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Posts posted by PeterHilton

  1. Freedom of speech is the most misunderstood concept in America. The Constitution does not guarantee you the right to say whatever you want without repercussions. When you say things that can damage your employer's reputation, you better believe you can get fired.


    I know that some things will have repercussions but they knew that he had a rep of saying stupid stuff on his show and if they didn't like it they shouldn't have hired him in the first place.


    All kinds of good stuff here:


    Bubba has the right to his opinion and to express his opinion as he so chooses.


    But when you send out a tweet essentially saying 'F*** Haiti' you are asking for negative feedback. To make it worse, he did that just a few hours after Dixie proudly talked about TNA's efforts to help with donations.


    So not only did you attract negative attention to your employer, but you called them stupid and questioned their priorities.


    So Bubba's an idiot.


    But jwt also has a good point: attracting negative feedback is sort of this guy's job, so if TNA wasn't ready to deal with that, then they shouldn't have hired him.


    That was a bad, mostly Hogan-related move and hopefully it's fixed quickly, because he's terrible on-screen and in no way, shape, or form, justifies TNA having to put up with any outside BS at all. He's not worth it.

  2. Weird.


    I liked the PPV. Quite a bit actually.


    I mentioned the booking issues I had. But other than that I don't feel like there were any "OMG this is stooopidsz" moments.


    I've read reviews on-line that are absolutely killling the six-sided ring decision and the AJ turn. But I think both decisions were the right decision long term.


    The matches LOOKED better in the standard ring. And the performers had more room.


    AJ's turn was well done, and Flair played his part well. It's going to be one of those standard "if you really want to be the Man, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes'kind of deals..but a srandard storyline in TNA is not a bad thing.


    I'm wondering who his next opponent will be since so many of the upper midcard are heels, but we'll see.


    Regarding Morley/Daniels: if TNA wants us to take Morley seriously, they needed to give hima serious gimmick..have him reject the Val Venis thing totally and THEN try to push him into a feud with someone like Daniels.


    There was a really good ECW diary where guys like Nick Dinsmore and Shane Helms made it a point to kill their old persona before moving into a new role...something like that..

  3. Here are my thoughts:


    Great stuff in-ring. The matches were solid up and down the card.


    I HATE the way the end of the Hall/Pac vs Beer Money and Anderson vs Abyss matches were booked.


    Hall looked like hell and him slapping around a fan who looked 12 to distract Nash was ridiculous. Unless this latest outburst get's Hall "fired" on Thursday I felt like that really hurt the match.


    And having Anderson beat a semi-midcarder like Abyss with brass knuckles, after all that hype and calling him a future world champion, was a TERRIBLE idea.


    But besides those two booking mistakes, I really enjoyed the show. AJ/Angle was awesome and I actually loved the swerve. AJ would need someone like Flair to get him over as a heel.

  4. Everyone watching this thing with me commented on just how huge Morgan looks. Extended squash. Morgan/Hernandez win the belts.


    If Morgan isn't a major singles star by the end of the year, this writing team is dropping the ball. He has EVERYTHING you could ask for...promos' are decent, an amazing look, he can definitely work a match, and he moves exceptionally well for a man his size.


    The E missed on Burke. They missed HUGE on Morgan.


    EDIT: That Lashley segment was moronic. Just get rid of that guy.

  5. Red wins with the Code Red. Kendrick looked just ok. I honestly don't think the X Division is going to get the attention it deserves if Red is the champ


    Hall isn't wrestling. They explained it on screen by having Eric and Hogan tell Hall and Pac they need to earn their spot on the card. So Hall and Pac played rock-paper-scissors to see who'd team with Nash and get the chance to prove themselves (no seriously)


    X Pac won 2-of-3 when scissors defeated paper


    That segment needs to be added to TEW

  6. Because it makes them look small time.


    Right. But not being able to sell out a small to medium sized venue would be even worse


    Until they're certain that they can do Impact in front of a packed haouse, they don't need to hit the road. (not to mention the logistic behindd taping those 'behind the scenes' segments without the stages they specifically built for the Impact Zone)

  7. According to Dave Meltzer(the Wrestling Observer), the plan for tonight's PPV is for Abyss to layout Bobby Lashley before their scheduled match tonight. Lashley will then be replaced by the debuting Ken Anderson. Anderson is the hyped "surprise who will turn the business around." Lashley is scheduled to fight for Strikeforce on January 30th in Miami, and many questioned him wrestling so close to that show.


    This is pretty much why TNA should stop pushing Lashley.


    Also..from a storyline standpoint, if that's how it plays out, wouldn't it make more sense for Kristal to have Bobby 'refuse' to wrestle because he's too good for TNA? You could even bring up the upcoming fight for Strikeforce and say Bobby doesn't want to risk his 'real' career for 'the inbreds in the stand'?

  8. As for now, it has come out that TNA has set up a tradisonal four sided ring for their Genesis PPV, what are your guys though?


    IMO, this is the most stupide move TNA have done, the six-sided ring was their trademark for years, since the first Impact, they have had 6 sides. Six sides means alot more space, that fits for TNA and their x-divison.


    What do you guys think?





    We went over this :rolleyes:


    First, the company started with a four sided ring. Their trademark should be the performers, not a gimmicked up ring.


    Secondly, the ring they use is tiny. It has LESS space than a standard ring, not more. It's @16 feet across. It's actually making it harder for the bigger wrestlers to perform (Angle's rolling Germans always look awkward for instance)


    If they go to an 18 foot ring with high tension ring ropes, it will actually make it even better for the fliers. Just like it was when TNA first opened and the X Division really was the central focus of the show.

  9. Lolz. Defending decisions or pointing out positives does not an insane mark make lolz.


    True. You used to not be so reasonable though. ;):p


    According to reports he is sitting out his contract which won't last long so they are not involving him in anything. Why not job him out? Is my question though.



    I kinda figured as much...and Scott has so much animosity for Hogan and Bischoff that it's probably best they let him sit at home.


    Too bad though. I thought he was one of the most underated performers of last year. It'd be interesting to see him back in the E; he probably can't handle the schedule but he's got more character than half the current roster.


    Maybe he'll do a Teddy Hart and go down to AAA..which would be all kinds of awesome.

  10. Put it this way... What feud is likely going to get those new fans to keep tuning in - Nash & Hall against Beer Money Inc, or Beer Money Inc against Motor City Machineguns? The fact-time that Nash & Hall are getting could be given over to MCMG and TNA could be building new stars, in my opinion.


    I mentioned it earlier, I have a feeling that Hall & Nash are going to do something underhanded to grab the belts in short measure.


    After that, the story will be watching the rest of the tag divisions 'chase' the champs, with teams like Beer Money and MCMG doing the heavy lifting in the ring, and Hall & Nash wrestling only on PPVs against 'the top contenders'


    Sort of what the E is doing with DX.

  11. I think we should all be prepared to see Nash, Hall, Waltman, even Morley and Flair pick up some wins over establsihed TNA talent at first.


    Or else what's the point? If they aren't a credible threat, then having TNA vets beating the known commodities is meaningless.


    The problem will be if those early losses don't turn into wins down the road, which is what happened in WCW and truthfully is why the MEM did nothing for the roster.


    The only new face I have a real issue with seeing get a win is the Nastys, and that's mainly because they're been irrelevant for far longer than any of the other wrestlers brought in, and even when they were 'hot' they weren't really much of a draw.

  12. Thats crazy man TNA is doing good right now I've heard that The Outsiders are laying down to Beer Money tonight and once the Nasty Boyz are gone thats good. But IMO TNA needs that one star all over late night all over talk shows to represent TNA. They wont gain new veiwers with just wrestling, I know I wouldn't watch if they had a hour and a half wrestling on Impact ever week I like the unexpected twist and turns of TNA. And as for wrestling have you seen their last three PPVs awsome so just give it time you can't judge what they're going to do in two show so please give it more than two shows and see were everythings going before you say its they death of something.


    Good point. They actually have delivered some great PPVs the last three months and there's a couple of matches on this card that could be very good.


    If the Outsiders lose clean to Beer Money, then I wouldn't be surprised if Nash uses his tag title shot from Feast or Fired to get the belts from the winner of Morgan/Hernandez vs The Brits.


    If there's one real complaint I have about the new direction, it's the total lack of Scott Steiner.

  13. The death of TNA is upon us! It's so sad that TNA is fastely becoming another WCW. A great company with such promise and so much energy turned into something that is being ran by a bunch of early 90's wrestlers! Thank you Hulk Hogan!


    I would rather see AJ Styles wrestle a 5 star match then to see AJ Styles all over late night. TNA was supposed to be about wrestling right?


    I fear for some of the knockouts. I guarantee now that with all these washed up has beens popping up every week that the knockouts are going to be pushed to the corner. Such a shame. Maybe, Hulk should hire Major Gunns and Leia Meow so that they can cat fight for 3 minutes.


    I really thought Dixie Carter was a smart business woman. Starting to think otherwise.


    Sorry just ranting... TNA was my favorite because they were different. Bring in Hulk and Sean Waltman and you've got WCW/WWE. At least TNA has a 6 sided ring...ooooh wait not after this week. TNA is just another company now :(


    Wow...and I used to think Hyde Hill was the insane TNA mark...


    Since the 're-launch' the Knockouts are still getting a strong push and multiple segments are being devoted to both the single and tag titles.


    I think Dixie is a little naive, but considering she got a company that was bleeding money to turn a profit and has noticeably incresed their public profile...


    No one know how the roster additions will work out. It's too early.


    TNA started with a four sided ring. What set it apart was the X Division and the in-ring style. Losing the six-sided ring won't affect that for good or bad.


    Seriously. It's fine. Get over it.


    EDIT: Man, when did I become the designated defender of TNA?

  14. It's just not translating for me on the strength of what's been on screen. Even with the Triple H-ish Internet rep, I tend to favor Jarrett. Always have. You want my inner mark to hate him, have him messing with AJ or Beer Money. Maybe Taylor and Sarita. People who represent what's right with the company. If the slimiest thing he does is lip off to Bischoff, then I'm still on Jarrett's side. And apparently, if I'm still on Jarrett's side, something's wrong.


    Meh. You may just be a Jarrett fan so you're resisting more than most viewers would.


    I mean...it's not like this was JUST an internet rep. Jarrett was the biggest heel in the company on-screen for the majority of TNA's existence. And since the majority of TNA fans are net fans, that internet rep translated to him being reviled at the Impact shows...I mean when Christian won the title but JJ/Sting was still the focal point, the man started drawing X-Pac heat.


    It got ugly at some points.


    Take away the sympathy face turn and he was actually hurting the product.


    So...it will probably be much easier for the majority of viewers to turn on him than for you to turn on him. Having Eric play the face isn't a great idea, granted. But if JJ cuts a promo or two running down the talent or saying that TNA will fail if he's not in the main event, then JJ will be getting major heel heat very quickly. No problem.

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