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Everything posted by fullMETAL

  1. TK, have you ever seen Princess Tutu or Escaflowne?
  2. Wait, so Hennig managed to actually get past the awkwardness that was "the beginning of the genesis of Michael McGillicuddy" back in NXT2? Also, is he a Paul Heyman Guy for REAL, or just for the angle they're building?
  3. People have been CLAMORING for a Cena heel turn for the past 8 years, but what happens if that finally DOES happen? Do we suddenly start supporting him? Do we suddenly rally back behind him like people still did with Punk even though Punk was getting a nice hefty amount of boos in the SES and when he was feuding with Rock? Think about this: people still got behind the idea of Hulk Hogan being heel as Hollywood Hogan the first time in WCW, but his heel turn came (relative to the situation, at least) out of NOWHERE, and he was still drawing quite a lot of fans, still pretty over, during his face run in WCW. It wasn't until the bloat of the nWo stable when people started getting tired of Hogan. Whereas with John Cena, people started getting tired of him in about his 3rd month or so as WWE Champion (the first time), even though up to that tipping point, just about EVERYBODY was insanely hot for Cena both as a character and as an in-ring worker (I know I marked out huge when he won the US Title from Big Show at WM20 and popped when he debuted his Spinning Rims belt afterward). I was still popping for him when he won the WWE Title from JBL at WM21...but a few months later...meh. Some sites attribute the sudden shift in support to his drafting to RAW, and I'd probably agree. There were times afterward where I saw some great Cena matches (his title defense against Bobby Lashley, for instance; the triple threat for the belt against HHH and HBK too), but most of the time I was thinking "Why can't he be more like THAT Cena more often instead of the one the company's feeding to us?"
  4. I predict Ziggler will cash in his MitB, but LOSE the resulting match. Just because nobody else seems to have predicted that scenario yet.
  5. I figured that most of those stables had more of a mentor/student relationship dynamic going on in them, like The Burning in AJPW with Kenta Kobashi, Jun Akiyama, and their rising young gun Kentaro Shiga. At least that's what it felt like to me.
  6. I think Punk/Taker would be great and dramatic because Punk could draw on the one thing he has over Taker that just about nobody else (well, nobody currently active, at least) does: he made Undertaker tap out. And in a title match, no less. Just incorporate that little golden nugget into one of his promos and he'll instantly be able to make people think "Well, would Undertaker be able to return the favor when it counts? Or is an angry pipebombing Punk just too much for him again?" I happen to think that the Punk/Undertaker match at WM will probably turn out to be LEAGUES better than it really deserves to be considering the shape Taker's in at this point. I predict lots of near-falls and at least 2 or 3 dramatic rope-breaks of each of their submissions.
  7. Why does Generico look like a shirtless Great Sasuke in that costume?
  8. 1) everything from Daz3d (and from the program Daz Studio 3) should work in Daz4. They happened to be made with the most compatibility with THAT particular program in mind these days. 2) you set the dials to whatever amount you like to make the morphed area look the way you want, essentially.
  9. You would make the texture in an image editor like Paint.NET, GiMP, Photoshop, or Fireworks (just to name a few), then use Daz's "Materials" room to change the shirt's texture to the newly-made Referee one.
  10. On the vein of balanced e-fed wrestlers, I remember how my most successful one, Axl Evermore, initially started out as a combination of Rob Van Dam and The Rock (with Nova as his picbase, which it still is) with a moveset I built entirely based on how I made him in Virtual Pro Wrestling 2 on the N64, and eventually evolved into Rob Van Dam plus Taz (SUPLEXES! SUPLEXES EVERYWHERE!) with The Rock's promo skills (seriously, I was on a roll writing promos for Evermore), and I somehow made him a successful submission-based wrestler too with a Half Crab and a Reverse Fujiwara Armbar as his finishing submissions. In fact, these days his closest comparison would be Kurt Angle in his prime, minus the Olympic Gold Medals. He would work the arm/leg if he were going for his Submission finishers, work the back/head to build to his Impact (an F5, or a Fire Thunder Driver from almost ANY setup) and Top Rope (a Five Star Frog Splash) finishers, and he was so damn dangerous on the mic that I won a bunch of belts with him (including TWO debut-match championship wins in 2 different feds). Now I make him first (if not first, I make him second) in every wrestling game I play, including if I made personal characters in TEW. Jack-of-all-stats he is, and he's about as close to a balanced Ace that a fed could book.
  11. I remember reading that there was in fact the very real possibility that the whole Montreal Screwjob was just a giant work between Bret, Shawn, and Vince, meant to give both Bret and Shawn big pushes (in WCW and WWF, respectively) but that WCW's subsequent mishandling of Bret put the kibosh on that and essentially turned the best work since Bret/Owen into possibly the most legendary piece of wrestling folklore EVER. How else do you explain the rather, er, mild, way that Bret and Shawn made up when Bret was GM of RAW a few years back?
  12. DUDE, that's so realistic, I can't even compliment it enough! It looks like a combo of Husky Harris/Bray Wyatt and Takeshi Morishima!
  13. New RoH World Title belt (made by Midwest) accidentally leaked before the actual belt debuts: http://www.pwponderings.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/newrohworldtitlebelt.jpg http://www.pwponderings.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/filsingerrevealsnewROHtitledesign1.jpg Thoughts on the new belt?
  14. Wasn't that said about LAST year's too? In any case, Punk putting the belt up against monster-Ryback and healed Cena AT THE SAME TIME ZOMG HASHTAG-TRIPLETHREAT will definitely give his home stretch up to the Year-Long mark something for him to brag about should he walk out of the ring still WWE Champ.
  15. I find it disappointing that Punk successfully defends the WWE Title against Chris Jericho in a solid half-hour match as part of the triple main event at this year's WM, and apparently it's still not considered good enough to be his WrestleMania moment? True, he still had to deal with the hype of Bryan/Sheamus (which culminated in "EIGHTEEN SECONDS!!"), HHH/Taker II-in-a-Cell (which I'll agree was indeed awesome except for an actual Cell spot), and Rock/Cena (also awesome for the whole brawling-story aspect), but COME ON, he successfully defended the WWE Title in the main event at WM!
  16. New RoH World Title, modeled after the WCW and NWA 6-Man Tag belts: Pics originally posted by none other than Judge Jeff Jones. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/292776_10151376537256328_368918826_n.jpg http://i1236.photobucket.com/albums/ff442/ROHSBG/ROHWorldTVChampionship/DSC00563.jpg with the new Tag belts, modeled after the classic WCW TV belt: http://i1236.photobucket.com/albums/ff442/ROHSBG/ROHWorldTVChampionship/DSC00566.jpg http://i1236.photobucket.com/albums/ff442/ROHSBG/ROHWorldTVChampionship/008_1-fixed.jpg As an amateur belt designer (and a frequent contributor to TEW *SHAMELESS SELF PLUG*) I happen to like these. Thoughts from the rest of you?
  17. He got some pretty good pop last night against Bumpler on Main Event. Even if he loses (because I'm still sure they're going to give Punk the 'full-year champion' thing), it'll probably be a close one (one of those 'Punk being a weasel' finishes probably--which would be a first for a HiaC match, actually...even after Kurt Angle at Armageddon 2000) and result in another shot at Survivor Series. Assuming the guys in Creative actually have their heads on straight.
  18. If you have the Eye Candy filters and they're toggle-able on whatever version of Photoshop you're using, you could always incorporate the Chrome filter. Glad to see you're back, dude. You were actually THE guy whose belts (all due respect to Payne's) inspired me to make mine the way I do them. I'll be making a vid tutorial for how to make belts like yours in Fireworks sometime soon, actually. (then finally making one for my style)
  19. Firefox has the DownThemAll! extension that you could use. Or save the pages as an HTML (Complete) and copy the images from the folder that's generated.
  20. Figured I'd bump this with some new logos I made last night: http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx166/FullMetalitia/Logos/WWE.jpghttp://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx166/FullMetalitia/Logos/WCW.jpghttp://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx166/FullMetalitia/Logos/ECW.jpg http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx166/FullMetalitia/Logos/RoH_Classic.jpghttp://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx166/FullMetalitia/Logos/GLOW.pnghttp://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx166/FullMetalitia/Logos/NWA.png http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx166/FullMetalitia/Logos/show-WCWMondayNITRO.jpg Monday NITRO cut to insert into any of your own logos (on a 600x600 document though, then shrink it down) http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx166/FullMetalitia/Logos/logo-MondayNitro.png
  21. an RoH logo I made myself: http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx166/FullMetalitia/Logos/RoH.jpg Remi asked me to turn my MLW Women's belt into a generic one, so here it is! http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx166/FullMetalitia/Belts/GenericWomens.jpghttp://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx166/FullMetalitia/Belts/GenericWomens_fM.jpg http://i752.photobucket.com/albums/xx166/FullMetalitia/Belts/Renders/GenericWomens_lg.png
  22. Now that you're back, is it possible I can get a high-res background-less version of your Babes of Sin City logo to fill one of my belt requests?
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