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Everything posted by CQI13

  1. It is easy to spend other people's money. While I won't disagree on the Nasty Boys, as a business owner I can tell you that not all expenses to make you look bigger are worth it. I've been to two trade shows in the past, probably spending upwards of $10,000 and didn't see a single sale. It would be asinine for me to go back unless I've developed something I'll be able to sell there. Bringing that back to TNA, I'd rather they stay in Orlando for the moment, until they figure out who they are (WWE Lite? TNA? ROH Lite?), and gauge interest outside of Orlando some other way. Once you know you'll at least break even, THEN you venture out to different markets. I would think that their old stomping grounds would be a suitable second home, but I guess they moved for a reason?
  2. They have the right to work. They just can't compete against them during that time. But in the meantime he can work overseas...or as something else entirely.
  3. The Miami Herald had a nice review of both events last night. Link below: http://www.miamiherald.com/626/story/1410650.html
  4. The fact that he became World Champ, and people cheered him and were excited doesn't mean I have to buy into him being a World Champ. Yeah, it happened, but to me, it was still meh.
  5. Am I the only one who can't buy into Hardy as a World champion? One appearance in TNA doesn't dictate what his role will be either. Sure, he's a star, but the TNA audience has seen him already in TNA.
  6. Has it been definitively proven that he was in the doghouse? I don't care how reputable a publication is, but I guess my distrust for all news (or "news") media extends to this as well.
  7. Even if I'm not bashing him...I don't drink. So I guess I'm DQ'd anyway. And what Lazorbeak said.
  8. I never enjoyed Benoit or Mysterio's work (talented...yes; entertaining to me...no). Benoit was insufferable on the mic from what I remember. I can't really comment on Sheamus, since I've never seen him work (ring or mic), and I haven't seen a full episode of WWE since Jericho's return (even less of TNA). If he's not pushed, they are devaluing the belt or not making him credible. If he main events a PPV, some people won't like that either. As for the Rooney comparison, you might be surprised by the number of people who know of him here in the US. But fine, substitute Tim Lincecum or LeBron James and people should get the idea (even if that is probably far overstating his talent).
  9. And of course, when he's not ME at the next PPV, people will complain that the belt should be featured as the ME. There's always something. Like what happened with Punk and his match with Taker.
  10. <p><a href="http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/otl/news/story?id=4724912" rel="external nofollow">http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/otl/news/story?id=4724912</a></p><p> </p><p> An interesting article in ESPN relating to wrestler deaths. Focuses mostly on brain trauma/concussions. Also mentions similar NFL cases.</p>
  11. And thank goodness for that. I thoroughly enjoyed JBL's reign. And as a fan, I remember wanting/hoping Cena would beat Lesnar at Backlash (that's when it happened right?)
  12. Cyber Sunday was an atrocity (as was Taboo Tuesday before it)...Yeah, let's make it kinda/sorta/maybe a little interactive. What a sham. Haven't much followed it lately, but I'm glad to hear that new people are getting pushed. And as stated earlier, Sheamus was getting a push, just on ECW.
  13. Kind of wish I'd gotten in on the ground floor on this one. But I must say I loved the segment with HBK/RVD/Tracy. Superb show.
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