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Posts posted by PeterHilton

  1. I dissagree with you all I think this man has all the rights in the world to do this because the fans are coming in free.


    Example: Its like extras on a movie set, if your a extra and they had said that the sene eould be shot at a favrite club of yours and then they change it or change anything on the set you liked your and extra you sit back and mind your bussiness. You dont just stand back and scream at the directer " We want the old set you prick" or somthing like that because you dont matter your an extra.


    Example 2: Its like if you have a team you really like lets say the Jets they fire their coach and hire the patriots coach who you hate and dont like the way that he's running the team so you and a group of buddies go to their practice field and sit in the front row and just start jeering him on I'm preety sure they would not let that happen and you would probley get kicked out and still what you did didn't change a thing.


    Terrible. Just terrible. Have you ever been to a sporting event?


    And you have MORE rights if you DON'T pay?? :rolleyes:

  2. Source: NoDQ.com


    Again, we LOVE TNA. So when a man who built his career and reputation on WWF Sports Entertainment comes in, changes the things that make TNA unique and basically tells us that the TNA model is broken and that "the smart marks in the front" (read Hogan's IGN interview) don't matter, aren't representative of mainstream America and so should be ignored- Yeah, we're gonna be pissed.



    Here's where this guy goes off the rails.


    The fans have every right to express their feelings, especially because it does add a lot to the live events.


    But *if* TNA's new direction adds viewers and gets them bigger ratings and increases buy rates, then the opinions of those 20 guys really DON'T MATTER.


    It's stupid of TNA to deny the fan response. And considering the reactions

    to even the smallest of changes so far, they should get used to dealing with a lot more before it's through


    (I mean..those spoilers..if that goes down the way it was written..the intrawebs might explode)

  3. Seams a little smarkish to me to be honest. I have very strong fellings of people thinking they are adding more to a show then they are. There is nothing wrong with fans getting into the show. But for a group of people to say hey we are helping the show by doing this and that and they have no right to tell us what to do gets to me a little. Tna is trying to get bigger. for that to happen they need to produce a more "fammily friendly" type of program. The comment of why would you bring your kids here is stupid. They are in a fammily ammusment park. Yah, why would a kid be in a enviorment like that?


    ECW fans definitely added to their shows.


    TNA has made no attempt to "get bigger" by producing "fammily friendly" programming. None. Zero. They are far more risque in both content and character and practically brag about the fact during their broadcasts.


    You're entirely off the mark there. Entirely.

  4. I don't know, maybe it's just despite so many brand switches inside and outside of drafts, everything often still feels really static.


    In the last few years, it seems like the only main eventers that were "made" have been Jeff Hardy and CM Punk, and you could argue those two came out of necessity because of all the injuries on Smackdown.


    And now Punk is back in the midcard and Morrison (who looked like he was on the fast track to being a headliner) has stalled.


    So going into the new year, the main event scene is:


    Cena, DX, Orton on Raw


    Taker, Rey, Batista, Jericho, and (if healthy) Edge on SD


    It feels static because it IS static.

  5. Honestly, raw doesnt have a bad roster. There really isnt a gap between midcard and main event its that all the UMC guys are HEELS


    They can turn show, as I read somewhere he prefers to play a face.

    They could have had Sheamus vs Kofi and had Sheamus destroy Kofi so Sheamus would have victory over someone who gave Orton A TON of trouble.

    Hell "trade" Henry over to smackdown so MVP can become an uppermidcarder without either men doing a heel change. Maybe get Khali to have a UMC Face Jobber.

    Turn Ted

    Find a way to push Santino as a UMC level "fun babyface" let him use his cage fighting skills in matches.


    They have options they just REFUSE to use them


    Those suggestions didn't really elevate anyone to main event status.


    All you did was move some midcarders to other positions in the midcard.


    Also, when you have more faces than heels in your main event spot, it sorta makes sense to have more heel midcarders. You need them to feed to Cena and DX.

  6. From the Observer website:




    I really hope this is true. That guy is in serious need of a good pounding. (and I'm not saying that because of his Haiti comments; we don't need to get back into that again. The guy is just annoying in general.)


    Ewwwwww....this has Russo-rific "work shoot" written all over it..


    he takes a true life event and turns it into a storyline that onyl a small part of the viewing audience will understand.


    The part that understands knows its fake so they dont care; that part that don't understand end up confused so it all falls flat.


    Just like what he tried to do recently with JJ's return and apologizing to Kurt



  7. Yeah but the only way to salvage the roster short of brining in talent is to develop them more. How do you develop them more? By putting them out more. Without the guest hosts maybe the midcard etc would have had more time to develop and "The Gap" wouldn't be as huge. Hell I am more of a Smackdown fan anyways within WWE (,till the Taker return,) but I am just pissed because RAW could and should be lots better.



    lazorbeak makes some great points about the possible reasoning behind why some guys haven't been elevated, but I'm going to return to my 'logistics' argument as it pertains to Raw:


    Take a look at the roster again.


    They have 18 guys you could consider "full time" wrestlers (and Primo and Carlito are iffy).


    You have true top of the card main eventers (Orton, Cena, DX).


    In the past year, MVP and Bourne looked like they were going to get pushed hard, and then after being 'established' the push was dropped. Same might happen to Kofi. And net fans scream bloody murder


    My question would be: where do you put them? You can't realistically push every talented midcarder to main event status, or esle you don't have a midcard. And there really aren't enough veteran name workers around to 'put over' the few guys you might consider pushing anyway (partially due to an actual lack of names and partially because, as lazorbeak said, they're not willing to job out the names they have managed to establish).


    I agree that WWE needs to do a better job creating stars, but looking at that roster, Raw needs an influx of established talent.

  8. Guest hosts need to stop asap even the good ones for two big reasons: Continuity and taking away time and attention/focus from the actually contracted talent. It's not helping in the ratings anymore so plz E stop it. There are more reasons but those are my main gripes.


    1) It kinda is...the more well known guests are getting bigger ratings.


    2) I used to agree with the idea that the guest hosts were 'holding back' contracted talent, but then I took a real long look at the Raw roster and realized...no, not really. Because there's not that much actual worthwhile talent to hold back.




    Check it out. Who deserves more TV time? Who on there needs more segments? If anything, the guest hosts are saving us from even longer Cena/DX segments. I mean, the reason Jericho was appearing on both show was because they NEEDED him to be on both shows.


    The E spent a lot of years misfiring with the guys they were trying to turn into star. So now they're dealing with the results: a shockingly thin roster especially considering they are trying to run 3 brands.


    Unfortunately Russo still does not believe in Heels and Faces. I don't mind shades of grey but sometimes it becomes grey with shades of white or black if you know what I mean. At the same time Russo believes that wrestling should be a titanic struggle between the forces of good and evil. Contradict ya self much?


    But why are Eric and Hogan still listeing to him when neither man like Vince very much, if at all?


    EDIT: i know it sounds simplistic, but if you are going with a "re-launch" and you are trying to draw new fans, then you need to give them something easy to get their heads around: here is our GOOD GUY. He's the HERO. Here is our BAD GUY. Man he's easy to HATE. They are RIVALS. They like to FIGHT for our big TITLE.


    Start there then fill in with twists and turns later. It's way too soon for all this Russo-esque garbage.

  10. Yeah he was a mistake to be sure. TNA was silly to get in bed with him. The problem with guys like him or any other shock jock, is any positives you get from their audience quickly turns into a burning case of genital herpes as soon as you do something to make them unhappy.


    Speaking of which...


    These are all posts from his twitter account via 411mania.com. Apparently Bubba is crying about how TNA is treating him since he made his comments:


    Bubba speaks…


    - Bubba The Love Sponge made some new postings on his Twitter, discussing Jeremy Borash being taken off of TV and the fact that some fans want him fired…


    * "Going to bed had a long talk with Eric b. I don't want to take over jbs backstage interviews. I may have to walk away. Cause I don't agree"


    "With letting him go. Now if I would happen to take those interviews over. All ready I'm the bad guy. That's not cool. Already some bull****"


    "Going down and I'm in the middle of it. I have to take a long hard look at weather I want to really do this or not. Bubba"


    * "As a matter fact there is a face book group page that has now started trying to get Dixie Carter to fire me. Bubba


    Bubba The Love Sponge has been busy on Twitter today. Now he says that TNA isn't ready for him, and is asking the Bubba Army for support…


    * "And what does my Haiti comments have to do with tna wrestling. I didn't say them on dixies air. I don't think tna is ready 4someone like me"


    * "I shoot hard from the hip and ms Carter (although i have a ton of respect 4her) has never had a guy that is as outrageous as I am and has a"


    * "Nationwide delevery method. So right now I would describe our relationship like oil and water. And it's not good. Bubba"


    * "Hey bubba army do me a favor since it looks like the amount of followers mean something will u please ask ur friends 2spread the word and"


    * "Lets get a number that would make people think twice about messing with us. Bubba"


    - More Twitter drama from Bubba The Love Sponge, who was apparently uninvited to a production meeting today…


    "here in orlando things r all messed up. Was suppose to be at the prod meeting @11 they called and said not 2 come???"


    "I was suppose 2bpart of the outsiders deal and somebody over ruled hogan on it and I sat in the back all night about"


    - To follow more of the drama, you can check out earlier posts here and here. it seems that all of this is coming from Bubba's original statement, when he proclaimed, " "F*** Haiti" in response to the US sending aid to the country. TNA has been supporting the effort to help Haiti.


    I'm going to say the same thing that I said after I saw Anderson need knux to beat Abyss:


    Seriously TNA? SERIOUSLY???

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