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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. They had the handy tube's with left being face and right being heel entrance... oh wait lolz. (Also gone since Genesis, I don't mind either way.) Unfortunately Russo still does not believe in Heels and Faces. I don't mind shades of grey but sometimes it becomes grey with shades of white or black if you know what I mean. At the same time Russo believes that wrestling should be a titanic struggle between the forces of good and evil. Contradict ya self much? Sorry about my house show estimates but those where the ones I knew of and I don't fully trust Meltzer when it comes to TNA or have a paid online subscription to the wrestling observer newsletter. The range should be more 300-1500 then which is very wide.
  2. Agreed WTF!!!!! They where making mistakes sure but this is just bad! imho
  3. I read all the house show reports and any time they say attendance its in that bracket. Can't be sure though, what is the source on the 300-700? Still house shows are not their main income source if at all it is more to put their name out there imho.
  4. Shoulda warned about the spoiler mate next time do it in white text please, plus that makes Angle the face imho with those actions and the rest (except Tenay) heels.
  5. They make fine money mainly of television income by also expanding overseas. Their house shows do 700-1500 people and average around 1000. Their ppv buys are low but that record low was a never substantiated rumor as no one really knows their buy rates. Yes they need to move out of the Impact zone as soon as realistically possible. It depends on the contract they have with Universal and if they are then going on the road or a new home stadium with paying customers ( I would go for the latter at least at first.) Also in the early days they actually taped in Nashville and people bought tickets and I think attendance wasn't too bad with around 1000 people. That was the TNA Asylum. Apparently merchandise sales and house show attendance are way up since Hogan coming in and West going along with the house shows offering deals. Right now they are investing in order to expand again and if they put that in production and advertising that would be a very smart move as the product while not great is fine enough the awareness and public perception is simply low.
  6. Decent ppv not great but good imho. Don't like AJ as a heel personally and don't think Flair can ad much to him, but that is maybe because I am not a fan of Flair at this point. What is more worrying is with AJ as heel who is the top contender? Lashley has that tournament win for a title shot but is heel, Joe has the briefcase but is heel. Angle is face now but not allowed. Morgan and Hernandez are tied up with the tag team scene. Wolf is heel, Daniels is heel, Anderson is heel. So that leaves us with Abyss who has been losing lately but can have a good match with AJ and Hardy with his legal problems. Daniels losing to Morley??? Why?? Kendrick looked good in defeat could have done the same for Sean. Both decent matches though. Tara over ODB, why two straight falls? The running powerslam should have gotten 1 for ODB imho. Wasn't an implant but a bra filling/stuffing she lost. And implants can bust from impact it depends on the type as both Mickie James and I think Gail Kim needed time off recently for exactly that reason (happened during house shows). Hope they move on as these two just don't work together well. This was a mediocre match and the best of their three encounters nuff said. Acquisitions: Kendrick and Anderson are both decent and expected, nothing earth shattering though and Anderson looked rusty and had the worst match of the night with Abyss who needs some cred and intensity back. Beer money going over = good. Camera and crowd distracted by Hall beating up a 12 year old plant was bad although shocking at first. But given the reaction by Bisch and Hulk definitely a plant. Not having 2 advertised matches = also bad. Given the competitors involved decent match. Beer Money rocks. Wolfe vs Burke was (very) good plain and simple. Love both of them and good story told in the ring. And yes that Kia girl is smoking. AJ vs Angle very good match and given their past matches over the years it is understandable that because they know each other so well and are so close to each other in level plus their love and passion for the belt they need multiple finishers. Removing Borash? Why? I know he is a bit of an acquaired taste but at least he has a personality. Him and Lauren where a great backstage crew. Hemme is doing decently so far. At least no Love Spunge this time. Also no Nasty Boys, OJ, Vicious or god forbid Leslie sightings. Edit: Forgot the tag title bout, decent match and title change although a dq finish would have been fine as well. All four men did well and putting these two in the tags till they figure out what to do with them in singles is fine. Thought Brits would retain though given the fact that TNA will be touring the UK shortly.
  7. It's on their site as well and is called be 4 the bell. Actually spelled that way, but if you liked the big package leading to BFG you will like this imho. Edit: Both Kendrick and Anderson have been heavily rumored to appear soon so far. *crosses RVD fingers*
  8. According to reports he is sitting out his contract which won't last long so they are not involving him in anything. Why not job him out? Is my question though. Also agree with the earlier points. I asked around on these and other forums before there are more people that don't watch/like TNA because of the 6 sides then there are people that would stop watching if it went back to 4 so good move as long as the tighter ropes for better springboard remain imho.
  9. Lolz. Defending decisions or pointing out positives does not an insane mark make lolz.
  10. Yeah they have used this cutout/blackout of Sabin on multiple occasions already so no way of telling who it is by looking at the pick. What has me worried though is what Jeff Jarrett said on twitter: "At Genesis the cream will rise to the top" If I take this as a hint I am worried that it is Vicious given that he had that promo with cream/yogurt all over his face. If it's Red surprise opponent no biggie as long as Red beats him hehe but they should have saved it for TV then.
  11. Actually originally and most often he pauses and then starts walking down the ramp once the beat starts which works just fine. Also the beat was added after his heel turn. There are a lot bigger problems in TNA atm though lolz.
  12. Yeps and they have their greatest matches on Youtube for free. Edit: On Bonaduce that radio spot was quite fun and he wrestled on lockdown last year in the pre-show wouldn't be surprised to see him on the pre-show again and not more if at all.
  13. Well he is the most likely choice but with Hogan saying he would be someone that is able to directly challenge for the title based on past accomplishments I think the percentages for RVD and Goldberg being it have gone up. On the Jarrett thing I think if his promo on Monday would have gone as scripted it would be fine and I am glad they are transitioning fast as opposed to slow as this should also mean that Hall, Waltman, OJ, Nasties will be of my screen faster. Just too bad that Russo isn't headbooker atm as he was doing pretty good still not great and too busy but better then before in the period when he finally got the reigns. July till Jan 4th. And yeah 0.7 was a four hour show knockout new year's special and was their lowest rating for a very long time so it doesn't wholly count, and Spike bumbed TNA for Star Wars on Christmas so in essence TNA only had two shows to build for the ppv due to bad timing. In lieu of that pretty good job.
  14. Yep and no commercials or in the case of AJ vs Angle no run in or Naitch randomness (hopefully). I think the commercials really hurt the AJ vs Angle match on Impact making it too much of a highlight real by cutting out the jockying and exchanges in between. TraciBrooksfan you where there am I correct in this? As for the big acquasition I stand by my earlier percentages and hope to hell it's RVD. Red's mystery opponent I would go with Hardy or Petey.
  15. Yep he said these Young Bucks are really impressive or something like that. He did the same with Desmond Wolfe telling people he used to be known as Nigel McGuiness. My favorite line was actually Bisschoff telling Hogan that Jarrett really needed an "attitude adjustment" lolz. Now those kind of insider references I can appreciate as for non insiders they don't matter and for those getting it they are funny.
  16. Aye but she looked better then last time I saw her on TNA. Saw the episode and it was decent and some of the ppv match-ups look interesting just hoping they don't turn AJ heel. Generation Buck Me was exciting but don't have a great look on them. The dark haired one is alright but the blond guy looked mediocre at best and I don't mean in ring wise but Star Quality wise. Edit: No Jeff Hardy = Bad, No Jordon = Good although it doesn't balance out. Still no Leslie = very good.
  17. Especially seeing as Joe has the feast or fired briefcase for the world championship belt. If the briefcases are still in effect that is. Can't wait to see the show but based of the comments its a mixed bag again with short matches. A well giving them time. Oh and yeah Joe lost the X Belt to Red due to distraction from Lashley but he only held it shortly after winning it of Homicide who won it using his briefcase on Suicide.
  18. How can you say he is already lost in the shuffle? After one pinfall loss to Dinero?
  19. Only pointless if the Young Bucks didn't agree on TNA getting full rights for that name, otherwise decent new name.
  20. The Saugus Advertiser has an article up, reporting that a 15-year old boy that has filed a police report against WWE star Randy Orton. The boy claims that Orton assaulted him, claiming Orton spit gum at him and then called him a derogatory name. The boy asked Orton to pose with him for a photo in the parking lot of a restaurant after having already taken a photo of Orton. The police filed a hearing request on the matter, but no arrest has been made. According to the article, a clerk magistrate will determine if the incident warrants a criminal complaint. You can check out the full article here: http://www.wickedlocal.com/saugus/news/x532576957/Wrestling-star-Randy-Orton-accused-of-assault-outside-Kowloon Seems it is filed under complaint and still to be determined if it warrants anything. On Orton breaking character, I don't like it as it breaks the suspending of disbelief. It depends on the situation though.
  21. Hmmmmm is Dixie reading these boards? Lol. If she is she is dam smart as this is the most unbiased and wrestling savy board I know of and prolly out there. Good move anyways now for them to work to that roster I had up and I am one happy camper. Not mentioning the obvious 3 hours in 2 hours adhd booking.
  22. Also one big problem for the WWE is they list their employees as independent contractors. That just doesn't fly with a no compete in my view as do a lot of other things in the contracts and how they treat talent. So depending on the court and judge they (TNA or the employee) might find a way around it. Just had a thought hasn't Edge's contract been officially expired and they have an not on paper agreement to let it run on till his injury is over? That would mean that he is without a real contract and hasn't competed for the E in over 90 days. I know this is absolute dreamland like with Rock and Lesnar but still that would be total mark out and a real blow to the E. btw cool stuff with that Cardinals vid.
  23. Yeah same here he has potential but has come over kinda bland for me. If they would play up his happy about being sadistic and violent part of him that would interest me and also give his finishers a name! Not that they are in anyway unique but still.
  24. Yeah but recently the E has waved the no compete for the smaller competitors. ATM its just no ROH or TNA.
  25. Like his promo skills and think/hope has more to offer then he showed on WWE plus (,unfortunately,) overness matters. Plus I am looking at it from a free agent perspective and comparative overness/talent/star quality etc. Of the possible signings with name value I am only high on RVD but can see what Anderson could bring to the table. Personally I would much rather see Petey, Dutt, Aries return or other Indie talent. Also on that roster you can remove 3D and place in the Hooliganz (Kendrick and London) over time. Edit: don't forget those percentages where the ods I guess of them appearing not how much I want them to appear.
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