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Everything posted by praguepride

  1. Could someone give me a little help with Gil Thomas? I like the idea of him having a big awkward grin on his face. He's a guy from a very boring industry getting to live out his dream by owning a wrestling fed. He's Mark Cuban except he works with wool for a living. Big goofy/innocent grin but maybe just a hint of shrewdness behind his eyes. He did win the wool wars after all...
  2. In older versions of TEW storylines were scripted out i.e. You had to have X match followed by Y angle followed by Z match etc. to progress the storyline. Therefore what people did was create "storyline packs" that would map out the storylines like one would with angle/gimmick expansions. What he is offering in the google drive is a giant collection of community-written storylines mapped out segment by segment for use in inspiration. For example here is the first one I opened: It's a pretty standard feud and when people keep saying "I don't know how to do storylines" this isn't just a list of ideas but a step by step guide to say "do this...then this...then this..."
  3. Do you do requests? Maybe an IPW Nemesis Tribute Trophy? Bonus points if it has a baseball bat on top. Extra bonus if it's a barb wire bat
  4. Here are the AEW programs that I could find. Let me know if I'm missing something. Also AEW needs to stop making their damn logos so horizontal, lol... And the shows for good measure: edit: forgot the banner
  5. Okay my wonderful altists! Here is my next request/challenge. I'm looking for updates on Hellech and Pierrot to really give them the "killer clown" vibe. There are these amazing renders by sm88 But while I like the overall look they don't really scream "killer clown". They're close but not quite there. So what I'm asking is to have their masks updated. Keep the clothes, keep the hair, keep the piercings etc. but update their masks for more of a "killer clown" vibe. Here are some ideas of what I was thinking: https://partycity6.scene7.com/is/image/PartyCity/_pdp_sq_?$_1000x1000_$&$product=PartyCity/686666 https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/716jnYUXHIL._AC_SY450_.jpg https://partycity6.scene7.com/is/image/PartyCity/_pdp_sq_?$_1000x1000_$&$product=PartyCity/627768 https://images.halloweencostumes.com/products/1710/1-1/last-laugh-clown-mask.jpg Of course do what you need to do. Get rid of whatever you need if you have to in order to achieve that true "killer clown" look for this tag team.
  6. Probably what he needs the most help with is long term sims. What happens in 10 years? 20 years? etc.
  7. What might also work is a collaboration. You don’t have to do it all yourself. Maybe combine a render with some of the great alt creators. I saw someone did an update on evil spirit to give him a bray wyatt fiend mask which might work for Hellech and Pierrott.
  8. It looks like you picked up the killer clown package. Any luck figuring out how to put face textures on a mask? Also fantastic work. I have a bunch of promising generated workers hitting the scene and I will probably dip into these for pics for them. edit: maybe something like this? https://mooncraftrp.com/index.php/2020/04/21/create-severed-limbs-daz3d-tutorial-sfw/
  9. I am super late to the party but consider me subbed!
  10. Oh I thought you were the guy getting 99s from the workers. What is your company pop? The game puts limits so you can’t get GOAT matches out of the indies. It was a way to stop TCW from dominating SWF every single time.
  11. Thanks! I was really intimidated going in because the game straight up says they make a good team and Luther is funny but I wanted to do it differently than my old PSW diary. In my head Moses has a smooth radio voice ala “Let’s get ready to ruuuumble” while Anslem and Luther have a more “Kay and Peele” vibe to them but I don’t know which is which. Thank you and everyone else for the compliments. I really appreciate it. If there is anything you would like to know more about or see featured or focused on feel free to let me know. Next update might take a few days. There is a lot to go over this month (foreshadowing!!!)
  12. You might just be hitting your promotion caps. Popularity, announcing, RA etc all bringing it down. Sounds like the mod has inflated stats and the workers are far exceeding what the promotion can handle. It normally takes a lot of support to get matches that high.
  13. Amazing! Also no apologies needed, that was a great gimmick for Tully
  14. Think of the storyline as a wrestling match. Start out slow as they feel each other out, have one side get advantage, then the other. Have a couple of false finishes and then the big blowoff and finish it.
  15. True. Another idea is to add a highlight feature so when you open up the skill tab it turns the skill name yellow or red or something until you check on it. Honestly I think it needs a new screen. When you click “track progress” it opens up a new screen with every skill listed and two drop downs that let you track from when to when. Maybe you want to see how they developed from January 2020 to Present or you just want to see what they did from Feb 2020 to August 2020. Then it is like the worker comparison screen where it has the two boxes for each screen. Do the same for popularity and we are good to go!
  16. I don’t think anyone has put that together yet. There is a pack of transparent workers that is pretty nifty though. If you want help with creating event logos shoot me a PM. I’m not anywhere near the big names but I’ve been able to pull off some pretty cool logos, imo.
  17. Yeah firing people when they are angry probably makes other people angry, doesn’t it?
  18. <p>Oh. Well first of all yes, if your workers in the ring are putting on 98/99 matches then your road agent can’t keep up with them.</p><p> </p><p> Second of all there are other factors that come into play. What road agent notes are you using because a lot of them deflate your ratings because they provide other things. One common new player mistake is overusing road agent notes. </p><p> </p><p> By default you should just specify who wins and how the match is called (scripted vs. in the ring) and let the “match focus” do the rest. Some people throw every single road agent note into a match and the result is a terrible match despite very good workers.</p><p> </p><p> Finally what is the product? Are they being rated primarily on popularity or performance? If your product is rated 60/40 which most products are then if they have 100 match rating and 0 popularity it will result in a match rating of 60 given no other factors. </p><p> </p><p> Check out the dirt sheet to see why the match was penalized. It can really help identify problems with your booking.</p>
  19. <p>When it comes to TEW the best advice for storylines is to work backwards. </p><p> </p><p> WWE is the easiest example so let’s use that.</p><p> </p><p> Start at Wrestlemania. Look at your line up and figure out what you want your next year’s wrestlemania card to look like. Who are the top draws? Who are your hot baby faces and heels? Who do you want to give the push to? Who do you want to put on the cooler?</p><p> </p><p> Once you figure out that out work backwards and fill it in. Just like a wrestling match you’ll have some false finishes. WWE does this all the time by having the two guys feuding in a 3-way match or tag team match so while they get to face off it isn’t true closure. If one of them is the champion then give the other one some big wins. A royal rumble win is often given to someone in a hot feud for example. These are your highlight matches, the key points in the storyline building up to your big finale.</p><p> </p><p> Finally once you’ve figured out those high points the rest is filler. The TV shows will have them cutting angles, backstage brawls, interfering and getting DQs etc. You’re teasing the fans and building up that heat but it’s all just a tease and you don’t give the fans a proper match, it’s all to build heat up for the main event PPVs. </p><p> </p><p> Now you have a rough idea of one storyline. Rinse and repeat and look for opportunities for storylines to intersect if you want to get fancy. </p><p> </p><p> As for figuring out WHO to put into feuds there are couple of options</p><p> </p><p> 1) Top draws. If you need the ratings look at your main event, pick two capable performers and let them go at it. The start of feuds are also a good time to change up gimmicks or do a turn. Also the end of a storyline is a great place for a turn as well. How many times does a face and heel go all out and at the end of the match the face offers up a handshake and the heel accepts it. Bam, face turn. Or the heel offers a handshake and the face drops a finisher instead. Bam, heel turn. </p><p> </p><p> 2) Who needs the push? Ideally you’ve got some talented midcarders who are gaining a bit of momentum and popularity and are ready for a push. Having a midcarder feud with a main eventer is universial for a big push up the card. </p><p> </p><p> 3) Who can help out the most? On the flip side if you have a main eventer who can’t really perform well in-ring (Hogan, Goldberg etc.) then it can help them feud with people who can drag a stellar performance out of anyone. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Finally how do you set them up? There are a million ways. Heel starts interfering in a match. A misunderstanding backstage. There is a wild brawl and someone ducks so the workers accidentally clock each other. A tag team match goes sour. Fighting over a manager or a belt or a title (Who is the real king of the ring? King of hardcore?) Have a “mastermind” heel instigate it by insinuating A is better than B. </p><p> </p><p> If you need inspiration look at the default C-Verse database and read through the storylines that have been pre-written.</p>
  20. <p>Is he listed as a road agent?</p><p> </p><p> The actual equation is something like the average of psychology and experience with a bump from having high respect. </p><p> </p><p> By those stats Junji should have been a good road agent however I’ve found that if you put a worker into the road agent role without actually making them a road agent first they tend to do a terrible job even if they have the stats for it.</p><p> </p><p> What I mean is, when you look at them in the roster screen do they haven’t he little “road agent” light activated?</p>
  21. <p>O. M. G. These are fan-f***ing-tastic!</p><p> </p><p> Mammoth you just made my day. Heck my whole weekend. A couple call outs</p><p> </p><p> 1) Great smear effect on the blood on Blackfriar</p><p> </p><p> 2) I especially appreciate the hair effect you did on the first Hustle bundling up the hair </p><p> </p><p> 3) The hat selection for Fiasco gives me a lot of options</p><p> </p><p> 4) I couldn’t have asked for a better Melvin.</p><p> </p><p> Thank you so much.</p>
  22. Man this fills up fast. Putting my name down for a private super secret request....
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