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The Swanton825

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Everything posted by The Swanton825

  1. Happy to help! It's been a while since I used World Anvil (I've really slacked on my writing the past few years) but if you have any more trouble, shoot me a PM and I'll see if I can help.
  2. I loved Mortal Kombat. Most of the characters were kind of weak (besides Scorpion, Sub-Zero and Kano who were all awesome) but having grown up on stuff like Deadly Alliance and Deception, I'm already used to weak MK stories and watching this movie for the story makes as much sense as watching a Godzilla movie for the human characters. What I came for was awesome fight scenes and tons of gore and it delivered on both to the point that I was unashamedly fanboying by the end. I finally understand why Marvel fans get so excited by obscure characters showing up. I popped big time for Kabal, who I did not know was in the movie before I watched. I also hope that Cole being a bland character forced on the filmmakers by the studio doesn't harm Lewis Tan's stock going forward. He did a good job with how little he was given and IMO he showed signs he's got that "it" factor that action stars need.
  3. <p>I found a playlist of tutorial videos from World Anvil themselves, hopefully this helps:</p><p> </p><p> </p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/videoseries?list=PLmurZz9emqGmNQIWOowVjTcXblQhqFduZ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe></div></div>
  4. World Anvil is fantastic for world building and was straightforward enough for my caveman brain to understand quickly. My favorite part is if you have a writing partner(s) then you can give them editor permissions on your world and they can add entries on their own time so you can collaborate easily with people on the other side of the world.
  5. The ages are related to whatever the starting year is, which you can set to be whatever you want.
  6. <p>You could import from some real world mods. The Mod Index thread has a bunch of them:</p><p> <a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=545720" rel="external nofollow">http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=545720</a></p>
  7. I'm not really sure what happened here. In my experience your sponsor income should only really be affected by four things: your company's size, how attractive your product is to sponsors and the states of the economy and the wrestling industry in your region.
  8. Strange, that's usually what my revenue split is. And you don't have any really expensive workers or high production costs, right? Those can add up real fast doing weekly shows as a small company.
  9. What's your percentage of the revenue split with the network?
  10. What we really need is a Brian Brianna render with a Daniel Bryan beard.
  11. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Snap Wilson" data-cite="Snap Wilson" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="48936" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Thanks! Where does "Companies" fit in here? Assuming that's first?</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You'll want to do that after the workers in case there's anyone specified as a potential founder of the company.</p>
  12. Godzilla vs Kong is the closest Hollywood has ever gotten to the feel of the Japanese movies and the guy who directed the Netflix Death Note movie is probably the last person I expected to do that. Now if only someone would notice the similarities between the kid having a psychic bond with Kong and Godzilla being an ancient protector of the Earth and realize that it's time to bring Gamera into the mix. 90s Gamera though, not the one MST3K had a field day with.
  13. That Empire Lucha Libre logo is so sexy. I don't care what the product is or how bad I am at booking lucha promotions, I must play as them.
  14. I was really hoping for a Bills/Browns AFC Championship. The pure fun of being guaranteed to see Buffalo or Cleveland in the Super Bowl would have been amazing. I guess now I'm just down to hoping to watch a Wyoming graduate win the Super Bowl for a long suffering team. Though let's be honest, we'll wind up forced to watch Tom Brady win one more because the universe is cruel.
  15. Those three are the only "canon" participants. I wish I had a cool explanation like "so players could decide who the other two were for themselves" but I honestly just had a block and couldn't come up with more deathmatch joshi.
  16. Everyone who isn't a Steelers fan should appreciate how magical it was for the Browns to completely destroy Pittsburgh. Just please don't turn into what Saints fans turned into after they won the Super Bowl.
  17. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Kijar" data-cite="Kijar" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="28397" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>What else has everyone been into? Finally getting around to Shadow of War, what a blast.. slaying Uruks as much as I want.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I've been on a retro games kick, mostly bouncing between FPSes like Blake Stone and action RPGs like Sacred. Hot take: Sacred is better than Diablo.</p>
  18. Ah, that explains why I never saw it then. The only gaming mags I was getting at the time were the Game Informer issues GameStop kept signing me up for no matter how many times I said no.
  19. Mirror's Edge is great, even if it can feel like the margin for error on some jumps is next to zero. Which reminds me that I should give Catalyst, the prequel/reboot/whatever it was supposed to be, a shot sometime. Dishonored is another favorite of mine. Very few AAA games give you the freedom to approach objectives that it does. My memory isn't that great so maybe I forgot Bethesda being stupid in their advertising (which wouldn't surprise me if they did), but Arkane was very upfront about wanting to make a game in the vein of Thief or Deus Ex where the player is given a linear progression of levels, but about a dozen ways to approach the objectives in each level.
  20. I love this! There's so many great games out there to play that it's always worth at least giving a chance to see if what you used to dislike about a particular game or genre has changed. I used to hate Deus Ex with a passion until I played it with the Revision mod and suddenly it clicked with me. Also, funny that would mention Blake Stone because I found a source port just a few days ago and have been playing it a lot.
  21. If it helps, there aren't any timed main missions that I can recall so you're always free to go off and look for some side quests to bump up your level. And I stole everything that wasn't nailed down and wound up basically drowning in more gold than I could spend, so playing Henry as an honest sort seems to be more what the game was balanced for.
  22. I think a lot of it comes down to the rise in popularity of MMA and the UFC in particular. If you think about it, MMA embodies the "take all comers" spirit pro wrestling had for a long time but it has the advantage of being a legit sport rather than an elaborate stage show. It's basically impossible these days to convince viewers that a wrestling match is between two badasses anymore when everyone worldwide knows that's not what a real fight looks like. And wrestling itself can't figure out how to adapt to the situation that doesn't split the fanbase right down the middle. The way I see it is that variety is the thing that could give wrestling a leg up but just like the metal community, everyone is focused on the "right" way to do things that they'll drive away newcomers who like something different. Talking about the latest dumb thing a comedy or deathmatch wrestler did like it's the death of the industry is like claiming that Psychostick or Green Jellÿ's music has destroyed the credibility of bands like Opeth or Tool. As for it never being cool again, friggin' D&D is cool now. All it takes is one good gateway for newcomers and fans not being ashamed of what they like, wrestling will be cool again at some point.
  23. It always makes me happy to see more people giving Kingdom Come a chance. It's one of the most underrated gems of this generation IMO. I will admit there are a few really BS combat encounters (for the most part they were usually random bandit encounters) around the mid-game when the more heavily armored enemies start getting common, but man does it feel amazing once you get past that hill and you're running wild through a fortified Hungarian camp.
  24. This year has been crazy enough that I'm surprised Limp Bizkit didn't put out a chart topping album. Reaaallly late replying to this, but I love 90s West Coast hip hop and anyone inspired by it like Kendrick Lamar. Wu-Tang is another favorite of mine as well as horrorcore like Gravediggaz, Flatlinerz and a lot of Tech N9ne's output come to think of it.
  25. Another good show! Getting established is the hardest part with booking deathmatch (actually, overness-heavy styles in general) promotions. Once you find a star or two and get them up the card the show ratings will start creeping up. Not just any bodies though, you need people insane or masochistic enough to risk their lives for pocket change.
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