleyes:

  20. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Linsolv" data-cite="Linsolv" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25169" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I think you mean <strong>DR.</strong> Stevie Richards. He's a doctor. Dixie Carter told me.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think Richards could go up for Most Gimmicks Used In A Career award. He's been thrown into a lot different stuff throughout the years.</p>
  21. <p>A Super Bowl in NY would be awesome. The things that are available to fill up the week leading to the game are endless. I obviously don't live in NY and don't know how the economy is but I bet it's better than most places because of all the tourism they receive year round. It's not as if the city (really) needs it - I'm sure some other places could benefit more. </p><p> </p><p>

    I've only been to NYC twice but both times were memorable. I had been to cities like Boston and Montreal, but NYC was like nothing I'd ever seen before. Being from Maine that isn't saying much, but it sure left a hell of an impression on me.</p>

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