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Everything posted by Hive

  1. Oh dear lord, that was awesome. My favourite part was when Punk declared himself to be the best WRESTLER in the world. Not sports entertainer, but wrestler. Good stuff.
  2. Bagwell had a much better look than Wright, more charisma and was better on the mic (though it should be said that I rate Wright's evil German promos very highly!). About Barry Windham... the guy was a Horseman and a former world champion. And, iirc, he also won both the US title and the tag team title. He didn't get a long run as a main eventer, but he got there at least for a while.
  3. Apparantly WWE was dissapointed with the crowd reaction and Bagwell's general attitude.
  4. But I'd argue that they did try to push him. Problem was that as soon as they began aiming him for greener pastures, he quickly got way too full of himself and started acting up. And WWE even put him the the world title picture, but not even that could apparantly motivate him to get his act straight. Bagwell is not a victim of anything but his own ego.
  5. Really? Everytime I've read about Bagwell, it has pretty much been negative stories about his lack of professionalism and the size of his ego. I think he could have been a world champion with a better approach to the business.
  6. Holy cow, that's awesome! I'm an instant Berlyn mark. Finally, Wright's good in-ring skills got a suitable gimmick... too bad nothing major came from it.
  7. From what I've heard, they had several excellent encounters in Japan prior to this. Apparantly, these two workers had awesome chemistry.
  8. I think people who watch TNA or WWE and complain about it really *want* to like it. They don't watch it just in order to have something to complain about, they watch it because they like wrestling and would really like to be treated with a good wrestling show. And when they are not delivered what they want, they might still watch it simply because there are no other options and in hope that if people voice their opinions, the people in power will listen and change. Now what I don't get, on the other hand, is people who thinks either TNA or WWE is awesome and then keeps bashing the other. Those people have a show they like and can just as well leave the other be. But I understand people who doesn't fully enjoy either complaining and hoping for improvements.
  9. Oh man, that re-use of an old blog entry (or whatever it is) is pure gold. Damn Punk is awesome. And re-using this (apparantly pretty awesome) storyline can be gold for WWE, I think. His last match is at MiTB, right? Then have him take the title, declare that he'll leave with it... only to have a babyface winner of the MiTB match declare that he wants to stop Punk, challenge him on the spot and take the title... Morrison seems like the best choice here. Could make him a huge hero for the fans just like that.
  10. But why would anyone want to watch a promotion *exactly* like WWE, only with lesser stars and poorer production quality? They need to be like WWE in many ways, yes, but they need to differentiate them from WWE in just the right ways. Like tag team wrestling and the X Division, both of which covers areas the WWE has been neglecting for ages but which in the past has proven to be good draws.
  11. Really good stuff from Heyman here. I would watch his TNA. And no, I'm certainly no Heyman mark. I was never into ECW.
  12. The streak is a draw for them at Wrestlemania. If they ever decide to end it, it should be in The Undertaker's last match ever. And that's a big if.
  13. Hmm. How many times can they keep doing that, though? And why now, after having thrown all these three into obscurity and semi-jobbing for so long? They could at least have bothered to give them the X Division belt to fight for, to give the match some extra prestige...
  14. Yeah but I'd rather see them build on the ones they already have but are horribly mis-treating, like AJ Styles, The Pope, Samoa Joe, even Matt Morgan... I mean, these guys at least have that certain star quality feel to them.
  15. I just read the recap of the next Impact! show... and jeez. The guys TNA is pushing these days... I don't get it at all. First Crimson, now this... why oh why, TNA?
  16. Wow. You'd think TNA couldn't get much worse, but... *spoiler*: Pushing Eric Young, Gunner and Crimson as main event guys? REALLY???
  17. They WHAT? The big deal about her is her frickin' weight! If they wanted another pixie, why sign her in the first place? They're crazy. Crazy, I tell you all!
  18. In no way do I understand a Christian heel turn, especially not with the lack of faces they have already.
  19. <blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="RingofHonorGuard" data-cite="RingofHonorGuard" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="25170" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I loved TNA. But now I almost think it's just a company that's around to make WWE look less horrid.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Sad, but true.</p><p> </p><p> They book in a way I cannot find much logic in. And they rely too much on the old guys... now Sting is my all-time favourite wrestler, but he shouldn't be champion when he cannot go for more than max 10 min in a main event match. And he certainly shouldn't face off with Ric Flair (in fact, noone should these days).</p>
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