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Everything posted by dvdWarrior

  1. A million and one thanks, I really appreciate those a lot! I hadn't changed my mind, btw. Good luck with that monster list though, sounds like 18 tons of work.
  2. Many thanks. That'll come in handy, all those will actually.
  3. Well, from that invisible pack, I didn't see Pro Wrestling MAX... I could definitely use that one. I may have simply overlooked it though, I'll check again.
  4. Whoa, man! I love both of those! I haven't decided just yet, but that first one just might be the brand new official CLAW logo. EDIT: OK, I think it's official now. That first one will be the new official CLAW logo for the new season!
  5. Holy Hot Dogs, Batman! I had no idea. Guess they add up though. Still, they're all looking great so far.
  6. Hope it's not way too soon for me to pop up in here again, looking for another logo, but if it's not too much trouble, (and since the thread had dropped back to page two anyway), I could really use a logo for a WWA TV show called 'Prime'. It's the Monday Night Raw of my personal universe, of course, but with more of an electric blue to it than red. Once again, sorry for requesting so much, I still feel odd about that, but... Ya know... Things come up when you start creating universes.
  7. That one looks pretty good to me, but then, I too have always thought the TCW logo was bland as they come, and could do with some updating.
  8. Whoa, that one's awesome. Can't recall whose request it was, but I really dig the logo. Brings to mind a triangle ring to me.... an interesting concept to say the least. Another outstanding logo. I likes it.
  9. I'm digging those Carrier logos... especially that My Select USA one, as that's the one I think The CLAW's most likely to hook up with.
  10. Sorry it took me so long to get back, I'm sure there'll be a tv show I'll need at some point in time, but I haven't really thought that far ahead just yet. Besides, my plan thus far is to start out small, and work my way up the ladder. I kinda don't have much choice there, most of the workers I want are listed as Relative unknowns at the beginning. Only things I've really thought of so far is "Fight, Scratch and CLAW" which will likely be the name of CLAW's first event, (and most likely the name of my aforementioned diary as well). Doubt I'd use that as a tv show name, but never can tell. For a TV show, knowing me, I'd probably use a name like Chaos Theory or something like that... I did always call DAVE's show Damage Control. Probably too early to worry about that though. All these you've done since I've been gone are awesome too. You keep this up and you're gonna mess around be Da Man before too much longer.
  11. Dang, Kam, you on a roll today! Love that banner too, outstanding work. Now, for my next request.... I'm kidding, I think I have all the logos I need for a while. If you can believe that. I know I've been a logo requesting fool lately. Much appreciation, you wouldn't mind if I used those in a diary at some point would you? I've been wanting to do a diary forever and a day.
  12. I can't recall if it was yours or not, but I'm sure I saw that logo in the other thread. Kam even fixed his first version over there, if i recall correctly. All these logos are great though.
  13. Whoa, that's incredible! And quick too. Wasn't expecting it so soon. Just out of curiousity, any chance I could get a banner for that bad boy? Either way, it's great, I appreciate it a lot. Dig The CLAW...
  14. From the other thread: Modern promotion with lots of high flyers, based in Chi-Town. Really wanting this one in the C-Verse format, since it's for a C-Verse game. Take your time though, I know you've already done one for me before, (that WWA one was my request too, ) so no hurries, Just figured I'd put this one in here.
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