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Everything posted by Zeel1

  1. Hmmm, the triple threat sounds like an interesting idea, actually. The RR winner could challenge for the World Heavyweight Title, only for Bryan to show up and remind everyone of his promise. They'd both have earned a shot at WM, so they both get one at WrestleMania. And booking-wise, I think it'd work out kinda similarly to WM 20, when Shawn Michaels was added to the Benoit/HHH match to make sure it was a big enough match to be a WrestleMania main event.
  2. Okay, so we have exactly one SmackDown! left before SummerSlam, and there are still only four matches on the card... Is Cena/Punk going to last an hour, or...? I mean, looking at it right now - Diva's matches are always short, and Phoenix/Kelly could very well be a squash; could be wrong, but judging by history, I can't imagine that taking much time. Mark Henry's never been able to do long matches, I'd be rather surprised if Henry/Sheamus went past the seven minute mark. I could see Bryan/Barret maybe being added - I don't know, I don't read SD! Spoilers - and I know Miz has said he'll be doing something, but I mean, how long is this event, three hours, four hours?
  3. I saw one Austin interview where he said he actually thinks he could actually wrestle a regular schedule for a few months or something like that, but chose not to because he wanted to be fit enough to wrestle for a long time, or wanted to continue being able to live without much pain - maybe both, I don't really remember. That interested me - I dunno if he was talking out of his ass or what, but it gives me the feeling he'd be able to do a match. Punk vs. Austin and Cena vs. Rock would not only make for a badass event, but it also interests me because of the contrast there. Cena and Punk are basically fighting to see who the best of today is right now, and if these matches do happen, they will then go up against the best of yesterday, basically. Maybe make it into a little theme for this WrestleMania... Considering those two match-ups, the fact that I can't help but think they'll do Taker/HHH II, and the fact that - if Cena doesn't go in as WWE Champion - they'd also have two world title matches on there... they could very well make WrestleMania the must over-stuffed card in history.
  4. Actually, 6-2's a pretty awesome record in comparison to everyone else's. Lance Storm went into this a few months ago - not many of the records there look very impressive. It's kinda surprising.
  5. I think Kharma's out until atleast January - probably a little longer, I imagine she'd want to stay at home with her baby for a while...
  6. Wow, I never realized this, but Truth's tron has two faces in it...
  7. I love how both the music and the narrator of this recap vid sounds like something right off of the NFL Network...
  8. I'm digging this little Diva-revolution we're seeing here...
  9. That IS pretty strange... it's as though they WANT you to get two sets of buns... but then once you're out of hot dogs, that leaves you with six buns! You can't just HAVE those! So you buy more hotdogs!!! It's an endless cycle!!! CONSPIRACY!
  10. Well yeah, I know that, and to be honest I think you have to have pretty high standards to be all "Well this is no excuse", but at the same time, I see his point. It really doesn't reflect well on you to say that there's no way you could've gotten good ratings cause something else was on. It's basically like saying, "Come on man, we can't compete with that. In comparison to that, we suck!" Plus, it's Prime Time TV we're talking about, there's always going to be something else on.
  11. I don't think he's denying that other shows do affect the ratings, but more saying that they SHOULDN'T BE, that they should aim for Raw to be so good that it's the one you want to watch over anything else instead of the other way around.
  12. I love how "You have become the New York Yankees" is what finally set Cena off.
  13. "Pick it up and sign it before the stock plummets some more!" Buuuuuurned...
  14. This really is incredible... he's turning himself into the good guy so seamlessly.
  15. The WWE Ice Cream bars just gone one of the biggest ovations of the show. Amazing...
  16. Did Vince just point at a Zack Ryder sign and shake his head?
  17. For a second there, I thought they finally used McIntyre just to write him off...
  18. It has kind of gone by quickly. Really doesn't feel like it's been an hour and a half since it's started... dunno if that's what you mean or not, though.
  19. Y'know, I think Miz is wearing those tights as a favor to the guys working on WWE '12. He has those tights on in the game, and some people have complained that the attire is outdated. Now that he's wrestling in them on Raw again, saying that seems kind of silly...
  20. I'm liking this segment. The Raw MITB is looking pretty interesting, really...
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