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Everything posted by Zeel1

  1. That actually might be feasible. Not that hard to take down if you can actually do anything of significance to him, the issue is that he's pummeling you so viciously, it's near-impossible to do. That may actually be the only way to make him work if he's going to be wrestling all that commonly, I mean if he's gonna destroy Cena like that, I doubt pretty much anyone else on the roster would do much better, so playing him as a massive Glass Cannon might be a way of keeping beating him a possibility.
  2. If he really thought he was so superior and perfect I kind of doubt he would go "He was better than me" or "She saw something in him I don't have". That you can corrupt what he's saying doesn't really mean much, you can do that with basically anybody. For example I saw a post on reddit of a guy asking for advice on what to do to help this one girl that he believes to be an anorexic. He didn't know her, but kept noticing her at a gym he went to, and got worried as she looked so dangerously skinny. But because he sort of insinuated that he was fat somewhere in the post, someone harped on him in response, saying as though she knew that the girl wasn't truly anorexic, but instead totally healthy and that he was simply projecting his insecurities onto her. It doesn't matter how pure something really is, if you try hard enough you'll figure out a way to bastardize it. And doesn't the way you look at it kind of make the fans look bad, atleast kayfabe-wise? I mean it's basically them saying "Corrupt yourself for us, or we won't like you." And when he refuses to let what basically amounts to peer pressure compromise who he is, they act like that's a bad thing for him to do, and enjoy seeing him get hurt because of it? I'm not saying they don't capitalize on that - I'm sure they have, and probably should, but wow do they come across badly when you look at it like that...
  3. So he's a bad guy because he's too much of a good guy to be a bad guy?
  4. Kinda reminds me of the Christian situation last year. Everyone hated how he lost before, but it probably ended up benefiting him more than just having a regular short reign, in the long run.
  5. Miami sure loves D-Bryan~ Yeah, I kinda like the "YES!" chants. Bryan's constant "YES!"es have grown on me. Loved seeing them in the comments on a youtube video regarding ride of the valkyries, for example...
  6. It was Abraham Washington. First appearance since ECW ended.
  7. Hmmm, so A-Train's back, and they're banking on his years of being badass in Japan. Unexpected, but interesting~
  8. What a bizarre entry order that was. It seemed to go like this; 1. RAW Heels 2. SD! Faces (All four of them) 3. Divas 4. Referees 5. SD! Heels 6. RAW Faces 7. Jerry Lawler The hell?!
  9. The dark horse of the triple threat stands tall going into the PPV. Probably a good idea.
  10. Hrm. I do vaguely recall him taking a jab at somebody. Could very well have been Ryan. Would be some awesome foreshadowing.
  11. "Finally, Beth Phoenix gets her opportunity!" ...For the third time in as many months. Some heel collusion, eh? Seems promising.
  12. Hahah, apparently he already returned on Superstars weeks ago where he actually wrestled as a face against JTG. If I had read that before this happened, that would've been a lot less surprising than it was... Is it just me, or is he even BIGGER now?
  13. Wow, Ryan was a surprise. For some reason, I thought he'd be on the shelf for a lot longer than that... maybe I had him confused with someone else.
  14. Intriguing, Swagger helps Ziggler retain - and on purpose this time! Yeah, I like this, seem to be an official pairing now; ooh, and out come the tag champs! Yeah, if they're entering the tag scene, I can certainly support that idea.
  15. I find it somewhat amusing that Triple H seems like a more spiteful boss than many of the evil heel bosses we've seen throughout the years... In other news, I feel like atleast one of the two midcard titles will change hands tonight. Not really confident about which one, though. Would love to say Ryder wins the US title and Rhodes has the surprise retain to help put him over - he says he wants to reinstate the prestige of the IC title, some strong retentions would aid that, and also it seems he'll be going against Orton after HiAC - but I'm not entirely confident that we'll be getting that right now. If it's the other way around, then I might pick DiBiase to win the IC Title. Rematch at HiAC to end their feud, so Cody can focus on Orton. Should be interesting, either way.
  16. <p>Rhodes takes off the mask, then Orton directs an attack onto his face...</p><p> </p><p> Why does this remind me of that time where Vickie finally got out of her wheelchair, only to be hit with a 619, and then put DIRECTLY back into it? <img alt="" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
  17. So WWE.com announced The Miz and Truth's firing with the 'future endeavors' thing... I'm tempted to be a douche and ask if people think this one's legit too, like with Nash, but I'm too nice for that. I wonder if they're just going to do that for every kayfabe firing from now on. Would be interesting. One cool thing would be if they did that but it wasn't part of a current storyline. Like they up and announce that Curt Hawkins or Tyler Reks or somebody that you could see being released were future endeavor'd, only to have them invade a few shows later trying to get back at the company that never gave them a chance. Do that well enough, and people will never be able to tell if someone's actually been released or not... could be kind of fun having that kind of unpredictability.
  18. I believe I might actually know what that's about. Their reasons for attacking Punk and HHH and trying to screw over HHH was because they believed him to be the figurehead of the C-O-N-spiracy that has held them down. However, after they were taken out from the ring, Truth must have seen how Johnny Ace kept the referee from coming into the ring and counting when HHH had Punk pinned with the Pedigree, only to demand that he go in and count when it was the other way around. Seeing that may have told Truth that HHH ISN'T a part of it - in fact, Ace seemed to be conspiring to have HHH forced out of power. So, now seeing HHH as just another victim of the conspiracy, Truth pulled Punk off of him to help fight against it. This is of course just my guess, but looking at it like that, it makes some degree of sense. I can agree that the match was pretty goddamned overbooked, but I actually didn't mind it. It all still made sense to me, atleast, and in my eyes, Punk has a plethora of excuses for losing, I don't think it made him look weak at all, especially considering he kicked out of a Pedigree by himself, whereas Triple H needed help to keep from being pinned by the GTS. I am kind of disappointed that Cena won the title back so quickly. Just makes me wonder what the point of putting so much effort into building Del Rio up and finally giving him the title was if he was just going to lose it a month later anyway. I also feel like it kind of undercuts the Nash/Punk/HHH situation, because it seems this started because for whatever reason, Nash wanted to help Del Rio win the WWE Title. Seems like that'd mean a bit more if he still held it until the situation was resolved. Also didn't think they made the right choice in having Phoenix lose. Was okay with it the first time, but now I don't see her getting many more rematches, so unless Natalya's going to be taking over as the lead woman of the DOD, I don't really see them going much further in their little revolution, which is a shame, 'cause I was liking that. I also thought it'd be cool to let her win it in her hometown, but eh... Aside from those two, though, I thought it was a pretty good night. Didn't think any of the matches were bad, liked the finishes to the Fatal Four Way and Tag Match. Very surprised to see Henry pick up the win, but as it sunk in what the potential is now, to have someone finally stop him and take the title off of him, making them into a megastar, I'm liking the thought of it. I saw one guy fantasy book this as Henry winning and holding it until WrestleMania, destroying everyone in his path until Daniel Bryan challenges him and becomes the hero in taking it off of him. Would be a great way of making him champion, if they really want to go that way. Doesn't really look like that's how they want to go right now, but WrestleMania's still a good ways away, so who knows...
  19. You have to consider the source here. First off, it's twitter. It's not exactly the appropriate place for official announcements. Secondly... it's Nash. He could be saying "I need oxygen to breathe" and people would think he's lying.
  20. Yeah, it's an obvious work. Kinda cool how they're announcing it like it's an actual release, though. From what I've heard, Nash is even trying to tell people it's legit, although no one's buying it. Reality Era at work~
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