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Posts posted by PeterHilton

  1. As mentioned above me, they did the Road Wild ppv at the Sturges bike rally and charged nothing for admission. It was retarded. Say what you want about Jay Leno being involved in wrestling, but that ppv could have sold some tickets.


    They also had bad judgment in they they frequently went to smaller venues to hold Nitros and ppvs when they could sell more.


    Bash at the Beach was also free to the public, and they would often film Nitros at Panama Beach (IIRC) during Spring Break...

  2. "There is nothing special about him: if he didn't have a unique and marketable look he wouldn't have anything."


    Not a fan of a big monster heels holding the title via DQ. Just have Cody botch the interference or something and let Sheamus hit his big finish. The dude's a hoss, and a perfectly acceptable placeholder champion. I'm a little surprised Orton's not getting the belt: I wonder what the plan is for him re: Wrestlemania. He was red-hot teasing a face turn last year. I still think Randy Orton, crazy bad-ass would be a big money babyface.


    Sheamus: if his big selling point is his look, then he's in trouble, because it really isn't that unique or marketable. There's only so far you can go with "world's scariest ginger"


    Orton: I can see that. I agree.

  3. No where in what I said says that TNA is bigger than WWE I know that isn't true I like WWE too but some are just to stupid to understand some things but I'm not talking to you Mr.Canda


    Listen..you said that TNA could draw 10 K fans "easy" to a house show.


    WWE doesn't draw that many fans to house shows, therefore your claim would make TNA more popular than WWE.


    MrC is just showing you how and why - specifically, using actual data - you're wrong to make that claim that TNA could draw 10 k fans to a house show.


    Then lazorbeak re-affirmed it.


    This is a pretty unbiased board (TNA and WWE get it both equally imo) but it's a bad, bad place to use broad statements without being able to back them up.

  4. :rolleyes:


    Hey, if the TNA nutjobs want to claim that TNA is a "National" or "International" company - even though they've never drawn a large paying crowd anywhere, they have to give away tickets to their TV and PPV tapings, and their buy-rates are negligible - then the WWE must be so powerful that they are altering our perceptions of reality.


    Like a new pantheon of demi-gods or something.

  5. Though I agree the house so numbers are not a good sign I don't know how well they can be use to dictate PPV attendance. I mean they would at least advertise a PPV (I would hope). Also it wouldn't be a weak roster like a good number of the house shows get (I know last time they came up here I didn't go due to who wasn’t going to be on the show and no way am I alone).


    It's not a perfect indicator, but I'm not risking a bunch of empty seats on a live PPV unless it were a super show and I'd been advertising for weeks.


    And let's face it, TNA does a sh*t job building their PPVs. The main event for the next PPV is Joe/AJ...how much has that been built?


    No what it is is lack of advertiseing if they did that properly they could get depending on the place 5 to 10,000 people at a house show easy and I hope thats something Bischoff we help TNA out with.


    10 k fans? Easy? You're insane. They just aren't there yet.


    Three quarters full is not nearly sold out. 4800 would be nearly sold out. But a 5000 seat arena (pretty small) having 1200 empty seats is awful.



  6. ^^ The problem with TNA. they came to Oshawa (Toronto basically) and did 1500 and thought that was so good they would come back and do a PPV. And they gave tickets away for that house show.


    When ROH comes to town, they do about... lets seee... 1500. I guess they're national.


    No no no..based on the thread in the general discussion section, 1500 fans in Canada makes them International. And EVERYONE in England knows who they are, so they could actually be Global.


    Also, Dixie Carter is a fan of Star Trek. So arguably, they could even be Intergalactic.

  7. I would really like Kane to win the Rumble and win the WWE Title from Sheamus at WM. Kane doesn't get the credit he deserves, and plus, I personally think that it would be a good match.


    Yeah that's not happening


    And it would be a f'n awful match


    EDIT: I didn't want to sound rude, but KANE? In 2010? It's just sof ar from being realistic...and neither man is a good enough worker to carry a WM main event. An acceptable midcard braw? possibly. But Kane vs Sheamus to headline the biggest PPV of the year? I can hear the stock dropping.

  8. Smackdown is the only some what good thing about WWE right good matches good segments and good talent 100% better than Raw IMO I mean who wants to watch a midget fight Napolin Dynamight? I mean it's almost like I'm watching that old MTV cartoon wrestling from back in the day.


    John Heder was f'n excellent as a host. He played a great character and was one of the few hosts wo actually added something to the show. He was a legit heel and got legit heel heat


    I mean...when he referenced Lane Kiffin obliviously ...awesome.

  9. I considered posting that as well but just couldnt wrap my head around the words i read...


    "EB says he never crapped on Jericho, likes him, but doesn't think he can headline."


    It makes my head hurt. It really does...


    Eric's least likable character trait is his inability to admit mistakes. His book is page after page of excuses for why WCW failed, nothing having to do with hi creative decisions or the way they ran the nWo into the ground...he says something similar in the interview


    "oh why did we lose to the Rock and the WWF? because Turner made us be more family friendly, not because or shows were crap or anything..."

  10. Bubba is Hogan's boy and even gave deposition in Hogan's favor during his divorce procedings. Plus he has Hogan on his radio show like once per week. Guess Hogan felt like he owed him.




    Worth a read. It's Hogan and Eric's latest appearance on Bubba's show. They all come off as d-bags, but you do get to see some of the thought process.

  11. Oh and Lashley....



    Bobby as a legitimate athlete face was ok. Nothing terrible but not at all exceptional.


    Bobby as a heel who think he's "too good" for wrestling was interesting, if a little misguided because his wife had to cut all his promos.


    Plus, he got bitched out by Abyss which is not good for a heel type.


    So then...two weeks later..he apologizes and says he loves the fans..so he's a face again...but now Eric fires him ...so am I supposed to want him back?


    wtf is goingon in that storyline?

  12. So let me get this straight:


    Flair and AJ conspired to "screw" Angle...


    Angle though Hogan was involved so he spits on Hulk.


    Next week, we find out that it was Hebner paid off by Flair..so Hebner gets fired...but there's no real punishment for AJ


    And Kurt is happy because at least he knows Hogan wasn't involved, so he's not going to demand a rematch, he's just gonna jump into the tourney thing.


    And oh btw we have yet to really build Joe/AJ which is our main event at the next PPV


    I know this is nitpicking, and wrestling doesn't have to be logical to be good, but why would you run a screwjob angle that seems to throw everything into complete chaos and then follow up with....nothing? No one even seems that bothered it happened?

  13. .


    what i wish tna would do is go live every week and move all ppvs out of the impact zone and sell ppvs as combo ppv/impact deals and the impact after a ppv is a 3 hour special impact. that way they can get out of orlando once a month


    How many times does this have to be said in this thread?


    They are NOT selling enough tickets to move out of the Impact Zone yet. Not happening. Probably a year away at best.

  14. To an extent. WCW didn't try to create stars and instead relied on the bigger names. You can rely on your bigger names to draw, but you also need to build up people over time on the lower parts of the card so they can eventually move their way up.


    If I debuted on RAW next week, would you expect me to beat Cena/HHH/HBK within a month/few months?


    No..but I don't think anyone is expecting performers who have been there a 'few months' to beat Cena, HBK, etc.


    But this isn't the 80s. The attention span of the audience isn't as great as it once was. You can't wait YEARS to pull the trigger on a guy...if guys like Morrison, Punk, MVP are over..push them into the main event.

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