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Everything posted by praguepride

  1. I saw the post about loyalty and I am a bit concerned. It isn’t supposed to be for western companies at all and is specific for representing japanese companies. I would hesitate to even put Undertaker as having loyalty.
  2. Nice. I convinced Zombie Boy to out on muscle and his SQ went up a single point
  3. Big fan of Taheiji Konoe. In some of my practice dynasty games i'd talk him into working in America. Unfortunately due to language barriers and lack of any popularity he then gets jobbed eternally in dark matches
  4. It was added to give a rough overview of how good stats are. It ranges from blue (best) -> green (good) -> normal (normal) -> yellow (kinda bad) -> red (really bad). It's just so you can eyeball stuff and see the good vs. bad.
  5. I love the "broken hardy" vibe coming off of this one. Its renders like this that threaten my diaries because i want to include EVERYONE because of these amazing renders.
  6. Agreed. I would never use it in a main event match but in the middle of the card as way to get pop to the people I'm pushing? By all means. Really what I do is use it in situations like this: 1) Triple threat match. Champ and Contender are in a feud but there is a third guy in the ring to take the all. Champ beats jobber but Contender is kept strong so the lose doesn't hurt the storyline heat. 2) Flash pin/tainted win. As part of a storyline right now I had a midcarder beat a main eventer in a very close match. It was meant to elevate the midcarder up and not drop the main eventer down so I kept the ME guy strong. 3) Tag teams that I am priming for a split. Have one guy be pulling all the work but the weak link partner keeps him losing. Again the idea is that he lost but it isn't his fault. I don't want it open because there is clearly a weak link but I don't want the guy I'm trying to push into a singles competitor to lose a ton of popularity in the process.
  7. Then again I am hooked on a few fantasy booker series. “How I would have booked X angle or Y storyline”. We do diaries, its like a live diary game
  8. Yeah, I use it in combination with those. And I never said I was spamming it, just giving the situation where it could be used.
  9. That is fine on small rosters but a giant roster would flood your inbox with notices. I would say do the one screen display like in previous versions.
  10. In the West I would argue only Undertaker and maybe Sting have loyalty. Austin bounced back and forth, Rock leaves the biz constantly. HHH jumped ship. It is hard to pinpoint because being top draw at the biggest company should be a form of loyalty itself. You can only go down. I would say Undertaker only because every story about him talks about him being a company man. You don’t hear that about the other guys. Also money isn’t the only factor. Sting turned down WWE initially because they were doing the shitty invasion angle.
  11. I use “Keep Strong” for fluke wins. Guy A is clearly winning but a bad twist of fate has it go the other way. The classic is the ref takes a bump so misses the pin but when Guy A goes to check on the ref his opponent hits a surprise finisher and gets the pinfall instead
  12. Joey Styles is amazing <in the ring Matt Borne bites Scorpio’s nose> Joey: “That is some great scientific wrestling from Borne Again!”
  13. Got some big plans down the road for IPW so without too many reveals here are a couple of alt requests: With this re-render of Aldous Blackfriar: Can I get one where half his face is covered in blood. Ideally it would be like he had a hand full of blood and streaked it down his face but I would also take a William Wallace of blood look. Second for him I would like him to have a big black star over his eye ala Starchild from Kiss (but without the white face paint). Next for these guys can I get matching red headbands on them? I know Fiasco is going to be tough...maybe tuck it up under his hat? Next Melvin here needs f***ed up makeup. Think Doink during his "Borne Again" phase where it is only half put on and super streaky. Bonus points if it kinda looks like Joaquin Phoenix's Joker. It's fine if you have to ditch the beard and/or glasses. Finally Melvin needs a nice cultist hood. Something like the Darkness Warrior along those lines. I know this is a lot of big asks so thanks in advance!
  14. Kudos to TOTKingNothing for predicting the title change on the tag team belts. Also nope, Azathoth is not Big Cat Brandon. My clue this time around is that the man behind the mask is hire able from day 1. Someone like Big Cat becoming a free agent would definitely make the news before I made a move on him. Clue #2 is Azathoth's starting push is Unimportant. He has basically no starting popularity in the South West...
  15. Hold onto your butts! IPW TRIPLEMANIA 6 The Simmons Center, Southwest, USA Saturday, Week 1 March 2020 Attendance: 300 Pre-Show/Bonus Features Deacon Darkhold vs. Sanchez Villano In a decent pre-show match, Deacon Darkhold defeated Sanchez Villano in 9:56 by pinfall with a Reverse DDT. Vin's Notes: Deacon continuing to put in the work to hold a main event push. He gets an E and Sanchez an E+. Both were a bit winded by the end so I should cut things back a bit. Rating: E Stanley Axis vs. Zombie Boy In a pre-show bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Zombie Boy defeated Stanley Axis in 14:56 by pinfall with a Flying Double Stomp. Vin's Notes: Zombie is showing off his new more muscular look. A bit more meat on him and he might really loo like a star up there. Too bad he can't follow a script and things got a little derailed. I them both an E. Rating: E- Remmy Honeyman vs. Texas Hangman In a pre-show bout that had sub-par wrestling and little heat, Texas Hangman defeated Remmy Honeyman in 12:49 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.Vin's Notes: Texas debuts his Hangman gimmick to great effect. If only he could wrestle better. I give him an F+ and Remmy gets a D- Rating: E Hugh de Aske vs. Manny Alvarez In a decent pre-show match, Hugh de Aske defeated Manny Alvarez in 13:14 by pinfall with a Skull And Cross Bones. Vin's Note: Hugh puts on a top notch match with with a D and pulls an E- out of Manny Rating: E+ Moses: "Greetings Los Angeles. Welcome to the West coast home for hardcore wrestling. I'm your host Moses Makesh and with me as always is colour commentator Luther Judge..." Luther: "Aye, L.A. How you doing?" Moses: "...and manager to the stars Anslem Briggs." Anslem: "Thanks Moses." Luther: "Well that's a bit of stretch, don't ya think? I mean he's only really manageing a star and even star should probably come with some air quotes." Anslem: "I will beat your a** with the ring bell if you suggest that five-time IPW Champion Frantic isn't a star." Luther: "Was a champion, but what has he done lately?" Anslem: "It's not my man Frantic's fault old man Tanner can't control the locker room. Should be spending less time in the ring in his speedos and more time putting wild animals like JOJI on a leash." Moses: "Speaking of wild animals the audience is sure to be in for a wild time as our first match up is between the Canadian Hardcore team Otis and Sasquatch as they face off against the Night Terrors." Luther: "That's' not a clever transition, Moses. You can't just keep doing that." Moses: "The tag team champions will need to be quite clever tonight if they hope to avoid the wrath of these two giants of men..." Luther: "Oh my god, that one was even worse. Just ring the damn bell." Anslem: "I got it...wait. Where is the bell? Who stole the damn bell?" As the announcers look around in confusion for a way to signal the start of the show Vin Tanner comes down wearing his old school style wrestling trunks carrying the bell. He places it on the table and grabs a microphone before heading into the ring. The fans pop as the hardcore icon raises his hand for silence. Vin: "Hello LA! I am the V-Man himself, Commissioner Tanner and I hope you're ready for this. As those of you showing up early have realized I've been dipping my toes back into the ring. I may have left the ring, but the ring has never left me. Now we've got ourselves some of the most talented wrestlers in SoCal but these rookies. Greener than goose s***. I can't stand sitting backstage forcing you, our dear fans, into watching two kids barely able to throw a punch at one another. Hardcore wrestling is more than just grabbing a steel chair and swinging for the fences. Back in DaVE, the greatest technical wrestler alive Eric Tyler put together some of the top talent in the world and created the School of Tradition to properly teach these green as grass rookies what it means to be a TRUE hardcore wrestler..." Vin is cut off by the thumping of a drum beat and a heavily distorted guitar solo that signaled Remmy Skye hitting the ramp. He walks across the gymnasium and slides into the ring, mic in hand. Remmy: "Woah man, why all the hostility? Why the hate V-man? Your time is past. Donezo. Gone. When you step out of the ring you leave it behind. You left it...behind." The crowd has fallen silent. Remmy is oozing such charism that he could be reading the phone book and the audience would hang on every name and number. Remmy: "I have seen your ways, the old ways. They were the way. But now there is a new way. A sky way..." He points two fingers at the ceiling and then slowly arcs them back towards himself. Remmy: "The Skye way. Tonight I will show you the truth. When I drive you into the mat for a second, for the blink of an eye, your mind will transcend the pain and punishment and you will see the face of god." He pulls in close to Vin, his voice but a whisper. You could hear a pin drop in the arena as the audience holds its breath. Remmy: "And that god, will be me." Remmy drops the mic and leaves Vin standing there confused and speechless. Remmy hops up to the turnbuckle, pumps up the crowd and then hops down and out of the ring. Remmy and Vin have an arguement? Maybe? Rating: D+ Canadian Hardcore vs. The Night Terrors The bell rings and Sasquatch charges forward. Babau tries to get out of the way but the giant bigfoot-hybrid has a reach that takes up half the ring and Babau is caught with a clothesline and forced end over end over the top rope. The in-ring segment lasts just a few seconds before the match is ringside. Otis shoves Moroi into the steel barricades, Sasquatch dumps Babau into the audience and fans scramble out of the way as the behemoth stalks after Babau. The Night Terrors get their hands on any weapon they can find from the audience and Moroi looks to make a comeback with a waffle iron but Otis uses his larger size to reach out and grab Moroi in a big bear-hug forcing Moroi to drop it. The fans came prepared and continue to offer weapons and the four eagerly take them up. Eventually the brawl circles back to the ring as it always seems to do and Otis and Sasquatch double team Babau and double chokeslam him through a ringside table. They roll him into the ring and proceed to take turns whipping Moroi into the turnbuckle before rolling him into the ring as well. Sasquatch grabs Babau and Moroi's heads, one in each hand, jerks them to their feet and then mashes them together. The ref calls that a tag and Sasquatch dumps Babau, stands up Moroi and then hits a giant running boot before going for the pin. In a decent match, Canadian Hardcore defeated The Night Terrors in 12:09 when Sasquatch McGraw pinned Moroi with a Running Big Boot. Vin's Note: The fans are starting to really love Canadian Hardcore starting off the show with a wild brawl. Sasquatch gets an E+, Otis gets an E, Moroi gets a D- and Babu gets a D. Rating: D- Luther: "Goddam those yeti are on a rampage. They are destorying every single team in IPW on their quest to get the belts back." Moses: "Up next it seems the tag team champions Minnesota Awesome would like to say something to Otis and Sasquatch." Anslem: "Oh that can't be right. Nobody is that stupid. If those two get a whiff of the tag team champs in the building they are going to go nuts." Luther: "Yeah I agree with Anslem, that would be the f***ing stupidest decision..." Luther is interrupted by the funky sound of the Minnesota Awesome's, an updated version of Prince's Party like its 1999. Perry grabs a mic and hits the ring with Clark. Perry: "Wassup LA? You're being blessed by the greatest tag team that IPW has ever seen. Hell, that the West Coast has ever seen." It's cheap heat but it works as the crowd starts booing these youngsters claiming to be one of the greats. Perry: "You know what? We're not just great, we're..." Clark: "Minnesota Awesome!" Perry: "And we've made this tag team belt..." Clark: "Minnesota Awesome!" Perry: "And we've made this place..." Clark: "Minnesota Awesome!" Perry: "And tonight we're going to prove it when we face..." Clark: "Minnesota Awesome!" Perry's head whips over at Clark and the two get into an off-mic bicker over Clark's mistake. The two bros get into a quick shoving match with one another before bro-ing up and hugging it out. Perry: "<ahem> And tonight we're going to prove it when we face..." Clark: "Canadian Hardcore!" Perry: "Now I know they're not on the card but let's be honest, LA. They're gunning for us. They're angry that we outsmarted and out-wrestled those big shaved gorilla from...ugh...Canada." Perry puts enough venom into the word to turn the entire country into a pejorative. Behind him Clark makes like he is going to throw up just from hearing the name as the crowd continues to boo knowing full well that Minnesota Awesome's win was a complete fluke. Perry: "So you want us Canada? We're right here being forever..." Clark: "MINNESOTA AWESOME!" The sound of dogs barking and breaking glass signals the theme of Canadian Hardcore. The two giants lumber towards the stage and the fans get to enjoy watching the bravado drain away from Minnesota Awesome as Otis and Sasquatch waste no time in answering the call out. They climb up to the ring and both of them step over the top rope. Clark and Perry start having an argument about who is going to face off against who as they are backed into a corner. Otis and Sasquatch each grab a head and flip the Minnesotans up and over to the center of the ring. They haul back big meaty fists looking to send them straight through the blonde party boys faces who are struggling to escape when new music hits the auditorium. A twang of a guitar followed by a series of six revolver shots. Out from the locker room comes the Outlaw and Deadly Deadshot. The big man Outlaw and the nimble Deadly Deadshot storm down before Canadian Hardcore can mess up Clark and Perry. The Outlaw: "Now now there big fellas. While I would normally enjoy you beatin' seven shades of s*** out these two that would be interferin' with our match tonight. Now when we win those straps, and we will, we don't want none of y'all flappin' yer jaws sayin' we didn't win 'em fair and square. We don't need your help beatin' the tar outta these two so if you would kindly step off I'd most appreciate it." Now with reinforcements Clark and Perry break away and fall back so it is now four versus two in the ring. Under cover of the newly christened Deadly Outlaws the four slowly retreat back to the locker room while Otis and Sasquatch glare at them from the ring. Both of them bellow in rage and stalk the four backstage, keeping them in sight but not rushing to attack just yet. The crowd is on their feet yelling for a rumble. The Deadly Outlaws save Minnesota Awesome from a beatdown at the hands of Canadian Hardcore Rating: E+ Moses: "Fantastic." Anslem: "Told ya that was stupid as f***." Luther: "Yeah you don't taunt a metric ton of muscle and anger issues unless you're ready to back it up." Anslem: "It's interesting that the Outlaws decided to step in. They could have let the beatdown happen and picked up the belts quite easily." Moses: "Obviously the Deadly Outlaws are honorable competitors looking for a fair match." Luther: "Man are you crazy? Deadly Deadshot is nothing but a gun-for-hire and the Outlaw is notorious for doing whatever it takes to win. That's why they call him an Outlaw." Moses: "You know what else is crazy? Facing off against Dark Watch's new demon, Azathoth. That's what strongman Lil Henry will have to do coming up." Anslem: "Now normally I'd put my money on Henry. He loves to crush newcomers to teach them a lesson about paying their dues but that demon is something else. Was he just hiding under the ring the entire time?" Luther: "You know I think you're right. That's even more f***ed up!" Azathoth vs. Lil Henry Lil Henry is used to being the biggest, strongest man in the ring but even he looks small compared to Azathoth. When they are strapped together for a dog collar match it seems like he is regretting his choices in life. The bell rings and Azathoth explodes with power nearly decapitating Lil Henry with a giant clothesline. Azathoth roars at the crowd and flings Lil Henry into the corner coming in right behind him with a big shoulder block. Lil Henry makes a comeback hitting some big right hooks to Azathoth's body but Azathoth scoops him up and sideslams him in a giant display of power. Lil Henry is down and now Azathoth is just playing with him. The match goes on for a few more minutes with Azathoth brutalizing Lil Henry. It ends as Azathoth lifts the giant Lil Henry up and hits him with a thrown crucifix powerbomb that Moses calls the Nuclear Chaos. In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but sub-par wrestling, Azathoth defeated Lil Henry in a Dog Collar match in 6:03 by pinfall with a Nuclear Chaos. Vin's Note: Time for Azathoth to do his thing. Nobody expects a squash match to be good but both of them looked okay out there. I give Azathoth a an E+, Otis gets an E and Lil Henry an E+. Rating: E+ After the match Dark Watch comes down to the ring to celebrate with Azathoth but the giant demon seems to have other plans. He is stomping on Lil Henry while officials and staff try in vain to drag him away. Melvin is laughing hysterically, Moroi and Babau aren't sure what to do and Deacon is screaming at Azathoth to obey. Finally he sends in the Night Terrors to bring Azathoth to heel but the giant starts throwing them around like rag dolls. In the end half the locker room has to pour out to rescue Lil Henry and drag Azathoth backstage. Dark Watch struggles to control Azathoth Rating: D- Luther: "Shieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet." Moses: "Fantastic." Anslem: "Where is Vin finding these guys? Is there an orphanage for gigantic beast men? Is there some white guy Doctor Frankenstein somewhere just pumping these guys out. All muscle and no brains?" Luther: "No kidding. I don't think we're going to see Lil Henry for awhile. That demon busted his face open like a ripe melon." Moses: "Fantastic." Luther: "See this is what I'm saying, Moses. When you say stuff like that you sound creepy as hell! Like you're getting off on the violence." Moses: "You know what will get our fans off? It's..." Luther: "NOPE! No you are not finishing that. No stupid f***ing transition just announce the next damn match." Moses: "...fantastic." Minnesota Awesome © vs. Deadly Outlaws With a brand new team nobody knows what to expect and Clark and Outlaw square off. After a bit of an exchange in the center Clark tries to get to the top rope but Outlaw catches him and hits a big slam. Clark tags in Perry and both of them double team Outlaw but he avoids their double dropkick and hits a double elbow drop on them. Outlaw shoots Perry to the rope where Deadly Deadshot grabs him and drags him out of the ring. When they are together Minnesota Awesome have some decent attempts at coordinated attacks but Outlaw and Deadshot keep them isolated. Outlaw pounds one into the ground while Deadshot proves to be just as agile and aerial as either of the Awesomes. Slowly but surely defeat seems inevitable so the Awesomes turn hardcore. They both grab chairs and proceed to take turns slamming them onto Outlaws back but the big bandit just won't stay down. He just keeps coming for them and Deadshot always comes to the rescue when Outlaw needs it. The Deadly Outlaws don't work closely together but they both are solid wrestlers with great awareness and who keep their partner from being overwhelmed. While Deadshot and Perry battle it out on the bleachers Outlaw slaps a sharpshooter on Clark and stretches him until the young man submits. In a bout that had a decent reaction from the crowd but terrible wrestling, Deadly Outlaws defeated Minnesota Awesome in 14:40 when The Outlaw submitted Clark Smallbone. Deadly Outlaws win the IPW Tag Team Championship titles. The Outlaw carried the match in terms of in-ring performance. Vin's Note: I still can't believe I thought putting the belts on Clark and Perry was a good idea. Easily the worst performance of the night. I give them both an F+. They are just too inexperienced and it shows. Poor timing, poor selling, not quite hitting the spots, just a complete mess. Deadly Deadshot gets an E- while Outlaw carried the match with a D-. I told Outlaw and Deadshot to go stiff on Clark and Perry. They needed to know that being sloppy and risking someone's life isn't acceptable. I'm not the kind of guy who'll fire you on the spot but I will give you a very, very harsh lesson. They lost their belts without a proper feud and Outlaw especially can bring the pain when he needs to. Hopefully this is a lesson that sticks for a long, long time. I still believe in the Awesomes but they are definitely not ready yet. Rating: E Moses: "And there you have it, folks. We have just witnessed the crowning of new IPW Tag Team Champions." Luther: "Wait a minute...haven't we seen this before." Moses: "Yes actually. The Deadly Outlaws rampaged through IPW in 2014 culminating with a 4-month title reign before losing to Coulrophobia." Anslem: "Eh f*** those guys. I see up next we have that b****-a** JOJI facing off against Hustle Muvva. Good. Hustle is going to beat the piss out of that punk and maybe he'll finally get it through his stupid f***ing skull that he isn't good enough for my man Frantic." Luther: "Is that jealousy I hear?" Anslem: "What? No! Of course not!" Luther: "You don't want anyone coming between you and your man, is that right?" Anslem: "Man f*** you!" Hustle Muvva w/ Cindy vs. JOJI JOJI is hollaring for Frantic his whole time down to the ring. Hustle was pissed by this and laid into JOJI hard right from the start hitting some big chops and slams early on. JOJI kicked out of three pins though and each time came back harder and harder. JOJI slipped out of the ring and grabbed a chair and going to town on Hustle Muvva. Cindy tries to help but is pushed into the steel barriers. Hustle doesn't stay down for long though and hits JOJI with a suplex on the pads outside the ring. Henry rolls JOJI into the ring and whips him into the turnbuckles but JOJI springs up to the top rope and hits Hustle by surprise with a reverse Miracle Explosion (moonsault legdrop). JOJI rolls up Henry and the ref hits three before Hustle can kick out. Everyone is shocked by this upset. JOJI goes nuts in the ring while Hustle starts arguing with the ref about it being too fast a count. In a decent match, JOJI defeated Hustle Muvva in 9:54 by pinfall with a Joji Miracle Explosion. Vin's Note: JOJI needs a bit more seasoning. I asked them to go all out as this was going to be a clean match to showcase JOJI but he struggled to keep his moves big and fresh while Hustle was gassing from the speed and intensity. Not a bad match but better booking on my part would have elevated things more. Still I give Hustle a D- and JOJI an E Rating: E+ Luther: "I'm sorry, what was that Anslem? Something about JOJI not being good enough to face 'your man'?" Anslem: "Shut up, Luther." Luther: "You were looking forward to seeing JOJI get squashed, right?" Anslem: "Quit playing, Luther." Luther: "I bet Frantic isn't feeling so confident anymore" Anslem: "I bet I can fit my whole boot up your ass if you keep talking, Luther." Moses: "Fantastic. I would like to see that. In our next match hardcore legend Vin Tanner faces off against SoCal's high flying star Remmy Skye." Luther: "I think Remmy is pissed at Vin. Or the other way around. I didn't really understand what Remmy Skye was saying." Anslem: "I don't think anyone really knows but a match is a match so let's watch them beat the s*** out of one another." Remmy Skye vs. Vin Tanner Vin comes down with the ramp leaning heavily on a cane. The crowd seems a little unsure what "Old Man Tanner" can actually do as he slowly enters the ring but as soon a the bell rings he springs to action smashing his cane over Remmy's head and then leveling him with a clothesline. Vin capitalizes on this and dominates the first couple of minutes with some classic old school wrassling. Big chops in the corner, a suplex, a short clothesline and with Remmy being beaten it looks like it will be a quick match until Vin whips Remmy into the ropes and Remmy ducks the clothesline, springs off the ropes into a moonsault and lays them both out. Remmy recovers first and slowly takes control of the match. Vin makes a comeback with a lowblow but when he tries to hit Remmy with a superplex Remmy reverses it into a Skye Diver and Vin is down for the count. In a bout that had fantastic heat and good wrestling, Remmy Skye defeated Vin Tanner in 14:39 by pinfall with a Skye Diver. Vin's Note: Not a bad showing for my first match back. Definitely a long match for me though. I'm not young anymore so Remmy had to carry me through most of it. Still for when I wasn't exhausted I'd give myself a solid D- and Remmy delivered a D+ Rating: D Luther: "Damn! Someone should check on th V-Man. He probably broke a hip in there. I can't believe he is still wrestling. Dude should be in a nursing home banging old women." Anslem: "I can't believe he nearly one. That motherf***er is probably just a collection of scars and hate at this point. V-Man's just a terminator robot at this point." Moses: "Now it appears that the IPW Champion Aldous Blackfriar would like a few words. Blackfriar will be defending his belt in a three-way fight tonight with two top competitors." Luther: "I'm pretty sure whoever is running this secretly hates Blackfriar to make him face his two top competitors, at the same time." Anslem: "Excuse me boys but I'm going to go manage my man Frantic to another IPW championship." Aldous Blackfriar comes down and the crowd pops for him. He does his thing in the center of the ring going from turnbuckle to turnbuckle pumping up the fans. Blackfriar: "They think they can stop His Satanic Majesty with not one but two opponents? I DON'T CARE! They put two top contenders in the ring and put a target on my head? I DON'T CARE. I am the greatest IPW Champion in the history of this company and I will prove it every single night if I have to. So bring it on, IPW because no matter what you throw against me..." He holds up the mic so the crowd can join in to his chant of 'I DON'T CARE' Just then Frantic Ali appears on the ramp with a mic of his own accompanied by his manager, Anslem Briggs. Frantic: "Heh... pretty cocky for a first timer. That belt, it's mine. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but it is mine. I have won more than anyone else in this company and it is only a matter of time before that gold is wrapped around this waist." Blackfriar: "You've won it more than anyone else in the company? I guess that means you've also lost it more than anyone else in the company." The crowd as one goes 'oooooh' at that insult and Frantic gets red in the face. He makes to storm down the ramp but Anslem holds him back. He keeps holding him back until they reach their corner of the ring telling his client to save it for the match. Around that time Lug Phelon and Mary O'Ryan hit the ramp to make their way to the ring. Surprising absolutely nobody, Mary also has a mic. Mary: "Are you lads done flapping your gums? My client here Lug, he doesn't say much unlike you two. You two'll say enough for everyone in the audience at this rate but Lug here lets his fists do the talking. Frantic Ali, you might have been great once but we're all looking at that time in the rear view mirror. And Blackfriar, if you really think Satan's going to save you from a good old fashioned Irish beatdown you must be bloody mad." Lug beats his chest and stalks down to the ring getting more and more pumped with every step. Vin's Note: Thanks to a script and a bit more practice Mary is finally settling in here. A solid hype that got the crowd pumped for the upcoming match. Frantic, Lug, and Aldous all argue about title match. Rating: D- Aldous Blackfriar vs. Frantic Ali w/ Anslem Briggs vs. Lug Phelon w/ Mary O'Ryan The three men circle one another cautiously, neither one willing to make the first move. Lug and Frantic look at one another and both of them nod towards Blackfriar before both charge him and double team him. Blackfriar is destroyed as Lug and Frantic take turns beating him down. Finally Blackfriar is left battered in the middle of the ring and the alliance breaks down as both Frantic and Lug fight over who gets the pin. Lug ends up kicking Frantic in the gut and then hitting a big suplex on him. Lug and Frantic spill out of the ring giving Blackfriar a chance to recover. Just as it looks like Lug is going to win over Frantic and pick up a pin Blackfriar grabs a steel chair and batters Lug and Frantic with it. Frantic is down but Lug recovers and he and Blackfriar slug it out around the ring. All they have to do is gesture to the crowd and the crowd provides weapons for them. Chairs, crutches, waffle makers, anything goes as they batter each other bloody. Meanwhile Frantic climbs a turnbuckle and ambushes them both with a big splash from the top to the outside and all three men go down. Frantic recovers first and pulls Blackfriar out of the pile for a pin but suddenly JOJI sneaks out from the audience with a chair and cracks Frantic across the back. JOJI runs off but the damage is done and Blackfriar suddenly surges up tackles Frantic from behind and hits him with a Gloomweaver Clutch (Camel Clutch) and Frantic taps out. In a superb match, Aldous Blackfriar defeated Lug Phelan and Frantic Ali in 14:32 when Aldous Blackfriar submitted Frantic Ali with a Gloomweaver Clutch. During the match we also had JOJI run in and attack Frantic Ali. Aldous Blackfriar makes defence number twelve of the IPW Championship title. Aldous Blackfriar carried the match in terms of in-ring performance. Vin's Note: Aldous gives me faith in my booking. Kid is going to carry us to the next level. I just hope the rest of the roster will keep up. Aldous carried the match with a C- while Frantic and Lug both pulled off Ds. Rating: D+ Overall Rating: D+
  16. I finished off IPW as well. I'll upload it all to the TEW site but requests are open again...
  17. <p>last re-do. I don't really know how to handle three-way dance without some custom graphics so here is a placeholder. It's...alright</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> <img alt="TOVMyVc.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/TOVMyVc.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  18. <p>How about these:</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="8IHqvLK.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/8IHqvLK.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="zRC6N3C.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/zRC6N3C.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  19. Thanks for the feedback. I can take another crack at it...
  20. <p>Hey people actually good at art, I have a logo that is a mess from a color stand point:</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="mBm69MH.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/mBm69MH.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> Can anyone suggest what colors I should use for text, dancers, and background? I have the layered file saved so swapping colors will be super easy I just have no idea what color scheme to use...</p>
  21. After nearly 20 years of marriage, Sean mcFly and Victoria Stone are divorcing. Poor Lucy
  22. I don’t have a lot of info on that, it isn’t something I have tried out yet but I heard it from someone that Momentum slowly resets when they are off the air.
  23. <p>So I found out that if I get a bit drunk I can do this a lot better because I don't get caught up in my head and I get this attitude of "eh, f*** it"</p><p> </p><p> So just as a word of caution a lot of these QAW logos are made while inebriated...</p><p> </p><p> Like this one:</p><p> </p><p> <img alt="P4hNZGP.jpg" data-src="https://i.imgur.com/P4hNZGP.jpg" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> I cannot tell if this is good or bad anymore because thinking straight is kind of difficult atm.</p>
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