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Everything posted by PeterHilton

  1. You know this is the booking philosophy that closed WCW down, right?
  2. He's not. He's still being featured somewhat and given decent TV time..but he's not being used as a main selling point. His whole "straight edge" deal is a midcard storyline.
  3. Terrible. Just terrible. Have you ever been to a sporting event? And you have MORE rights if you DON'T pay??
  4. Here's where this guy goes off the rails. The fans have every right to express their feelings, especially because it does add a lot to the live events. But *if* TNA's new direction adds viewers and gets them bigger ratings and increases buy rates, then the opinions of those 20 guys really DON'T MATTER. It's stupid of TNA to deny the fan response. And considering the reactions to even the smallest of changes so far, they should get used to dealing with a lot more before it's through (I mean..those spoilers..if that goes down the way it was written..the intrawebs might explode)
  5. ECW fans definitely added to their shows. TNA has made no attempt to "get bigger" by producing "fammily friendly" programming. None. Zero. They are far more risque in both content and character and practically brag about the fact during their broadcasts. You're entirely off the mark there. Entirely.
  6. In the last few years, it seems like the only main eventers that were "made" have been Jeff Hardy and CM Punk, and you could argue those two came out of necessity because of all the injuries on Smackdown. And now Punk is back in the midcard and Morrison (who looked like he was on the fast track to being a headliner) has stalled. So going into the new year, the main event scene is: Cena, DX, Orton on Raw Taker, Rey, Batista, Jericho, and (if healthy) Edge on SD It feels static because it IS static.
  7. I just don't see the E putting the young guys over Cena, Trips, or HBK any time soon.
  8. Those suggestions didn't really elevate anyone to main event status. All you did was move some midcarders to other positions in the midcard. Also, when you have more faces than heels in your main event spot, it sorta makes sense to have more heel midcarders. You need them to feed to Cena and DX.
  9. Ewwwwww....this has Russo-rific "work shoot" written all over it.. he takes a true life event and turns it into a storyline that onyl a small part of the viewing audience will understand. The part that understands knows its fake so they dont care; that part that don't understand end up confused so it all falls flat. Just like what he tried to do recently with JJ's return and apologizing to Kurt dammit...
  10. lazorbeak makes some great points about the possible reasoning behind why some guys haven't been elevated, but I'm going to return to my 'logistics' argument as it pertains to Raw: Take a look at the roster again. They have 18 guys you could consider "full time" wrestlers (and Primo and Carlito are iffy). You have true top of the card main eventers (Orton, Cena, DX). In the past year, MVP and Bourne looked like they were going to get pushed hard, and then after being 'established' the push was dropped. Same might happen to Kofi. And net fans scream bloody murder My question would be: where do you put them? You can't realistically push every talented midcarder to main event status, or esle you don't have a midcard. And there really aren't enough veteran name workers around to 'put over' the few guys you might consider pushing anyway (partially due to an actual lack of names and partially because, as lazorbeak said, they're not willing to job out the names they have managed to establish). I agree that WWE needs to do a better job creating stars, but looking at that roster, Raw needs an influx of established talent.
  11. 1) It kinda is...the more well known guests are getting bigger ratings. 2) I used to agree with the idea that the guest hosts were 'holding back' contracted talent, but then I took a real long look at the Raw roster and realized...no, not really. Because there's not that much actual worthwhile talent to hold back. http://www.wwe.com/superstars/raw/ Check it out. Who deserves more TV time? Who on there needs more segments? If anything, the guest hosts are saving us from even longer Cena/DX segments. I mean, the reason Jericho was appearing on both show was because they NEEDED him to be on both shows. The E spent a lot of years misfiring with the guys they were trying to turn into star. So now they're dealing with the results: a shockingly thin roster especially considering they are trying to run 3 brands.
  12. I said this weeks ago...he isn't being pushed as a main event world champion type, so people aren't buying into him. Once he loses the belt, he's going to be a midcarder almost instantly.
  13. When Orton was in the Masterlock, Lawler said 'I don't remember anyone ever breaking the Masterlocok' Lashley is being erased from history lol
  14. John Heder cutting a heel promo??? lol EDIT: Lane Kiffin..maybe you've heard of him? Miz-stake? "Let's hear it for friendship!!" hahahaha..that was great.
  15. But why are Eric and Hogan still listeing to him when neither man like Vince very much, if at all? EDIT: i know it sounds simplistic, but if you are going with a "re-launch" and you are trying to draw new fans, then you need to give them something easy to get their heads around: here is our GOOD GUY. He's the HERO. Here is our BAD GUY. Man he's easy to HATE. They are RIVALS. They like to FIGHT for our big TITLE. Start there then fill in with twists and turns later. It's way too soon for all this Russo-esque garbage.
  16. Hogan and Flair in one company and HBK/Undertaker are feuding in the WWE..man what year is this?
  17. Spoilers sound awful. If it comes off that bad on TV this promising beginning went completely off the rails rather fast..for no apparent reason Swerve on top of swerve is what was WRONG with TNA's booking Also..lol at "Mcdonald's not making a value menu because Natalee Holloway is missing"
  18. Possibly. But then why fire a backstage personality and then replace him with someone who's so disliked? to set up for the triumphant return of.....Jeremy Borash????
  19. Speaking of which... These are all posts from his twitter account via 411mania.com. Apparently Bubba is crying about how TNA is treating him since he made his comments: I'm going to say the same thing that I said after I saw Anderson need knux to beat Abyss: Seriously TNA? SERIOUSLY???
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