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Everything posted by ShaunGBD

  1. With that promo DDP/HBK/Booker and Shawn said I was busy working that night what does that mean? Little confuse by it.
  2. I thought their was gonna be a 3 way for Joe Vs AJ Vs Daniels. Then I look online and it only AJ vs Daniels what happened?
  3. I want a hard cap more then anything in the NBA CBA. 100% I agree it works for everyone. Get it done
  4. I agree, It was good. but not great. His one on Monday was the best in his career. (from what I seen)
  5. http://www.gamespot.com/users/sephy37/video_player?id=dXMxlmD-5bkEszfb I hasn't seen it before either, it was good. But I put his WWE and ROH stuff on different levels, you can get away with more stuff in ROH and you can say wrestler, etc etc. I still think last night was great, I would say (don't think I'm wrong either but saying it) one of his best in WWE.
  6. Here the thing, the small teams in the NFL are still making money teams in the NBA aren't. The small teams are getting hit bad in the NBA. I think when it comes down to talking with the small teams about the CBA their gonna have to come with a system that helps both big and small teams.
  7. Well I hasn't seen 99% of his ROH promos. I agree intensity, "realism" and delivery make a great promo and I think all the extra stuff is bonus. I also feel that those 3 things he knocked out of the park.
  8. Well In WWE, they don't let people do that. When was the last time the internet BLEW up after someone promo. When something happened in WWE its ALWAYS 50/50, some people like it some don't. EVERYONE came on here (and other websites) and loved it. 100%. He said stuff the fans were thinking. He said stuff fans (and WWE employee) thought would never be said, and said it with out ease. To me that makes it one of the best promo ever.
  9. I was their, it was crazy how bad that all went down.
  10. I know tonight is RAW Roulette, I read Shawn Michael and Y2J book, and they said the fan voting is NOT fixed (which I believe them) Any know for a fact is the RAW Roulette is fixed or they shoot the wheel till it falls on what they want.
  11. I try to keep up on the indies but I looked at the roster no one I really knew. I live in Bradley (Where the Chicago Bears have training camp) (near Chicago) Would I drive up their no. but it watch it the internet, I might check it out.
  12. They run PPV? who the big names wrestlers and story lines.
  13. I have hear OVW is good even without the WWE guys. Where do you watch it at?
  14. He is, he's down in FCW But they don't have WWE writers nor do they need it. They are not base off of angles, I remember when I went to a ROH and they had 1 angle it was with Jim Cornett and Homicide I liked the story line but the angle was 20 minutes and it was boring after about 5 minutes. But I don't go to ROH shows for the angles.
  15. I live near Chicago and they said the Chicago Code only tested well in Chicago and St. Paul, MN
  16. Didn't they say if it not on TV in your city, it will be free on ROH.com?
  17. I agree with you. honestly I think they should give the title to another match. The match doesn't need it, but I read Vince is hell bend on making it the biggest match of all time. Also I think they think it would help the match if cena runs through everyone. I don't think it needed for him to run through everyone but just what I think.
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