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Everything posted by PeterHilton

  1. Yeah...that site isn't exactly reliable... But if you guys thought the booking was getting too convoluted before, have I got something for YOU.. And apparently Bonaduce has already confirmed this is part of a setup for him to work a match on a PPV with JJ in a few months time.
  2. Truthfully, I don't think the execution is that bad. The promo on Monday was a mess, but that seems like it was a combination of Jeff giving in to the emotion and some iffy writing. But last night...that was a clear promo and a pretty standard segment (maybe the confusion would be that JJ fumbled his lines and Eric just comes off as a heel no matter what he says) To be fair though, I'm waaaaaay more willing to accept Jarrett the conniving weasel than Jarrett the founding father.
  3. See..I disagree. But mainly because, to put it bluntly, the ONLY reason people started cheering for JJ was because the fans sympathized with him after the death of his wife. He'd spent the previous two years drawing the wrong kind of heat and a lot of the live crowds were pretty vocal about how tired they were of seeing him. And then ..whammo!..real life tragedy and suddenly he's the inspirational leader of a band of plucky go-getters.
  4. To piggyback off this... cappy, you have to understand: JJ is the heel now. It wasn't done well last Monday, but after the promo Eric cut blaming Jarrett for TNA's previous failures, saying he conned Dixie out of money, saying that he set up the company in order to put himself over the talent and held others down (which..y'know..pretty close to the truth) I think it's oobvious JJ is going to be painted as the selfish prick who doesn't want things to change in order to hold onto his spot. I mean..he showed up with a lawyer. There has never, in the history of the business, been a good guy who fought for his cause using a lawyer. JJ's a heel. He's the 'old regime.' It's cool to ignore the last few months.
  5. It's a re-boot so none of that happened. Plus...you go title vs title down the line somewhere. (it's a reach, but there's roughly 278 people on the roster, Hernandez and Morgan are now teaming regularly so it completely wasted their push; i have no clue what else to do with Joe.)
  6. Mmmmm...RVD is kind of a waste in the X Division. Plus if it's that way then your 'mystery opponent' totally overshadows your GIANT mystery aquisition...unless you want to say that Kennedy is somehow a bigger name than RVD.
  7. He's totally lost in the shuffle. I'd like to see him go back and revitalize the X Division. That promo by Eric on Jarrett was tremendous (and mostly true) and it looks like they are going out of their way to pain Jarrett as a heel after the mixed reaction last Monday. Flair...eh. He sounds like he's phoning it in a little.
  8. Not entirely shocking. TNA management has made it pretty clear they heart Pope.
  9. Yep...a little heavy on the Eric Bischoff segments..and they're building the PPV a little late in the game..but the matches have been really good and at least they are pairing the new faces with the established TNA guys and creating some interesting match ups.
  10. It doesn't even matter. Because there's absolutely ZERO reason to feature the Nasty Boyz on the PPV. Every time I see them I just think: Why? Why are they wasting our time with these two. I can barely see 3D's purpose on the roster these days.. Like papa said, it genuinely bothers me to see them on the tv.
  11. No. They suck. They've always sucked. Their gimmick is asinine. They make the Bolsheviks look like Gordy/Dr Death in the ring. This feud might have been interesting in 1998. But every single segment they are on - and they are getting like ten minutes of TV time on every Impact so far - makes me less hopeful about Hogan's "new outlook" on booking.
  12. Honestly, I'm stunned that anyone finds the Nasty Boys entertaining. It's 2010. I've been tired of their act since the late 90s. Love Hamada/Kong. Angelina coming back was strong. W/o her TBP are still entertaining but not as credible in the ring. You almost want them to recruit Tara or something.
  13. Hate the names. Loved the match. My 10 year old, who only takes a passing glance, stayed glued to the couch during the whole thing. THAT is the stiff that separates TNA from the E Of course, then the Nastys came on and my skin started to crawl..so this re-launch is still a work in progress IMO.
  14. His performance hasn't been bad, but he's been booked as an afterthought. He's no more credible as a character now then when he won the match against Cena. I have no idea why the writers can't seem to book anything except a 'sneaky heel,' but it doesn't really fit Sheamus' character. If he's going to DQ himself against Cena, have him use a steel chair or something..not brush aside the ref with his forearm. Essentially..unless something changes, if Sheamus were to lose the belt at the Rumble, in three months I think he'd be a midcard jobber to the stars.
  15. How??? How is he more likely? How is Lesnar's UFC career more worthwhile than The Rock's movie career where he makes 10 times the money and has almost zero chance of injury? Why in gods name would The Rock come back to TNA to work for a second rate fed with minimal mainstream coverage when coming back to the WWE (if he ever felt the need towrestle again) and working a WM would probably pop the biggest buyrate in company history. Why would The Rock ever think about considering about hoping to possibly entertain the notion of coming back to wrestling and doing it in TNA.
  16. I definitely smell a swerve on Jericho. But still..hearing Tyson threaten Hornswoggle was TRE-mendous.
  17. OK, I'm going to break it to you: you aren't being clear at ALL.
  18. And as crazy as the Lesnar scenario sounds once you explain it, The Rock is even less likely.
  19. I know Cole is prone to hyberbole, but him calling Tyson the 'most iconic athlete of the 20th century' on the way to commercial is totally asinine. So...not Babe Ruth or Jackie Robinson or Michael Jordan or Muhammed Ali? Mike Tyson.
  20. Yknow..if they did..they didn't do it in a way to drive the point home. Because I honestly can't recall.
  21. First off..guys..this adds up to 120%. Not 110. Secondly, having Lesnar and Rock on this list is f'n ridiculous. RVD would be a cool debut. Kennedy would be ok. The one debut that I think is actually possible that would garner some attention would be Goldberg (Of course, as I've seen before, TNA should be figuring out what to do with their roster instead of constantly adding and then having workers stuck in limbo)
  22. wow I'm hoping we got some kind of build towards the Rumble. Bret segments aside, the last few weeks Raw seems to be in cruise control as far as "feuds" go.
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