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The Swanton825

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Everything posted by The Swanton825

  1. Ah, okay. I thought Game Pass was just messing with me again. Those early days of the PC beta... *shudders* Wow, roleplaying opportunities in a Bethesda game? At this time of year, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your Xbox/PC? I was already planning on having this be my chillout, turn my brain off, kind of game like Fallout 4 was, but now I'm actively curious to see what it has to offer.
  2. Glad Tony found his spine. I thought he was too soft about the Brawl Out scrum last year. He can't survive as a boss in wrestling without bringing down the hammer, even on the top guys. Not doing that is what got Bischoff backed into a corner with WCW.
  3. So, hyperbole aside, it's Skyrim in space, then? Sounds about what I expected. Then again, I really don't know why people allow themselves to get hyped about these games. If dev time equaled quality, then Duke Nukem Forever and Cyberpunk 2077 would have launched as two of the most polished, sublime experiences humanity has to offer. The fact that they're still using the same Gamebryo engine that they've iterated on since MORROWIND should have been a dead giveaway that this wasn't going to be an 11/10 experience. Though I would argue that overhyped mediocrity IS AAA gaming at its core. Also, gotta ask how you guys are playing it already? I thought you had to get $100 version to play early? Game Pass sure won't let me give it a shot.
  4. I really don't understand how Bethesda still has this kind of mystique with people. When was the last time Bethesda did anything groundbreaking? The settlement stuff in Fallout 4 was a mod for Fallout 3, complete with the exact same mechanics! I'm pretty sure Bethesda never even credited the original modder for the concept. Skyrim's "radiant quests" are just a renaming of the procedurally generated quests in Arena and Daggerfall. Oblivion managed to make persuasion into the most mind-numbing tedium in the history of gaming! In fact, they gutted nearly everything that made The Elder Scrolls unique so that Oblivion would "have wider appeal". Cyrodil was supposed to be a jungle and Imperials a mix of Mesoamerican and Roman cultures. I will never get over that opportunity being squandered in favor of yet more medieval fantasy England. Bethesda stopped making good games after Morrowind. Now they make games that have the potential to be good... once the modders fix everything Todd Howard's careless mismanagement overlooked. For example, there was once an issue with Oblivion where the game ran the risk of crashing every time you opened a door. Despite this being a known issue, lo and behold, two years later Fallout 3 has the same bug! Both times it got fixed by fan patches. "All of this just works!", needs an amendment to "All of this just works... after the fans fix it".
  5. To quote Bowling for Soup, high school never ends. It's some weird flaw of our psychology or something that even when we know better, drama gossip is like catnip. We're more interested to hear about how the quarterback got into it with the head cheerleader than if our team won.
  6. As a certified CM Punk Hater (TM pending), I have to agree that Jungle Boy was being childish and stupid for wanting to use real glass. I have no doubt that Punk's attitude exacerbated the problem after rejecting JB's planned spot, because it's Punk and all, but that doesn't excuse Luke Perry's kid deciding to act out on the pre show as a stupid form of payback. Also, for God's sake, if you're going to pick a fight with a fragile old man who couldn't hack it in genuine fights, make sure you actually win.
  7. I'm glad they gave him a feel good moment. Chuckie T never gets enough love. I still regret not getting a pic with him and Trent back at the Global Force show they did in Knoxville.
  8. Is there ever going to be a point where so many wrestlers aren't dying young? Can't there just be a break from tragedy in this godforsaken industry?
  9. I adore Booster Gold so much. Between that and it being confirmed that All-Star Superman is a big influence on the next Superman movie, I'm finally hopefully for DC stuff that doesn't involve Batman!
  10. Whoa, whoa, whoa. ... Whoa! How did I not know there was a Blue Beetle film? I'm assuming it's Jaime Reyes and not Ted Kord, but does that mean there's hope for a Booster Gold film!?
  11. I live about an hour and a half from his hometown and this is typical Appalachian redneck behavior, "Piss me off and I'll get my gun!". Coming from a family that's always been strict on gun safety, it's worrying just how many people I've met since I moved to the South who treat firearms like toys. I have no trouble seeing someone from this area, who idolizes the old school Southern culture, doing something like this. Of course, an "old school guy" once threatened to shoot me when I told him I'd defend myself if he threw me against the wall after a match, so perhaps I'm projecting?
  12. Oh right. Don't know why I thought it was ROH. And I should've figured Teddy was the one to start it, though it says a lot about how Punk has behaved that I even considered giving that rotted branch of the Hart family the benefit of the doubt.
  13. I recall Teddy Hart claiming that he and Punk had a fight while both were in ROH. Back then, I chalked it up to Teddy Hart being Teddy Hart, but now I'm wondering if this was one of those rare times he was telling the truth. I believe there were rumors as well that his serial dating tendencies at the time caused a lot of drama backstage.
  14. I meant that I'm worried that will happen with their next game because everyone's doing that "THIS WILL CHANGE AAA GAMING FOREVER" bit that they did when The Witcher 3 came out. But then again, I was worried they would get big egos after Original Sin 2 and then they made BG3.
  15. I can now confidently state that Baldur's Gate III is almost certainly my game of the year. Baldur's Gate II, as well as the Throne of Bhaal expansion, is top shelf CRPG greatness and second only to Planescape: Torment among D&D games. Reaching even close to that quality is a tall order for anyone (judging by the mixed response to Pillars of Eternity, even the originally planned Baldur's Gate III, which PoE recycled many ideas from, would have struggled to match up), but Larian managed to climb that mountain and deliver! It'll probably take several playthroughs before I can decide if I would say it surpasses BG2's heights, just getting to that point is praise enough. Now if we could get people to stop turning this great game into the centerpiece of a culture war regarding AAA gaming. It didn't work with Witcher 3 and it helped give CDPR such a massive ego that we got Cyberpunk released in that dumpster fire of a launch state because the higher-ups were convinced they could do no wrong. I really don't want to see that happen with Larian.
  16. I totally forgot that Corey wasn't the original vocalist for Slipknot! That rivalry between them and Mushroomhead was always weird to me because I never thought the two bands sounded all that similar and if being a masked band made you a ripoff, then both bands owe GWAR a fortune in royalties. I also had the misfortune of growing up where liking either band would get you mocked as a poser because, "good metal stopped being made when Metallica cut their hair" (obvious exceptions made for redneck butt rock like Godsmack judging from the constant blasting of I Stand Alone). It's surreal to me how easy it is these days to find fans of every nu metal band I had to pretend to hate as a kid. The Kaosis song itself was a fun throwback to that point in metal. I don't think I can get sick of late 90s-early 2000s cheese.
  17. So, I try not to obnoxiously shill my own stuff, but I figured that since this one is thanks to a recommendation I got waaaaaay back in the day on these forums I'd go ahead and mention it. I've been making videos on old video games I enjoy and my latest is on an obscure FPS called Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri.
  18. I consider a game complete when I'm tired of playing it. It's only the really short or seriously fantastic games I adore to death that I'll go back and get every achievement. Can confirm that about BG3. I told myself I'd just play through the opening bit on the Nautiloid and then before I knew it, almost four hours had passed.
  19. Oh man, this is so much better than my old ERGO concept!
  20. I haven't been to a theater in forever, but I would assume the best way is to go Oppenheimer, considering the subject matter, and then follow it with Barbie so you leave the theater in a good mood.
  21. I haven't played it myself, but I've heard that Mutants in the Now is meant to be an off-brand TMNT RPG system: https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/378040/Mutants-in-the-Now
  22. Well it's not like Sony cares about the risks to consumers from a monopoly since their end goal is the same as Microsoft's: Crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of gamers' wallets. It is funny to see Sony fall flat on their face with this, but I can't muster the excitement others seemingly have. Call me when Raven Software, Vicarious Visions and Toys for Bob are released from CoD support studio hell and then maybe I'll reconsider.
  23. People seem to have a weird faith in Microsoft's ability to run Activision-Blizzard any better when their track record says otherwise. They have studio specifically for making Halo games and yet 343 can't even manage consistent updates to Halo Infinite. Not to mention how Microsoft have bungled their ownership of Rare from day one. Censored Conker remaster for the OG Xbox, making them the main Kinect devs, refusing to greenlight a myriad of ideas that aren't Sea of Thieves, my grievances go on and on. I'm not exactly crying for Sony digging their own grave on this one, but all that happened is one greedy conglomerate defeated another greedy conglomerate. Tell that to Redfall. Or Too Human. Or Crackdown 2. Or The Order: 1886. Or Lair.
  24. Stop! I'm begging you! Can't...take...the...unbridled...awesomesauce!
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