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Posts posted by LoganRodzen

  1. So I put my niece and nephew on the bus this morning. I dislike when mothers ignore there childrens crap. If you kid is throwing rocks beat his A**. I swear that's why these kids grow up to be A-holes.


    I swear when I watch my niece and nephew I have completely different rules then my brother and sister-in-law. They let them get into everything, eat whatever they want without asking, and they never pick up after themselves. How a child acts reflects on the parenting and I don't want to say my brother is a crappy parent because he's not - he's just way too easy and lets too much slide without bringing down the hammer. ;)

  2. I'm a bit late for this but let me throw in my 2 cents:


    Back To The Future Part I, II, and III are all PG. Any adult that doesn't like that trilogy can flip themselves off. I originally saw them when I was a child and loved them then and still do. I've watched them with my 6 year old nephew and 9 year old niece and neither of them fell asleep! :p


    Those movies weren't aimed towards children, but they can certainly watch them without it going completely over their head.


    I also thought Finding Neverland was a decent movie. Big fan of Kate Winslet and anybody who say they "hate" or "dislike" Johnny Depp doesn't have a clue how acting works. He's played so many different characters with different personalities that he can't be considered a bad actor on that fact alone. I'm not talking about crap like Pirates. I'm talking about his movies like Edward Scissorhands, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, and Donnie Brasco. Those are three completely different movies and way different roles. I went from listing a PG trilogy series to defending Johnny Depp. My bad. :o

  3. Where is he saying that you will 'turn out crappy'? I'm not sure how it's hypocritical either, since he didn't have kids then and does now?


    Also your example of a memorable segment is still completely fine within WWE' current product.


    Things we've lost: Val Venis and "I chopee your pee-pee." Local escorts and models being called "Ho's." Jerry Lawler shouting "puppies!" and whistling every ten seconds a woman is on-screen. "Mr. Ass," DX acting like frat-boys.


    Oh the humanity! I see where "PG" has negative connotations but really all we're losing is childish garbage that appeals to the lowest common denominator. It really has nothing to do with the actual wrestling. I mean TNA has great wrestlers but still wastes time forcing knockouts to strip and having Orlando Jordan pour lotion on himself and grown men calling each other "bitches" as though it was an edgy insult. Is that really what anyone wants? When creativity is stifled, that's a whole other problem, but I don't miss shock for shock garbage. And considering the benefits of being a more respectable company, I'm sure WWE doesn't miss it either.


    I didn't say that he said people 'would turn out crappy'. I simply said that I don't think I've turned out crappy from watching the low-brow stuff they used to do. I have a 6 year old nephew and 9 year old niece who have seen the stuff today and think it's boring. Its disappointing because it used to be something I looked forward to when I was a kid. Wrestling has definitely lost that.


    I certainly wouldn't want them seeing the Katie Vick angle or any of that other garbage but that isn't really the Attitude Era I remember. I remember the blood, the high risk moves, titles actually meaning something, the crowd seemed interested, and every match had a good build up. It's a cartoon now.


    I wasn't really using that as a 'shocking' memorable moment. It was just an example of me going to wrestling when I was a kid. If you want a real one... that same night DX was playing strip poker with Chyna in the ring and the Headbangers came down to put an end to it. It was just a funny segment. Wrestling still has its funny moments today though.


    IF PG things can't have blood, then it should be obvious why.


    It's a way of saying "Hey, it's fake for gosh sakes"!


    I'm pretty sure PG can have blood. Pretty much all of the shows on USA Network are PG. The show White Collar on there - which is a cool show - had a ton of explosions and other crap. So have other shows on that channel. I really think it's just WWE refusing to allow it.

  4. I take offense to what Triple H said in a recent interview about WWE's product:


    ... Triple H addressing the company's decision to make its product more family-friendly. "The Game" said he wouldn't want his kids to see the antics he pulled off during "The Attitude Era."


    "I've got young kids," he said. "Years ago, we were what we were, and I certainly wouldn't want to have my young kids watch that product. We've evolved."


    So how about all of us who watched during the attitude era and were under the age of 10 at the time? I was and I don't think I've turned into a crappy person because of it. I went to RAW in Dec. '97 in Portland - the only TV WWE has ever done here in Maine - and I was 8 or 9 at the time.


    I remember this in great detail because it was the first time my older brother - whose 8 years older than me - wanted to bring me along to wrestling with him. He probably didn't, my folks must have gave him cash to babysit me but that's besides the point. It was the night Austin refused to defend the IC title, McMahon stripped him and awarded it to The Rock. A week later he threw it into the river. Everyone should remember that segment.


    I think WWE toning down the product is an old discussion, but HHH saying that sort of irked me the wrong way.

  5. Take the current deal, keep the base salaries but rewrite it to include bonuses that bring up the total value of the deal. Add two years that are unlikely to ever be played under (with ridiculous base salaries of like 7 or 8 or 14 million) to give it a 'wow' factor on paper, and the problem would be solved. No one on that team is going to begrudge 28 his dough or try to use that as leverage since no one on that team is likely to be as key to the team's success as 28 (not even Vince).


    Absolutely. That's what I want to see happen. I think he should get a nice base salary and a slew of bonus opportunities that are in the millions (and millions) of dollars.

  6. The Titans are sending a message to their locker room that no matter how well you play, we're not going to pay you. We'll see how many Super Bowls they contend for with that message.


    We've been burned in the past with big contracts. We've had Albert Haynseworth holdout, so we paid him, and then he's plagued with injuries. We would have re-signed him instead of the Redskins getting him but we knew the money plus his baggage wasn't worth it. He hasn't played a full season of football since his rookie season. Go ahead, look at this stats. Every single time he got paid his performance went down.


    Why do you think we even had the JaMarcus Russell discussion? Do you think he was that lazy at LSU? Probably not. I've never had a million bucks so I can't say for sure, but I think the money is one factor in Russell's downfall. He felt entitled because of his contract.


    I like what the Titans are doing and I'll stand behind them. Everyone knows he deserves the money - the Titans included - so that isn't even the argument here. If anyone didn't notice we are still in an economic mess and the Nashville flooding (whether or not people are stupid enough to look at it that way, Remi - I guess I am) will affect things.


    If a guy underperforms, the team can simply cut him loose--see Russell, JaMarcus.


    Yeah... and they also have to pay him millions of dollars to end it.



    EDIT: I just saw that the Titans picked up LeGarrette Blount a week ago. He went undrafted mostly because of that punch on the Boise State player. I saw a few Oregon games and that guy is a big strong RB. He'll be a great addition to CJ and Javon Ringer.

  7. 2. Anyone who thinks Romo is a better QB than Bradshaw needs to have their head examined.


    The way you were allowed to play defense back in the day was totally different. Also, Bradshaw called all the plays.


    I think Tony Romo is a pretty good regular season QB -- he'll never be more than that though. He will never accomplish anything productive in the playoffs (win a Super Bowl) which (in my eyes) means he isn't a very good QB.

  8. A) They don't hold out into the season. If they do they lose game checks.


    Which is one reason the Titans have major leverage. He's obligated to fulfill the contract. The Titans have no obligation to do anything. If CJ decides he wants to holdout for the entire season - he could - but like you said he wouldn't get paid, plus the uncertainty of a 2011 season make it highly unlikely he would holdout into the season. It's not in his best interest to miss an entire - possibly two - season(s) of football.


    The Titans really don't have to do anything though. In the end they need to give him a new contract to keep him happy. He's a franchise player and losing him would literally kill us. But like I said earlier -- the Titans financial situation will determine what happens.

  9. I knew at the end of last season that CJ would holdout this off-season. Who wouldn't? He was the best RB in the entire NFL last season. People put him and Adrian Peterson in the same discussion every week wondering whose the best. He deserves a new contract on the 2,000 yard season by itself... but if that's not bad enough look at this quote from NFL.com:


    His base pay for this year (the third of a five-year, $12-million deal he signed after the Titans made him a first-round draft pick in 2008) is scheduled to be $550,000. One of his backups, Alvin Pearman, is due to be paid $630,000


    If I was him I would be outraged and insulted. A lot of the blame falls squarely on his agents shoulders though. He came out of college underrated - besides his speed - and knowing that they should have worked out some major milestone bonuses. Surely he could have worked out a million dollar bonus for a 2,000 yard season or something of that nature.


    The problem that arises is the flooding in Nashville. Has anyone seen video of that mess? The entire football field has about four feet of water over it. I watched an interview with Jeff Fisher and he says there isn't any major damage to the field but how can they know the extent of the damages before the water fully recedes? I think that could affect the Titans view of it.


    Your whining about your contract when all of these people in Nashville have lost homes, family members, etc.? I think the Titans have more leverage on their side of the dispute than CJ does even though he had that excellent season. In the end I think his reputation in Nashville could be affected if he has a holdout because of the flooding.


    The American in me says this: you signed a contract - honor it.


    The Titans fan in me says: I know he deserves a new contract. Whether or not it's financially possible for the team to do is another thing.

  10. If I was Russell I would just sit on my ass and laugh at the world. He's a millionaire and didn't have to do jack **** for the money. He was lazy, unproductive, and a complete waste of time. I still don't see them getting more than 5 wins next season.


    also is it just me or is pete carroll the next spurrier, he is bringing back all of his players including ones who weren't good (Mike Williams)


    I like what Carroll is doing in the RB department. Grabbing Leon Washington and trading for LenDale White is pretty big. Washington is an explosive player when healthy and White can be a huge truck runner if he keeps the binge eating to a minimum. I really liked LenDale when he was with the Titans and was sort of sad to see him go. Him and CJ were awesome as thunder & lightning. :(

  11. I did too.


    That was the funniest thing on TV all of fall season. :D


    Living in New England all of my friends know that I'm a Titans fans... so I literally had about 15 text messages and 5 missed calls from buddies hassling me during and after that game. One of the worst days of my life to be honest. :o

  12. Vince made big strides last year, the Titans are one of the few teams who has shown a willingness to take a project QB like McNair or Young and develop them over a period of time. The only reason VY played so early on in his career is that Collins was awful the first year he came in, and the fans clamored for a change. His rookie year he got by on his playmaking skills and a lot of luck and parlayed that into an 8-2 record.


    From there you really can't just hand the reins back to a guy who went 0-6, so he kept playing even though he wasn't really ready and teams were able to expose his flaws. Sitting again the year after really helped him get his head right and restore his confidence.


    When he got the ball this year he was ready- I watched every Titans game this year and he's twice the QB he was 2 years before, but people already formulated opinions on him. I can see why most opinions didn't change since his stats weren't exactly gaudy (maybe because we had a 2,000 yard rusher!) and he already pulled that routine during his rookie year but if you watched, he was much better. I'll say it now that with Britt, Cook, Gage and CJ out of the backfield we'll have one of the top 5 offenses in the NFL next year. We'll probably still be in the 10-15 range yardage wise because we're a running team first but the Titans WILL be able to throw the ball.


    Not to mention that VY has the 6th best winning % among starting NFL QBs in the league.


    Glad to see a Titans fan here on the forum. People definitely overlook what he did last season. I also watched every game last season... even every second of the 59-0 snow blowout. I live in Maine and hate the New England Patriots... I have since I was a kid and that beating didn't help.


    Britt had a breakthrough (underrated) season in my opinion. The guy made some huge catches as a rookie and the only reason he didn't get much attention is because of our run-heavy offense. I see us taking 55/45 run/pass approach this year. I know Vince can make the throws because the games last season you can see that he looks around in the pocket before thinking to run. Sitting out and basically learning that the NFL is a privilege helped him as a player and a person.


    I've been a scrambling QB fan for as long as I can remember - it's just exciting football. I was a follower of the Falcons (NFC South) and Titans (AFC South)... it's strange I know. I live in New England but I love southern teams. I was really upset when Mora Jr was fired by the Falcons... and then Petrino came in and had the most embarrassing coaching season ever. I even think that season is worse than the Lions 0-17 run because Bobby didn't even finish the season as the coach... he quit like a bitch. Sure, didn't have a QB or any real weapons - plus the Vick crap, but c'mon... you don't quit the NFL.

  13. Edit: Oh btw Sting vs Hogan at BFG or sooner pretty much a done deal after the heel turn and Hogan saying to Brooke it would be the last time. Lets see if they did up Nick Patrick to do the count right, or is it wrong? lol, this time lolz.


    Wow. I don't even know what to say... but you're probably right. Six months for Hogan to get in the best shape of his old as **** life? :eek:


    Edit: The look on Taz and Tenay's faces when they panned to them during the Orlando segment... when they didn't really know it yet = priceless.


    Double Edit: Why is TNA wasting TV time on this guy?

  14. I could see him looking strong but just missing out. If Bats didn't have a title match coming up, maybe he would beat him.


    Ahh. I didn't realize he had a title shot coming up. I don't follow as much as I wish I did but that makes more sense. Having him look good (which he has) is really awesome. Batista is selling the submission moves a lot and making him look good.


    Would be nice if a (upper)midcarder beat him before he left. Morrison?


    Yeah. I was looking at it in 'TEW terms' as I like to say.

  15. Using him in a GM role would be perfectly fine. With all of those guys brawling the only thing that came to mind was, "how in the world are things going to get under control?" Having someone like Hogan come out and JUST talk on the mic to set something up would be cool, but they push the limit every single time. Nobody wants to see Hogan blocking punches and taking guys down. He's been doing it since the late 70's and it's ridiculous.
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