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The Swanton825

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Everything posted by The Swanton825

  1. I'd say Jeff Jarrett has the devil's luck, but I'm not sure even the devil is that supernaturally lucky.
  2. Only if Cody cuts an emotional promo about his dad that in no way cheapens the previous emotional promos about his dad.
  3. Yes, a trios belt! Faction warfare here I come! Er, I mean I'm still resisting the urge to book a promotion filled with tough as nails luchadoras showing that women can hold their own hoss matches. Yep, that's what I meant!
  4. Unfortunately, their lower budgets will always mean they lag behind graphically. Gothic 1+2, Risen and ELEX are all games that I would heartily recommend to people, the satisfaction of going from a powerless nobody to a powerhouse in them is second only to Souls games IMO, but they do come with the caveat that they require a bit of patience with the jank. I'm more of a combat-inclined player (I struggle to play as anything but a mighty character who solves their problems by hitting things really hard lol) so I can't think of any good exploration games off the top of my head. You'd think somebody would have tried to bring back the adventure game spirit of wandering around and solving puzzles but instead it's all just walking sims. Just had to prove my sweeping generalization wrong, didn't you? Also reminds me that I need to really sit down and play the 16-bit Shadowruns. I've played a bit of the Genesis version but panicked once I started and didn't immediately know what I was doing.
  5. That's pretty much the trend of all TES games, Skyrim was worse than Oblivion (to most, I never liked Oblivion), which was worse than Morrwind, which was (depending on who you ask) worse than Daggerfall, which was buggier than Arena. You can always tell which TES game was someone's first because it'll always be the one they say is the best. And because I know it's tempting to try them once you get bored of the game, I'll go ahead and warn you that those combat overhauls people rave about for Skyrim don't actually fix the combat so much as make it even more janky. If I want more jank in my open world RPG, I'll play a Piranha Bytes game thank you very much.
  6. Must. Resist. Urge. To. Finally. Use. Lucha. Slobberknocker. Style.
  7. I keep wishing someone would finally make a decent arcade hockey game again so here's hoping MHL will be it.
  8. Same here! She can be such a pain to deal with backstage but I can't stop thinking "I can fix her." lol
  9. That fiend! Without that iconic move, Chase will be forced to do even more rest holds!
  10. I'm pretty sure All In paved the way for AEW. All the G1 Supercard did was teach New Japan that they could successfully run big shows in the US that blew their show's co-promoter out of the water.
  11. Neither have I but the PC part of Game Pass finally works right and it's been heaven for my wallet.
  12. Sorry for the double post but I missed this last night. The Super, Extra and Ultra packs are confusingly named on purpose because Bandai Namco are greedy as hell but they're similar to different "seasons" of DLC. So what should get you everything is the Super Pass, Extra Pass, the Ultra Pack Set, the Legendary Pack Set and the Conton CIty Vote Pack. The passes and sets combine the 2-4 DLCs with the same name.
  13. It's on Xbox Game Pass if you have that.
  14. I couldn't stand Slipknot's new album at all, it sounded more like one of those Slipknot copycat bands from the mid 2000s like Motograter than an actual Slipknot album. Machine Head also disappointed once again except this time you get faked out by Slaughter the Martyr reminding you of the good old days of The Blackening and Unto the Locust before being smacked upside the head by the following twelve tracks of dreck. I really need to stop expecting anything from Robb Flynn. Also, in a weird coincidence, Acid Bath's Toubabo Koomi popped up in my nightly song rotation yesterday. Acid Bath are right up there with Snot as a fantastic 90s metal band cut short too soon by tragedy.
  15. They are not, no matter how much MFL 2 and MHL being on Switch would be amazing. I'm also 99% sure that The Wrestling Code is the next Pro Wrestling X considering they bothered to have a roster reveal before actually having a functioning game. That was a year ago and they're still only releasing "tech demo" footage that's mostly cutscenes and making big promises about totally unnecessary features like "every wrestler will have unique animations" instead of, y'know, making the game play well. As for games that are actually on Switch and on sale currently, I cannot recommend Metroid Dread enough.
  16. I think my favorite part of She-Hulk is the outrage over it from people who have clearly never read comics calling it a "disgrace" to the source material when it's probably one of the most accurate-to-the-comics TV shows around. Especially the dumb moments like the Megan Thee Stallion bit. The most popular runs of her solo series were filled to the brim with fanservice, sophomoric humor and about as many fourth wall breaks as Deadpool.
  17. I'll give you that. Though personally I'm of the belief that the disaster that was The Nightmare Collective was meant to get her over as a top heel and the angle flopping was the only thing that spared us of that. I'm also more than a little bitter that they brought Awesome Kong in just to be her enforcer. Even if she wasn't the same worker she was before, she still would've been a solid gatekeeper monster heel ala Kane.
  18. Oh yeah, Riho and Nyla Rose were just setting the world alight with a white hot feud everyone loved when that belt was established. And don't even get me started about the nonstop thrills from when Shida dropped the belt to the woman who thinks being a dentist is a personality. Half the actually talented women had to choose between being stuck in Japan or the US during the pandemic while the other half had to spend all their time making Britt Baker and Brandi Rhodes look good.
  19. Really? Because I always saw them as the World title as the I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Bullet-Club and also Jericho belt, the TNT title as the Cody Rhodes belt and the Tag titles as the afterthought belts. Everyone always talked about how much they "meant something" the same way they talk about "long term booking" but honestly even the NWA World Heavyweight circa Adam Pearce and the Impact World title immediately after Victory Road 11 still had more prestige than any AEW belt has ever had. Seriously, who has held the AEW World title and could conceivably hold any other main event title right now? A Chris Jericho ten years past his sell-by date? A banged-up, unmotivated Kenny Omega who just wants to go back to Japan but is stuck in this venture because he couldn't tell his friends no? The millennial anxiety cowboy? No, no and no. That leaves us with Moxley when he cares enough to tell a story and not just do his Atsushi Onita impression and a healthy CM Punk, a being so rare and mythical that Mountain Monsters is filming a special episode in search of him. Oh and I guess the Women's title has been there since the start too, but it's hard to tell with how rarely it's on TV. Something, something, ratings drop. Something, something, other excuses lazy bookers always use.
  20. I feel like Battle of the Belts would be a better name for a show for champion vs champion matchups but they'd probably need to have other promotions belts on the line and I imagine Impact is only willing to have their championship change hands on AEW TV so many times.
  21. I would like to clarify that I didn't care for it. In fact, I frustrated one AEW-loving friend enough with my hatred of everything Jericho did that he put a moratorium on us talking about AEW. I will go to my grave insisting that MJF was ready for the main event without any sort of rub from Jericho and "needing" a WWE guy's approval only served to hurt his credibility as AEW's future centerpiece the similar to AJ and Joe jobbing out to every has-been in TNA.
  22. I'm glad someone else sees the same thing with Jericho. He's a shell of his former self (no surprise there, given his age) who is ironically doing the same thing the WCW main eventers did to him back in the day. Says a lot about someone's reputation though when people don't even blink at the suggestion that they were the cause of the fight before details get out. Andrade seems to want out so maybe he tried picking a fight with the problem child in the hopes
  23. I get that part lol. It just bugs me because I grew up about half an hour away from the actual Recluse (yes, it is a real place) and because of that I can't picture someone like Dexter Lumis being from there. And it has nothing to do with me being jealous because I always wanted to be the guy billed from Wyoming who became a wrestling star.
  24. I'm still confused as to why they bill him from Recluse. It's not a tough guy town, it's a post office and two or three trailer parks.
  25. Technically they said "I've been saying this for twenty years". That implies a span of time from twenty years ago to the present. Last time I checked, Lashley was on TV in that time span.
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