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The Swanton825

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Everything posted by The Swanton825

  1. I've only watched wrestling intermittently for the past six or seven years now and every time I think about really getting back into it, the (apologies for the twitter lingo here) stans and antis remind me that it's not even worth having an opinion on wrestling anymore. For as long as I've been a fan, there's always been that "Wrestling is garbage now, nothing like it was back in my day!", but now there's just a perpetual persecution complex with the loudest of fans that I don't even want to be associated.
  2. Man, it's been so long since I worked on the bios that I honestly can't remember which ones I did lol. If my creations are all my children, then I'm a deadbeat dad.
  3. They booked that pretty much like Dusty booked his main events. That man was so fond of overbooked finishes that you'd think we would have named a specific type of finish after him...
  4. I had to drop down to easy as well in order to beat BG3. I probably could have beaten it on normal with enough persistence, but I've only got so much time on this Earth and I didn't want to spend hours upon hours replaying the same fight over and over again. And it still felt pretty challenging by the end even on easy!
  5. Oh crap... that means I'm getting old now! I can't relate to young people! I can barely relate to my own generation!
  6. Man, I want to give this movie a chance because Bill Skarsgard is a good actor, but Jared Leto Joker crossed with DMC reboot Dante is making it really hard to hope for a good Crow reboot.
  7. If this support page is correct, this should explain how to use a USB thumb drive to transfer data better than I can. https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/hardware/back-up-ps5-data-USB/
  8. It feels like they've been "finishing" this story for years now. At this rate, Star Citizen will be finished before he wins the title.
  9. Funny thing is that I've already seen articles with film studio execs talking about their "bold new concept" of packaging streaming networks together. Give them five years and these idiots forgot cable packages even existed.
  10. How does Joe get involved in so many random heel turns? I still remember that stupid TNA storyline where he got attacked by Steiner, came back with huge babyface momentum and then "swerved" everyone by joining the Main Event Mafia during the King of the Mountain match.
  11. I really hope you're right. Nigel's ROH title run was what saved my love for wrestling after the guy I considered my idol... well, we all know what disturbing thing happened earlier that same year in 2007.
  12. Man, if Nigel can still go after all these years that'd be an awesome match.
  13. I think Abadon's no-selling would work better if they acted more movie zombie-like with it and less Undertaker zombie-like. Like, don't do the stone expression on the sit up and instead lurch forward and keep their arms loose like their body is moving out of sync with the signals from their brain.
  14. For a black metal fan, Malakai sure has a hard time doing anything all that black metal with his gimmick. House of Black should be the Ministry on steroids with a generous dose of Kevin Sullivan in Florida. I'm not saying go full Mayhem (never go full Mayhem), but do at least one or two things to get religious nutjobs angry!
  15. It is now canon to me that CVerse internet fans get into heated debates about whether the lion or tiger was a better choice like the old "Trukk not munky" arguments Transformers fans had about Beast Wars.
  16. I wish I didn't hate going to the theater, because it's going to be hell waiting for Godzilla Minus One to come out on streaming platforms. I had a feeling it was going to be good once I saw the director cite GMK: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack as one of the main influences. Any kaiju movie directed by Shusuke Kaneko is a fantastic starting place for your Godzilla script.
  17. TK is his own worst enemy. Constantly tweeting, talking about ratings, etc. Dude, you run the clear #2 promotion in the US. Just let it ride. Wars are exhausting, painful, and leave the industry lesser than it was before. Why would you want one? For two or three years of a boost to ratings?
  18. I've played the first two (just learned that 3 finally got one!) and they play great! Nightdive is king of remasters.
  19. I actually played Lands of Lore just a few months ago. Super fun dungeon crawler! It even beat Oblivion to the punch on shelling out for Patrick Stewart only to barely use him before the character gets taken out lol. I'm looking forward to checking out the other two games, especially Guardians of Destiny. I love me some awful live action cutscenes. Which is a bit weird seeing as how I'm too young to be nostalgic for FMV cutscenes. EDIT: Running on very little sleep today and I almost forgot to mention that the Rise of the Triad remaster is A+ gold. They even added in cut content from beta versions as well as a whole new episode!
  20. Dang it, will! I'm trying to hate on AI here and you're making it harder by the minute!
  21. You'd be shocked at the dumb things corporations do to "maximize profit". Though I don't disagree that it's also likely an attempt to look "clean".
  22. My assumption is that they don't want to pay to run blood tests on the wrestlers before bloody matches to check for STDs and the like. Thus there's no legal issue for them if they wind up in a Bob Orton Jr. situation again because they can say that the performers "went rogue". Plus this way they can sell themselves to moralizers who are fine with people viciously bludgeoning each other so long as there's no blood or swearing. As for Punk's return, I eagerly await the epic drama of him being back in WWE. Oh, and the on-screen storylines should be interesting too.
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