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Posts posted by sportsfanmas

  1. rW7jsJN.jpg


    Hey all, Double J here. A lot to talk about. Boy what a show MLW Never Say Never was. One of our best. In fact, oh, it was our best so far! We got a few things to talk about.


    First, the Hardcore division. How about New Jack, huh? Nobody, and I mean nobody, saw that coming. Of course, I'm getting all kinds of heat about it. "Jeff, you're nuts, that guy is a loose cannon." Hey look, the guy is in the final stages of his career, he probably won't be here long, and who knows, the Hardcore division may not be here long either. But for now, we're gonna see where this goes.


    The 4 storylines we currently have going are all running very well, I'm very happy with how they are progressing. We are going to figure out how to incorporate those storylines as we move into January, which is KOTM month. So here's how this is going to work. Weeks 1 and 2 of MLW Fusion will each feature 4 qualifying matches. Week 3 on MLW Fusion will see the live draw of the KOTM Tournament. Week 4 of MLW Fusion will see the 4 Quarterfinal Matches, and then at MLW King of the Mountain on Friday of Week 4, the semifinals and finals will take place. I contemplated having the whole tournament at the big show, but guys wrestling 3 matches in 1 night is just too much.


    We've got a couple new signings that have yet to debut. 1 of those new signings will take place in a qualifying match, and the other, well he'll feature in the Hardcore division for now, but can be a main event player. The prediction contest worked well, thanks to all the fans that are following.


    If any of y'all got any questions or comments on what you've seen so far in the first 5 months, and what's to come, feel free to get ahold of me. For now, I'll say so long, that is until the next set of shows.

  2. Prediction Contest


    MLW Never Say Never


    BHK1978- 7 points

    brianc2008- 7 points

    joshbrady91- 6 points

    kijar- 5 points




    BHK1978- 26 points

    brianc2008- 24 points

    joshbrady91- 13 points

    kijar- 12 points

    Theheel- 9 points

    Martel123- 5 points

    Powerbrock100- 5 points

    Warhawk8492- 3 points

    RyanR93WKU- 2 points


    Congratulations to BHK1978 (1st place), brianc2008 (2nd place), and joshbrady91 (3rd place), you will have PM with your prizes. Thanks to all that voted.


    The slate is wiped cleaned now, and the next prediction contest will run from January-June. Going forward, each prediction contest will have 6 shows. Thanks again to all that voted.

  3. MLW Never Say Never

    Friday, Week 4, December 2018

    Center Stage (Theater) - Atlanta, GA

    Show Attendance: 1,050 (SELL OUT!)

    Shown On: Twitch

    Show Announcers: PaSJF6c.jpg and sz78nQA.jpg

    Tony Schiavone and Matt Striker


    Schiavone: - "Welcome to MLW Never Say Never, our last event of 2018. We have a great card set for you."


    Striker: - "Tony, a merry Christmas and happy new year to you, and I have a feeling it's going to be a happy new year for many of our wrestlers here in MLW."


    Schiavone: - "No doubt Matt, and a happy new year to you as well. Let's kick this show off with a tag team match. Down to the ring we go!"


    M5pwsJr.jpgcWJPqRb.jpg w/vWUwkFW.jpg vs. NHfgnhb.jpg


    Cade and Yuta w/Chelsea Green vs. Rebel Cell


    An exciting match to start the show, as both teams went at each other with a lot of fury. Unfortunately, Green proved to be a factor, as she once again ran into the ring trying to avoid JTG, who was chasing her. In the process she a bumped into Cade this time, knocking him down. Shad Gaspard was right there to cover Cade, also using the ropes for extra leverage, giving Rebel Cell a very tainted victory. (49)


    Striker: - "What a dumb bimbo that Chelsea Green is. For the second time, she has cost Cade and Yuta a win."


    Schiavone: - "Oh calm down Matt, it was a clear accident, she was running for her life."


    Striker: - "Tony, once is an accident. But twice.. well I have a hard time believing that."


    Schiavone: - "Matt, hold the phone, our commish is making his way down to the ring! Let's hear what he has to say!"




    DDP: - "How are you folks enjoying the show so far?" *huge pop from the crowd* "So listen, I'm out here to discuss 2 things quickly. Next month, January for those that haven't figured out a calendar yet, is the first of what I hope to be an annual King of the Mountain Tournament. Starting next week on MLW Fusion, we will have qualifying matches. 4 matches next week, 4 the following week. The winners of those qualifying matches will randomly be placed in an 8 man bracket, where the 4 quarterfinal matches will take place on MLW Fusion in Week 4 of January. The semifinals and finals will take place at our next big event, MLW King of the Mountain, to be held Friday, Week 4."


    *crowd roars in approval*


    "Now, what does the winner get you ask? Well, for this first tournament, the winner is going to get a very special prize." *DDP holds up a belt* "This is the MLW American Openweight Title. The winner of the first King of the Mountain Tournament will also be crowned the inaugural MLW American Openweight Champion! Now, unfortunately, we don't want double champions in MLW, so any current champion at the end of tonights show will not be eligible for the KOTM tournament." *crowd boos* "Hey, I know, I know, who wouldn't mind seeing Jeff Cobb or Tommy Mercer holding 2 belts. Or maybe MJF holding 2 belts. Or Pillman, or.. well you get the drift. But not in MLW. 1 belt only. So, we have an idea who the 16 men are that will be in qualifying matches, but you'll have to tune into MLW Fusion to find out. Now, we got a hell of a lot more action, so let's get to it!" (61)


    Schiavone: - "Huge news from the commish! Not only will the winner of the King of the Mountain be recognized in that capacity, all year, but they will also be the first MLW American Openweight champion."


    Striker: - "Tony, I'm really excited for this tournament. We have a lot of talent in MLW that would make great kings and great champions."


    Schiavone: - "Speaking of champions, we have our first title match of the night coming up, so let's get back to the ring!"


    KB5glyW.jpg vs. ZyLMFZf.jpg vs. LtQClJv.jpg wggEXuR9.jpg/vs. KlDwImn.jpg


    MLW Fatal Four Way Match to determine the first MLW Hardcore Champion

    Masada vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. Jimmy Havoc w/Priscilla Kelly vs. Necro Butcher


    This match was everything it could have been, and more. These 4 guys beat the heck out of each other, using everything but the kitchen sink. Even Kelly got involved, knocking the other 3 competitors over the head with a frying pan. Yes, a frying pan. She proved to be the difference, but the match was one with a wrestling move, as Jimmy Havoc hit Necro Butcher with a Death Valley Driver to become the first ever MLW Hardcore Champion! (50)


    Schiavone: - "What a match! I saw my share of hardcore matches in WCW, but that one may have taken the cake. That damn Priscilla Kelly though."


    Striker: - "Hey, in a hardcore match, anything goes. Every man needs a good woman by their side."


    *At that point, the light went out, and Ice Cube's song Natural Born Killers began playing.*


    Schiavone: - "What in the hell is going on??"


    Striker: - "Oh no Tony, if this is what I think it is, hell has just entered MLW."


    *At that point, the lights came back on and a loud pop from the crowd as RjyBvut.jpg New Jack stood in the ring.


    New Jack: - "So this is MLW huh? Heard a lot of things about this company. Heard something about a hardcore division. Well **ers, you can't have a hardcore division without some extreme as well. So let me introduce myself. I'm New Jack, and I'm one of the most hardcore mfers out there. Jimmy Havoc, you ain't got nothin on me boy. I'm comin for you, and that title. As long as New Jack is in MLW, he wants that Hardcore belt around his waist. (36)


    Striker: - "Tony, I don't know if you realize who that is, but he's been banned in a lot of states."


    Schiavone: - "I'm not sure what MLW was thinking by bringing him in. He almost killed a guy in the ring for goodness sakes!"


    Striker: - "I hope Jeff Jarrett has a good lawyer. As long as New Jack is here, he might need one."


    Schiavone: - "We have more action, so let's go back to the ring!"


    ZYYzEEk.jpg vs. mTPmP0b.jpg


    MLW World Middleweight Title Match

    MJF © vs. Brian Pillman Jr.


    A great match, but unfortunately MJF and Pillman didn't exactly click in the ring, so the match had some awkward moments. Still, both men displayed some incredible offense, and Pillman had MJF on the ropes more than once. The savvy of MJF came through though, as he grabbed Pillmans tights on a roll-up attempt, getting the leverage he needed to get the pin, escaping with his title! (43)


    Schiavone: - "Just once, just one time, I'd like to see MJF win a match without cheating."


    Striker: - "Tony, you know nothing about being a champion. When you're a champ, you do whatever it takes to retain a title."


    Schiavone: - "I don't know about being a champion, but I do know a lot about morals, and MJF has none."


    Striker: - "Tony, you are what my friend Taz would call, a putz!"


    Schiavone: - "Let's go backstage, we've got a situation going on!"




    We go backstage where Cade and Yuta are screaming at Chelsea Green, blaming her for their loss earlier tonight. Green is not happy.


    Green: - "Look, boys, if you were half as good as you thought you were, you would have won that match tonight. You guys have lost on the last 2 big events. Maybe it's time for me to leave you boys and go find some real men." *Green then storms out of the locker room* (34)


    Schiavone: - "Matt, I don't see this partnership lasting much longer. Accident or not, there is major tension there."


    Striker: - "You know, I may have called Chelsea Green a dumb bimbo earlier, but she's actually said something smart. If Cade and Yuta were really that good, they still would have won tonight."


    Schiavone: - "You're really something Matt, really something. Let's take a look at the history of this feud between MVP and Joey Janela."


    A highlights package plays showing the incidents that have taken place between MVP and Joey Janela the past few weeks on MLW Fusion. (36)


    Striker: - "We are getting quite familiar with grudge matches here in MLW, and this is definitely an interesting one.


    Schiavone: - "It's a battle of youth vs. experience. Who will prevail? Let's get down to the ring!"


    cYm8LGQ.jpg vs. aT2lUTi.jpg w/KEp77iQ.jpg


    MVP vs. Joey Janela w/Aria Blake


    A very spirited match, which led to a bit of brawling. The veteran MVP controlled most of the match, but Janela held his own. In the end, Janela took advantage of MVP running into the ring post, hitting him with the Moonsault Foot Stomp, getting a surprising victory. (52)


    Striker: - "Wow Tony, what a shock. I really thought MVP would win."


    Schiavone: - "Janela was smart, he took advantage of a mistake. And he did it without any interference. I'm very impressed with Joey Janela tonight."


    Striker: - "Speaking of impressive, we are about to see an impressive power display. It's time for our MLW World Heavyweight Title Match."


    gB0kqUg.jpg vs. pN864ri.jpg


    MLW World Heavyweight Title Match

    Jeff Cobb © vs. Tommy Mercer


    This match did not disappoint. It had an impressive display of power from both men, and a good wrestling performance from both as well. These two also had great chemistry in the ring, which made for an even better match. Cobb used his brute size to his advantage though, hitting Mercer with a flipping bodyslam to get a quick pin and retain his title! (58)


    Striker: - "What a sensational match. Gotta give it to both men. Don't think Tommy Mercer is out of the title picture. He'll be back and he'll definitely hold a title here in MLW."


    Schiavone: - "I have to agree Matt. 2 definite stars in the making here. It's time for our main event, so let's get down to the ring!"


    mLtnbkm.jpg392rusl.jpg w/gGzUfnm.jpg vs. hwytQMZ.jpg2RcmUun.jpg


    Non-Title Match

    Lucha Bros w/Salina de La Renta © vs. Rich Swann and Shane Strickland


    This match also didn't disappoint, with great high flying, quick action. Both teams showed why they deserve to be tag team champions. With de La Renta getting more frustrated by the moment, Swann and Strickland continued to fight. After several near falls from both teams, Swann finally got the opening he was looking for, hitting Penta El Zero M with a cross body black off the top rope to get a stunning non-title victory! (59)


    Striker: - "What a match, what a way to end the year! Outstanding action."


    Schiavone: - "You gotta think this puts Swann and Strickland as the #1 contenders."


    Striker: - "Absolutely Tony. When you beat the champs in a non-title match, you deserve a title shot."


    Schiavone: - "Fans, thanks for watching, we gotta go! Happy new year and we'll see you in 2019!"


    *fade to black*


    Final Show Rating: 57

  4. MLW Never Say Never Preview


    The final big event of the year for MLW is set to take place, and there are 6 exciting matches scheduled. Let's run down the card and how we got there:


    -- Last week on MLW Fusion, Tommy Mercer challenged MLW World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Cobb to an MLW World Heavyweight Title Match. This week on MLW Fusion, Cobb accepted the challenge, and that match will take place at MLW Never Say Never.


    -- Brian Pillman Jr. has been on a roll since coming to MLW, and he's already stated that he wants titles. MLW World Middleweight Champion MJF has taken offense to that, and attacked Pillman Jr. recently on MLW Fusion. Pillman Jr. challenged MJF to an MLW World Middleweight Title Match. MJF accepted, saying he would beat Pillman Jr. with ease. The match is set for MLW Never Say Never.


    -- Earlier in the month, MLW introduced the first of 2 new titles, the MLW Hardcore Title. It was announced that Masada, Necro Butcher, Jimmy Havoc, and Jimmy Jacobs would do battle in a Fatal Four Way Hardcore Match to determine the first ever MLW Hardcore Champion.


    -- Rich Swann and Shane Strickland have formed a tag team in their quest to change the landscape of MLW. They have challenged MLW World Tag Team Champions The Lucha Bros to an MLW World Tag Team Title Match. The 4 men split 2 singles matches this month on Impact, with Rich Swann and Penta El Zero M winning for their respective sides. MLW commissioner DDP has announced that the 2 teams will wrestle each other at MLW Never Say Never, but it will be a non-title match.


    -- There's quite a feud brewing between Joey Janela and MVP over the past few weeks. They've had some heated arguments about who is better. Janela has referred to MVP as "old" more than once, and even sent his manager Aria Blake to set up MVP. They will wrestle at MLW Never Say Never to try and settle this rivalry.


    -- There's been rumblings backstage that Rebel Cell has been putting the moves on Chelsea Green, and Cade and Yuta aren't happy about it. Cade, in particular, is quite upset at Green for costing them a match against the Dirty Blondes. MLW management has told them to settle it in the ring, and they will at MLW Never Say Never.


    -- In addition, we're being told that MLW commish DDP will have a big announcement about the second new title coming to MLW, as well as info on the upcoming MLW King of the Mountain Tournament.


    Stay tuned, it's going to be a fun show!


    Match Card


    MLW World Heavyweight Title Match

    Jeff Cobb © vs. Tommy Mercer:



    MLW World Middleweight Title Match

    MJF © vs. Brian Pillman Jr.



    Fatal Four Way Hardcore Match to determine the first MLW Hardcore Champion

    Masada vs. Necro Butcher vs. Jimmy Havoc vs. Jimmy Jacobs



    Non-Title Match

    The Lucha Bros © vs. Rich Swann and Shane Strickland



    MVP vs. Joey Janela



    Rebel Cell vs. Cade and Yuta



    bonus (2 points)- What will be the highest rated match of the show?



    bonus (1 point each question) - Will anybody new show up at the event? If so, who?



    bonus (1 point)- Will Chelsea Green play a factor in the Rebel Cell/Cade and Yuta match?



    General Dynasty Comments:


    This is the last show to predict in for this current prediction contest, hence the fact there are 5 bonus points available. I would like to run this show Tuesday, giving everybody a chance to get their predictions in. Remember, top 3 get prizes. If you don't get your predictions in, you might miss out on a prize. Again, look for this show to run on Tuesday

  5. MLW Fusion

    Monday, Week 4, December 2018

    Metroplex Live - Little Rock, AR

    Show Attendance: 1,117

    Shown On: Twitch

    Show Announcers: PaSJF6c.jpg and sz78nQA.jpg

    Tony Schiavone and Matt Striker


    BzPFPLw.jpg vs. sPa8KM6.jpg


    In a decent match, Brody King defeated Tim Zbyszko in 5:59 by pinfall with a Gonzo Bomb. (35)




    MJF comes to the ring to brag about his attack of Brian Pillman Jr. last week. During his speech, Pillman charges to the ring only to be restrained by MLW officials. He challenges MJF to an MLW World Middleweight Title Match at MLW Never Say Never. MJF accepts, saying "It will be a breeze because I'm better than you, and you know it!" (36)


    1zvodlR.jpg vs. ZaWfAqk.jpg


    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Darby Allin defeated Jinzo in 7:47 by pinfall with a Coffin Drop. (30)




    Striker and Schiavone announced the MLW commissioner DDP has booked Rich Swann and Shane Strickland to face the Lucha Bros in a non-title match at MLW Never Say Never. (31)


    YcKJ7jx.jpg8gO20v7.jpgslHtygv.jpgbBD0L7c.jpg w/ZF8Hl0b.jpg


    In a decent match, Smash N Dash Connection defeated The Dirty Blondes in 8:25 when Barrington Hughes defeated Mike Patrick by submission with a Rat Trap. (39)




    Backstage, Karen Jarrett caught up with Jeff Cobb to ask him about the challenge from Tommy Mercer last week. Cobb said he is a fighting champion and he has no problem giving Mercer a title match, and that he will see him at MLW Never Say Never. (47)


    392rusl.jpg w/gGzUfnm.jpg vs. 2RcmUun.jpg


    In a bout that had great wrestling and good heat, Penta El Zero M defeated Shane Strickland in 15:08 by pinfall with a Top Rope Styles Clash. (52)


    Final Show Rating: 47

  6. MLW Fusion

    Monday, Week 3, December 2018

    Center Stage (Theater)- Atlanta, GA

    Show Attendance: 1,050 (SELLOUT!)

    Shown On: Twitch

    Show Announcers: PaSJF6c.jpg and sz78nQA.jpg

    Tony Schiavone and Matt Striker


    LtQClJv.jpg w/ggEXuR9.jpg vs. KB5glyW.jpg


    In a hardcore match, Jimmy Havoc w/Priscilla Kelly defeated Masada in 5:07 by pinfall with a Death Valley Driver. (48)




    Backstage, Aria Blake tried to put the moves on MVP, but he was having none of it, brushing her off. It was a setup though, as Joey Janela came from behind and attacked MVP, brutalizing him with a steel chair before officials can break it up. (46)


    mTPmP0b.jpg vs. VuHSV35.jpg


    In a decent match, Brian Pillman Jr. defeated Saieve Al Sabah in 8:03 by pinfall with a Tornado DDT. (47)




    While Brian Pillman Jr. was celebrating his victory in the ring. Maxwell Jacob Friedman ran in and attacked, beating Pillman Jr. down into the mat. He then bragged that he was better than Pillman, and everybody knew it. (21)




    Tommy Mercer came to the ring and asked that Karen Jarrett come out. When Jarrett came out asking what was going on, Mercer snatched the microphone from her and told her to get the F out of the ring, led by a chorus of boos. He said he was tired of waiting around for opportunities, and he was challenging MLW World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Cobb to a match at MLW Never Say Never. (44)


    GPpUa9o.jpg vs. 9O14UCj.jpg


    In a decent match, Matt Riddle defeated Vandal Ortagun in 8:25 by submission with a Guillotine Choke. (52)


    hwytQMZ.jpg vs. mLtnbkm.jpg w/gGzUfnm.jpg


    In a good match, Rich Swann defeated Rey Fénix w/Salina de La Renta in 15:36 by pinfall. (56)


    Final Show Rating: 51

  7. MLW Fusion

    Monday, Week 2, December 2018

    Center Stage (Theater)- Atlanta, GA

    Show Attendance: 1,050 (SELLOUT!)

    Shown On: Twitch

    Show Announcers: PaSJF6c.jpg and sz78nQA.jpg

    Tony Schiavone and Matt Striker


    ZyLMFZf.jpg vs. KlDwImn.jpg


    In a hardcore match, Jimmy Jacobs defeated Necro Butcher in 5:36 by submission with The End Time. (54)




    Backstage, Karen Jarrett caught up with the young up and comer Brian Pillman Jr., who said that he was on a roll here in MLW, that he was blessed to be here, and that he looked to continue in his father's legacy. He mentioned that bigger and better things were to come, and that he was looking at titles. (37)


    mTPmP0b.jpg vs. gwDP1JV.jpg


    In a decent match, Brian Pillman Jr. defeated Afa Anoa'i, Jr. in 8:32 by pinfall with a Tornado DDT. (41)


    NHfgnhb.jpg vs. ZaWfAqk.jpgsPa8KM6.jpg


    In a decent match, Rebel Cell defeated Jinzo and Tim Zbyszko in 8:19 when Shad Gaspard defeated Tim Zbyszko by pinfall with a STO. (48)




    Immediately after the match, Rich Swann and Shane Strickland come to the ring to challenge Lucha Brothers to a match. They said it was time for them to take over MLW and they wanted to start by taking out the best tag team in the company. (36)


    uhGex1L.jpg w/gGzUfnm.jpg vs.8gO20v7.jpg


    In a decent match, Sammy Guevara w/Salina de La Renta defeated Kotto Brazil in 15:39 by pinfall with The 630. (49)


    Final Show Rating: 47

  8. MLW Fusion

    Monday, Week 1, December 2018

    Center Stage (Theater)- Atlanta, GA

    Show Attendance: 1,050 (SELLOUT!)

    Shown On: Twitch

    Show Announcers: PaSJF6c.jpg and sz78nQA.jpg

    Tony Schiavone and Matt Striker




    The show starts with officials having to separate MVP and Joey Janela who are in an intense brawl. While being pulled off, Janela tells MVP "I'm gonna send you back to your retirement home where you belong, old man!" (44)


    slHtygv.jpgbBD0L7c.jpg w/ ZF8Hl0b.jpg vs. ZaWfAqk.jpgsPa8KM6.jpg


    In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, The Dirty Blondes w/Col. Robert Parker defeated Jinzo and Tim Zbyszko in 6:25 when Mike Patrick defeated Jinzo by pinfall. (36)


    hnePWiY.jpg vs. mTPmP0b.jpg


    In a decent match, Brian Pillman Jr. defeated "Filthy" Tom Lawlor in 8:57 by pinfall with a Tornado DDT. (47)




    Backstage, Karen Jarrett caught up with Chelsea Green to ask her about what happened at MLW Clock Strikes Twelve. Green said that it was preposterous that anybody would think she would run into Yuta on purpose. She said it was a total accident and she felt terrible about costing Cade and Yuta the match. The facial expressions of Jarrett showed clearly that she didn't believe Green one little bit. (50)


    nxpJ4Sw.jpgZPxuBvY.jpg vs. VuHSV35.jpg9O14UCj.jpg


    In a decent match, The Rascalz defeated Saieve Al Sabah and Vandal Ortagun in 6:43 when Dezmond Xavier defeated Saieve Al Sabah by pinfall. (42)




    At the broadcast booth, Matt Striker announced the first of 2 new titles coming to MLW. He announced that the MLW Hardcore Title would make its debut this month, where at MLW Never Say Never, there would be a 4 man elimination Hardcore match to determine the first ever MLW Hardcore Champion. He also announced that there would be 2 singles matches involving the 4 men, and they would take place over the next 2 weeks on MLW Fusion. (41)


    l9ojQvw.jpg vs. MXDBfaw.jpg


    In a decent match, Lance Anoa'i defeated Fred Yehi in 15:07 by pinfall with a Wild Samoan Splash. (34)


    Final Show Rating: 40

  9. If you are not married to the Hardcore Division, I would say just scrap it altogether. Six people is not enough and you'll run out of feuds quickly. Ideally eight or ten should be enough but as you said with so many bitching about having to take part in hardcore matches, you might have a hard time trying to fill out the division.


    You could always do a 24/7 Title. That way it is not strictly Hardcore but it can sort of function as something similar.


    I definitely understand what you're saying, but I owe it to myself to at least try the Hardcore Title idea. I have a couple other workarounds that I think might work. However, as I said, if the Network complains about having Hardcore matches on, then it's a done deal anyways.

  10. Also, I'm finding out that having a Hardcore division might be tough. I know if I try to put guys in hardcore matches that aren't suitable to those, they will complain. I had to sign a few new wrestlers and I'll start with 6 that I think will pass the test. Any other ideas?


    It's also going to make a difference if Twitch allows me to have Hardcore matches. They let me have a cage match but not a ladder match, so I'm a little worried about that.

  11. In my MLW save, I'm adding 2 titles, so I have 2 questions.


    First, I'm adding an MLW Hardcore Title. Obviously all the matches for this title will be Hardcore matches. My question is what is the minimum brawling or hardcore rating I should be looking at to add wrestlers to this hardcore division.


    2nd, my other new title is going to be an Upper Midcard/Main Event title, equivalent to like the NWA United States title or WWE Intercontinental Title. I'm trying to decide on a name to use. Someone suggested the MLW Openweight Title, I'm also looking at MLW American Title. Tnoughts?

  12. <p>Hey all, sorry for the lack of posts lately, I had an illness in the family that I've been tending to, but I'm back now, just in time for the holidays lol. I'm making some changes to this dynasty though, in terms of titles mostly.</p><p> </p><p>

    First and foremost, I'm retiring the MLW Television Title. It had a brief run, but I've decided that I can't do a Television Title justice. The going back and forth on whether to have a title match on every show, PPVs, etc, just wasn't working out for me. NWA/WCW did it the best with a Television Title. So that title is gone, and instead I'm going to be introducing 2 new singles titles.</p><p> </p><p>

    Since MLW is known for being a bit of a hybrid company, and since I've always had a fondness for ECW and the hardcore style, I'm going to be introducing an MLW Hardcore Title. I'll be having some kind of tournament for that belt at a later date. I'll also be introducing another singles title that'll be equivalent to the Intercontinental or United States Title. The main secondary title of the company that anybody can go for, but is mostly designed for the Main Event and Upper Midcard Scene. Don't have a name for this title yet (I'm open to suggestions).</p><p> </p><p>

    Also, I am auto-booking the next 2 episodes of MLW Fusion so that I can start fresh in the month of December. My plan is to have all the PPV's (or big events, whatever you want to call them) on Friday of Week 4 every month. I'll have to double check, but I believe most of my talent will be available then.</p><p> </p><p>

    I have several storylines planned, 1 for the MLW World Heavyweight Title, 1 for the MLW Tag Team Titles, 1 for the MLW Middleweight Title, and about 3-4 others. Going forward, I'm hoping to make storylines a key part of this dynasty.</p><p> </p><p>

    It'll be tough to get a show in this week with Christmas coming, but I'm hoping to get up the December Week 1 episode of Fusion either Thursday or Friday. Thanks for your patience.</p>

  13. rW7jsJN.jpg


    Another great show, as MLW is really taking off. The only thing stopping us from moving up to regional status is the fact that I haven't allowed it yet. Maybe it's time, or maybe I'll wait until the end of the year to take the size restrictions off. Either way, it's time to make a change. We will be regional size no later than Jan. 2019.


    With us showing PPVs in the middle of the month instead of the last week of the month, we'll have 2 weeks of shows that won't feature any storylines. The MLW World Television Title Tournament will be the focus, but there will be some jobber matches as well. New storylines will start with the first MLW Fusion in December. We'll have several. The main event scene will have a couple, the mid-card scene will have a couple, and the tag team scene may have 1. It'll be fun.


    (ooc) This brings up a question, for storyline purposes, is it time to turn the face/heel divide back on? The biggest reason for turning it off is so that anybody on the roster could face anybody else without that stupid face/face or heel/heel penalty. I'd have many more options. But maybe it'll make sense to turn face/heel divide back on?


    Or maybe I just leave it off, and write my reports like it is turned on? What do you guys think?

  14. Prediction Contest


    MLW Clock Strikes Twelve


    ** note- There was actually a tie for match of the show. Both the six man tag elimination match and the Hager/Riddle match tied with a 56, anybody that picked either of those (and I think everybody that predicted this show picked the Riddle/Hager match) will get 1 point instead of 2. It's only fair. **


    joshbrady91- 7 points

    kijar- 7 points

    BHK1978- 6 points

    brianc2008- 5 points




    BHK1978- 19 points

    brianc2008- 17 points

    Theheel- 9 points

    joshbrady91- 7 points

    kijar- 7 points

    Martel123- 5 points

    Powerbrock100- 5 points

    Warhawk8492- 3 points

    RyanR93WKU- 2 points


    As they have predicted every show so far, it looks like BHK1978 and brianc2008 are a lock for the top 2 spots. It's just a matter of who will finish first or second. Remember, top 3 get a prize, and that 3rd spot is wide open. With 2 people predicting for the first time this show and having perfect rounds, they have really jumped up there. The next big event, which will be in December of course, will be it, and then prizes will be handed out.

  15. MLW Clock Strikes Twelve

    Friday, Week 2, November 2018

    Venice Community Center- Venice, FL

    Show Attendance: 963

    Shown on: Twitch

    Show Announcers: PaSJF6c.jpg and sz78nQA.jpg

    Tony Schiavone and Matt Striker


    Schiavone: - "We are here at MLW Clock Strikes Twelve, and we have 6 exciting matches for you tonight!"


    Striker: - "That's right Tony, we have 2 huge grudge matches that will hopefully end those 2 feuds, 2 title matches, and a tag team match where somebody will get their first win in MLW."


    Schiavone: - "But before all that, we're gonna go down to ringside as our MLW Commissioner is ready to speak!"


    *The music plays. It's me, It's DD..P! The MLW Commissioner DDP comes down to ringside.*


    DDP: - "What a crowd we have here tonight! Thank you all for being here, now let's get down to business." *crowd erupts* "Everybody has been asking me, yo DDP, what's the deal with Strickland and the TV title? Well it's quite simple, Shane Strickland is ready for bigger things, and I respect that. After all, it's every wrestlers dream to be the top dog. If it isn't, then why are you here?" *crowd roars again*


    "But that brings us to a dilemma. We need a new MLW Television champion. So how should we decide it. I thought to myself, DDP, do we really want another boring single elimination tournament? We've already got one of those coming up in a couple months, the MLW King of the Mountain Tournament." *crowd starts chanting Double J, Double J* "Man what a passionate group, I love it. So then I started thinking back to my WCW days, where we had a double elimination tournament for the tag titles. Not a lot of people remember that, but I do! So I thought, why not have one of those here? So I've taken 6 names that I thought are deserving of holding the MLW Television Title. The first round pairings will be randomly drawn and those matches will take place next week on MLW Fusion. From there, we'll put the names into a bracket and see how it comes out. The finals will take place at our next big event in December."


    "Now I know you're probably asking, DDP, why 6? Why not 8? Make it even. Welllll… good question. The honest answer is, 6 is different. 8 is the norm, 6 is different, and we want different here at MLW. The other question that has been asked is who will the 6 be? Well guys, I'll just be nice and let you know now. The 6 contenders in the MLW Television Title Tournament will be.. Fred Yehi, Brian Pillman Jr., Sammy Guevara, Brody King, Kotto Brazil, and Filthy Tom Lawlor." *crowd nods in approval* "The first round match-ups will be randomly drawn and put into the bracket. Guys, it's gonna be exciting. Now, we have an exciting show tonight, so let's get to it!" (58)


    Striker: - "Wow Tony, a double elimination tournament for the MLW Television Title? I don't think I've ever seen or heard of such a thing in the pro wrestling business. DDP is definitely putting his stamp on things around here."


    Schiavone: - "I announced the double elimination tournament for the WCW World Tag Team Titles back in 1999 I believe. First and only time it's been done, to my knowledge. We are ready for action, let's get to the ring!"


    gwDP1JV.jpgl9ojQvw.jpg vs. ZaWfAqk.jpgsPa8KM6.jpg


    The Anoa'is vs. Jinzo and Tim Zybyszko


    To nobody's surprise, this match opened the show. 2 teams, both fighting for their first MLW win. It was back and forth, and Tim Zbyszko showed those rule breaking moves that made his father, the living legend Larry Zbyszko so good for so long. In the end though, The Anoa'is took the advantage and used their experience. The finish came when Lance Anoa'i hit Tim Zbyszko with a Wild Samoan Splash to get the 1-2-3! (37)


    Striker: - "The streak is over! Lance Anoa'i has finally gotten a win in MLW!"


    Schiavone: - "What a good, hard fought match this was. I really think both of these teams can move up the ladder. Jinzo and Tim Zbyszko, whether teaming together or wrestling solo, could be future stars!"


    Striker: - "It's time for the first of 2 big grudge matches, and this one could be a war!"


    M5pwsJr.jpgcWJPqRb.jpg vs. slHtygv.jpgbBD0L7c.jpg


    Texas Bullrope Match

    Cade and Yuta w/Chelsea Green vs. The Dirty Blondes w/Col. Robert Parker


    It took a while for the 4 competitors to be tied together with the bullropes. Cade was tied to Leo Brien while Yuta was tied to Mike Patrick. This was a match in which pinfall or submission won the match, and an automatic DQ was called for if any of the 4 competitors detached themselves from the bullrope intentionally. All 4 men tried to use the cowbell in the middle of the ropes to their advantage, but the tide turned when referee Brian Hebner got squashed in between all 4 men!


    Seizing the opportunity, Col. Robert Parker started to stalk Chelsea Green, chasing her around the ring. Green actually rolled into the ring to get away from Col. Parker, but in the process accidentally clipped Yuta, who fell down, clutching his knee that was injured a few weeks ago. Taking advantage, Brien detached himself with the referee knocked out, and started hammering Yuta with the cowbell. Naturally, when Hebner came to, the bullrope was reattached, Brien was covering Yuta, and Hebner counted to 3, giving the Dirty Blondes the win. (43)


    Schiavone: - "That damn Col. Parker!! Something has to be done about his interference."


    Striker: - "Why are you blaming him? It's not his fault the referee got knocked out. He took advantage of a situation. Like any good manager should do."


    After the match, Cade and Yuta were visibly upset, both questioning why Chelsea Green even came into the ring at all, and why she wasn't more careful. Green tried to plead that it was a total accident, but Cade didn't seem so sure. (34)


    Schiavone: - "There are problems, big problems here. An accident cost Cade and Yuta this match, and they aren't happy."


    Striker: - "You know Tony, I'm not so sure it was an accident. I think Green meant to knock Yuta down."


    Schiavone: - "Matt, you are nuts if you think she would do that to the team she's been with for so long."


    Striker: - "What's so crazy about it Tony? Long time managers have turned on their clients before. Let's just see what develops."


    Schiavone: - "It looks like MJF has made his way down to the ring, and he's got a microphone. Let's see what he has to say!"




    MJF - "So it looks like it's time for me to defend my MLW World Middleweight Title again. Now I know this match was schedule for later in the show, but I'm here, and I'm ready. And since I am the best in the company, I think it's time I made my own rules. Jimmy Havoc, you are good, no doubt. A worthy challenger. But I'm still better than you, and you know it! Get a referee down here!" (27)


    Schiavone: - "What a jerk! I can't wait until someone takes that title from him and knocks him down a notch."


    Striker: - "I think he's just calling it like it is. He's the best middleweight in the country and he's proved it time and time again."


    Schiavone: - "Looks like we have a referee, and we've just been told that DDP says the match is on, right now!"


    ZYYzEEk.jpg vs. LtQClJv.jpg


    MLW World Middleweight Title Match

    MJF © vs. Jimmy Havoc w/Priscilla Kelly


    A solid match which saw Havoc try to use his unpredictable offense to his advantage, and he did a good job of keeping MJF off balance. But MJF is the champ for a reason, and he found a way to come through again. After a failed dive by Havoc, MJF took to the top rope and hit Havoc with a Swanton Bomb, getting the pin in a hard fought match and making defence number 4 of the MLW World Middleweight Title! (43)


    Schiavone: - "Gotta hand it to MJF. His attitude may suck, but he is a damn good champ."


    Striker: - "Tony, to be the best, you gotta have some attitude. He's good, and he knows it, and everybody else will start knowing it too."


    Schiavone: - "It's time for our six man elimination match, and this one is also going to be a war!"


    MXDBfaw.jpghwytQMZ.jpg2RcmUun.jpg vs. 392rusl.jpgmLtnbkm.jpguhGex1L.jpg


    Fred Yehi, Rich Swann, and Shane Strickland vs. The Lucha Bros and Sammy Guevara w/Salina de La Renta


    After their brawl on MLW Fusion, this match was a must, and DDP added the twist of making it elimination style. The Lucha Bros continued to prove why they are the best in the business, dominating the match as only they can. Despite his talent, Shane Strickland was eliminated first, leaving his team at a disadvantage. It wasn't long before Fred Yehi was eliminated, leaving a 3 on 1 situation with Promociones Dorado vs. Rich Swann. Swann fought valiantly, eliminating Sammy Guevara with a quick roll-up, but was immediately attacked by Penta, who finished it off by eliminating Rich Swann, as the Lucha Bros stood tall. (56)


    Schiavone: - "That team of Yehi, Swann, and Strickland is solid, and the Lucha Bros made it look easy against them. Matt, can anybody beat these guys?"


    Striker: - "Tony, I don't think there is a tag team in MLW right now that can take those belts. I'm not sure even if you threw 2 of our best together, which we kind of did with Swann and Strickland, that they could even take the titles. The Lucha Bros may retire with those belts."


    Schiavone: - "It's time for our 2nd grudge match of the night, and let's not waste any time."


    GPpUa9o.jpg vs. stF8qxC.jpg


    Matt Riddle vs. Jake Hager (if Riddle loses he is done in MLW)


    A lot on the line in this match, Riddle knew he must win to stay in the company, and he wrestled like a man possessed. The problem is, so did Hager. He was ready to be done with Riddle once and for all. This was a war! Riddle stunned Hager with some solid kicks, but it was clear that the ankle was giving him trouble. It looked like Hager was on the verge of victory, as he went for the trusty ankle lock. The crowd groaned, knowing one of their favorites could be on the way out.


    But in an incredible surge of strength and energy, Riddle reversed the ankle lock, and now Hager was the one in trouble! After a few seconds of Riddle locking Hager in his own move, Riddle decided it was time. He applied the Gullotine Choke on Hager. Hager fought valiantly, but lost strength the more he fought. Referee Justin King raised Hager's hand once.. it hit the ground. King raised his hand again, but Hager's hand hit the ground a second time. King raised Hager's hand a third time, and it fell to the ground!! Hager was put to sleep, and Riddle maintained his position in the company! (56)


    Knowing he would stay in MLW and finally getting revenge on Jake Hager.. Matt Riddle celebrated in the ring as the MLW fans chanted his name! (39)


    Striker: - "Tony, I have no idea where Matt Riddle got that surge of energy. He looked down and out. What a performance."


    Schiavone: - "I guess when a man's career is on the line, he goes the extra mile and finds strength wherever he can. What a match!"


    Striker: - "All we have left is the MLW World Title Match. I don't know about you Tony, but this has been one solid show, and I'm pumped!"


    Schiavone: - "Agreed 100% Matt. Let's finish it off with a bang!"


    gB0kqUg.jpg vs. cYm8LGQ.jpg


    MLW World Heavyweight Title Match

    Jeff Cobb © vs. MVP


    The experience of MVP vs. the power of Cobb made for an incredible match. Both men got lots of offense in, and MVP started to take control. Unfortunately, with experience also comes age, and although nobody can deny MVP's charisma, his physical ability started to get the best of him. After 16 minutes, MVP had just about had all he could handle. Cobb saw that and took advantage, hitting MVP with a Flipping Bodyslam to get the pin and retain the title! (53)


    Striker: - "Gotta feel a little bit sorry for MVP here, he is one of the oldest in the company, but he still wrestles at a high level. Unfortunately, it looks like he may have to defer to the younger guys at this point."


    Schiavone: - "I wouldn't say that at all Matt. MVP brought it and then some. He can still play a big part in this company. Either way, Jeff Cobb is still the MLW champ, and we gotta go. We'll see you on MLW Fusion next week!"


    Final Show Rating: 53

  16. MLW Clock Strikes Twelve Preview


    A change in the PPV schedule sees this big event on Friday, rather than on Sunday. We're being told it has something to do with a lot of talent not being available on Sunday. Whatever the case, this is the 4th big event under the Jarrett regime, and it's got 6 exciting matches.


    -- Last month at MLW One Shot, after successfully defending the title, MLW World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Cobb was challenged by MVP. New MLW Commissioner DDP made this match as his first official act on the job, and it will happen at this big event.


    -- Given his recent hot steak on MLW Fusion, Jimmy Havoc has been granted an MLW World Middleweight Title Match against the current champ, MJF.


    -- DDP has been busy lately. Thanks to their brawl at the last episode of MLW Fusion, DDP has ordered The Lucha Bros and Sammy Guevara into a match against Fred Yehi, Shane Strickland, and Rich Swann. Furthermore, we are being told this will be a survivor series style elimination match.


    -- It looks like 2 feuds/storylines are coming to an end. The first one will see Matt Riddle putting his career on the line against Jake Hager. It's a risky move by Riddle, as Hager has clearly had his number, but this was the only way Riddle could get Hager in the ring again. Will Riddle finally topple the former NCAA wrestling champion Hager, or will his MLW career come to an end?


    -- In what may be even more of a personal feud, Cade and Yuta challenged The Dirty Blondes to a bullrope match. The Blondes put Yuta on the shelf temporarily, but he is back and blazing mad. However, a bullrope match may not have been the best choice for Cade and Yuta. Nevertheless, it's set and Cade and Yuta are going to have to bring it.


    -- 2 teams that have struggled mightily in MLW got into an argument backstage after the last edition of MLW Fusion. The newly formed team of Jinzo and Tim Zbyszko caught The Anoais backstage and laughed at them for their losing streak, specifically Lance's losing streak. Afa Jr. kindly reminded Jinzo and the son of the Living Legend that they haven't won a match in MLW either. MLW commish DDP decided they needed to settle it in the ring. Which of these teams will get their first MLW win?


    Match Card


    MLW World Heavyweight Title Match

    Jeff Cobb © vs. MVP



    MLW World Middleweight Title Match

    MJF © vs. Jimmy Havoc



    Six Man Tag Elimination Match

    The Lucha Bros and Sammy Guevara vs. Fred Yehi, Rich Swann, and Shane Strickland.



    Matt Riddle vs. Jake Hager (if Riddle loses he must leave MLW forever)



    Bullrope Match

    Cade and Yuta vs. The Dirty Blondes



    The Anaois vs. Jinzo and Tim Zbyszko



    bonus (2 points)- What will be the highest rated match of the show?


    My plan is to run this show Wednesday afternoon, so you have 2 days and a few hours to get your predictions in. Remember, after this there is only 1 more show in the current prediction contest. Top 3 get prizes and it's still pretty tight, so make sure to get your predictions in so you don't miss out.

  17. MLW Fusion

    Monday, Week 2, November 2018

    Venice Community Center- Venice, FL

    Show Attendance: 907

    Shown On: Twitch

    Show Announcers: PaSJF6c.jpg and sz78nQA.jpg

    Tony Schiavone and Matt Striker




    The show starts with Fred Yehi confronting Sammy Guevara over their match a couple weeks ago. Yehi gets jumped from behind by the Lucha Bros, when Rich Swann and Shane Strickland come in to even the odds as a massive brawl ensues. (31)


    YcKJ7jx.jpg8gO20v7.jpg vs. ZaWfAqk.jpgsPa8KM6.jpg


    In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Smash N Dash Connection defeated Jinzo and Tim Zbyszko in 7:05 when Kotto Brazil defeated Tim Zbyszko by pinfall with a Twisting Dropkick. (41)




    We go backstage to see Jake Hager sparring with someone. "Matt Riddle, you must really be stupid to put your career on the line, against me no less. I've already broken your ankle, now you want me to break your spirit too? Well, challenge accepted. If you really want to be out of MLW, I'll be glad to be the one to do it." (40)


    LtQClJv.jpg w/Priscilla Kelly vs. l9ojQvw.jpg


    In a decent match, Jimmy Havoc defeated Lance Anoa'i in 10:26 by pinfall with a Death Valley Driver. (44)




    Karen Jarrett interviews Jason Cade about his match against the Dirty Blondes at MLW Clock Strikes Twelve. Cade tells Jarrett that as far as he knows, he'll be going it alone. The crowd starts cheering, when Jimmy Yuta enters the ring. "Dirty Blondes, you thought you could take me out. You thought you were gonna get Jason 2 on 1 at MLW Clock Strikes Twelve? Well guess what bitches? I'm back, and we're gonna kick your asses!" (31)


    A video plays hyping The Dirty Blondes vs. Cade & Yuta. (23)


    hnePWiY.jpg vs. 9O14UCj.jpg


    In a decent match, "Filthy" Tom Lawlor defeated Vandal Ortagun in 15:08 by submission with a Guillotine Choke. (44)


    Final Show Rating: 42

  18. MLW Fusion

    Monday, Week 1, November 2018

    Venice Community Center- Venice, FL

    Show Attendance: 879

    Shown On: Twitch

    Show Announcers: PaSJF6c.jpg and sz78nQA.jpg

    Tony Schiavone and Matt Striker


    LtQClJv.jpg w/ Priscilla Kelly vs. VuHSV35.jpg


    In a decent match, Jimmy Havoc defeated Saieve Al Sabah in 6:56 by pinfall with a Death Valley Driver. (43)




    After a short break, we come back to Shane Strickland in the ring. He states that he needed a break from the company and that as the MLW Television Champion, he wasn't feeling challenged enough. He said he feels he can do more in the company, and said that he was vacating the MLW Television Championship to move on to bigger and better things. (36)


    ZPxuBvY.jpg nxpJ4Sw.jpg vs. ZaWfAqk.jpgsPa8KM6.jpg


    In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, The Rascalz defeated Jinzo and Tim Zbyszko in 5:41 when Trey Miguel defeated Tim Zbyszko by pinfall with a Yoshi Tonic. (44)




    Jason Cade is backstage talking with the MLW trainers when The Dirty Blondes come up from behind and start taunting him. They tell him that him and his partner challenging them to a bullrope match was already career suicide, but now that his partner is in the hospital, it's gonna be like taking candy from a baby. (28)


    1zvodlR.jpg vs. BzPFPLw.jpg


    In a decent match, Darby Allin defeated Brody King in 8:18 by pinfall with a Coffin Drop. (40)




    Matt Riddle caught up with Karen Jarrett backstage and said that he had something to say. He said he had one final offer for Jake Hager. "Matt Riddle vs. Jake Hager at MLW Clock Strikes Twelve. Hager, if I beat you, which I intend to, then you can't compete for any title in MLW for the next 90 days. But if you beat me, which you won't now that I'm 100%, then I will leave MLW forever. Jake, that is an offer that you can't refuse. If you're half the man you say you are, the next week on MLW Fusion, your answer will be yes." (36)


    hnePWiY.jpg vs. aT2lUTi.jpg w/ Aria Blake


    In a decent match, Joey Janela defeated "Filthy" Tom Lawlor in 14:45 by pinfall with a Moonsault Foot Stomp. (46)


    Final Show Rating: 42

  19. MLW Fusion

    Monday, Week 4, October 2018

    Venice Community Center- Venice, FL

    Show Attendance: 843

    Shown On: Twitch

    Show Announcers: PaSJF6c.jpg and sz78nQA.jpg

    Tony Schiavone and Matt Striker


    YcKJ7jx.jpg8gO20v7.jpg vs. gwDP1JV.jpgl9ojQvw.jpg


    In a decent match, Smash N Dash Connection defeated The Anoa'is in 8:06 when Barrington Hughes defeated Lance Anoa'i by pinfall with a Trump Card. (44)




    Karen Jarrett is backstage with Matt Riddle who once again challenges Jake Hager to another match, calling him a coward. (39)


    pN864ri.jpg vs. ZaWfAqk.jpg


    In an extremely short match, Tommy Mercer defeated Jinzo in 2:58 by pinfall with a Red Sky. (39)


    sPa8KM6.jpg vs. mTPmP0b.jpg


    In a bout that had decent wrestling but didn't have much heat, Brian Pillman Jr. defeated Tim Zbyszko in 10:54 by pinfall with a Tornado DDT. (43)




    We head backstage where Karen Jarrett has caught up with Jake Hager. He tells Karen that there is nothing that loser Matt Riddle could do to earn a rematch. Hager said he has hurt Riddle's ankle and his career, and reinforced that he was done with Riddle. (36)




    As the interview with Hager finishes up, there is commotion in the background. The camera pans to see Leo Brien and Mike Patrick completely destroying Jimmy Yuta. It appears that Yuta has been seriously injured. (26)


    uhGex1L.jpg w/ Salina de La Renta vs. MXDBfaw.jpg


    In a decent match, Sammy Guevara defeated Fred Yehi in 14:58 by pinfall with The 630 after Salina de La Renta interfered. (46)


    Final Show Rating: 43

  20. <p><strong>MLW Fusion</strong></p><p><strong> Monday, Week 3, October 2018</strong></p><p><strong> Venice Community Center- Venice, FL</strong></p><p><strong> Show Attendance: 873</strong></p><p><strong> Shown On: Twitch</strong></p><p><strong> Show Announcers: </strong><a href="http://imgur.com/PaSJF6c.html" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="PaSJF6c.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/PaSJF6c.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a><strong> and </strong><a href="http://imgur.com/sz78nQA.html" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="sz78nQA.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/sz78nQA.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a></p><p><strong> Tony Schiavone and Matt Striker</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46836" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><a href="http://imgur.com/1zvod1R.html" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="1zvodlR.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/1zvodlR.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a> vs. <a href="http://imgur.com/l9ojQvw.html" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="l9ojQvw.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/l9ojQvw.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a><p> </p><p> In a poor match, <strong>Darby Allin</strong> defeated <strong>Lance Anoa'i</strong> in 8:19 by pinfall with a Coffin Drop. (39)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46836" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><a href="http://imgur.com/GPpUa9o.html" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="GPpUa9o.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/GPpUa9o.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a><a href="http://imgur.com/ErFeJPt.html" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="ErFeJPt.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/ErFeJPt.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a><p> </p><p> Backstage with <strong>Karen Jarrett</strong>, who is intervewing <strong>Matt Riddle</strong> regarding his match against <strong>Jake Hager</strong> at MLW One Shot. Riddle says that he wasn't at 100% and that he knows he can beat Hager when the odds are even. He challenged Hager to a rematch. (46)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46836" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><a href="http://imgur.com/mTPmP0b.html" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="mTPmP0b.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/mTPmP0b.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a> vs. <a href="http://imgur.com/9014UCj.html" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="9O14UCj.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/9O14UCj.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a><p> </p><p> In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, <strong>Brian Pillman Jr.</strong> defeated <strong>Vandal Ortagun</strong> in 6:49 by pinfall with a Tornado DDT. (38)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46836" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><a href="http://imgur.com/M5pwsJr.html" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="M5pwsJr.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/M5pwsJr.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a><a href="http://imgur.com/cWJPqRb.html" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="cWJPqRb.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/cWJPqRb.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a><p> </p><p> Backstage, <strong>Cade and Yuta</strong> say it's time to put an end to the feud with the <strong>Dirty Blondes</strong>. They propose one more match, the deciding match. But not just any match. A bullrope match, so that Cade and Yuta could beat the Blondes at their own game. (37)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46836" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><a href="http://imgur.com/hnePWiY.html" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="hnePWiY.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/hnePWiY.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a> vs. <a href="http://imgur.com/MXDBfaw.html" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="MXDBfaw.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/MXDBfaw.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a><p> </p><p> In a decent match, <strong>"Filthy" Tom Lawlor</strong> defeated <strong>Fred Yehi</strong> in 8:45 by submission with a Guillotine Choke.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46836" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><a href="http://imgur.com/stF8qxC.html" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="stF8qxC.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/stF8qxC.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a><p> </p><p> When we come back, <strong>Jake Hager</strong> is standing in the ring. "<strong>Matt Riddle</strong>, your challenge is denied. You see, I've already beaten you, and I have nothing left to prove. I'm moving on to bigger and (chuckles) much better things." (41)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="46836" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><a href="http://imgur.com/NHfgnhb.html" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="NHfgnhb.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/NHfgnhb.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a> vs. <a href="http://imgur.com/nxpJ4Sw.html" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="nxpJ4Sw.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/nxpJ4Sw.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a><a href="http://imgur.com/ZPxuBvY.html" rel="external nofollow"><img alt="ZPxuBvY.jpg" data-src="https://imgur.com/ZPxuBvY.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></a><p> </p><p> In a decent match, <strong>Rebel Cell</strong> defeated <strong>The Rascalz</strong> in 12:45 when Jayson Paul defeated Dezmond Xavier by pinfall. (45)</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Final Show Rating: 44</strong></p>
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