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Everything posted by brashleyholland

  1. Crazy to think that in all the wars he's been in, and with all the great strikers he's faced, the only person to actually turn out the lights was Wanderlei. Dude can take a shot, I'll give him that. I think that's actually my fav KO of all time.
  2. It's like a bad smell, I can't get rid of it. http://www.addictedmma.com/images/news/20111310/freemanbret2.jpg Any man who wears jackets like that is not lacking in confidence If I remember rightly, that show was supposed to have some of the guys from BAMMA on it, but they were pulled at the last second as the promotion hadn't get their contracts signed, or something ridiculous like that. We literally did the show on the fly. Normally Bret is as cold as ice. It's a work in progress though, none of us have done anything like this before. Hosting is really hard too, as you're on a constant countdown, you have to control two-three other people and you have a producer yapping in your ear the whole time. Tomorrow we have the one and only 'Screaming Pride Lady' Lenne Hardt calling in. I may ask her to marry me.
  3. Two different things. He's very similar to Lesnar in that respect. An older guy who just isn't used to getting hit, fighting guys who have been getting hit in training since their teens/early 20's. Warren has been known to take hellacious amounts of punishment and survive. He took, what, 42 shots from Curran before he went out? And he came back against Pitbull and Soto. That's not a bad chin, that's a great chin. His problem is that he doesn't react well to getting hit because he's not used to it - and maybe because he's one of those guys who just doesn't. Your natural instinct is to cower and turn away...it takes years of training to get out of that habit and be confident in covering up, bobbing, weaving etc when you've had your bell rung. It's like building a new instinct. Warren, like Lesnar, flails, turns away and cowers when he gets clocked. That's his problem, not a weak chin.
  4. Cheers dude. I'm actually doing the play by play, my mate 'Hollywood' Jez Cook is doing colour. He's a BJJ blue belt at Tsunami Gym, home of John Maguire. He went to university with the promoter of FCC, hence why we got the gig. We did it last time for FCC's first show, but the guy who filmed it 'disappeared' with the footage, and has since been barred from showing his face in Manchester :-p As for broadcast - this one isn't being done live, but future ones will be. It's being professionally filmed by a company called ShareFight, who can get a DVD out within 48hrs. It'll be on their YouTube channel in a month or so, so I'll link it here. Adam (the promoter) is planning an 8-man 77kg one-night tourney for the summer - hopefully that one will go out live. Amateur MMA is fun...especially when it's well matched. It's cool seeing young guys who already have that special 'something'....you know they are going to go far.
  5. Shameless plug time again folks.... This weekend (March 17th) Full Contact Contender is back at the TA Centre in Bury, Greater Manchester for their second show. FCC is the UK's best up and coming AMMA show, showcasing bouts under C Class (no heel-hooks, no head shots), B-Class (no heel-hooks, head shots standing only) and full NSAC AMMA rules (no elbows). This weekends main event sees former British Rugby star Brett McDermott taking on grappling-savvy brawler Mitchell 'Maximus' Richards. There will be 17 fights in total, including one boxing match and a ladies boxing match, featuring some of the best young talent in the country. If you're in the Greater Manchester area, or have mates in the area who like MMA, please come on down and/or spread the word. Tickets are just £25 and it's a great night out. There's a full bar and food, a performance from the world freestyle martial arts champion Rubie Planson and a mini-gig from local rockers Betrayal. We're doing a comp for some tix on MMABay which you can enter here. I'll be there doing my best Joe Rogan impression, commentating and jumping in the cage for post fight interviews, which is worth the price of admission in itself.
  6. All I have to say is.... Boom, pow, punch-kick wow! Drop 'em to the mat with the psh-psh now! Fighta-gatta-win-fighta-gatta-win-fighta-gatta-win! Best theme song ever? Starts out in 80's heaven, ends up as light Indian dubstep. SFL Theme Song Also... http://i44.tinypic.com/35j08b5.gif Couple of other choice quotes - "You know what they say - if they smile it means they've been hit, or they haven't" "Look at how strong those small women are!"
  7. Super Fight League is already becoming one of the most unintentionally hillarious fail-filled MMA events of the year. Check it out here, if you dare! :-P http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsPzG5RpZog&context=C43d2b12ADvjVQa1PpcFO-xqXMORkdFf8kc0z3AdI7a3UmQYFf2MI=&newstate=07d643dbb5995cbf6ab32f210c0ecfc0
  8. Probably for the same reason that the UFC advertise Rashad Evans as having a 22-1-1 record - they're lying. Also because explaining why a guy with a 10-0 record who just won a 'fight' still has a 10-0 record would confuse a lot of the UFC's target audience.
  9. Where? Pro MMA in Nevada is 3x5's. Those fights were exhibitions. As for the upcoming fights, who knows? They will have more time between fights but if people go to decision and get slapped with no-contact suspensions, it's gonna seriously screw the show. My guess is that they'll be 2x5 exhibitions as usual.
  10. Anybody watching Super Fight League today? It's free on YouTube in a couple of hours. I'm gonna check it out purely to see what kind of level the Indian/Sri Lankan guys are at. Professor X's fight should be fun, and I was a big Jimmy Ambriz fan back in the day so I'm kinda looking forward to seeing those guys back in action. I'd love to say that I have no interest in the main event, but JT is a really cool dude and I hope he gets some kind of highlight reel KO so that at least he gets some publicity off the back of this.
  11. http://ironforgesiron.com/2012/03/video-one-of-the-wost-ref-ever/
  12. THE BEST NEWS YOU'VE HEARD ALL YEAR!!!! Those of you in the UK will be able to catch myself and Bret Freeman on Sky's Active Channel every Friday night at 11 from now on, as Sky have picked up our MMA talk show 'The Cage'. We're gonna be making some big changes to the show in the next few weeks, so fingers crossed it all goes well.
  13. It's a roll of the dice from Edgar's camp for sure. If they lose this one, 145 seems inevitable, and they wont get a title shot coming off two losses. With that said, Edgar is a step above a lot of the guys in the 145 title picture. But what's the alternative? Take the 145lbs title fight? What happens if he loses to Aldo? Then he's 2-3 fights away from a title shot in two divisions. If he loses the rematch against Hendo, he'll probably only need one win at 145 to get a crack at the gold. Not too sure why some people are saying that they can't see how Edgar beats Henderson...that was a very close fight that could have gone either way. It wasn't like Hendo steam rolled him or anything.
  14. Love him or hate him, the guy sells tickets/PPV's and generates buzz. He's got crossover appeal. I think his fight with Rashad is the only non-title UFC PPV to do over 800k buys. The UFC will keep him around, but they'll pay him what he's worth, which is a lot less now that it was five fights ago. If they make a 3-4 fight investment, they'll probably give him a couple of favourable match ups...loser of Nog/Gustafsson, Bonnar, Franklin. Couple of KO's/exciting fights and all will be forgotten :-p
  15. Gracie-Barra isn't a gym, it's a teaching network that's spread all over the world. There are affiliates everywhere - it's not like AKA, ATT etc which are fight teams based in one or two facilities.
  16. Also, the new owners of K-1 have just inked a deal with It's Showtime - which means we'll be seeing all the high level kickboxers in the world competing under one banner again, hopefully with the backing of a big Japanese TV network. Good times!
  17. On Rampage: He signed a six fight mega-deal prior to his fight with Rashad Evans on the back of his A-Team movie. The deal was HUGE, one of the biggest the UFC have ever had with a fighter. He's done five of those fights and as of right now, he's not being offered an extension by the UFC. He also had a dressing down from UFC brass recently for doing an interview with Fighters Only while drunk. There's also some stuff going on in his personal life at the moment, which is...well...personal. Bottom line is, it's unlikely that Rampage will walk away from the UFC to fight somewhere else. Who else could afford him? The likelihood is that he'll resign under a much less lucrative contract and have a couple more fights with the promotion. I wouldn't be surprised to see him have another go at Hollywood in the meantime.
  18. To further my argument that Judo/wresting, I would like to present as evidenve Hidehiko Yoshida's neck crank victory over Tank Abbot
  19. Pretty horrible job by the ref not stopping that before the tap to be honest. One of the sections of the COMMAND course and Mark Goddard and Herb Dean's courses is on break points of limbs. Last night was another reason from EVERY A.C. ref to go on one of those courses.
  20. A big "HA!" to anyone that says Wrestling > Judo http://cdn1.sbnation.com/entry_photo_images/3246967/AnHlkNBCQAAjKWN_medium_large.jpg
  21. Judges don't add their own scores, the commissioner does it. Judges just submit their scores after each round. The head of the NSW commission has admitted guilt for the situation.
  22. Yeah, big upset at the time. I think Tachi thought that a guy from the WEC would be a good scalp for Formiga, and ended up having a new breakout American flyweight star on their hands. They haven't really gone on a recruiting drive other than McCall and Urushitani. I'm sure they pick him up, and Montague when he's ready to come back. I was having this conversation with someone recently...I believe he's stepped away from the sport for a while.
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