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Everything posted by PeterHilton

  1. Nope. Here...let's just re-post something Bill Simmons wrote on ESPN.com this week: There's no way to know for sure what's going to happen with Tebow.
  2. The Jets just look loaded. It's not the scouting structure. He just doesn't throw like an NFL QB. I honestly just don't believe that he'll ever be anything more than a below average passer, and for all the VY comparisons...Vince was a much better athlete and scrambler. Timmy looked scattered in the Senior Bowl. I'm going to be stunned (STUNNED!) if he ever pans out. And McDaniels has turned the roster over and made it his own..under some less than spectacular circumstances...if the Tebow Era doesn't pan out he's never going to be given another headcoaching job.
  3. Or he could be a total bust and Josh McDaniels could be out on his ass. Both are distinct possibilities.
  4. Ouch. Add Mickie. Add Shelton only if he's reuniting with Angle and Haas.
  5. You keep saying that..but his promotion completely changed the way wrestling promotions tried to present themselves and how far they were willing to go with thier characters and storytelling. Every new 'cutting edge' promotion that has come after him is basically doing a spin on his style. he's like Qunetin Tarantino..yeah his best work was years ago but if his style and approach is still something people are copying, how can he possibly be "overrated?"
  6. You must've misread those rumors. The TNA fans who talked about Bischoff/Heyman wanted the two to come in as a team with EB as the finance /business guy and Heyman as the booker. Playing to their strengths as it were... Possibly. It was pretty bad at times. I still don't understand how the wrestling relates to the stories..and as someone else pointed out he had an extremely successful run on SD.
  7. You clearly didn't see ECW as it happened. The wrestling was trash a lot of the times, but he took guys that had very little going for them and turned them into frickin stars based on the stories and rivalries he created. Matches aside, ECW had some of the most inventie, brilliantly executed storylines of any era, past or present. I have no idea if Paul is still relevant as a writer, but if TNA is trying to find someone to get the most out of their talent and oucnh up the characters that have gone stale, he's not a bad choice.
  8. I"m sorry..that's not what I meant. I don't mean to ignore your POV. Just that it's different enough that when you're giving your opinion that there are times that if a company is doing something to displease you they might actually be hitting the mark with the majority of their fanbase. And vice versa.
  9. That's great but you guys are making the wrong comparison. What would you rather see: a division filed with hot girls that's scarce on actual character and in-rin performance? Or a division with a bunch of great workers and developed characters, but the girls are shaped like pears and they have faces that looks like they were beaten with the proverbial ugly stick? What do you pick in that situation? What would most fans? Saying "Id rather have hot women who can do everything" is great. Thanks, Mr Obvious. But the crux of my point is that fans want to see hot women first and foremost, and their relative 'talent' is like the cherry on the sundae; appreciated but unnecessary. Self, I think you are a really, really different cat when it comes to wrestling fans. When we have these discussions about what fans will watch and are interested in, you should maybe excuse your own POV completely. Because the vast majority of the people watching wrestling aren't as invested in character development and original storytelling as you are.
  10. Listen, this is asinine. The majority of the fans of pro wrestling are young males. .. if you really and truly believe that you're going to consistently draw ratings for a 'legit' women's division that are higher then one based more so on T&A, then you have a much higher opinion of that demographic then I do. Hyde: I don't know what to tell you. PWI made stories up on a regular basis. Was Wendi Richter over? Sure. Do I think that she was popular enough to merit being put on a cover of a wrestling magazine? Definitely. Do I think that a girl that was hot for maybe 2 years in the early 80s was, at her height, almost as over as the single most popular wrestler in the history of the industry at his very peak? No. No, I f***in; don't.
  11. Nothing. You'd get the same bang for your buck. The E gets the same rating for the current crop of "talentless" Divas as they did when they had Molly, Trish, Lita, Ivory, etc... And TNA is getting the same ratings for their KO segments that heavily feature TBP, Love, and Tara as they did when they had Kong, Hamada, Sarita, etc...
  12. OK...c'mon...now you're citing Pro Wrestling Illustrated? During the kayfabe era??? It's never been tried seriously because promoters understand their audience. If you had a national company, would you gamble on an arena mostly filled with young males to cheer for a legitimate women's division, or would you show off some chicks with big boobs and hope that they don't hurt themselves out there? What's the safer move there?
  13. RVD didn't have to wrestle for that show to not be a hot mess. And - unless something really changes - that show sounds like it's a hot mess. (he was totally burnin it for 420 )
  14. Ditto. It's like they went out of their way to kill any momentum from this week's show.
  15. This. Exactly this. I love buying comics. I tried to explain TEW to my new gf and eventually she just calls it my "nerdy wrestling game." Anyone who really gets into fantasy sports is nerdy and that's half of sports fans these days...not to get completely off topic but (like brashley said) unless you're an insecure teenager, being called a nerd these days isn't a big deal. Back to wrestling talk..
  16. I would say that if you play a text based wrestling simulator, hang out on boards to talk about said simulator, go to message boards ot talk about pro wrestling, and visit news site to do the same..you're a wrestling nerd. it's cool. Just accept it. Nerd run things these days.
  17. That's not even close to what I said. I refer to ALL internet wrestling fans as nerds. The point I was making is that the lack of a tag division is only really important to net fans (or nerds), it doesn't affect the E in any significant way, so they have no reason to change it. So wanting a tag division doesn't make you a nerd...hanging out on these boards and checking wrestling news sites does.
  18. His blog: http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog/jr-vegas-cac I don't know where the Carter meeting is being reported, but I kinda tend to tak e JR at his word on this kind of stuff. I don't agree with his views on the business but he tends to be pretty straightforward on his blog. Unless you can show that a tag division or a legit woman's division would somehow generate more revenue than normal for the E, it's only a 'mistake' in the minds of internet wrestling nerds. AJ vs RVD in a ladder match would beb a perfect PPV headliner, so yeah..leaving us wanting for more is a great strategy.
  19. To be fair, PPV doesn't make TNA the majority of their money. Their buys are garbage. TV is their money maker. So this approach of trying to boost ratings first does actually make sense.
  20. This. Absolutely this. Terry is a giant waste of time when you have far more talented guys with similar looks on the roster. To be fair, Luger was monstrously over both as a heel with the Horseman and as a face chasing Flair in hos first WCW run.
  21. The Cliq? With HBK retired, they have most of the members of that little group.
  22. BWAHAHAHAHAHA! Seriously? As in many industries, wrestling is one of those places where moral highground takes a back place to financial concerns.
  23. I don't know what to say. Basically if they don't do the striptease thing you end up with a 8.3-8.4 which is about where they were 2 weeks ago. Not bad..but they can't seriously be planning on pushing more nudity as a long term solution to their ratings problems.
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