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Everything posted by PeterHilton

  1. Enough of that nonsense..let's talk business: WWE released it's quarterly numbers. http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/news/138240/WWE-First-Quarter-Financial-Results-For-2010.htm SPOILER ALERT: THEY MADE AN ASS TON OF MONEY. Hard to say how successful they really were, because WM was in the second quarter last year and the first quarter this year, so it will skew high. Really can't tell for sure until the midway point of the fiscal year. Vince did his stockholder thing and here are the posted highlights WWE released their First Quarter Financials for 2010 earlier today. At 11AM, they had their quarterly conference call. Here are some highlights from that call… Vince saying WM wasn't the event they hoped for was interesting. Also, you can continue to see that WM is going to do everything possible (the whole PG thing) to avoid 'competing' with the UFC directly.
  2. Because, at one point in time, Hall and Nash were among the biggest names, biggest draws, and most well known names in the history of the industry. They are 'has beens' Rhino - in comparison - is a never was.
  3. Rhino is meh. That's the problem. He's not spectacular at any one thing. He's a power based wrestler who's like 5'10" tops. He's a decent interview, but nothing to write home about. Little repetitive to be honest. He's good in the ring, but I don't think i've ever seen a Rhino match I'd say was truly 'memorable.' He's a perfectly acceptable midcard worker that can play face or heel, but that's about it. He needs a monster push to really get over with the crowd, but 5 years into his TNA career, on a roster where he's nowhere near the most well known or talented, I think you can hang up the idea of Rhino being turned into a superstar any time soon.
  4. Totally off topic, but I was perusing some of my older DVDs and I started thinking about how much i missed Angle in the E Isn't it about time he call off this whole TNA thing. Go back to Vince, work a couple more years as a special event MOTY attraction ala HBK and UT and get a 4 disc set released sometime in the next few years.
  5. Great segment. Really good show. Brady taking the RKO and then Orton stalking Edge around the ring was EXACTLY how Orton need to be portrayed to keep his character over while working as a face.
  6. I don't know. He's been 'retiring' for like seven years now. His feud with JJ went on waaaaaaaayyyyy too long. His 'EPIC' showdowns with Angle and AJ didn't do the business people thought it would. Honeslty, I think no one complains because there are never any net rumors about him being a jerk.
  7. Hey at least the show ended with that young up and comer 'Hulk' Hogan getting some TV time. In a segment about Sting and Jarret. It's been almost 20 minutes I was wondering what happened to those guys. Hopefully, the show ends with another Hogan segment. EDIT:
  9. Jordan's character isn't bad. But for something like that you need someone who can cut the hell out of a promo and OJ didn't deliver. I mean..those were good lines .."no batteries necessary, it'll be our little secret"..but he mumbled through them and the promo lost the creepy Rocky Horror Picture Show vibe it should've had.
  10. LOVE Edge referring to the fac that none of of his old 'rated r' material can be shown on a PG show.
  11. ??? I flipped to Impact to avoid Waytne Brady and saw Orlando Jordan. I flipped back.
  12. No..I was about to post the same thing...his feud with Trips got him over and his promos are getting better and better. The accent works, he comes off as a 'take on all comers' bad ass and he's grown in leaps and bounds over the last six weeks or so. I'm totally sold on him now.
  13. Have him come out with a battalion of security. Have him use Joe as a 'personal enforcer.' Have him use pyro and/or effects to get their attention. ANYTHING ..literally ...ANYTHING...would've been better than having Hogan storm the rign and upstage the entire main event scene in basically thirty seconds flat.
  14. OH FOR CHRIST'S SAKE... So this is 'listening to the fans?' Having a 70 year old Hulk Hogan come out to the ring, decimate the bad guys (doing more damage than Team 3D, Abyss, and RVD combined) and blow off the segment by having him take out AJ Styles with one punch and the 4 millionth Hogan/Flair face-off. I have no idea how the move to Mondays didn't work out.
  15. Abyss looks retarded. Of all the things Bischoof and Hogan have done, the 'Abyss as a pathetic fanboy' idea was the worst.
  16. http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/news/137909/TNA-Impact-Is-Moving-Back-To-Thursday.htm The war is over... According to Dave Meltzer, tonight's big announcement on TNA is that the company will be moving Impact back to Thursday nights. This is due to the "disastrous" rating from last week.
  17. Oh when will the Bubba Era end??? http://www.411mania.com/wrestling/news/137860/Bubba-The-Love-Sponge-Discusses-His-TNA-Termination.htm
  18. Not writing off her career. But in sports terms she's a project. I mean..she's one of those Hasheem Thabeet projects where she's got all the physical gifts to be a star, and she's incredibly raw, so there's definitely tremendous upside potential. But there's just as much of a chance she never gets her act together. Considering the personality she's shown thus far and the incredibly sad, dysfunctional, and violent family she's come from (and I know this isn't a nice thing to say but it's true) there's a prett goody chance she's not easy to deal with. Hope for the best, I suppose.
  19. Lacey's f'n awful in the ring. AWFUL The fac tthat she looks like that and has that last name but isn't working for the E means that a) they think she's a legitimate danger to others (which is saying a lot if you look at that pile of hot mess they call a women's division) or b) she's a giant pain in the ass to work with (which seems possible considering the rumors and interviews she gave when Angelina was having visa issues).
  20. <p><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnBlG-hmf3I&feature=player_embedded" rel="external nofollow">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HnBlG-hmf3I&feature=player_embedded</a></p><p> </p><p> These comments on radio must've been the last straw.</p>
  21. Wow..now you're grasping at straws. We get it. You think Shelton is a great performer. But regardless of the other worker in the match, and regardless of whether or not it resulted in an injury, there's no good excuse for going away from the Road Agent's finish. Especially not in the WWE.
  22. Also...if you want to do the 'coasting' debate...Shelton's mic work never improved. It didn't. In that way he's been coasting for years. But it was stil a mistake to release him because, in the same way that Kane's size makes him an attraction, Shelton's athleticism and ability to work a decent match would've made him a perfectly acceptable midcardr for years. The E has several guys on the roster who's sole job seems to be to season the younger workers : Finlay, Regal, etc Well those guys are on the wrong side of 30 so having men like Shelton or Haas or Chavo or (going way back) keeping Dinsmore around would not be a bad idea.
  23. Don't take this personally but...are you really young or is English your second language? You posting from your blackberry?
  24. That's the same response you gave me when I said "no one cares about women's wrestling" You and a bunch of net fans don't make a difference. The MAJORITY of fans won't be bothered. And that's who the WWE is selling their product to. The Majority
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