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The Swanton825

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Everything posted by The Swanton825

  1. And I continue to strike out on recommending things I find funny to people. I'm beginning to think I have a weird sense of humor.
  2. I highly recommend the Space Mutiny episode. I laughed so hard at the riffs AND the movie that my ribs hurt the rest of the day.
  3. Oh I am all over that! Can't believe I never watched those episodes of MST3K
  4. I was surprised too since I wrote that as a throwaway joke line like I enjoy doing in many of the bios I write. Honestly, I expected people to just kind of make up whoever else was in the match for their diaries if they even cared about the concept at all. Definitely didn't expect it to wind up being one of the deepest cuts of lore in this mod.
  5. That is an amazing concept and I hate that I already know Lee Van Cleef as a ninja is nowhere near as cool as it could be because most 80s TV sucked at fight scenes.
  6. A platypus? [Puts on tights] *Gasp* Paulie the Platypus!
  7. I would set it as either a cinematic match or a special set since it was fought at an actual Japanese love hotel (with zero permits), with whatever implements your sick little hearts desire and first one to score a pin or submission wins. It is a shame there's no way to include the platypus or the weird German-sounding (Or possibly Drusselstein?) pharmacist that was with him or why they were there. Oh well, that's what imagination is for.
  8. As the writer of her bio, I declare this to be Digital Ninja Code(TM pending) spelling of Kasuga.
  9. I can all but guarantee I overused commas like always lol
  10. It's a good thing Game Freak isn't making the game then. Avalanche (different Avalanche from the one that made Just Cause), the actual studio making the game has actual experience making sandbox games. And I think the problem is that for all the inclusivity in the game itself, Rowling still gets money from each game's sale and she is pretty explicit in using her wealth to harm and isolate trans people. Not to mention that most of those inclusivity options are already become more common even before the game's release. When even games like Forza Horizon 5 allow you to pick your pronouns separate from body type, it's not exactly groundbreaking anymore. So while I don't think a boycott will do anything, I can understand why there are people who don't feel comfortable buying it are boycotting it. Of course, paying full price for any game these days confounds me when you can just wait half a year for it to be less than $40 and most of the bugs have been patched by then. Considering the game is published by Warner Bros, it'll probably be free on Epic in like a year as well.
  11. There are some katanas laying around in Skyrim if you want to go full Blade with it. I can't remember exactly where but that should be a dozen places online that have it listed.
  12. I love making RPG characters who are the opposite of their race's "standard" role. Halflings in heavy armor, Orc wizards, Goblin clerics, etc.
  13. IT'S SWANTON RECOMMENDATION TIME AGAIN! Hi-Fi Rush is an absolute must try for everyone with Game Pass. Devil May Cry meets rhythm games isn't something I expected to work, but good sweet lord does it ever! As a bonus, unlike other rhythm action games like Metal: Hellsinger, Hi-Fi Rush doesn't punish rhythmically challenged folks like me by taking away the music the worse you do and instead goes the other way by simply rewarding you with extra damage and faster attacks for being on time. Wrap it all up in a charming art style similar to Into the Spider-Verse, a killer soundtrack that includes Nine Inch Nails and The Prodigy and tons upon tons of references to games the developers love (there's a freaking Xenogears reference in there!) and you get an early frontrunner for my GotY.
  14. I was going to mention Adema but I thought I was the only person in the world who still remembered them! I used to boot up MK Deadly Alliance as a kid just to watch their Immortal video. And agreed. I'm so happy that we've finally gotten past the kneejerk "nu metal bad" thing everyone was stuck on for so long. It was getting to the point where people were just grasping at straws to say that a nu metal band they liked "obviously isn't nu metal" because of some random aspect that ignored all the similarities. "Mudvayne can't be nu metal because they're too heavy!" "Slipknot isn't nu metal because they stopped using turntables as much!" "Deftones aren't nu metal because I like them!" (Frankly liking Deftones is far more of a sin than enjoying nu metal in general if you ask me)
  15. I found them last year and forgot to share it on here. Tetrarch remind me a lot of Korn's best years.
  16. I disagree. There are plenty of games out there that are still extremely fun even if I wouldn't rate them higher than a 7/10. Saying that "good, but not great" games can't be worth talking about is really reductive in my eyes. The Avengers comparison doesn't really work either because there's a million other action games out there that do the same beat 'em up formula better. How many good 3D platformers are out there doing any sort of Sonic-inspired gameplay lately? I'm seriously asking because all I know about is Spark the Electric Jester 2 & 3. If there were a glut of other options then yeah, I probably wouldn't be enthusiastically recommending Frontiers (I'd still be talking about it though because I'm still shocked Sonic Team didn't release a broken mess), but here we are. Also, blame Sony and their deal with Marvel for Spiderman being exclusive not the devs. They get full control over Spiderman's usage outside of comics and live action movies. I highly doubt anyone on the development side for Avengers thought that was a good idea that would help sales and adding him in for free on other platforms at this point would just get them slapped with a lawsuit.
  17. Congrats! I've never been much of a fan of DDR as I have two left feet, but I did used to play a LOT of Rock Band and Muse Dash on Steam is pretty fun. It's for sure rough in places, but the controls actually work for once and the homing attack goes where you want it to instead of doing its own thing like it's done since SA2. Frontiers is one of those games that if you just watch other people play it doesn't seem all that special but then you play it yourself and see why people have fun with it. I'm not gonna come out and say it's top shelf GotY candidate or anything crazy like that. It's a solid 7/10 game that feels like a good foundation for future games. When was the last time that could be said about any Sonic game?
  18. My first exposure to ROH was during their pre-taped PPV era and even then the Briscoe Brothers were lightyears ahead of the rest of the division and most other tag teams going at the time. Tragic that this is how it ends. My heart goes out to his family.
  19. You need to create a new database for this mod, then import everything from it into the Default database. My import order (hopefully I didn't forget anything): Workers Worker relationships Tag Teams Moves Move Sets Graduates Alter Egos
  20. So, Sonic Frontiers... I haven't had a Sonic game that clicked with me since I was a wee little kid playing Sonic Adventure 2 in between games of NFL Blitz on my Dreamcast, but Frontiers hits different. Like, this is actually a fun game. Not "it's playable, that's all I can expect", but actually staying up late because I want to finish a zone! It's still got plenty of that 3D Sonic jank (pop-in everywhere, the cyberspace levels suck and they still won't stop taking camera control away from the player) but for the first time the new stuff Sonic Team added to a game is what I want to see more of and the classic stuff less so. It's weirdly relaxing speeding through the open areas collecting rings and other assorted pickups with the calm BGM playing. Then you get to the boss battles, the metal kicks in and the game turns into Asura's Wrath! I've seen people are divided over the gameplay shift in the true final boss fight, but IMO that was the hypest boss battle I've played in a long, long time. Heck, even the story is engaging! A Sonic game with an engaging story, how weird is that!? So yeah, it's a good time.
  21. NGL when I first saw those two I was shocked at how close they, especially Max, were to my mental image of Iryna and Rayisa when I wrote their bios. I'm probably super rusty by now, but if you need any help just drop me a line.
  22. I guess I should've kept watching after Hangman vs Mox. Maybe I'm becoming an embittered old man, but Hangman taking the exact same bump that could've killed him last year followed by running a concussion storyline with Mox just felt tasteless.
  23. The crown prince had a journalist butchered in his palace for being critical of him, the House of Saud sponsored Wahhabism to create an army of fantatics to fight the House of Rasheed for control of the peninsula and continued to help it fester until well after it turned into the brand of Islamic extremism that has killed millions. That's without getting into their long, storied history of human rights abuses that make us Americans look like slackers in comparison. So yes, the source of the term Saudis (I.E. the people in charge) bad. And people can have a problem with all that while also realizing that the rest of modern life is also built upon suffering. Having a red line of what you'll continue to pay money for is the first step in very, very, verrrrrry, slowly untangling the mess humanity is in.
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