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Everything posted by PeterHilton

  1. You're still not getting it: I never said I thought Manning was the right choice. That's not even the point. You said that writers shouldn't be allowed to vote on the MVP (or anything, ever, actually ) based on the fact that they voted Peyton Manning the MVP. Can you argue that others were more deserving? Obviously. But the only way you could say that your argument actually holds up would be to somehow show that voting for Manning was so incredibly indefensible and unreasonable that it totally destroys their credibility. That voting for Payton Manning actually proves that the writers who voted for the award are completely incompetent. So again...all you've really said in your last three posts is that all writers have zero credibility basically because they disagree with YOU. Just because YOU don't agree with their votes does not automatically mean they don't know what they're talking about. I'll take Peter King's opinion over GatorBait19 if it's all the same to you, ok?
  2. Anyone who wacthed the NFL in 09 saw a Colts team with no running game and a very average defense win 14 straight, including 7 by less than a TD. You said yourself,Manning wasn't a BAD choice. That's why it defeats your argument. The writers didn't make some ridiculous or illogical or emotion based decision. Therefore all you're really saying is that the writers shouldn't be allowed to vote because they don't agree with YOU. Get over yourself.
  3. By saying Manning was a good or even viable choice, you're sort of defeating your argument that writers shouldn't be allowed to vote. It's an opinion based award, just like the HOF. Also, considering how awful the coaches polls can be in NCAA basketball and football, and how reticent to change the veteran's committees in all the HOFs have been, I'm not sure the solution is to give the decisions over to people 'in the business' as it were.
  4. Possibly. I guess the difference is I dont think the WWE sees Low Ki as a 'star' the sameway they do Danielson, so that even if he wereon next "season's" show he's not going to be the focus regardless.
  5. Low ki would be a clear second fiddle. The only problem I have with the show right now is that no one seems that interesting beyond Danielson. But of course, that could change as the show goes along. We'll see...I just don't think it would've been a bad idea to have another more seasoned worker in this batch of rookies.
  6. Totally agree. it was so incredibly repetitive. He did it so often during the video pormo thing that I wondered if there is anything to his character byond the head wag and toungue deal. He looked like a one note indy card guy. Also agree that I like Tarver. A lot. "great in ring skills imo" lol The more you post the more I realize we - as fans - have almost nothing in common. I really liked the show. I thought the storylines were varied and the interactions were smart. I loved the fact that the first episode was the American Dragon Power Hour, because he's obviously the one performer with the biggest following. Not including Low Ki was a mistake. I don't know tons about the rookies, and the show made me want to tune in and learn more about them. So...mission accomplished.
  7. Y'know...this HBK/Taker thing has been built so well..how does it NOT main event WM?
  8. That's sort of what they did last time. but you're right: if written in the manner you describe, it would work.
  9. In a world full of web writers and fans talking out their ass, someone who actually knows what's going to happen comes off as cool. Especially because they are posting in a really obscure section of the site. EDIT: Here's the live PBP thread. Do a search for Mysterious and you'll find his posts. Not that big a deal, but it keeps the commentors entertained. http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/news/130571/Click-Here-To-Join-411s-LIVE-WWE-Elimination-Chamber-Coverage.htm His last face turn was a disaster. A face turn here would probably be as well. He gets face pops because of how he's portrayed as a heel...so he can't go full-fledged babyface. And in this environment, I'm not sure how the E would do with an anti-hero type. They're better off just leaving him as is actually and allow the fans to respond to him based on his opponents.
  10. He posts in the comments section of the live play-by-play article the day of the event. That's it. He doesn't write stories. IIRC he doesn't even post on the site's message boards. Really, if you don't check the site regularly enough to know the comments section is pretty f'n entertaining, you would have no idea who this guy is. But everyone who does read the comments regularly during the live PBP knows who Mysterious is. The columnists mention him/her every once in a while, but I'm sure if the site tried to make a big deal out of it, the insider would be found pretty quik and it'd be done with.
  11. A couple years. How much do you think the people at the E read sites?
  12. You're not getting it. He doesn't "predict" or do ridiculous fantasy booking type posts. He posts in the comments section the day of the PPV and tells you what happens on the card. Not just W/L's but suprise appearances, surprise appearances, the whole bit. He almost HAS to be an employee of the WWE; he predicted Sheamus' win, the Edge appearance..I could go on. In the years that I've read the site, I can count the times he's been wrong on one hand.
  13. I actually thought it would've been interesting to run a multiple personality storyline with Daniels: Suicide, Curry Man, Fallen Angel, and then finally just 'Daniels'
  14. YES!!! This guy is the single best reason to read the PBP on 411.
  15. Because havign Batista come out to 'take advantage' of a weakened Cena puts him over as a heel and furthers the McMahon/Batista partnership. Seriously..it's a pretty effective swerve and makes sense on a lot of levels.
  16. It's a publicly traded company making sure that their world title main event in the biggest event of the year will involve two of (if not the two most) over and marketable performers in the company...AND a well known angle that will probably draw in tons of viewers on its own. I mean...keeping the belt where it was would've been frickin nuts.
  17. I guess, and I know this is just your opinion, but like I said: what difference does it make? He's a ****y heel. You're not supposed to like him.
  18. You're not sure? So..you're still not sure if the people on those reality shows are working the camera or being encouraged to 'play characters.' OK EDIT: Actually, if you didn't like him on those shows, and his character is basically an arrogant Hollywood douchebag, wouldn't it make it easier to at least appreciate his work as a heel? I mean..his is actually playing someone you're supposed to dislike.
  19. You're being narrow minded. He was a 23 year old guy who loved wrestling his whole life before he went to UPW. And then Tough Enough. And then OVW. He's not a seasoned worker, but he's certainly not the worst new worker that has showed up in recent years. He has good charisma. That's the reason he showed up on RW in the first place and why the producers kept bringing him back for challenges. And he knows how to work a crowd. It's a work. What kind of background does someone need to have before you can 'take them seriously?' NCAA champion? Years in the indies? Former strip club bouncer? Because if you look up and down that roster, I'm not sure how Miz's background is any less legitimate than the typical worker being brought up through the E's current development structure.
  20. Where exactly is the news of their impending retirement?
  21. Going back to your Nasty Boys point: they were bigger stars THEN but considering how long they've been completely out of the limelight do you think it's fair to think they carry the same name value? I mean...really? I'd have to see demographics and numbers that show that TNA's audiences skews to failry old crowd (TV-wise) to believe that the Nasy Boys carry any sort of significance to the fans watching.
  22. Here's my take on OJ: if he were an established character who happened to be bi, then fine. But if the defining aspect of his character is his sexuality and the way he uses it to his advantage or whatever, then the only way it works is if he's a feel. Because wrestling fans aren't going to 'root' for that. And that actually works for a heel character btw. He'd be black Adrian Adonis or whatever.
  23. Not to sound completely insensitive, but I honestly don't think that sounds realistic. Orlando's sexuality is his business. But in the world of wrestling, especially in a fed like TNA, his personal preferences won't be dealt with class or dignity or even basic common decency. Him being bisexual is one thing. His on-air character is something completely different, This is going to be treated as a joke and for shock value.
  24. I think you're overstating the obvious here. The voters have ALWAYS looked at everything. That's why a true DH still isn't represented. Rice was hurt by his relationship with the media, but his numbers also weren't exactly overwhelming (not even 400 HR or 1500 RBI at a power premium position). Plus he was hurt because his candidacy came along right when offensive numbers exploded ...lotta 80 guys started looking bad in comparison: Garvey, Carter, Murphy etc Frank Thomas put up historically significant numbers. He was bad in the field, and you could argue he wasn't the TOP 1b in the majors, but there's no way he's not in the HOF.
  25. I agree that it makes sense but not with your reasoning What is Danielson's weakness? Mic work, promos, character. So pair him up with the obnoxious heel and then he doesn't have to worry about. He gets over as a character by standing up to the heel that fans love to hate.
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