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Everything posted by PeterHilton

  1. Bubba? You know we're talking about Bubba's radio show right?
  2. I'm never sure how much of that show is real and how much is work. Actually, now that I'm listening to it: it's mostly work on this segment.
  3. Terminator the show. Obviously. Since that's what we were talking about. Don't be obtuse on purpose. As for why people treat you with disrespect: WTF are you talking about? Truth and non-truth? "Everything I've said has been completely true" ? "What I said was that people clearly aren't paying attention when they watch TNA and the proof is in the pudding with the unfair hate" ? Basically any time someone disagrees with you, they are lying or something. I don't HAVE to agree with you. That doesn't mean I'm not 'peddling crap.'
  4. Actually, if you read through this thread, A LOT of the discussion about TNA's success or lack thereof is based on numbers. You should try rreading other people's posts. Especially on a board with a bunch of wrestling sim geeks that generally don't argue by saying things like "you all hate me becaue I'm right! bleargh" IGN is a board composed of sci fi nerds, and movie geeks. This is a board composed of sci fi nerds, and wreslting geeks. And you could definitely say that in terms of the mainstream and this board: IGN is not a reflection of the mainstream TV viewer. Most people don't care about Terminator. This board is not a reflection of the mainstream wrestling fan. Most people don't watch wrestling the way a lot of the people on these boards do. So what do you do? Oh yeah, fall back on the numbers, which actually do reflect mainstream opinion in a lot of ways. You're not getting it. TV is a 'majority rules' kinda deal. If you're writing isn't clear to the point where other people have to consistently run around explaining all these subtle nuances etc the problem is the writing, not the viewer.
  5. They've put together two decent Impacts. Calm down. The last part of that paragraph is you giving your opinion of your opinion. Calm down some more.
  6. Totally true. Except that there are some numbers (ratings, buy rates, etc) out there. And when you discuss public perception it's fair to bring those up. I have no idea what you're talking about. You might visit too many message boards because there's been very little public outcry about that show in the mainstream. I know you didn't say it. I didn't mean to imply you did. But I've heard and read Russo say that before and its a BS excuse. Hating a show can't be unfair. It's not the job of the consumer to be entertained. It's the other way around. If I don't like something because it's not clear, you can only use the excuse that "I'm not paying attention" so often. Because..guess what..if the majority of the viewing audience doesn't get what you're trying to convey, you're not too smart for the room...you fricking suck. Because every once in a while - like when they close a PPV with Angle/Wolfe followed by Daniels/Joe/AJ - i see how good TNA could be.
  7. You did see the PPV that ended with the hole in the ring right?
  8. Your opinion. TNA is such a mess that I don't give a sh*t what's happening. Which = boring. And guess what? A lot of people don't give a crap that Terminator was cancelled. Not a lick. Why would someone contribute to a prodcut they don't like? It's Russo's job to make a product that's easy to understand and relate to. Even if it means he has to 'spoon feed' people. That's his job. He's a writer. Saying his stuff is "too complex" to be understood by the common fan is a masturbatory bullsh*t excuse for the fact that his writing is crap.
  9. Somebody add the rep function to this board already, dammit !
  10. The idea that TNA is going to die at any second because of a months worth of crap ratings is ridiculous. But this stuff.. That's all really meaningful. TNA has a lot of work to do. And when all of your eggs are in one tenuous basket (the TV deal with Spike) you kind of have to expect there to be doubts about the company's existence.
  11. On a lighter note: WWE's video of SHawn post-match last night http://www.wwe.com/content/media/video/vms/wrestlemania/2010/march29-31/13951768
  12. Two to three year in short spurts? Like...consistently watch for a few months then tune out for a few months and come back? I doubt it. If you're watching every week for years you're not a casual fan. You're a wreslting geek lol And TNA ...you know as well as I do that a couple weeks of good shows doesn't mean anything. They need to do this for months before I beleive the writing team is on the right track.
  13. What's funny is that the E is only overly predictable to the wrestling geeks (like, say, people who would pay to own a text based wrestling simulator ) because the casual fan who watchs the shows without thinking too hard seem to follow along an enjoy it well enough.
  14. No..no I wouldn't. I'd say that based on the quality of their product for the majority of its existence, it was lucky to exist for as long as it did. Also, what an incredible waste of talent.
  15. ummmmm...I think that might be a reach. This is not the same fanbase. WM draws a lot of casual fans and Bret left the company more than a decade ago. People know "of it" but I don't think most viewers really understand the impact.
  16. Or done a better job of recapping the last few months? Or just booked it so Bret didn't have such a huge advantage? Or possibly do the "i bought off the Harts" and then reveal the double-cross a little later in the match. See..if it leads to that it'd make more sense.
  17. Because as a storytelling device, you are supposed to ROOT FOR THE GOOD GUY And in that match, the good guy had an unfair numbers advantage, took no punishment (not his fault, i know, but still there's a reaosn why the 'face in peril' is such a standard part of wrestling), used a series of weapons, and then twice refused to finish Vince off when he had the chance. Take away the storyline, and that is a standard issue bad guy beatdown. And the people who I was watching with, who didn't really understand the screwjob, all sympathized with Vince. Especially because the way the Harts came off - like a bunch of bloodthirsty jackals It was poorly booked.
  18. Y'know it wasn't the best match I've ever seen, but I know it definitely was not as bad as you described.. Not a good match? I mean..not even a 'good' match? To each their own, but in a spectrum my opinion is closer to Snoop's than yours. Again..not the best ever but definitely not osmething i'd describe as 'not good' or 'not memorable.'
  19. Holy economics! A lapdance in CA is $40 a song..and we can't have alcohol if the club is fully nude.
  20. Why would you figure that? Not being xenophobic or sarcastic, but I really don't get where you'd see that in the WWE product...heavy on American character archetypes, American pop culture references, based in America, most of their revenue comes from American venues and American PPVs It's nice as a company to broaden your appeal so you can gain some market share and be able to broadcast internationally (which is why the World Series and Super Bowl are broadcast worldwide) but realistically, the E makes most of its money by appealing to it's fans in the states. Any of their global appeal is icing on the cake so to speak.
  21. I'm willing to deal with negative hyperbole from other people but c'mon Remi...how many lapdances are you REALLY getting for $55? One? One and a half? lol I'm with crownsy. My only niggling complaints would be that giving all that time to HBKs farewell could've been better spent giving a few more minutes here and there to Rey/Punk, the tag title match, and HHH/SHeamus. But truthfully, that was probably one of those deals where everyone on the card was given the heads up to not go long to make sure the main event had plenty of time. So with everyone being careful, you end up with too much time at the end. Meh. Also, am i the only one who thinks that Bret going too long with his beatdown on Vince could set up for a heel run? I mean, towards the end he was not the guy I was rooting for in that match. Heel Bret as a GM on Raw?
  22. That's ridiculous. It's tradition at sporting events to play the national anthem. The Super Bowl and World Series are telecast world wide; they both start with the national anthem. If the venue is in the states it's not 'obnoxious' it's what makes sense in terms of the other major 'sports' events in this country.
  23. I liked both main events (HBK/Taker was tremendous) and Edge/Jericho and Rey/Punk were better than average. Not an all time great WM but not a hot mess either.
  24. It's sadly turned into a two match PPV. If these two main events pay off, it's worth it. Really disappointed in the crowd.
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