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Everything posted by PeterHilton

  1. The Nasty Boys don't belong on TV in 2010. I'm going to watch the next few episodes to see where these stories are going, but TNA's roster is too f'n big already. If they're going to try to find time for guy with limited value like Orlando Jordan and the Nastys, while killing the tv time of guys like Wolfe, Daniel, Morgan, and the Guns, I won't watch past that.
  2. AJ/Kurt is running against Kofi/Orton. Interesting quarter hour.
  3. Oh sweet jesus, Hogan really did bring Knobbs and Sags in to wrestle. Horrible. That alone makes me want to give up on this.
  4. I really liked that segment. Orton asking to be put in the Rumble in exchange for kicking Bret in the skull and then being refused by Vince was well thought out, showed good use of continuity, and was acted well by both men. Even led to that little mini confrontation with Legacy.
  5. That was because they never went anywhere with the angle, it was dropped and re-started randomly and with no logic, and it never paid off. The story was solid, the execution was crap.
  6. These goddamned fans..Jericho is the best thing on TV ever. I mean..he laid out Hornswoggle and I spit my pepsi out.
  7. Hogan as a heel leading "his boys" against the young TNA stars would be the natural angle. Not sure why they're going the Hogan as the savior route (i mean TNA fans cheer everyone anyway, so Hogan will still get pops)
  8. Best match of the night so far for either program EDIT: yes even with the hornswoggle-ference
  9. I'm pretty sure they have, but he's still got storyline uses because he did actually found the company He probably kept it from growing as fast as it should have by constantly focusing the product around himself, but still...
  10. Hogans personal groupie, Bubba the Love Sponge...douchebag shock radio jabronie
  11. That was phenomenally stupid. Wolfe has already proved that the fans love him and he can work with virtually everyone in the main event scene. He just had two MOTY candidate performances with Angle, and would probably do the same with Daniels, AJ, and Joe...having him lose to Pope on this show... ouch
  12. Random black guy feud out of the Eric Bischoff Booking 101
  13. This. Hernandez and Morgan (especially Morgan) are wasted currently.
  14. That was a VERY solid match. Divas and Knockouts are total opposites and that was a good way to drive that fact home. Still think featuring the women in-ring this much up to this point wasn't a great call though.
  15. Hardy is a major star. Why on earth would you pair him with a never was like Shannon Moore. That'd be a total waste.
  16. UGH...I know it's going to come off as sexist but if the only real match you're going to show in the first hour and a half are Knockouts matches, you arent winning new viewers. EDIT: nevermind, the E countered with their far inferior Divas division.
  17. Yeah, this is incredibly wrong and totally off-base. It's not even factually in the realm of reality. Don't have time to get into it now.
  18. Honestly...I'm going to disagree with you. And in the "less is more" sentiment in general. You're right that the follow up will be crucial. But this is TNA's night to go balls to the wall. Thet have to. They've hyped this for months. There will be a ton of new viewers and fans who stopped caring about wrestling years ago to try and play it cool. They have to put EVERYTHING they have - including (hopefully) some really good matches - into this one show and then worry about storylines and driection next week when (again, hopefully) these fans come back. Go big or go home etc.
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