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Everything posted by brashleyholland

  1. There's no way that he thought he was the better striker in the break between the second and third rounds. He's said himself that he stayed on the feet to put on an exciting fight. Fair play to him, he got his FOTN bonus....but if he has any illusions of fighting for a title, he'll need to learn to adapt when things aren't going his way.
  2. LOL at KOI and GG not coming up with the $200,000 bond in time for the lien on Overeem's wages to become active. Oops! No idea why they had a problem coming up with the money. They're now apparently going to try a similar thing with his PPV bonus. If this gets messy in court, Overeem's side will look to spin this as 'GG/KOI are only perusing this because they're broke and desperate, they couldn't even come up with a bond". I know that GG/KOI are owed a TON of money right now (and they just lost their most valuable asset)...hopefully times aren't that bad though.
  3. I can understand it in theory...nobody wants to grapple a Cecar Gracie brown belt. But when you're getting absolutely mauled on the feet...at least go for broke and try something. 'Boring' or not, if Cerrone was my fighter I'd have been all over him for not taking top position on Diaz when he had the chance after getting broken up on the feet.
  4. In all fairness, Caceres is absolute garbage...not really the greatest of yardsticks. Hettes looked good against Phan though. Again, Phan isn't exactly the measuring stick for greatness, but it's a quality notch on the belt for such a young kid. Now lets see how he does against someone who can defend his takedowns.
  5. For me, if you go into a fight with the mentality that if you lose you're done, then you're not in the right place mentally to continue fighting. If Brock had already told himself that before the fight, then in my mind he was there for the pay day and nothing more. Not that I begrudge him that one bit, he's definitely earned it.
  6. You heard right, but you need to get involved quickly. Go to the UFC Undisputed official FB page and there is a link on the left hand side to get him.
  7. AHAHAHAAAAHAHAHAHAHA! Seriously though, I have been backing this guy from day one. Also, Fitch will never, ever get a UFC title shot now.
  8. Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and is looking forward to the fights tonight!! In related news, Brock is making $400,000 flat for this fight, while Overeem takes home $264,285 (and 71 cents) if he loses, or $385,714.28...it's almost like that's some kind of arbitrary number... :-p Funny thing (well, not really very funny at all) is, Overeem won't see a cent of that cash. His former management have filed suit in Nevada yesterday over their split, and because Overeem is a non-US resident, they've been able to get the judge to have his pay withheld pending the result of the case. Gutted! With that said, the lien doesn't affect any non-disclosed pay, which should run into the high-six/low-seven figures.
  9. I honestly have no idea at the moment. We did a similar thing with the last UFC game...I can't recall if it was before or after the actual release date though. We don't actually get the physical copies ourselves, we just get allocated X-amount to give away, then pass on the details of the competition winners to the company in question who send em out. We'll be getting PAL copies though, so you're out of luck anyway mate I'll hopefully be getting my copy well before release though, and will post many picks of me enjoying it :-p
  10. So chuffed about this. I'm getting a review copy in a few weeks...it's gonna suck waiting till the 14th of Feb to play as The Reem though Should be getting a few copies to give away to people in the UK as well, will link the competition here as and when. On a similar subject, we're getting some tix to the premier (or some kind of special advanced screening) of Hayware (Gina Carano's movie) in early Jan (16th I think). It's in London, so again I'll link the competition here.
  11. Nobody said anything about rules, did they? Go back, have another read, then try harder instead of getting sarky with someone who actually knows what they're talking about. BTW, in what alternate universe do MMA fighter's managers take AC's to court if they block fights? Is it the same universe in which you're aware of AC processes for sanctioning fights? Could you please list some instances for me? If you need me to explain the difference between sanctioning Lesnar vs Couture in Nevada and someone with less than five fights against Cris Santos, then I'd suggest you steer well clear of that career in MMA you were asking me about, with all due respect. Just in case though, from my other post (note the bold sections) - Let's look at that as it pertains to Lesnar vs Couture. Couture was 45 years old, and had to go through additional licencing procedures (for being a professional athlete over 35) and additional medicals (for being a 45 year old man) before he was licensed to fight, which include appearing before the commission either in person or by telephone. Another possible consideration was Couture's inactivity/retirement (he had taken only 2 fights in the space of 33 months), but given his experience, age and contract dispute, this was neither here nor there. In certain cases though, athletes who have 'retired' or been inactive in their twilight years are questioned as to their reasons for returning. On Lesnar's side, considerations were made due to his lack of pro fights, and the experience differential between him and his opponent. As a result, his age and weight advantage (the fact that he was 14 years his opponent's junior, 50lbs heavier and all the physical advantages that brings) and the records of his past opponents were taken into consideration. His opponents were Kim Min-Soo (2-5 at the time), Frank Mir (10-3 at the time, former UFC champion) and Heath Herring (28-13-1 at the time, long time top tier heavyweight). Lesnar was judged to be effective against all three opponents, setting a president. It was agreed that he would not be well-matched by Couture. The AC chairman is also asked for his recommendation. Also, from my other post... The above, and my original post, are not my opinion. They are facts. This is how licencing and sanctioning works. I know this because I have worked with fighters, managers and promoters for years in varying capacities, and have been party to many AC meetings (accredited press can obtain conferencing numbers to listen in). I'm not trying to be a nob, I just don't appreciate posting factually accurate information here for people's benefit only to be told that said information is in fact a joke. Get's right on my Eartha Kitts. End of rant
  12. I was on the telly box last night! Freeview HD channel 112 in the UK. BOOM. Here's the clip if anyone is interested (and lets be honest, why wouldn't you be?). I was asked to go on with an hours notice, so I couldn't get down to the studio unfortunately. Gonna be back on proper in the new year.
  13. There's talk of Strikeforce bringing in Lithuanian Yana Kunitskaya as a future opponent for Cyborg. She has a fight in Feb, if she wins she'll be 6-1. She's finished all five wins so far, 4 with strikes, one submission. She lost a decision to Maria Nielsen, who is a really good grappler. Also, she's a legit 145lber.
  14. Somebody get this man a Bob Sapp DVD!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. There are a couple of girls coming that might give her a decent fight. Germaine De Randamie is/was the Cyborg of women's kickboxing. Her grappling is awful though, and it might be too late to pick up all the tools needed for MMA. In a kickboxing match, it's anyone's game...I guess it'd come down to whether Cyborg would stand with her if she wasn't dominating. Holly Holm is one of the best female boxers (30-2) in the world, although she got knocked out quite badly earlier this month. She's taken up MMA and is 2-0, obviously way to green to fight Cyborg at the moment. Again though, maybe she's someone who could stand with her given a little work and experience. She's certainly not gonna fold like a card house when she gets hit. Then you have this Sara McMann girl who debuted this year and went 4-0, including a win over Tonya Evinger. She got silver at the 2004 Olympics and the 2003 world championships, and bronze at the 2005 and 2007 world championships in freestyle wrestling. I think she fights at 135, but she wrestled at 139.
  16. I'm not saying that they're likely to block anything, just that the idea that they might for those reasons is anything but a 'joke', as was suggested by Jester. For the purposes of your question though, I don't think that a 145lb Rousey moving down to 135 to fight Tate or Kaufman would be seen as as big a mismatch as Rousey vs Cyborg at 145. If Rousey gets a couple more wins under her belt, it'll probably cease to be a consideration.
  17. The UFC will be releasing more free UFC 141 XBox passes via twitter closer to the event. Keep an eye on @UFConXboxLIVE
  18. Really? What are you basing that on? Because I was basing it on the FACT that there are special licencing considerations for fighters with less than 5 pro MMA bouts and/or less than half the number of pro fights of their opponent under nearly all AC's. There are also special considerations when fighters have vastly different levels of recent opposition. Sometimes these are just a formality, sometimes they're not. For example, a few years back a promotion in Ohio was denied permission to put on a fight between Wes Simms (22-13-1-2) and Tim Sylvia (25-6 at the time) because of the difference in quality of their recent opposition. That's when Simms had 38 fights on his record, 7 MORE than Tim. Hint: Don't tell someone that what they're saying is a joke when you're basing your argument on your own opinion, which might not always be right. Competition Judo is about as close to MMA as point karate in comparison with other combat sports. Commissions don't weight experience in sports like judo as highly as they do say, boxing, wrestling, kickboxing and BJJ/grappling.
  19. It's only for this event, it's only for North America and it's only for the first 25,000 people that sign up.
  20. There once was a man named The Reem, Who fought in K-1, Strikeforce and Dream. UFC champ he wanted to be, So they tested his pee, And the test came back wonderfully clean!
  21. He tweets himself. His English isn't perfect and just because you can speak a language doesn't mean you can write in it. Or more to the point, tweet in it. I was laughing at the random nutella sandwich thing.
  22. I don't know why, but this tweet from Vitor Belfor just cracked me up.
  23. I've got a pretty good idea but there are all sorts of crazy rumours and I don't know for certain. I think a lot of it depends on how well Haywire does at the box office. If she starts getting offered silly money to do movies, I can't see her coming back. Even if she does return to the cage, I can't see it being for anything more than a marquee fight or two. The only money fight is a rematch with Cyborg, but after the first fight ended in the first round with a brutal beating and Gina hasn't fought since, who really wants to see that? Maybe a one off Carano vs Cyborg/Rousey fight on Fox somewhere down the line? There's the problem though...Carano will want top dollar to fight now that she's famous - is she worth the money if she's only going to stick around for one fight? They paid Cung Le three hundred grand, so who knows?
  24. Off the top of my head I think it was about three weeks before the fight, then he aggravated it again in the 1st round. Looks like Strikeforce want Rousey vs Cyborg to happen. Would be interesting to see if the major AC's would sanction that fight at this stage in Rousey's career though, as her last few opponents were 0-0, 2-1 and 4-1 at the time they fought her. 11-1 (9 stoppages) Cyborg might be a little too much. 135 would be a big change for her, but if they're paying her enough money to do it properly, I can't see her not dominating in that division too. I just don't see anyone with the skill set to match her.
  25. Completely agree. Melendez is a wrestler first and foremost, yet he outboxed a very competent, bigger striker. This is a guy who Paul Daley couldn't land many shots on too - he's a very slippery customer. Melendez continues to evolve. It seems that Masvidal had a broken hand, which is why he only threw jabs and didn't shoot. Would love to see him get a win or two then rematch Gil at some point.
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