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Hyde Hill

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Posts posted by Hyde Hill

  1. I get all the complaints but this is the first time in a long while they had such an f up. And just watching one show especially with wrestling never really gets you emotionally invested imho. Ah well TNA will need another 2 months of good shows prolly to get people to give it a shot again. Such a shame. Post lockdown till this show was a really good run and most of the shows pre lockdown where good as well apart from GB.


    On nxt haven't they basically fused it with FCW? So will prolly be a bit different show. Ring Ka king is also a good laugh to watch, with the crowd its like being teleported back to the 70s.

  2. I watched tonight for the first time in awhile. It was pretty solid outside of the Brooke Hogan segments... and then the final segment. Awful. Pure wrestle-crap. Yeah, I'm gonna just keep staying away from TNA.


    It's mainly bad timing papa this was the worst show in like 3-4 months. Try last weeks show that should show you more of what they are actually doing lately.

  3. The twist in the story is quite nice but the execution was horrid and yeah they still have some plotholes to fill before moving forward more. BTW papa that's the first time in a long while that the execution failed so badly.


    Show was too full as well but that we knew coming in. For the rest nice show and the opening segment was great.

  4. Yeah we don't have minute by minutes so we can't really rely on reports (btw Michaels terrible draw in but great draw keeper). It's like I said when do you pull the trigger and they are kind of wasting it. It won't hurt Cena and can only help them in my opinion. And even if they do draw less then Cena that is always the case when you are elevating a guy as you are still elevating him. When they where elevating Austin for instance in '96 - 97 WWE was doing their worst numbers ever.


    One other thing, apart from general IWC love for Punk, Bryan, atm Ziggler, is that what they are doing is indicative of what WWE has been doing for a long time now and that is cannibalizing themselves and people are picking up on that on a (sub)conscious level. But that is a whole other debate and would take me a couple of hours to explain and is more a personal theory.

  5. See I guess for me in the PPVs I don't really care how it's structured as long as it's entertaining for most of the show.


    The "main event" Well yes that would automatically mean the finale I suppose, but really Why do people make a big deal out of it?


    Opening with a huge match is pretty cool. Why not?


    What's wrong with opening with a bang, having a steady show of medium matches and some action and closing with a bang?


    I think it's a great idea and I like how this PPV flowed.


    I am also of the general opinion that the opener is the third most important match, so I don't get upset when people complain about that.


    @dj Again it's nothing against Cena or whether or not he is past the belts at this point or delivers, but the opinion that having other guys be the ME could possibly help in the elevation process towards Cena level.


    As far as people tuning out you don't put say Kofi vs Swagger in that spot aka people that most fans have little reason to get behind atm but guys who are currently getting a push and given a reason to get behind like Punk, Bryan, Sheamus and/or the more established Kane, Show, Orton to help the first three get even closer to Cena level.


    In the end both are correct and it is all about finding the right time to elevate to the right level. For some the long current Cena run as ME is wasting opportunities to help elevate some guys that still need it and/or can get elevated and hurting title prestige aka the value of the crutch/prop. Its getting kind off like Jarrett in early TNA or Trips early 2000s only without the belt on Cena which makes it worse in some aspects and less worse in others.

  6. The thing is, it's a Wrestling show, not an actual sport. As someone else threw out there, it's like putting on a music concert, or a variety show, a circus act, etc. IF your not looking at it like that, you're not looking at it as most people do. IF your trying to look at it as an actual contest, and think the rest of the world is following your thoughts on this, your only kidding yourself. While reading some of these comments, it's like most here believe this is an actual sport...


    It's a show, and the top act is Cena, like it or not. I can't wait til' the day more people are there with him, but right now that's not the case.


    Titles are a prop/focal point for feuds and elevating people up. Cena no longer needs the title for people to stay invested. In the future he might, but right now it's not needed. The average guy/gal doesn't look at the order of the card and go "What the heck is this!! Does the title mean nothing??!!" because the average fan is more interested in their favorite worker, then who is fighting over the title... Who is fighting over the title is the way to get them interested. Putting someone last on the card doesn't make the average person go "Woah, wait a minute here... These guys are going on last, so that makes them the people I should be more interested in!"


    I keep saying I like the way they are utilizing Cena and keeping him away from the belts. This is because it IS getting people interested in them. It IS getting people that don't know their indie history invested, and it IS keeping them from having to make a decision on who is going to win or lose against Cena. Smart.... in the fact that they keep Cena their biggest draw in there, and build other's to be big draws. IF Cena was in there for the belts, then it would be bad, as he would have to win more then lose, and people wouldn't get as invested in the "other guy" as they are now.


    Like it or not, because of the holders of the titles, the Main Event titles are more like Mid-Card right now... The midcard titles like low card titles, and that is what they are working with.`


    I think that is the disputed part on both a conscious and subconscious level. Plus the extra time and attention the main event spot gets throughout the week and the ppv.

  7. I state my opinions strongly, and I don't sugarcoat things. If you read them as a statement of fact, then you're implying things that I didn't intend. So how is that my fault really?


    Stating strongly and stating as fact are two different things, you tend to go a bit too much towards strong fact the way you write. And no the whole it's an internet board so off course its opinion doesn't work imho. You are stating as fact so intend it to be regarded as fact. You are the writer, it is your responsibility to make sure that people intend it the way you want them to intend it. The way you wrote that piece did imply what he said.


    Stating as strong fact:


    This match sucked balls


    Strong Opinion:


    I thought this match sucked balls


    Strong reasoned opinion:


    I thought this match sucked balls because ............

  8. Yeah, but it's one of the oldest rules of putting on a show - you save the 'best' for last. A band doesn't bury their biggest single/best song in the middle of the set - they save it for the encore.

    Same with a wrestling show - you don't put your biggest draw in the middle of the card, you save him for the main event. Now, say what you like about Cena, but he's still the WWE's biggest draw by a long shot - kids or not, the money's still the same, and Cena brings that money in.


    Not saying I don't agree with everything everyone's already said - it annoys me just as much that Cena and Big Show have an outstandingly average match in the main event, and Ziggler and Sheamus jerk the curtain with one of the better matches I've seen in the past 6 months, but I can at least understand what WWE are doing.



    Yeah but wrestling isn't the same as you can manipulate what people think is the best song and people buying a ppv for just that song will be happy anywhere you place it as long as you place it etc.


    You need to see more matches or you really really like Ziggler fair enough. Aries vs Joe blew that out of the water and with less time imho.


    And yup Arrows.

  9. Good point, I just would have preferred them to make a bigger deal out of the WWE title storyline which I think had the capability to headline the past 2 PPVs. Bryan, Punk and AJ are gold right now, AJ in particular. Don't remember the last time a diva garnered this much interest.


    Psycho Micky = WWE fans love their crazy women, Kharma for while it lasted?


    Anyhoo from what I read it seems they had a very "smark" heavy crowd, which can be gold at times but not with this card aside from 3 matches where favs where involved.

  10. I don't care about Cena main eventing at all. He's head and shoulders above the rest of the roster in popularity. 'Til someone comes close on a consistent basis, meaning not just one or two months in a row, but consistently month after month, it makes sense to me. He doesn't even have to have a real opponent for this to happen.


    Titles are just focal points/props for telling the story of the characters AND helping them get over. Cena hasn't needed the title for a few years now, but other's can be helped by it, so that is good the way they are doing it right now. Cena has been out of the loop for a while, which I pointed out not that long ago. He has a total different reality to attend to, that doesn't involve the titles.



    I think the point that is actually relevant behind it all is the fact that the guys holding the straps are being elevated by them less because they are not in the main event and that their feuds are given significantly less time and attention. So Cena being beyond the belts atm = fine, Cena almost completely overshadowing the world title pictures = not fine.


    You can have these stories with Cena but put them in the semi main event, not counting filler in between, or the third match that matters on a card.

  11. Yeah but as we don't know where they are going with it its just fun speculation, they might never be revealed and just referred to as hired goons kinda like muhamed hassan's pals who did that job on taker that caused such a storm. They could just be some 3D students and or OVW talent, like with the other Abyss at the Slam.
  12. I think you are attributing those arguments to the wrong person. I never said you were dismissive and insular, and I never said he was unsafe.


    As for Kofi, he's exactly the right style for what the WWE wants. He's a decent high-flyer, but they want a entertainer.


    Yeah sorry just didn't want to triple posts. And thought it would be clear I wasn't referring to you. As far as Kofi and entertaining goes the chances he did get to show character he did pretty well and it was in a face role which is even harder. Kinda like Morrison who is a great heel promo but crappy face promo but has a for WWE face moveset. One of the reasons Morrison could do better in TNA where he can be heel and have that moveset as enough other guys have movesets like it, Morgan is kind of the opposite look and moveset more suited to WWE. But that's a different discussion entirely.

  13. Wrong choice of words plothole is what I meant. Nation of Violence was pre abduction and actually toned down to just his intro post abduction. The whole abduction was to get him away from that inc on his face knife wielding gimmick. Now it probably just refers to Samoa in his intro. Who or why etc abducted him was never explained.


    I think we might get a Joey Ryan led anti TNA faction with the goal of bringing back Impact fans lost during the 2009-2011 period. But that it is a separate storyline I think. Could be the same though or a shoot, hell its fun either way but still thinking work.


    Another thought I had was Daniels already starting a new storyline for when the AJ one plays out. It would fit with the current persona he is portraying. Avenging Angel Sting vs Fallen Angel Daniels could be a good program if played right.

  14. Yeah but there have been legions of Batista look guys before and after him. If you where not up to snuff you where gone pretty fast. Luke who won tough enough, so a lot invested in him, that body guard guy for Tyson Kidd, and hell Rob Terry and a lot of other guys that never made television. He might be a little stiff like you said but that's far away from unsafe. And sorry I went a bit off the wall there but calling me dismissive and insular just because I am arguing against you is not my cup of tea. You give your arguments I give mine, maybe we both learn something maybe we stand by our arguments etc. I wasn't being dismissive or insular I was counter arguing big difference.


    On Kofi, I think its more his consistency that's the problem in TEW terms as he seems to miss spots sometimes etc and then the psychology part kicks in as almost all matches are scripted these days. Having a high flying style doesn't necessarily mean bad psychology.

  15. You do realize that guys in FCW are mostly green rookies who will go along with whatever they're told whilst the guys on the WWE roster are mostly veterans who will, and have, the voice and position to complain? You do know that how long he's been in wrestling has no bearing on his ability, that it's about how much he actually works and if he has the capability to learn and get better? You are aware that WWE and Vince have a long and storied fetish for guys who look like Ryback and have been known to give guys with the right look chance after chance even when their ability is sub-par? I'm guessing the answer to all three of those questions is 'No'.




    You do realize Meltzer is full of shit most of the time right? This is just one lazy ass story with semi believability due to that history / perception and the goldberg comparisons that creates easy hits for the site.

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