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Hyde Hill

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Everything posted by Hyde Hill

  1. Plus I know 3D fits their style but I would have had the Brits/Beer Money/Bucks/MCMG Cream them. Also has Angelina shown up yet?
  2. Some people might disagree with that. I agree in part it could have elevated them more then it did but it did elevate them some.
  3. 20 second wolf over pope wtf?! I like both I would have gone for the draw here. Or cheet heel win.
  4. TB they ****ed up the Asylum previous matches although spotfests where always entertaining.
  5. plz no Orlando Jordan/Nast Boyz/Ed Leslie plz plz plz (other then a cameo)
  6. Have they actually announced any other matches? They should have done so in the first hour. I thought Lashley/Daniels/Wolfe vs AJ would have been logical.
  7. No word if they actually signed Shannon or if I was them sign Shannon short term and Hardy long term pending court decision. Moore and Neal would make a decent jobber tag team though maybe.
  8. from 411mania The word from backstage at TNA Impact, according to Dave Meltzer, is that TNA has talked Jeff Hardy into signing with the company. So they have something on paper. Smart move lure in Shanon and actually sign Hardy just as I would have done it hehe.
  9. Thanks Alden and Edgeofreason but JustinTV is an every 20 second refresh for me in the Netherlands and doing that for 2 hours ehhmmm no. Plus the one that asks for a survey has none available for my country. Man sometimes being Dutch sucks grrrrrrrr. Thanks anyways guys.
  10. Grrrr at bad booking + Production ( Its the old WCW production crew how can they screw up even worse then normal?) Possible Yay on Hardy Meh on Flair Short term possible yay on Hall and X-Pac Edit: Bischoff on screen Yay, Love spunge boo from what I have read
  11. If I mis RVD appearing I will be one pissed person lolz. BTW I think the Lashley deal is just to turn him heel for when he faces AJ/Angle
  12. And for me its "legal" I think as no WWE or TNA on tv ever in the Netherlands.
  13. Jezus I wanna see! Wanna see! Plz someone help me! Can't sleep and wait for the download and can't find a stream. Seems Jeff was really an on the fly decision which resulted in the fail of the cage match. Hope its an actual contract or something on paper for Jeff.
  14. Self or anybody can give me a stream link? As I can't watch it here and want it live and justintv dumps every 20 seconds.
  15. Comparing the ppv's to their current t.v. show isn't really a good comparison except if you only mean their weekly ppv´s? Otherwise their current ppv's are always chuck full of wrestling and their last 3 where great. 2.04 and counting
  16. BTW Spoiler for Genesis, highlight to read: Main Event AJ vs Angle if it will be even close to their tv match Hell Yeah!!!! Plus the intrigue of Joe having the case and Lashley having a shot in the future if he doesn't claim it before then, possibly tonight.
  17. Because at the moment they are trying to elevate Kofi and Cena vs Orton has been done to death for the time being.
  18. Hogan is apparently going to reply among other things on the same show that's why the link was up again as this happened quite a while back.
  19. Hes prolly blowing it out of proportion. More likely he is seen backstage in 4 shots. He is not the backstage interviewer. Much like when you saw D'Amore and Russo et al when Jarret stepped out of the car on his return to the zone.
  20. I would say it reduces the chance of him showing up by 10 percent lolz. Still I am so on pins and needles and everyone watch Impact plz even if you are an E fan you know competition brings out the best in the E plus although Hart coming back will be great there will be no further surprises and when you record/dvr/tivo it you can skip all the usual crap apart from Bret. Personally I think long term RVD, Hardy and Kennedy could be good additions and glad the original BP will be back.
  21. Yeah PWI has confirmed this as well. The real BP are back baby and with Lane and Velvet having extra microphone practice in her absence they will be better then ever. And good riddance to bad rubbish with Lacey Von Erich hopefully.
  22. Yeah that's why I liked the old UFC till your government had to get all wimpie about it. Plus in that time they proved size didn't matter much at all.
  23. The Main Event Mafia only exists in Scott Steiners mind atm lolz. Plus Kennedy and RVD can still go in the ring and Hall, Flair and DDP can give one hell of a promo and put over and teach the younger guys. But as I stated before I would like to see them but preferably not a lot. BTW what ever happened to Sid Vicious announcing he was TNA bound? Still Impact looks to me as the better show mainly because of all the possible surprise factors and even as an E fan it helps to chose Impact as more competition leads to better WWE imho. Which is a win for all wrestling fans.
  24. Agree with you there although him and his friends where only one of the many factors that ruined WCW. Still it will be interesting to see what happens and as always everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt.
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