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Everything posted by lazorbeak

  1. I realize it was a dig and that Vince Russo is synonymous with bad wrestling booking, but the idea that "WWE is booking like Vince Russo, therefore they are slowly losing fans" is pretty amusing, considering his time actually booking WWF saw either the greatest or second greatest increase in business of all time. That's not really true. PPV buys have been up, and TNA's TV ratings have dropped by a much higher percentage than Raw's over the past year. It's a taped show. It's not like this is news in 2013. Yes, they reported it early, but just to officially drum up interest (which is the same thing announced title change reports do when they show up in dirt-sheets). Smackdown ratings are actually up this year. It's not "backfiring massively" in any tangible way. Yes, they aren't kayfabing that the show happens on Friday as hard as they used to, but word of this stuff always leaks- now they're just doing it themselves.
  2. So... how about we use this thread to talk about football? Baltimore at Denver- right now the line on this is 9.5/10 points, and I just don't see where that's justified. Yes, the Broncos won by 17 in Baltimore, but that wasn't against a healthy Raven's defense, and that also had a 10-14 point swing where the game could have very easily been 10-7 at halftime (instead, it was 17-0, which is pretty much death for the Ravens). Not only were the Ravens missing some key pieces on defense, they were missing Boldin, who looked amazing last week against the Colts. I still think the Broncos win this game because I trust Manning a lot more than I trust Flacco when it comes to running a 4th quarter drive to take the lead, but I don't really see this as a blow-out. Houston at New England- Houston really should be a match-up issue for the Patriots, with their strong defense and great receiver in Andre Johnson, but they can't/won't go downfield, and if the Patriots offense can score more than 25, they win. The good news for the Texans is that they only gave up 25 6 times all season (and won two of those games in overtime), the bad news is the Patriots scored 42 the last time these teams played. The ten point line still seems high, but it's either going to be a close game or an absolute blow-out, depending on whether the Texans are able to get in the end zone once or twice in the first half. Seattle at Atlanta- I have a hard time thinking of the last time a #1 seed was this much of an afterthought, but the Falcons are just not that good a team. Their biggest wins were against a still settling in Broncos team at home in week 2, and escaping with a 7 point win in Washington. The only thing I like is their ability to score in the 4th quarter with their receivers and Matt Ryan. Meanwhile, the Seahawks are 9-1 in their last 10, with a better running game, a better defense, and better special teams. Wilson didn't look great last week, but he doesn't really have to be on this team. Atlanta is still favored by a 1 to 2.5 point margin, but you have to believe most of the money is coming in on the Seahawks side, to the point that they could conceivably be the favorites by Sunday. I think Seattle wins thanks to a special teams/defensive touchdown and a good but not great performance from its offense. Green Bay at San Francisco- I think you have to throw away that week 1 game, because it was so long ago, and it featured absolutely wretched officiating, with tons of missed calls on both sides. I actually like Green Bay to win this one, because I think their defense is going to be pretty good with Woodson and Matthews back in the line-up, and I don't really trust CK to make smart plays for sixty minutes. He can do a lot of positive things, but one or two bad reads or fumbles after scrambles undoes a lot. The line right now is 2.5-3 points, but I think I like the Packers to win a close game (although hopefully it never comes down to their awful kicking game).
  3. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Remianen" data-cite="Remianen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26529" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> He's a backup but he could spot start for a team with a pure dropback passer. He's no Jim Sorgi but he's a helluva lot better than Jamarcus Russell. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I think I'd take Vince Young over Sanchez just on the philosophy that Young <em>might</em> win the game for me anyway, even if he did just spend 5 grand at the Cheesecake Factory.</p>
  4. <p>First week of playoffs in the bag. Kind of the rare week where everything that was supposed to happen, did happen. I kind of thought the Redskins would be the team to pull the mild upset due to home field advantage and the running game, but RGIII struggled and the Redskins lack of offense really kept them from being as close as they could have been. The Colts reminded everyone why they're probably the worst 11-5 team of all time, as their o-line and defense are just not playoff caliber. Next year we'll have to hear about how this team has "regressed" when they put up an 8-8 record and Luck's turnovers start being more of an issue.</p><p> </p><p> The Texans are really going to have to lean on their defense and ball control next week, because if they get in an early hole in the first half, it's game over if Matt Schaub keeps playing the way he has been.</p><p> </p><p> We'll have to see how the 49ers do with their young QB next week- pretty much every other "running" QB had some regression when dealing with teams that had them well-scouted. Of course, unlike Joe Webb, CK can run <em>and</em> throw the ball, so the Packers likely won't have it so easy.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Remianen" data-cite="Remianen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26529" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> The Jets. They need a new quarterback if they're not willing to invest in Greg McElroy (and that horrible excuse for an O-line). Mark Sanchez is not a franchise quarterback. The best he could ever hope to be is a game manager in the Trent Dilfer mold. Yes, Dilfer has more Super Bowl rings than Dan Marino but nowadays, teams are looking for supreme talents at that position. That's not Sanchez. Even in his "good" years, he was primarily a game manager (since the team was predicated on ground & pound). He thrives in that role. But you don't give Tom Brady/Peyton Manning money to game managers.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The problem with Sanchez is he hasn't even proved to be a very effective "game manager." His 18 picks the last two years have been way too high, and his completion percentage (54 this year, 56 last year, 55 two years ago), is consistently among the worst in the league. I mean his numbers match up with Rex Grossman, who is not exactly the picture of "game manager." The Jets definitely need to move on, whether that's trading for Alex Smith or Matt Flynn, or signing some other mediocre QB (because at this point mediocre is an improvement).</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Remianen" data-cite="Remianen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26529" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Joe Flacco. If he thinks he's an elite quarterback, he's got another think coming (or due). The elite quarterbacks in this league right now, all have rings...for a reason. His best bet is going to be taking a one year deal and hoping he can have a breakout year next year (or pray that the Ravens franchise him).</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Flacco actually is a pretty good game manager, but he's definitely not a top 5 QB, and probably not even a top 10. He's barely top 15... cue the sign and trade with the Cardinals, Jets, Jaguars, Titans, or Chiefs. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Remianen" data-cite="Remianen" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="26529" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Coaching/GM carousel. The Eagles firing Andy Reid, while expected, was pretty dumb in my view. Yes, he's made some missteps in recent years (seriously, Juan Castillo as DC? Michael Vick behind that shaky line?) but he's still an excellent coach. The death of Jim Johnson (a genius on a level with Dick LeBeau and Buddy Ryan, though with far fewer disciples. Sean McDermott is a bust) really killed Andy's ability to just focus on developing offensive players. Norv Turner needed to go since he's never figured out how to get a team to play a complete season at a high level. AJ Smith was a good GM most of the time but an awful GM at the wrong times (kinda like Tony Romo at quarterback). Mike Tannenbaum should've been fired when Eric Mangini was sacked. I don't know how you spend a top 5 pick on a quarterback with only one season as a starter on his resumé. In the process, you pass on a host of players who have turned out to be far better (like, oh I dunno, Josh Freeman, Clay Matthews, Cushing, Percy, etc). Heck, taking Brandon Pettigrew would've given the Jets a double tight end attack well before the Patriots did it.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Andy Reid is the greatest coach in Eagles history, but it was time to go. The fans turned on him and the players gave up on him. Now the Eagles fans will be waxing nostalgic about 2005 for the next three years as they bottom out with this team that is both overpaid and terrible. Turner is a better coordinator than coach; I wonder if San Francisco would take him back.</p>
  5. Yeah this AJ angle is really uncomfortable. I love that WWE will talk about anti-bullying and then have your babyfaces sitting there making corny jokes about what a **** AJ is. Or how about the angle a few weeks ago where Hornswoggle flirts with Rosa, then humiliates her, and the explanation is basically "lol you're gross what man would ever be genuinely interested in you?" Also, re: the ADR thing, I really hope WWE changes nothing about him. They do this all the time where they get a heel over based on their mean streak and their over-the-top gimmick and then they turn babyface and suddenly they're high-fiving everyone, teaming up with Kofi Kingston, and not doing any of the stuff that got their character over in the first place. I mean I love when a performer stays true to their existing character even as they catch on with the fans, whether it's The Rock being a supremely cocky jerk, Austin being a super-intense loner who'd stun his own tag team partner after a match, or Eddie Guerrero doing the "cheat to win" gimmick so well the crowd loves it. None of them would ever do the pandering "high five everyone on the way to the ring for a tag match with Kofi" BS. I only pick on Kofi because he's incredibly bland and has been the same basic character for 5 years (with a hiccup where he looked like he might develop a character 3 years ago).
  6. Is this a real question? The answer is Bret was incredibly bitter for the rest of his entire professional career, and didn't have anything to do with Vince/Shawn/the WWE at large for a decade. In that time, Shawn stopped doing drugs, found religion, and behind the scenes made peace with Bret, which was probably easier considering Bret's health scares probably put his life into perspective. Then they appeared together on a wrestling TV show together to get a pop out of the crowd.
  7. I don't think Angle and Shamrock were contemporaries, except in No Mercy, where Shamrock was a hidden character, but yeah, I otherwise agree. He's in the mold of an Angle or a Benoit but without the mic skills of Angle or the all-around experience and skills of a Benoit. The only way I could see him winning a title in '98-'99 is if Rock gets hurt or something, as he was the #2 regular wrestler in the corporation, but even then I think WWF would've turned Triple H into the corporate guy, since he was more over and better on the mic. Shamrock would really need a Shane McMahon giving him heat, a la Benoit in 2000. I think the IC title was probably the right level for Ken Shamrock, wrestler, and I can totally see why he decided to take one more run at being in UFC rather than settling for a Val Venis role. Edit: Also, I can't think about Shamrock from that era without hearing Jericho shout SCAM-rock. Thanks a lot, Chris Jericho.
  8. Seriously, wasn't Show/Cena headlining PPV's six months ago? Does anybody need to see that again, even as a semi-main? And beyond that, isn't the idea of Cena "going to Smackdown" a little dated? Smackdown wrestlers show up on Raw every week, even when they're not the #1 star in the company. That said, I'm sold on Ryback vs. Big Show at RR or Wrestlemania. The question is what do you give to Sheamus. And what, if anything, do they do with Lesnar? Please WWE, don't waste him on Triple H. Maybe have him murder Randy Orton to put Orton on the shelf for a few months.
  9. Honestly I think Warrior is under-rated during that period between 89 and the end of his first run. Yes, he wasn't the best worker ever, but his matches with Hogan, Rude, and Savage show that he was perfectly capable of pulling off WWF main event-style matches. At least, I hope it was Warrior you didn't expect to have a great match. Savage was an incredible worker for years before and after '92.
  10. I'm 99% sure Sting and Cactus Jack never wrestled at Starrcade. I think you're talking about their match at Beach Blast? It's always fun to see guys when they're more in their prime. I remember how stunned I was when I first saw Luger/Flair at Starrcade. Sure, most of it was probably 80's Flair being that good, but I never would've guessed Lex Luger could be in a 4.5/5 star match that goes 30 minutes, especially as a babyface. Edit: It looks like the match isn't available anywhere except on the Falls Count Anywhere DVD, but netflix has it streaming, so that's cool!
  11. Thanks man. I totally understand the locations issue, and it was a conscious choice to go more for "big, shared world" in most cases based on 1) fun, and 2) the more "anything goes" style of comics of the era, before Marvel became so large that editorial departments ended up being increasingly fragmented. I did set it up so that DD could easily move to the more "street" level area, but this is DD before Frank Miller's influence. I also wanted to make sure that Manhattan wasn't exclusively full of serious villains, so I definitely wanted Stilt Man and the Jester to be based out of the city. I did set up the time frame for Conan and the Invaders, but actually adding that is a low priority. Thanks for the feedback!
  12. And here I was hoping they'd be called the "Sons of Bossman." What a missed opportunity.
  13. Thanks for the interest. Did you download the current version okay? I've been making edits as I play, and I'd say I'm pretty close to having 1.1 ready for download, but any feedback would be appreciated. I'm also working on a pictures file to provide missing characters where possible, but I'm not sure when that will be ready.
  14. But even from a story perspective, it's not exactly difficult to explain why Sheamus deserves a re-match. I mean he got the dusty finish win but no title. When you beat the champ, you're the number one contender, barring "last chance ever" type stipulations. Switching gears, does anybody else wish Kofi would go away for six months or more? Kudos to him that he hasn't needed an injury vacation, but he's been doing the exact same thing at the exact same spot in the card for four years now.
  15. Yup, because having any dialogue= "taking a pot shot." You are precious.
  16. I know, I was responding to BHK's "Mercenary Phillip" theory that he coaches only when he knows he can win a championship.
  17. Whoops I guess Phil decided he couldn't win a championship this year! Taking off the tinfoil hat, this is looking to be an exciting season. While the Heat have proven they can play at an elite level, this team is not nearly as dominant game to game as previous champs, since at their worst they turn into a jump shooting team and their defense has been spotty at best so far. You really have to wonder why they chose to add a bunch more wing shooters and nobody to replace/work with Haslem and spell Bosh. The Clippers, Grizzlies, Spurs, and Thunder all look like real contenders right now, while the East is about as bad as its ever been. It should end up being an interesting season.
  18. I read this a couple of times before I had any idea what it meant. I think you meant Brad Maddox, wrestler/referee, not Greg Maddux, former Cy Young winning Atlanta Braves pitcher.
  19. I don't know about that. Lucas' scripts were pretty awful, too.
  20. Bizarre move for the Thunder. They might not be losing much, especially with Maynor back to give help to the second unit at point, but on the Thunder K-Mart is a spot shooter, most likely backing up 'Losha, and being paid over $12 million this year for the privilege. He'll still spread the court and is a good #3 scoring threat, but he plays no defense and his lack of athleticism is going to get worse as he's not getting any younger. Lamb could develop into a good spot shooter too, but he's probably too under-sized to do much other than get limited minutes. I'm not sure I understand why the Thunder pulled the trigger on this so quickly though. They were probably considered the #3 and possibly the #2 team when it came to winning a title, and Harden's contract situation would only start being a headache next year. Sure he'd be a RFA and would probably get a max offer sheet from Houston or another team under the cap, but the Thunder could just match that and trade him for the most value, after competing for a championship. Instead, it seems like they're resigned to be a good but not great team with the potential of getting better with some extra first round picks. That is, unless Westbrook becomes a truly elite PG and Durant develops his low post scoring, in which case they could compete for a title even without Harden.
  21. I'm using Mr. Tricky's community graphics pack (found here: http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=511431 ) which works for about 75% of the characters. I haven't taken the time to do a full graphics pack, but comicvine and the marvel wikia both have images of every character in the mod.
  22. Except I didn't name-call anyone??? It is pretty lame to name-call somebody when they're actually contributing to the discussion, I agree. Anyway I've been watching this documentary on WCCW. Kerry Von Erich was such a huge waste of potential. The guy had all the tools, he just couldn't get himself on track. Even with a dumb gimmick, he still managed to do pretty well in WWF and could've been a superstar, if not for personal demons and family tragedy. Heck, David could've been a huge superstar too if he doesn't die at age 25 in Japan.
  23. Wow, nice to see that BHK still either doesn't know what a troll is, or operates on some level of hyper-irony where jumping into a conversation and name-calling others makes you the babyface.
  24. Agreed. It's not so much the "cheating," so much as the hypocrisy of cheating when the ref's back is turned, then hiding behind the rules when the ref is paying attention. From Roland Barthes' old article on wrestling, talking about being a heel, circa 1957: So even though Hogan would inevitably do "heel" moves like eye rakes or other things that would cause Heenan or Jesse Ventura to call him a "cheater," he was actually just giving the heel the "payback" that the audience wanted to see.
  25. Sad I haven't gotten much feedback on this. I am working on a 1.1 update that modifies a few powers, adds more relationships, and makes some other minor tweaks. The plan is/was to build a 1984 "Secret Wars" era mod based on this engine, since that's the next big "turning point" at Marvel, with Byrne working on the Fantastic Four, the West Coast Avengers being created, the X-Men becoming more and more of a success and the resulting flood of new characters and locations being added as a result, and the Beyonder as a level 10 wildcard that whisks off a bunch of heroes and villains to fight each other for no apparent reason.
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