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Everything posted by PeterHilton

  1. Thanks. It will more than likely only be through June and some of July. I needto do something while I'm at work. (besides working of course)
  2. Sooooo...basically what they did when they were n thursdays in the first place?
  3. He lost clean to someone who the WWE has been pushing up the card for months now...witness Truth's porgrams on SD with Punk and Jericho and his clean win over Dibiase at the PPV. This. Wait a few weeks, then decide if he's been pushed down the card.
  4. College OT is a joke. I like watching football - with defense - not some cartoony NFL Blitz amalgamation of football. And the idea that college football coaches stay because it's more "fun" is asinine. They stay because it's easier. The gameplanning is simpler. There are limits on practice time. If you can recruit better and are at a bigger and/or better school you are going to beat your opponent 9 times out 10 based on talent alone. That's why guys like Bobby Petrino and Nick Saban and Steve Spurrier run away crying ...you can't just line up your guys and hope your best 11 beats their best 11. Carroll is going to be a bust. He wasn't an X's and O's guy at USC. That rah rah crap doesn't play with grown men. And he addressed his biggest weakness - offense - by bringing in a guy who wasn't much of a success at the NCAA level instead of hiring an NFL guy. It'll be embarasing within three seasons.
  5. Seriously? So losing matches = being pushed down the card? Even though he's spent the past few months working programs with Bret Hart, Big Show and Chris Jericho? And has been featured on TV 2-3 times a week? I thought the people on this board were smarter than that. When your main event scene on Raw is Edge, Cena, Orton, Sheamus and Triple H when he returns..what was Miz's next step? If the Miz keeps losing or disappears off TV entirely like Morrison, then you can say he's been pushed down the card or the company has lost confidence in him. But for all we know, he's going to have a running rivalry with Bret..or fued with Killings over the US title..or maybe even have a three way feud with Killings and Morrison...etc.
  6. Having just readthrough this debate, I just wanted to say that you're wrong and lazorbeak is right. Also...you can't say that any kind of Finals match up proves who's the better conference; it just proves who's the better team is in that particular match up. I'd be like saying "oh well USC beat Florida in some bowl game, that proves the Pac 10 is better than the SEC" It's bad logic.
  7. Hyperbole. My point still stands..if you could go to an event where half the audience was female, that event would be quite a draw for men looking to meet women Also...the fact that 50% of the population being female does not directly correlate to 50% of the crowd being female at many other events, such as football, baseball, boxing, etc.
  8. A bunch of good looking guys fighting off some ring rats back in the 80s does not prove that anything near 40% of the wrestling audience is/was/or ever will be female. I like Jim too. But 30 years of marketing research, Nielsen ratings, advertising dollars, ticket sales, PPV buys, and merchandise sales all say he's wrong. Think about it...the E gets around 3 million viewers a week. So if even close to that portion of the audience of the female, there'd be over 1 million women watching RAW each week. You don't think some advertisers or sponsors would've noticed by now? The shows on Lifetime barely draw that kind of audience. Half of RAW's commercials would be stuff like Proactiv or Maybelline. I believe the female portion of the audience is growing..but jesus christ...
  9. I mean..seriously? The E draws like 8 k to its shows..which means that 3200 or so of that crowd is female? Why are single guys going out to bars and night clubs? They should all be attending pro wrestling events. The guys there must be literally fighting the women off with ten foot poles.
  10. So based on some anecdotal evidence from one promoter/manager with a penchant for hyperbole...we're gonna go ahead and throw out 30 plus years of marketing research and Nielsen ratings? Hey..and we can also ignore all previous hard information based on the membership figures of an internet message board like the WWE universe (because we know how infallible the intrawebs can be) ... C'mon people..get it together. The business might be shifting as far as who it's marketed to and who is paying money for the product (especially with the E marketing itself as family entertainment) but do you guys honestly believe that the figure is anywhere near 40%? Really? REALLY???
  11. Ive said this about 10 thousand times in this thread..at least a third of that roster should be cut in order to maximize the amount of time they have on TV and eliminate that "too much sh*t happening at once" effect. (maybe)
  12. I like that too. Fans should boo/cheer who they want. Dammit..has Cena just decided to do these ridiculous over-the-top promos on a permanent basis? It's like he's become Tim Tebow.
  13. Not sure if anyone is tined in, but this has been a fairly kick ass episode of Raw.
  14. A) you post seemed to be more about the in-ring talent than the other employees. My mstake. B) your statement 'Unless they get millions in kick backs for programming, and whatnot' seemed a bit redundant because the WWE does - in fact - get millions back for their programming. C)Finally, if they had 100 employees making 100 k that would be 10 million. Their revenue for the first quarter of this year alone was just under 140 million. I'm not saying they pay "everyone" 100 k a year, but people should stop acting like those are ridiculous amounts for a company the WWE's size.
  15. check out their financials. how much money do you think they're generating? tens of thousands...? Youre severely underestimating the scope of their revenue.
  16. A lot of those 'morale' stories in the ragsheets seem like bs, but Stennick does have some good points. If TNA was a sports team, they'd be the Clippers. How could the morale NOT be affected?
  17. That's part of it. The other part is that this whole storyline is just frickin lame. Abyss has always been at his most enjoyable as an out of control monster. Why the writing team think fans would prefer him as some mewling, suck up, slow witted, Hogan fan boy is beyond me. I'm almost certain we're only a few more PPvs away from Abyss losing the mask and going full blown Hulkamaniac with yellow shirt and red bandana. Smell the ratings!
  18. I'm a mid level sales rep at my company. After commission and quarterly bonuses, there's not a single sales rep in this segment making less than 100 K. It's totally a matter of perspective. And your industry. If someone is a recognizable and/or known figure in the entertainment industry and they aren't making 6 figures (before taxes) they should go ahead and shoot themselves.
  19. Actually...he's arguably the most successful reality show contestant ever. Love the Miz. And personally, he's always seemed like a good guy..just kind of a harmless frat ball meathead. And when (if) you watched those RW/RR challenge things, all he EVER talked about was how much he loved wrestling and how becoming a wrestling star was his biggest dream since he was a kid. I mean...yeah that reality thing helped him get noticed and all..but this isn't some male model or failed actor or washed up football player using wrestling as his fall back plan. This is a young guy who worked his ass off once he got a shot to do the one thing he always wanted to do: and it's wrestling. Good for him.
  20. Still a bad sign. They spent millions of dollars, did tons of promotion, brought in every major star they could sign, and then got their asses handed to them on Monday...only to come back to score right around what they were doing BEFORE Hogan and Co showed up Unless TNA can get up to the high 1's low 2's in the next few months, this whole experiment has been an abject failure. They could've just stayed on the same track and achieved more over the long term.
  21. Didn't they just do something similar with Chelsea where she "lied" to Pope? How many times can they do the female valet sets-up the face routine? The backstage interview bits with the more rough handheld camera feel are different, and in a good way. If the three way is solid then this is a decent episode. If its ruined by bad booking, then not so much.
  22. A) They don't hold out into the season. If they do they lose game checks. B) In football, the contracts aren't guaranteed. They can be cut at any time with varying financial risk to the team they play for. If you signed a contract at a job, they couldn't fire you after year one without owing you the full amount of the remaining contract. Football teams can. You job also doesn't involve the physical risk that football does. Your job doesn't have an average lifespan just under three years (i assume) If CJ gets his knee blown out next year while playing for just above league minimum, he's f***ed. That's why these guys go out and try to make as much guaranteed money as fast as they can because they have tiny shelf lives and whatever money they make they are trying to set them and their families up for life. It's ridiculous for the Titans to be doing this. It's sports. They need to pay Chris Johnson market value. Period.
  23. We're going off topic ..but what numbers? the house show results? the buy rates? the ratings? Because all the figures came from the annual reports after the company was sold.
  24. Really? REALLY? While I know Death of WCW was very markish at times, there are lots and lots of hard numbers in there. And there's has never been any situation at any time where Eric has accepted any blame, so it's very hard for me to accept ANYTHING he says. It's literally impossible to think that there was any decision that WCW made where he had no say whatsoever; and definitely not the ones that just so happened to go in the tank. Death of WCW wasn't completely right. But there's no way the truth is 'in the middle.' It's probably more like 70-30 against EB
  25. They are. i do think they are smart in that they constantly working to increase profitability and create new revenue sources. Agreed. I think that 'make no excuses' deal is more of rah-rah deal to feed the stockholders. Content is going to be a must. And I know I wouldn't pay much more to add a WWE network unless they included tons of classic and PPV replays. Bischoff is - for the most part - a lying piece of crap who's never admitted any personal responsibility for any situation ever. So I'd take the story of all four of those guys loooong before I'd take his word on things.
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