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Everything posted by Hive

  1. We saw that feud like 6 months or so ago. And weren't Seamus and Sin Cara supposed to feud anyway? Christian vs. Sheamus could have been a great feud. They could have Orton mess around with Barrett and the other Corre guys, then take the belt off Christian after that. It's not the fact that they took the belt off Christian so damn fast that bugs me all that much (even though I find it completely stupid). It's not the fact that they're putting it on Orton either (though I don't see why they found that to be necessary this soo with Cena as RAW champion); it's the fact that they are so damn repetitive... always the same boring feuds over and over again. Granted, they do throw in something new and fresh every now and then... but they usually find some stupid way to ruin it somehow, when it gets really good.
  2. http://s3.amazonaws.com/theoatmeal-img/comics/apostrophe/1.png http://theoatmeal.com/comics/apostrophe
  3. I understood it as her not missing being a superstar and not so much the actual wrestling part, but I could be mistaken.
  4. Of course it does, all stable wars are alike in certain ways. Having been on national TV since the 80's, it astounds me that some people seem to expect that the wrestling business only feature brand new and never before used storylines... I mean, it's unavoidable that they do things that has more or less been done before.
  5. That's madness! Lethal was awesome. They should have let him keep his impressions gimmick though.
  6. Kurt Angle should really stop tweeting: Yeah, it was a fine match. But MOTY? And as good as Angle vs. Michaels at WM? Nah... Angle was very good though, no doubt about it. He made the match.
  7. Watching Lockdown now. X-division cage match was good, though I find it hard to care for The Young Bucks as singles competitors. And what on earth is that Robbie E guy doing in the division at all? And as a former champion, even??? His ringwork looked rather bland and his look is awfully annonying, not exactly making me like him more.
  8. Val Venis with a pretty funny and profane rant against John Morrison: http://www.ewrestlingnews.com/headlines/Val_Venis_Goes_Nuts_On_John_Morrison__Melina_.php
  9. That match was awesome. This is the stuff WWE needs, I really wish they would reintroduce a cruiserweight division.
  10. So... will they use Edge retiring as a catapult to finally push Christian to a world title reign? Also: R-Truth in a title match, going over Orton, Morrison and Ziggler... why oh why?
  11. So because Christian is on a show that's seen by far more people, he's automatically more over? I suppose by that logic that everyone on the WWE roster is more over than anyone in TNA? I don't buy it. Neither Kevin Nash nor Booker T had been seen on WWE tv for several years prior to their Royal Rumble entries, but they got HUGE pops from the crowd (especially Kevin Nash). Booker T had not been on WWE for 4 years and Nash had not been on WWE for 8(!) years. But are you claiming that they are less over than Christian or any other midcarder in WWE? The minute they returned, they were instantly main event material in the WWE universe again. And I believe the same would apply to Angle.
  12. I like Christian, I really do. But I cannot fathom how anyone can argue that he's as over as Kurt Angle.
  13. Vince won't care about those Twitter remarks if he smells money in a Kurt Angle comeback. He has taken back people in the past who had upset him far worse than that, if he saw it being a good business decision. Ultimate Warrior and Hulk Hogan comes to mind.
  14. I agree, this could definately work. Kurt Angle has both the in-ring work and the charisma to get over easily (again).
  15. But we're talking about two of the guys closest to Vince, here. And it's not the 90's anymore.
  16. I see. Maybe they've had too many matches, then... but I personally feel he's a pretty big name. But yeah, it really have to be a big name at this point in the whole "streak saga"... which is a shame, in a way. I could really see John Morrison vs. The Undertaker being a really good match that, if built correctly, could really make a name for Morrison. Kind of like the Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart submission match did for Austin or like the The Rock vs. Mankind match did for The Rock. But from now and untill The Undertaker retires, they probably need big names to feed him.
  17. Well yes, as I mentioned it would require a good and strong build by WWE. But I definately think it's doable. They could show packages with Sting from his major moments in WCW, defeating known WWE people like Hogan, Flair, Savage, Vader, The Giant, etc. I definately think they can make the WWE fans of today care for that match if done right. Sting is easy to love for kids, to boot. Always has been. And as you mention, it would likely draw in old die-hard WCW'ers... and I could definately see some hardcore TNA-fans wanting to see it as well. But I'll admit that Lesnar-Undertaker would likely be a bigger draw. But also much more expensive and complicated to do, I'd imagine.
  18. I pretty much disagree with everything you say here. News surfaced a week ago that Sting himself said WWE reached out for him and that he was close to signing, but eventually decided not to and that he was happy with that decision. I first thought it was a weird April Fool's joke, but it turned out I was wrong. So they *were* going to sign Sting. Also, if it could be worked out with Dana White and UFC (Vince reportedly had a meeting with him 1-2 months ago), I'm sure Lesnar could be convinced to come back and work one more match. The WWE never seems cheap when it comes to spending insane cash on bringing celebreties for Wrestlemania, so I find it hard to see that the financial aspect should be a problem for Lesnar. Finally, Austin has said that his recent participation in Wrestlemania and Tough Enough is as close as he'll ever get to re-entering the ring... so I see that possibility as being the most far-fetched of the three. Another choice could perhaps be, if they can get him, Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker? Have they met at a major PPV before?
  19. ...or they could get Sting vs. Undertaker for next year, since they failed this year. If they could secure both The Rock vs. John Cena and Sting vs. The Undertaker for Wrestlemania 28, it wouldn't really matter what the rest of the card would look like. With a proper introduction and build of Sting, they'd get insane buyrates for that show. EDIT: Or Brock Lesnar vs. The Undertaker. That would sell like crazy as well.
  20. Surely, two people as close to McMahon as Undertaker and, especially, Triple H did not plan something like chair shots without getting a green light from Big Vince first... he probably said something like "sure, go ahead with it... but officially, I don't know about this and I'll have to fine you symbolically for it".
  21. I agree with this. I started watching wrestling in my late childhood in the mid 90's and watched it for a couple of years or so before growing bored with it (or they stopped sending it on tv, can't recall which one occured first actually). Then in 2004 (at least I think it was 2004) I began watching casually again, after having been completely out of wrestling for 8-9 years. And although I didn't quite look at it with the same eyes I did when I was a child, it was still pretty great. And the fact that I hardly knew any of the guys on the roster (even the old time WWE'ers I didn't really know that well, having mainly watched WCW in my childhood) meant that I could start from a clean slate with few predetermined preferences or ideas about the wrestlers. And since I didn't read about wrestling online, I knew only what I saw on tv. And it was pretty great, I was able to really mark out for the guys I liked live into the whole thing. The fact that it was predetermined didn't really bother me much then, probably because I didn't know anything about the behind-the-scenes stuff. And while I did definately enjoy guys who had good in-ring abilities, characters and storylines meant so much more to me. I really liked Batista when they first started turning him face, I thought he was a cool and charismatic guy with great charisma. I even enjoyed Randy Orton because he was the lead babyface at the time, constantly trying to overcome the odds when fighting Evolution... and I hated Triple H, not because I knew he had backstage clout, but because he acted like a weasel on-screen. Good times. Then I got bored with wrestling again after a while and didn't get back into it untill I heard about TEW, at which point I quickly lost my casual innocense. I think the biggest difference is that back then, I would go "awww man, I really wish he had been a bit more lucky and won that belt!" while nowadays, I'll go "awww man, I really wish they would have had sense enough to book him to win that belt!"...
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