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Everything posted by fullMETAL

  1. Sweet, I'll be posting my reqs here once I figure out what I want (usually, I'll just be making them myself...).
  2. @ Reap: Oh, sweet. I just love how my link sits right up there with Payne's. Maybe I'll do an addendum video that adds your styles and a few "advanced" Fireworks tricks... SEQUEL HOOK! BTW, which thread did you get those logos of yours from? (you know, like the BHotWG logo). OOH, AH, B-HO-TWuh-GODS EVERYBODY TO THE LIMIT SO COME ON, B-HO-TWuh-GODS (/Strong Bad)
  3. <p>Lucky for me I saved a bunch of belts to my hard drive, so I had a nice base number to start from.</p><p> </p><p> I'll go with 586.</p><p> </p><p> ...What's this about again?</p><p> (also, you didn't link me on the first page yet, Reap.)</p>
  4. I guess I should finally link to my own thread here... http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=92476 Since it's in the mostly desolate TEW 2005 discussion forum, maybe it might even get a sticky? Anyways, @ Jaysin: since you're using PS instead of FW, you could fake a good strap via my video tutorial by playing around with the Contours area of the Bevel/Emboss layer option...and you wouldn't even have to make 4 dupes of the layer to do it either!
  5. What gradient styles have you been using lately, Reap?
  6. @ ReapeR: No problem with you posting the link on the first page. The more people watching it, the more people who are able to make decent Payne/ReapeR/fullMETAL style belts in Fireworks. Some of it can apply to Photoshop, though the tutorial will DEFINITELY work in Fireworks, because that's what it was intended for.
  7. Video is finished and upped to Viddler. http://www.viddler.com/explore/Metalitia/videos/1/
  8. My video is finished and uploaded. It also has a basic leathering tutorial as the 2nd half. http://www.viddler.com/explore/Metalitia/videos/1/ Viddler: because YouTube is a stingy bastard, that's why.
  9. I whipped this up in homage to a classic belt... WWWF Intercontinental Championship (2nd version) (My version) ====== (Top Rope Belts version) ====== (Original version) http://i46.tinypic.com/efewt0.jpg based on http://i47.tinypic.com/mc9jsn.jpg based on http://i48.tinypic.com/ioi45g.jpg
  10. Thanks, Trell. Now I can add the link to the beginning of the video, again at the end, and a special thanks to everybody here (but mostly Payne and ReapeR for the inspiration to do this video in the first place). BTW, I'll be posting my own previously-made belts in Liontamer's "Open Graphics Thread" soon after this for public consumption. @ Reaper: You know, you can find some decent belt plate pics to start with at Top Rope Belts and Wildcat Belts. You don't have to limit yourself to Dave Millican...although as belt designers go, that's not a bad one to specialize in at all.
  11. I'm using Fireworks to make custom belts, and I capped using CaptureWizard (I was gonna try Fraps, but it required a hotkey to start, and I ran out of usable keystrokes). I put it together in Windows Movie Maker. I use Photoshop to make my "Beltensteins", where I cut together actual belt plate pictures on actual leather pictures to make belts (mostly for e-feds). Any special shape manipulation I want to do gets done in Illustrator. I'm also trying to become a legit belt designer (like with Top Rope Belts or Parks-Millican-Mann), which is why I practice, practice, practice.
  12. My video and audio are finished. I just need Payne's Google Video link (the one Reaper put on the first page isn't working) to add to it, and then I can post the raw finished video for public consumption. While I wait for that, I'm gonna put together a music underlay to accompany my douchey sounding voice. The video is currently around 14 minutes long, minus credits and link. :cool:
  13. My Fireworks Belt Tutorial In accordance with my post HERE: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showpost.php?p=815558&postcount=52 The video is FINISHED, and now all that's left is the audio and credits. Expect the finished video to be online sometime...NEXT WEEK! ;)
  14. For what it's worth, I plan on making an homage video tutorial, on how to make belts Payne-style, but in Fireworks. Hopefully, since I've outlined it in a TXT file fully (by watching Payne's vid), my version should take less than 10 minutes (thus fitting on a single YouTube vid). I will of course give Payne big ups when my vid is finished. :)
  15. For what it's worth... For what it's worth, I intend on making a similar video to Payne's tutorial, adapting it for Fireworks users. Plus, I probably think I could streamline my version to fit in a 10 minute video, since I have the outline written out already and can work from that.
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